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Student Name: ______________________________
Mrs. Lee – 8th Grade Physical Science
Period #: ______
Page 1
Chapter 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ c
______ d
1) Which of the following is an example of a force?
a) water
b) other fluids
c) gravity
2) A fluid can be ______.
a) a gas only
b) a liquid only
d) mass
c) a solid or a gas
d) a liquid or a gas
______ b
3) The velocity of an object is ______.
a) its standard reference point
b) the rate of change of its position
c) the process of speeding it up
d) its change in direction
______ c
4) Earth’s gravity pulls you down with a force ______.
a) greater than your weight
b) the size of your feet
c) equal to your weight
d) half your weight
______ c
5) Which of the following is NOT the SI unit of pressure?
a) N / m2
b) Pa
c) Newton
d) Pascal
______ d
6) Pressure is ______.
a) force x area
b) area  force
c) force + area
d) force  area
______ a
7) At higher elevations, air pressure is ______.
a) less because there is less air above
b) greater because there is more air below
c) less because gravity is stronger
d) less because the air is moving faster
______ a
8) When pressure is applied to a confined fluid, the increase in pressure is transmitted
equally to all parts of the fluid. This fact is called ______.
a) Pascal’s principle
b) Newton’s principle
c) Archimedes’ principle
d) Bernoulli’s principle
______ b
9) An object under water feels lighter than it does in air because of ______.
a) air pressure
b) buoyancy
c) fluid speed
d) temperature
______ a
10) An object is dropped into a beaker containing a liquid. The object drops to the
bottom of the beaker. Therefore, the ______.
a) density of the object is greater than the density of the liquid.
b) Density of the object is less than the density of the liquid.
c) Mass of the object is less than the mass of the liquid.
d) Volume of the liquid displaced is more than the volume of the object.
______ c
11) If you blow a steam of air between two balloons that are next to each other, the
balloons ______.
a) rise
b) move away from each other
c) move toward each other
d) move randomly
______ c
12) Air above an airplane wing is moving faster than air below an airplane wing. This
causes the plane to ______.
a) accelerate b) slow down
c) increase its elevation d) decrease its elevation
Ch 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
Student Name: ______________________________
Mrs. Lee – 8th Grade Physical Science
Period #: ______
Page 2
Chapter 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ a
13) Fluids exert pressure because they are made up of tiny ______.
a) moving molecules that exert forces b) forces that sum together
c) molecules that push upward
d) particles that are buoyant
______ b
14) Bubbles rise in water because they are ______.
a) so tiny
b) less dense than water
c) more dense than water
d) fluids
______ b (shape)
15) A fluid is a substance whose volume can easily change.
a) True
b) False
______ a
16) Water pressure increases as depth increases.
a) True
b) False
______ a
17) The buoyant force always acts in an upward direction.
a) True
b) False
______ b (weight)
18) Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the
mass of the fluid displaced by the object.
a) True
b) False
______ b (mass)
19) The density of an object would be changed by changing the object’s volume or
its area.
a) True
b) False
______ a
______ b
20) What is the SI unit for pressure?
a) pascal (Pa)
b) newton (N)
c) kilogram (kg)
21) Pressure is ______.
a) force x area
b) force  area
c) force + area
______ c
22) At higher elevations, there is ______ air pressure.
a) the same
b) greater
c) less
______ b
23) As a diver moves deeper in the water, the fluid pressure is ______.
a) the same
b) greater
c) less
______ a
24) Objects in water feel lighter because of the ______
a) buoyant force
b) air pressure
c) temperature
______ c
25) An object sinks in a bucket of water. The object’s density is ______.
a) less than water’s density
b) the same as water’s density
c) greater than water’s density
Ch 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
Student Name: ______________________________
Mrs. Lee – 8th Grade Physical Science
Period #: ______
Page 3
Chapter 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ a
26) A force on a confined fluid changes the pressure all through the fluid. This is
a) Pascal’s principle b) Archimedes’ principle
c) Bernoulli’s principle
______ c
27) A hydraulic system uses fluid to ______.
a) cause acceleration
b) decrease air pressure
c) multiply force
______ a
28) As the speed of a moving fluid increases, the fluid pressure ______.
a) decreases b) stays the same
c) increases
______ b
29) What force pushes up on an airplane wing as it moves through the air?
a) gravity
b) lift
c) air resistance
______ a
30) Water pressure increases as depth increases.
a) True
b) False
______ a
31) Air pressure is measured using a barometer.
a) True
b) False
______ b
32) The buoyant force acts in a downward direction.
a) True
b) False
______ a
33) The buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces.
a) True
b) False
______ b
34) Archimedes’ principle explains how an airplane flies.
a) True
b) False
Use the diagram below to answer the following 2 questions:
______ b
______ a
35) Classifying: This device is a ______.
a) barometer
b) hydraulic system
c) buoyant force
36) Applying Concepts: This device uses fluid to multiply force. Which principle
explains why this device works?
a) Pascal’s principle b) Archimedes’ principle
c) Bernoulli’s principle
Ch 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
Student Name: ______________________________
Mrs. Lee – 8th Grade Physical Science
Period #: ______
Page 4
Chapter 11 Practice Test – Answer Key
Use the diagram below to answer the following 3 questions:
______ a
37) Interpreting Diagrams: The ship and the steel block have the same weight. Why
does the ship float while the steel bock sinks?
a) The ship displaces more water
b) There is less gravity on the ship
c) There is no air pressure on the ship
______ b
38) Applying Concepts: Which principle explains why the ship floats and the steel
block sinks?
a) Pascal’s principle b) Archimedes’ principle
c) Bernoulli’s principle
______ b
39) Applying Concepts: What does the buoyant force on each object in the diagram
a) the weight of the object
b) the weight of the water displaced by the object
c) the weight of the air pressing down on the object
Ch 11 Practice Test – Answer Key