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Chapter One – Science and the Environment
Environmental science
Industrial revolution
“spaceship earth”
Natural resources
7. Renewable resources
8. Nonrenewable resources
9. Pollution
10. Biodiversity
11. The Tragedy of the
12. Law of Supply and
13. cost-benefit analysis
14. Ecological footprint
15. sustainability
What you should be able to do after studying this chapter:
1. define environmental science, compare environmental science with ecology
2. list the 5 major fields of study that contribute to environmental science
3. describe the major environmental effects of hunter-gatherers, the agricultural revolution and
the Industrial Revolution
4. distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources
5. classify environmental problems into 3 major categories
6. explain the law of supply and demand
7. differentiate between developed and developing countries
8. explain sustainability and describe why it is a goal of environmental science
9. Explain the Tragedy of the Commons
Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences.
1. Describe the two main types of interactions that environmental scientists study. Give an example
of each.
2. How is ecology related to environmental science?
3. Describe the 5 major fields of study that contribute to environmental science.
4. Explain why environmental science is an interdisciplinary science.
5. Explain how hunter-gatherers affected the environment in which they lived.
6. List and describe the major environmental effects of the agricultural revolution
7. List and describe the major environmental effects of the Industrial Revolution.
8. Explain how environmental problems can be local, regional or global. Give one example of each.
9. Identify an example of a biodegradable pollutant and explain how it is an example.
10. How did the Industrial Revolution affect human population growth?
11. What is meant by the term “sustainable world”?
12. Describe three differences between developing and developed nations using Table 3 on page
19 in your textbook. Would you classify Mexico as a developing nation? Explain your answer.
13. Explain the law of supply and demand, and give an example of how it relates to the environment.
14. Fossil fuels are produced by the Earth by naturally occurring processes. Why then, are fossil
fuels considered nonrenewable resources?
15. Are all renewable resources replaced at the rate they are used? Explain and give an example.
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