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Реферати українською / Diachrony of Semantic Conversives in English (дипломна)
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Архітектура, містобудування 177
Астрономія, авіація, космонавтика, НЛО 223
Банківська справа 824
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Бухгалтерський облік 1941
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Трудове право України, соцзахист 193
Українознавство 1025
Фізика 758
Фізкультура, туризм, рекреація 995
Філософія 598
Фінанси, міжнародні, державні фінанси 1513
Хімія 347
Цінні папери 205
Шпаргалки 185
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Diachrony of Semantic Conversives in English (дипломна) /
Сторінка: 1
Скачати безкоштовно цей реферат
Іноземна мова Дипломна робота Diachrony of Semantic Conversives in English Plan
Introduction Part I. Semantic Conversives in Competence and Performance: 1.1. The Overview
of Semantic Conversives 1.2. Classification of Semantic Conversives: 1.2.1. Classification of
Semantic Conversives According to their Morphological Features 1.2.2. Classification of
Semantic Conversives According to Their Semantic Features 1.2.3. Quasi Conversives 1.3.
Componential Analysis of Semantic Conversives: “To sell” – Semantic Structure in the
Language System “To buy” - Semantic Structure in the Language System Part II. The Overview
of Semantic Changes: Classification of Semantic Changes According to the Logical Relations
Between Successive Meanings Etymology and Cultural Traces Implied by Semantic Changes
Hermann Paul’s Assumptions: The Process of Isolation Special Factors General Assumptions
Part III. Diachrony of Semantic Conversives: Text / Discourse Definition 3.2. Diachronic
Aspects of Semantic Conversives Development Diachrony of the Conversive Pairs “to give : to
take” and “to sell : to buy”: Semantic Structure of the Old English “ãyfan” and the Middle
English “yiven” 3.3.2. The Functioning of the Verbs with the Meaning of “to take” in AngloSaxon and Middle English 3.3.3. Diachrony of the Semantics of the Verb “to sell” Evolution of
the Semantic Conversive “to buy” Conclusions Bibliography Supplement 1. The Semantic
Structure of the Conversive “To Sell” Supplement 2. The Semantic Structure of the Conversive
“To Buy” Supplement 3. Extracts from “Beowulf” Containing the Verb “to sell” Supplement 4.
Extracts from “Beowulf” Containing the Verb “to buy” Introduction. The language is a
phenomenon which can be represented as a system of systems. Semantics can also be presented
as a system of subsystems. Besides, all the languages fall under the influence of semantic
changes. History of the language deals with the descriptive analysis of the changes that took
place during the latter’s development. For example, the history of the English language traces the
changes that occurred in one of the dialects of Primitive West Germanic during the last 1500
years. More specifically, historic semantics is the study of the semantic diachronic changes that
took place in the word stock of a certain language during a certain period of time. Thus, the
objective of this paper is the study of semantic conversives in English competence and
performance and examining of the changes in their semantic structure that occurred from the Old
English period and later on. With the exception of the units, "conversive by themselves" (that are
further analyzed in the present thesis), conversion occupies a definite place among the types of
the lexical semantic correlations: it is characterized by the equipollent opposition of the units
(that are differentiated by "converse" sememes), their contrastive distribution, and the
conversives' ability of being used in the same context (cf. to win/to lose (a game), to sell/to buy a
house, etc). The topicality of this paper is determined by the following factors: Semantic
conversives expressing "oppositions of meaning" is one of the most important semantic
correlations in the lexical system of the language. It can lay the basis of organizing some lexical
units into a
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