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Chapter 12 of
Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry
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Intelligent People and Intuitive People (Intuition is called non-rational)
If one comes across someone whose thinking is difficult to follow, it is presumptuous
to assume that THEY are mentally ill. Maybe they are just more intelligent, or have
studied something you haven’t, and they know something you don’t. Not all things
can be communicated from a high level back down to a lower level. It takes a certain
skill to bridge that gap, and not everyone who thinks on a certain level can explain
themselves to someone unfamiliar with their way of thinking.
It is like speaking English; just because you speak and think in English doesn’t mean
you can teach it to someone else; you intuitively use the rules you learned years ago
and forgot; it became second nature. Or maybe you just learned it by exposure and
intuition and never learned the rules explicitly, you just know what is right and what
is wrong. God’s laws are often like that. People pick up on things intuitively that they
may not be able to explain to someone else; they don’t know the mechanism; they just
know it works that way. If they are talking about spiritual things, their rationale may
not be apparent so they may have conclusions that seem to come out of nowhere.
These people are not mentally ill just because they can’t explain why they think
certain things. They might be called irrational just because they are speaking from
Intuition is a valid process and should be respected. Most inspiration is intuitive.
Einstein got things from intuition and worked backwards to prove his conclusions. A
lot of brilliant people think that way. Some people pick up on things intuitively, and in
the process of trying to analyze why something is, come up with a false hypothesis.
That doesn’t mean their conclusion is false, they just haven’t come up with the right
explanation. I know other intuitive people like this.
I was blessed with a good mind. I was trained analytically by two lawyers for parents
and by studying the sciences. I also am very intuitive. Because of these abilities I have
often said things that others might not immediately understand. It is absurd to be
accused of being mentally ill because someone else doesn’t understand you. The other
people need the humility to realize that it may be their own lacking, not mine, that is
responsible. Do you think most people understood Albert Einstein? I remember
reading that many schizophrenics are very intelligent. This is a backward statement.
What is really happening is that a lot of very brilliant people are misunderstood by
others and therefore labeled mentally ill. It doesn’t mean they are!
Intuition is usually God leading us.
The word 'inspiration' means 'a spirit goes into it' All thoughts come from the
spiritual realm. They are either coming from God, or demonic spirits, according to
Christian theology.
The book of James says there is 'wisdom from above and wisdom from below' James
ch 3
God talks to everyone in our thoughts by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, which has
been on earth for 2000 years since Jesus sent it from Heaven. Our conscience is God.
Our intuition is usually God.
Demonic spirits can also talk to us if we give them an opening. These openings
include: sin, all drugs which affect the mind, including caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pot,
lsd, etc and all psych drugs, music, books, art, symbols and occult objects.
All music is inspired by some spirit – or mixed spirits – which gets transmitted when
we listen to it. Just having the recording near us also is an opening for the spirits to
affect our thoughts & emotions & bodies. This can cause mental and physical illness.
Same with Books. When we remove the recordings or books the demonic oppression
leaves. Our thoughts and feelings change.
See articles
Intuition is God leading us
SCHIZOPHRENIA is NOT a “serious mental disorder”
Religious people compared to other professions - the prejudice against them
needs to stop
I want to make an important comparison. People that are spiritually mature and
speak in spiritual terms and think differently due to their relationship with God,
should not have their sanity questioned. Lawyers speak in legalese and think
differently but they don't get their sanity questioned. I grew up with two lawyers for
parents. I know exactly how lawyers think. I grew up speaking the language and
thinking like a lawyer. The personality this engenders can be difficult for others to
take; the analytical and debate oriented discourse style sometimes is too challenging
for other people who are not brought up this way.
My sister went to law school. I asked her why. She responded, “To think like a lawyer.” I
said, “but we already do” since both our parents were lawyers. We absorbed it by
Nobody goes around questioning the sanity of these people. Doctors are trained in
their own jargon; nobody understands their terms except other doctors. But nobody
questions their sanity. Philosophers have their own terms and think in very arcane
ways; people don’t question their sanity; they just assume these people are brilliant
and it is their own defect that makes them unable to follow them. Nobody accuses
mathematicians of being mentally ill, and nobody can understand the language of
math unless they are trained in it.
Those of devout faith also think differently and need to have their knowledge
and experience respected.
A person who doesn’t have the same training should not expect to totally understand
the mindset; they don’t have enough information to judge it. I am saying that there is a
bias in our culture against those who have studied the bible and spiritual laws and
speak that language and think differently, according to spiritual laws. They need to be
accorded the same respect as people in other fields.
Psychiatry and other lay people need to understand that spiritually mature people
who have a relationship with God think differently than those who don’t. It doesn’t
mean they are mentally ill. They know that God’s thinking is different than man’s
natural mind, and the more they ask God to change their thinking to conform with
His, and study His ways and His word, the more their thinking reflects God’s.
One reason this misunderstanding happens is that spiritual laws often work
backwards from the natural way things seem to work; so one’s thinking and
behavior sometimes gets stranger and stranger the more they walk with God.
The mental hospitals are filled with people who are believers in God, who have a
relationship with him and speak about spiritual experiences. It is incredibly tragic
and presumptuous that the psychiatric profession labels these people mentally ill,
when they are completely untrained in the bible and spiritual laws. In their
ignorance they are sitting in judgment of something they don't even understand. How
presumptuous It is an abomination in the field of human rights and needs to be
In communist Russia they used to lock people up in hospitals who didn’t believe in
communism; the mentality was that anyone who didn’t agree with it must be mentally
ill. We have a similar bias going on in America; the legal system and the mental health
system presumes that if a person believes in the bible, they may have a mental
problem. The court clinician in the court where I was actually said to me,
“if you believe in the bible, you're mentally ill”
People who hold devout beliefs are labeled zealots and fanatics, and the implication is
that there is something mentally wrong with them. The majority of people in this
country say they believe in God. But not all of them believe in the bible as an authority.
They pick and choose what they want to believe so it doesn’t contradict with other
beliefs they may hold or sins they don’t want to confront.
Homosexuality is one example. The bible is very clear that it is wrong and the answer
is to pray to be delivered from it. God can do it. I know people who have been
delivered from it.
Those who haven’t been given this message often are lied to by a church that doesn’t
have the power and authority to really help these people change; instead they are told
that the bible is not necessarily all true and these people are ok with God. This is a lie.
The church that lies about the word of God does not have the spiritual authority to
help these people. It is doing the people a disservice by compromising the Word and
power of God.
Lev. 18:22 calls it abomination.
Revelation 21:8 says “the abominable will burn in the lake of fire”
Revelation 21:27 says “whosoever worketh abomination will not enter the heavenly
city of New Jerusalem.”
Those who actually act on their beliefs and protest or resist laws that they deem unjust are also not respected by this society. It is a strange flip flop or double standard.
People respect those who resisted Nazi Germany because of their moral conviction
and faith in God and didn’t go along with whole agenda. But in this country, when
devout people protest abortion, the society, instead of respecting their action, tries to
disparage their mental status.
I used to be more pro-choice, years ago. Although I didn't share the position of the
anti-abortion movement, I always respected them.
I thought it made sense that if they really thought abortion was murder, they SHOULD
be protesting it. To not protest it would be hypocritical. I respected them for their
action and taking a moral stand. I am not justifying violence as a means of protest. I
am against it. I am only talking about non-violent protest, which should be
encouraged. People should not lump together those who peacefully protest with those
who commit violence.
The mindset of the Spiritually Mature Believer
One of the biggest evangelists, Charles Finney, who wrote ON REVIVAL had a page
about spiritually mature believers. He said that others would describe someone in a
church as very odd; when he saw the list of their characteristics, he recognized the
traits as those of someone who was spiritually mature. Their motives, he said, would
not be obvious to others and others might be perplexed as to why they would do
certain things. These things can be explained, but it takes knowing the ways of God to
explain it. It takes understanding the power of words, how faith releases prayers to be
answered, how one gets spiritual authority to get one’s prayers answered.
For example, most believers realize, at some point, that fasting gives them spiritual
authority to get prayers answered. It probably sounds very odd to normal people that
there is some connection between not eating and getting prayers answered.
In the book of Esther, the whole nation of Jews fasted for 3 days before Esther
approached the king to petition him on their behalf) Jesus told us that with praying
for removal of certain kinds of bad spirits,
“this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting” Matt 17:21.
When we don’t give in to the desires of our body, our flesh nature, we are more
submitted to the spirit of God and He moves with us. We become lighter; our spirit
gets stronger and prays better. We become more tuned in to God’s spirit and pray
more by His will and not our own.
On Fasting; ch 3 of Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to
There are other reasons than this I am sure. Sometimes it may just be an exercise in
obedience and that alone gives us more authority with God. God tests us. We don’t
have the right to demand an explanation before we obey Him; he wants us to trust and
obey Him. Therefore, he will sometimes tell his people to do something weird just to
test their obedience. When God led the Jews in the desert for 40 years, He wiggled
them all over the place, having them follow his pillar of fire and cloud. He was teaching
them obedience.
We go through similar experiences with God trying to teach us obedience to his Holy
Spirit. Benny Hinn, an evangelist who is on TV and travels all around, says that power
from God is partly based on obedience to the Holy Spirit.
His books Good Morning Holy Spirit, and The Anointing talk about this. I
recommend them. The anointing means power from God. I have been at Benny Hinn’s
meetings and seen multitudes of people all fall under the power of God simultaneously.
There is a book entitled Reese Howells, Intercessor. It is the story of a man who was
an intercessor, or prayer person who prayed for others, in England during WWII.
He says God made him do things like not wear a hat when everyone wore hats to have
to go through the humiliation of this so that he would end up totally not caring what
everyone thought of him. That way he could be used more powerfully by God. This is
the way God works.
God also makes people go through trials so that they have authority to pray for those
in like circumstances.
God had told me a few years ago to pray for the captives. At the time I didn’t know
what he meant and didn’t do it enough. After having suffered as a captive in a hospital,
I now understand what he was talking about, and I see that God has given me
authority to pray for others in similar situations.
He also meant those captive to false ideas and I have spent time around groups of
people like that. All of the suffering I have gone through gives me authority to pray for
others in similar situations. That is why Jesus suffered as much as he did. He was the
ultimate intercessor; he has authority with the father to pray for everyone because he
has suffered everything that any other person has suffered. He did it willingly so that
he would have that authority. He also suffered it so that we would know that there is
one who understands all of our suffering; Jesus, since there is nothing we experience
that he hasn’t. That gives us comfort. Sometimes it is hard to find another person
who understands what we are going through, but Jesus did what he did so that we
could all have a relationship with him and experience his comfort. The Holy Spirit is
called the Counselor, and the Comforter.
Isaiah 53 says Jesus is an intercessor:
“He bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors” Isaiah
Another important point made in Reese Howell's book is that he says an intercessor
is someone that God has given an assignment and he is not released until the thing is
My situation with my church was exactly this way. Others tried to characterize my
behavior as neurotic in some way, but that is because they did not apprehend the
spirit of God and what He had been using me to do in that situation.
The pastor in the church where I lived and worshipped for 2 years, prayed for me to
be an intercessor. So by his authority, I played in the church for 2 years and prayed
for the church. He later said that my playing in the church was unauthorized, but he
was wrong. He himself had authorized it under the anointing of God when he prayed
over me, saying "Make her an intercessor". He had originally given me permission to
do it so it became unclear later as to when I was supposed to be in the church. That
was where I felt the power of God to do my intercession, playing piano and singing at
night. Other witnesses felt the Spirit of God with me when I was doing this; it was not
just my own testimony.
An example of the difference between God's laws and natural thinking
Mental Illness and Youth
A good example of something that happened to show the difference between God’s
laws and natural thinking is the following: I was working in the Boston Public Schools
for 5 years as a substitute teacher. I used to tell the students abut God every
opportunity I had, and about the harm in the music they listened to, how it adversely
affected their behavior. This was from the perspective of the bible, which says there is
a heaven and hell, and God and a devil.
A lot of the heavy metal music they listen to is telling them that they are being taken
to hell, and they need to consider the possibility that the lyrics may be telling them
the truth.
The Christian point of view is what explains that there are unclean spirits being
invoked by most of the pop music and gets them to consider how it is affecting them.
Examining the lyrics was one step; I would also tell them to observe their emotions
after listening to music and see how it affected them.
The violence that is affecting the youth is a direct result of the music they
listen to, and the videos they watch, which transmit bad spirits to them.
A lot of the videos show demons; they are imaginary beings that are actually images
of real spirit beings that are being invoked around the people who watch them. The
magical card games that the kids play are dangerous because they are causing the kids
to invoke spirits that are harmful to them. It is witchcraft, which is using the mind to
invoke spiritual beings to do one’s bidding. Witchcraft is forbidden in the bible, and
practicing it brings curses on people because it invokes bad spirits around them. A lot
of mental illness is caused by people playing with this kind of stuff.
One time I had a 9th grade class that had a book in the room by an author who was
suicidal. I asked who read the book and whether reading it might influence someone
to get emotionally affected by it.
We broadened the discussion to how their music influences them. They were very
enthusiastic about the subject, writing down pop lyrics to examine the content of the
lyrics. They finally asked me if I had any more information on the subject. I had a
video with me put out by a Christian musician on the subject of heavy metal music,
which had clippings of various artists and interviews with them about their music.
I gave the video to one student and suggested she pass it around. On a natural level,
this made sense, since the video was definitely making a very good case against heavy
metal music. However, something else was also going on. The clips themselves of the
heavy metal were invoking the bad spirits behind the music, and affecting whoever
watched the video. So it was a mixed situation.
The school received a complaint from the parents who were atheists and objected to
my handing out religious material. I was stopped from teaching. Finally I had a
hearing with the School Dept.
At the hearing we also were discussing another situation where I had found an object
of divination, a ouija board, being used by a teacher in a classroom as a game; I knew
it to be adversely affecting the kids so I took it from the class. The kids who were
using it were the most violent I have ever seen; they were running all over the school
and attacking each other in the classroom. I also took out my bible to warn the
students that using this object could adversely affect them, since this is what the bible
says. I knew they had a right to be warned. The teacher had objected to my taking out
my bible.
Before I went to the hearing God told me not to bring the evidence. I had a picture of
the object I had removed. He was telling me only to bring my bible. The spiritual logic
behind this was that having a picture of the object invoked bad spirits around me,
which affected the people in the hearing.
I disobeyed what I felt was a clear leading from God, and using my natural mind’s
logic, brought the picture, and they had the video sitting on the table in the room. The
video was also giving spiritual authority for bad spirits to be in the room with us. The
hearing officer was very irritable with me even though the school dept had no basis to
accuse me of breaking any rules. I had not broken any rules. They were in a very weak
The hearing was stopped midway, and continued to another day. On the second day, I
obeyed God and didn’t bring any evidence. The video was also not in the mom. This
time, the hearing officer had a very positive attitude toward me, and I won the
hearing. Rational, legal thinking would be to bring the evidence. But spiritual thinking
was the opposite. I tried it both ways, and I won when I obeyed the spiritual law.
The principle that this came from goes back to a story in the bible in the book of
Joshua, chapter 7. A man stashed an accursed object and the whole tribe could not
stand against their enemies until they removed the object. It was accursed because it
was devoted to false gods, which invoked bad spirits around them. The video also was
an accursed object since the music on it was devoted to false gods and invoked them
around it. Just having bad music tapes in your house can do this; you don’t have to be
listening to it.
I have lived with this principle first hand in a very big way.
I had stashed the Ouija board in my apartment after taking it, to save it for evidence,
in case they complained about my bible.
This made legal sense, but spiritually was a big mistake.
Because it was an accursed object, it brought all kinds of curses into my life.
Legal logic is usually to prepare for multiple possibilities.
But spiritually this is sabotage.
Praying in faith means not hedging your bets.
You can 't pray for A and say 'if A doesn't happen, then B". That sabotages A. The
book of James says one who wavers or doubts in his prayers receives nothing, James
ch 1:-6-7
On Creativity vs. mental illness
Psychiatrists often judge whether a person is manic by whether they sleep regularly.
It is not true that a person must sleep every 24 hours.
A person who is involved in a creative project, like writing a symphony, might have
the energy to keep going in order to finish the project without interruption.
This can happen naturally without stimulants.
This is different than someone running around on a compulsive buying spree which
was probably induced by artificial stimulants, which open one up to demonic
Compulsive behaviors are caused by demons seducing people.
If one gives in to one impulse, they keep yanking one's chain. Resisting gets them to
stop. The bible says
“Resist the devil and he will flee” James 4:7
A person needs God’s help to resist the devil. Praying for God to protect one’s mind is
the solution.
The Lord’s Prayer says
"Lead us not into temptation" Matthew 6:13, Luke 11:4
In Ephesians 6 it says to put on the spiritual armor. The “helmet of salvation” protects
one’s mind. Also praying the blood of Jesus over one’s mind, body and spirit brings
protection. We need to remember to ask God for help to resist, and he will.
Many people are not “normal”. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with
them. Creative people are often considered different from others. All people weren't
created to be the same. Everyone is unique and has different gifts. The closer you get
to God, the more those gifts will be revealed and developed. God says he knew us in
the womb. That means He has plans for us. The closer we get to Him, the more we
will truly become who we REALLY are - who were were created to be.
From Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry
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Chapter 13 Prophetic message to Jews
See articles, Free books at see ARTICLES BY CATEGORY page articles in most recent order
On Fasting; ch 3 of Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to
Intuition is God Leading us
Autistic Kids are Prophets in Training
Message to Families of Mental Patients
SCHIZOPHRENIA is NOT a “serious mental disorder”
Manual of help for lawyers to win hearings for mental patients