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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
This Glossary is separated into two sections: terms useful for understanding and using MS Access, and
terms useful for understanding and using MS Excel. Words within definitions/descriptions that are
underlined and italicized are referred to elsewhere in the Glossary.
Absolute Address - An absolute address in a formula refers to a specific cell location or range. It
always points to the location of a specific cell, even if you copy it. Absolute addresses are
created by adding a $ sign in front of each character in the cell address. For example, $C$8
always refers to cell C8. (See also relative address.)
Active Cell - The active cell contains the insertion point and is identified by a dark border around the
cell. Its cell address is shown in the formula bar. Any action you perform is performed on the
active cell.
Arguments - Arguments are parts of a formula that are used to produce the resulting calculation. The
function name is followed by its arguments in parentheses that tell Excel which values to
calculate. Arguments can be quite complex, but there are simple ones, also.
Arithmetic Operators- Arithmetic operators are the symbols used in formulas to calculate values, such
as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponentiation (^).
AutoFill - AutoFill is the Excel feature that allows you to automatically copy cells and fill them with a
series without using Copy.
AutoFilter - AutoFilter mode lets you quickly display only the rows in a list of data that meet the
criteria that you specify. Unlike data form mode, you can see all the matching records at the
same time as they appear on the list.
Axis – Axes (plural for axis) are the vertical (x-axis), horizontal (y-axis) and 3-D (z-axis) planes that are
used to graph data. Theoretically, the axes can extend forever in either direction, crossing at (0,
0), and can have an infinite number of increments. The scale of an axis depends on the specific
nature and purpose of the graph itself.
Cell - A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell can contain a label, a numeric value, or a
Cell Address - A cell address is the location of a cell on a worksheet and is defined by the column letter
and the row number. For example, cell A1 is where column A and row 1 intersect.
Cell References - A cell reference, or cell address, identifies a particular cell, such as cell B5. Cell
references are used in formulas to indicate where a value is stored. (See also absolute and
relative reference.)
Charts - Charts are graphic presentations of data from a worksheet. Examples are Pie Chart, Line
Graph, Bar Chart (histogram), and Scatter Plots.
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
Columns - Columns are the vertical divisions of a worksheet that are identified by letters.
Comparison Operators - Comparison operators are symbols used to specify criteria in searches and in
formulas. The most common operators are, Equals (=), Greater than (>), Less than (<), Greater
than or equal to (), Less than or equal to ().
Conditional Formatting - Conditional Formatting formats cells based on their contents. You can
format up to three conditions per cell.
Cut (in Excel) – the Cut command from the Edit menu will remove the contents of the selected cells
(highlighted by a “marching ants” border) and add them to the clipboard, to be pasted elsewhere.
Cut cells can only be pasted into a set of cells the same shape/size, unless you use the
InsertCut Cells menu command.
Data Range - The data range is the area of the worksheet that you want to chart. It includes any numeric
data that you want to chart and can include the titles for the data.
Database (Excel function) - A database is a collection of information that a user can manage and
analyze. Any range of cells can be considered to be a database, but information kept in list form
works best if you want to use Excel’s database tools.
Delete… - Use Delete… to remove a row, column, or specific cells from the worksheet entirely. You
will be asked how you want to move the adjacent cells (Shift right/left, Shift up/down).
Field - A field is a cell in a database that contains information. In Excel, fields appear in columns. For
example, fields in a Customer database might include Name, Address, and Zip Code.
Fill Handle - The fill handle is a black symbol in the lower right corner of the active cell. Clicking-anddragging the fill handle can copy cell contents or create a series. If Excel recognizes the cell
contents as a series, it will continue the series. If Excel doesn't recognize the cell contents as a
series, it will copy the contents to the other cells.
Fill Pointer - The mouse pointer becomes a fill pointer when it is positioned over the fill handle of the
active cell, indicating that it is in the correct position to click-and-drag it.
Formula - A formula is a sequence of values, cell references, and operators that produces a new value
from existing values. A formula always starts with an equals sign.
Formula Bar - The formula bar is located under the toolbars at the top of the working screen. It
contains the edit line for working with formulas, and provides information regarding cell
Functions - A function is a preset formula. Functions consist of the function name and its arguments.
The function name tells Excel what calculation you want it to perform.
Gridlines - Gridlines are lines on a chart that can make critical data comparisons easier. Some charts,
such as a 3-D pie chart, don't need gridlines.
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
Headers - Headers are the lettered gray areas at the top of each column and the numbered gray areas to
the left of each row.
If Function - An If function performs a logical test on an argument, then performs an action based on
whether the logical test is true or false.
Macro - Macros are recordings of commands that automate commonly performed or complicated
procedures, speeding up your work. Macros in Excel are different than macros in Access.
Range - A range is a block of cells that can be selected, manipulated, named, or formatted as a group.
Record - A record is a set of fields in a database that pertains to one item in the list, such as a customer
or an order. In Excel, records appear in rows.
Relative Addresses - A relative address is a standard cell reference that appears like this: A1,E15,M42.
A relative address changes if you copy a formula that contains it to a new location on the
worksheet. Think of it like saying "in two weeks" - the date will always be different (or relative)
depending on the current date.
Row Headings - The row headings are the gray boxes containing sequential numbers along the left side
of the worksheet. They can be used to select or identify a row.
Rows - Rows are the horizontal divisions of a worksheet that are identified by numbers on the far left of
the window.
Scale – Refers to the proportion of an axis; increments on axes can be adjusted to suit the needs of the
particular graph and will affect how the elements (lines, bars, etc.) in the plot area are displayed.
Series - Building a worksheet often requires that you enter a series, which is the sequential ordering of
text or numbers. Here are some examples of series that Excel recognizes: 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998; January, February, March, April; Zero, Five, Ten, Fifteen.
Tabs - Sheet tabs contain the names of the worksheets in a workbook at the bottom of the working
screen. You can click the sheet tabs to show their corresponding worksheets.
Spreadsheet - Spreadsheet is the generic term for applications, such as Excel, that you can use to enter,
analyze, and calculate data. It performs mathematical calculations and projections based on data
entered. Common spreadsheet uses include analysis, charting, and budgeting.
Syntax - The syntax of the function refers to the order of the functions’ arguments. In some functions,
the order of the arguments determines how Excel solves the function.
Workbook - A workbook is the Excel file that stores your information. Each workbook may contain
numerous worksheets.
Worksheet - A worksheet is an electronic spreadsheet that lets you enter, analyze, and calculate data.
Within a workbook, worksheets can share information, and calculations pertaining to several
worksheets can be performed at one time.
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
Action Queries - An action query not only finds designated records, but performs some sort of action on
those records (see other types of action queries: append, update, delete, make-table). Action
queries can be preformed using the query wizard, in the QBE Pane or in the SQL Window.
Append Queries - An append query adds the records from one table to the records in another table
based on certain criteria in the first table.
Calculated Field – A field in a query that calculates the result of an expression using stored data. The
value is recalculated each time a value in the expression changes and is NOT stored in the
underlying table.
Columns - Columns are the vertical divisions of a table. Fields are represented in tables as columns.
Each column in the table represents one field.
Compact a database - a utility that removes temporary objects to reduce the size of the database (e.g.,
"closes" up space created by deleted records); similar to defragmenting a hard drive. This utility
works in conjunction with the repair database utility. Whenever large amounts of data are
deleted (or after a time period where many data changes are made), it is recommended to
compact the database. In a mulit-user environment, make sure no other users have the database
file open when you compact it.
Criteria - Criteria are specifications that you want matched when you are searching for or querying
records. You specify criteria by using comparison operators.
Data Type - A field's data type specifies and limits what kind of data may be entered into that field (e.g.
text, numerical, yes/no).
Navigation Pane - The Navigation Pane appears on the left sidebar when you open a MS Access
database. Depending on which option button you select on the left side, the Pane shows you a list
of available database objects (tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules). The Pane
allows you to select whether you want to design, edit, view, or create specific objects. In some
applications, the Navigation Pane may be hidden by default. The F11 button can be used to show
the Pane if it does not automatically appear.
Datasheet View - Use a table or form's Datasheet View to view, edit, or add data in tabular form; also
useful for formatting some types of subforms.
Design View - Design view allows you to make changes to the overall formatting, properties, and
structure of database objects.
Field - A field is a single category of information, such as a phone number, product name, or unit cost,
relevant to the entire set of data. Fields of data are the columns in Access tables.
Filter - A filter is a feature that provides a quick way to select and view designated records. Filters may
be applied from within tables, forms, or the datasheet of a query. They can also be run from
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
within another filter or combined with other filters. Filters can also be saved as or loaded from
queries. A filter cannot be used to perform calculations (although wildcards can be used).
Filter By Form - Filter By Form lets you designate the records you are seeking by opening a blank view
of your datasheet or form and letting you type in or select from a drop-down list the data you are
seeking. You can set multiple parameters with a Filter by Form by using the “Or” tabs at the
bottom of the blank form.
Filter By Selection - Filter By Selection lets you designate the records you are seeking simply by
clicking the value you are looking for within the form or datasheet, then clicking the Filter by
Selection button. You can select all or part of a field value (for instance, select the first letter in a
field will result in all records that start with that value in that field). You cannot set multiple
parameters with a Filter by Selection, however you can perform filters within filters on a
recordset (i.e. filter all “Alaska” records, and then all records within Alaska that “Have a
Monitoring Site”). You cannot use wildcards for Filter by Selection.
Form - A form is a feature that shows only the information you want to see, in the order you want to see
it. A form is used to view data in a database, enter new data into the database, or edit data. Forms
are based on tables or queries and data updated using a form is also updated in the table or query.
Form View - Form View is the normal (default) view of your form. Other views for forms include
Design View and Datasheet View.
Import - Importing is the process of bringing in data from another file, spreadsheet or database
(including non-Access databases). Access has an Import Wizard to automate the process of
importing data into an Access database.
Input Mask - An input mask is a property that helps to control and format the values entered into a field
and might include special characters, spaces, or other formatting. When data are entered into the
table or form, they must conform to the settings in the mask and will be formatted as such.
Access has a number of pre-formatted masks for use, and an Input Mask Wizard to help walk
users through the steps necessary to use or create one.
Linked Tables - When an Access table is linked from another database, the table is not actually stored
in your database, but you have access to all of the records in the linked table. If the linked table
is moved, deleted, or renamed, you will not have access to the data unless you reset the link.
Linked tables are identified in the database window by a small black arrow pointing at the table.
Macro - A macro is an action or set of actions used to automate a series of tasks. You might want to
create a macro to run functions that you perform on a regular basis, such as printing particular
reports whenever you close a database, or keeping track of the date information on a form was
updated. Macros are simplified, pre-programmed pieces of Visual Basic programming that are
easy for the average user to implement.
Many-to-Many Relationship - In a many-to-many relationship, a record in Table A can have many
matching records in Table B, and a record in Table B can have many matching records in Table
A. This type of relationship is only possible by defining a third table (called a junction table)
whose primary key consists of two fields — the foreign keys from both Tables A and B. A manyto-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a third table. An example of a
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
many-to-many relationship would be Participants and Courses. Each participant can attend
many courses, and each course can contain many participants. These tables are linked by a table
that includes data specific to each participant’s course (i.e. whether they were selected or not).
Navigation Buttons - Navigation buttons are a group of five buttons located at the bottom of a table,
query, form, report, or data access page used to move to other records or pages within the object.
Objects - Objects are any data that can be used in an application or shared with other applications.
Examples of objects in Access are: tables, queries, forms, reports, and data access pages.
One-To-Many Relationship - A relationship between database tables that allows a record in Table A to
have many matching records in Table B, while the record in the Table B has only one matching
record in the Table A. A one-to-many relationship is the most common type of relationship. An
example would be the Sites and Samplers tables. Each site might have more than one (“many”)
sampler, however, each sampler will only have one site associated with it at any given time.
One-to-one Relationship - In a one-to-one relationship, each record in Table A can have only one
matching record in Table B, and each record in Table B can have only one matching record in
Table A. This type of relationship is not common, because most information related in this way
could be stored in one table. You might use a one-to-one relationship to divide a table with many
fields, to isolate part of a table for security reasons, or to store information that applies only to a
subset of the main table.
Primary Key - The primary key is the field or fields that uniquely identify each record, such as an
employee number, a product number, or a customer number. A primary key cannot allow null
values and must always be unique (no duplicates are allowed). A primary key is also used to
relate a table to foreign keys in other tables.
Query - A database object that can be used to view, change, and analyze data in different ways;
essentially, it is a question that you ask about the data in your table(s). For example, you may
want to know which month has the highest Ozone concentrations over a three-year period.
Access searches designated tables or queries and provides you with an answer.
QBE Pane - Query By Example is the query design view that lets you build or edit a query using the
design grid rather than creating a query using the SQL programming language. The QBE Pane is
the default design view for queries.
Query Type – A query can be one of six different types: Select Query, Append Query, Update Query,
Delete Query, Crosstab Query, or Make Table Query. The type of query will determine what
happens with the data. Some query types carry out actions (called Action Queries), others are
used for displaying or summarizing data.
Record - A record is all of the information collected about a specific event, thing, product, or person. A
record consists of as many fields as are in the table or query. For instance, a customer record
could consist of the following fields: first name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, and
phone number.
Record Selector - A record selector is the small box with a small black triangle that appears to the left
of a record or row in a table. Click a record selector to select the adjacent record.
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Glossary of Terms for Using MS Excel & Access
Recordset - A Recordset is the result of a query. While the Recordset may look like a table or
Datasheet, it exists only in the computer's memory. Once you close it, it no longer exists unless
you save it.
Relational Database - A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a program that allows
you to organize, manipulate, query, and view your data, while building links between related
topics. In a relational database, a specific type of information is stored just once, which makes
the database very efficient and reduces data entry errors. Access is a relational database.
Relationships - A relationship works by matching data between tables based on values in key fields —
usually the fields will have the same name in both tables. In most cases, these matching fields are
the primary key from one table, which provides a unique identifier for each record, and a foreign
key from another table. (See also, referential integrity.)
Report - A report is a database object used to view and print selected information from a table or query
in a customized format. A report differs from a form because it does not allow you to make any
modifications or edits to the actual data. Reports can include graphics, calculations, and text.
Rows - Rows are the horizontal divisions of a datasheet. Each row contains a separate record.
Select Query - The most common type of query. It retrieves data from one or more tables and displays
the results (called a recordset) in a datasheet where the records can be updated (with some
restrictions). A select query can also be used to group records and calculate sums, counts,
averages, and other totals.
Table - A table is a feature, comprised of parallel columns and rows, that is used to store, organize, and
view data on a particular topic. A single database may contain numerous tables containing
information about related topics, such as site information, sampler information, and filter data.
Update Queries - Make global changes to a group of records in one or more tables. For example, you
can change the value of a field that you would otherwise have to use Find/Replace, or you can
indicate budget cuts of 10% in your Supplies line item. With an update query, you can change
data in existing tables using user-defined values/expressions, or using data in other tables.
Adapted from:
by the American Indian Air Quality Training Program,
Northern Arizona University
Revised 6/28/17