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20-30% of exam
Basic Toxicology
Basic Toxicology
Toxin=Damages a living organism by ingesting or absorbed.
Toxicity=the degree which a toxin harmful.
Any thing in high enough quantities may be harmful
Ex water
Factors to consider
Amount of exposure
Size and age or organism
Ability of organism to detoxify
Sensitivity to substance
Synergistic/Antagistic effects
Dose response analysis
A test to determine the concentrations at which a substance is toxic.
Dose response curve-graph showing increased doses and mortality.
2 tests
LD 50 when 50% die
Poisons-LD50= 50 mg or less
Threshold dose=when a negative effect occurs
Types of effects
Acute-Short exposure to a high level of toxin
Ex snake bite
Chronic-Long term exposure to a low level toxin.
Infections and disease
Pathogens-organisms or viruses which enter the body.
Infection-when a pathogen enters the body.
Disease-when the infection changes the state of health.
Risk assessment/management
Assessment calculations of the risk taken
Management=strategies taken to reduce risk
Ex flue shots…..
Air Pollution
Air Pollution
2 sources human and natural
Car=man The majority of
the pollution today is from man and occurred after the
industrial revolution.
Primary pollutants released directly into the lower atmosphere and are toxic.
Ex mercury coal burning
Secondary-toxins formed in the atmosphere from multiple primary pollutants.
SO2 from coal +H2O H2SO4
Environmental Protection Agency
Regulates pollution
Regulates 6 “Criteria Pollutants”
Carbon monoxide CO-combustion-60% car
Lead Pb-from coal and smelting
Ozone O3-good in stratosphere-bad in troposphere-from combustion.
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2-car engines forms nitric acid
Sulfur dioxide SO2 coal and diesel–sulfuric acid
Since 1970 CO and lead have decreased
New concerns=VOC volatile organic compounds.
Toxic organic compounds from manufacturing, dry cleaning, industrial solvents, form
Fog=natural water vaper
Smog=Toxic gas
Industrial Smog Vs Photochemical Smog
(grey) smog- formed from the burning of coal common 1900-1950.
combines with particulate matter.
Problems=Sulfuric acid lead particulate matter.
Lead to- pneumonia, tuberculosis,heart failure, bronchitis, whooping cough.
Photochemical Smog.
The brown cloud found on sunny days.
Caused by car combustion and industrial combustion.
VOC, NOx, O3 combine, catalyzed by sunlight, to form
in baltimore
Air is trapped by warmer layers of air in low places.
a toxic gas.
Climate change
Caused By
Increasing CO2 and other green house gasses cause the green house effect.
1900-1950 25% caused by combustion 75% by reducing biomass.
1950-today 75% by combustion 25% by reduction in biomass.
IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on climate change) report
1-Climate change is occurring
 There is a correlation between temperature and CO2 levels (greater than 90%)
CO2 1950 280ppm 2006 380ppm
Methane 1950 715ppm 2005 1774ppm
NOx 270-319
Rise in CO2
Additive effect decrease in ice caps= increased temperatures.
Increased heat = increased H2O gas=increased heat.
Increased temp=less permafrost=more Co2 released from the permafrost.
Increased temp= decreased land= less biota and more CO2
Higher levels of water-maryland 4th most at risk
Decreasing glaciers=less drinking water
Increased storms
Ozone depletion
Ozone depletion
Ozone –in stratosphere is a toxin but in the stratosphere provides a defense from UV
3O2 + UV sunlight
Ozone depletion
Occurs during the summer months.
Caused by Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) And other compound
compounds used in
propellants, fire extinguishers, and hair spray.
CFCs break down to Chlorine gas and reacts with ozone
Cl + O3
is stored in ice crystals over the winter.
In the spring the crystals melt and continue to react
26 million square Km zone of thinness (hole).
Chronic Exposure= eye cataracts, skin cancer, weakening of immune system.
Kill phytoplankton,-primary producers.
Acid rain
Acid rain:
Formed from SO2 and NOx and water into sulfuric and nitric acids
pH=range from 5.4-2.3
Caused by coal and auto emmissions
Environmental effects
Mineral leaching
Sulfur and nitrogen buildup in soil/lakes
Increased aluminum buildup
Leaching of calcium from conifers
Lowering of pH in lakes
Human respiratory irritation
Dissolving stone-monuments buildings exc.
2 types
Dry acidic particle deposition-drops few days after
Wet deposition-drops 4-14 days
1990 Clean air Act reduced SO2 and NOx levels.