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Spacebook Research Project Overview
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Your task is to research and learn about Universe and the Big Bang Theory. You will gather information about how
the Universe formed, what the Universe is like today and how the Universe will change in the future. Your research
has three parts.
Process Part I. Vocabulary
The Universe has a large number of friends. Each friend plays an important role in the life of The Universe. You
need to write a paragraph explanation of the term in your own words. Your explanation should be between 3-5
sentences and should be typed. The vocab terms will be homework during the next 4 weeks but you are welcome to
go ahead as long as you use your textbook and binder for explanations but NOT Google.
 sunspots
 electromagnetic spectrum
 main sequence star
 solar flares
 redshift
 white dwarf
 solar cycle
 blueshift
 spectrograph
 nuclear fusion
 nebula
 cosmic background radiation
 milky way galaxy
 protostar
 Hubbles Law
Process Part II. Independent Space Research
Each student will choose two questions about space that they want to research independently. You can choose from
the list below or you can submit alternate proposals to Mrs. Bartlett for approval. These questions may be answered
in the form of essays, podcasts, videos, slideshows, skits or any other form of media approved by Mrs. Bartlett.
Question #1 Your Question….
Choose a topic about space that interests you.
Find 3-5 valid sources that are approved by
Mrs. Bartlett
Develop a research question approved by
Mrs. Bartlett
Develop 4-6 ideas about your question
approved by Mrs Bartlett
Question #2 Here comes the sun.
Planet earth is often called the Goldilocks planet because it is the perfect distance from the Sun. You will research
the positive and dangerous aspects of our star. Include:
How the sun formed and what keeps the sun
The kinds of electromagnetic radiation the sun
produces and which kinds reach earths surface
What protects earth from the sun
How the sun impacts our daily lives
Question #3 Electromagnetic slide.
The electromagnetic spectrum is vital to our understanding of astronomy. You will study the spectrum and how
astronomers use it every day. Include:
The 7 types of electromagnetic waves
Where electromagnetic radiation is produced
How each type of wave is used/affects us on
How each type of wave is used to study objects
in space
How electromagnetic waves provide evidence
for the Big Bang Theory
Question #4 Mars attack.
NASA is investing billions of dollars into researching mars. You will study the similarities and differences between
Earth and the red planet. Include:
Why scientists believe Mars might have had a
magnetic field
What the current surface and atmosphere are like
What evidence scientists have about what the
surface and atmosphere of Mars might have
been like
What projects NASA currently has on Mars
What future NASA projects are proposed for
studying Mars
Question #5 Lifeline.
Just like people, different stars have different kinds of lives. You will study the different size stars and what their lives
are like. Include:
How stars are born
The early lifecycle of stars
The stages of small and large stars dying
The similarities and differences between the
lives of small and big stars
What elements are used and produced in the
birth, life and death of stars.
Question #6 He said WHAT?!?
Our understanding of the universe has changed significantly in the past two thousand years. You will study what
different cultures and scientists learned and discovered about the sky, solar system and universe. Include:
How the Chinese and Egyptian cultures studied
the skies and what they learned
How Greek astronomers changed our
understanding of the skies
How Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe,
Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Hubble,
Penzias & Wilson change our understanding of
the skies.
Question #7 Whats new?
You will investigate NASAs most recent research and what new projects are coming down the line in the near future.
A description of 3 current or proposed
NASA projects that relate in somewhat to
what we have studied in this unit
How each project relates to our studies and will
expand our knowledge
The cost and timeline of these projects
Process Part III. BiG BanG Essay
Every student will write an essay about the Big Bang Theory. This is a full 2-3 page essay (complete sentences,
correct spelling and proper grammar are required for credit). You can put your essay on the Spacebook Profile
Page to make it look fancy. This is a template that I have already made for you that you can cut and paste!! Feel free
to edit this page and creativity is worth extra credit!! We will cover all of the pieces of this essay in class though
some of it will not be till the end of the unit.
BiG BanG Question.
How did Universe get here anyway? The universe is very old and every day we are gathering more evidence about
how if formed! Using the Big Bang theory explain the process of how the universe formed starting from a tiny speck
and progressing to a universe with galaxies, stars and planets. Include:
A description of the Big Bang Theory
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
including detailed descriptions of red shift,
Hubble’s Law and cosmic background
How the universe has changed since the Big
Bang including how light and heavy elements
form and the life and death of stars