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Introduction to Human Physiology
Mo Elkerdany, D.D.S., Ph.D.
What is the pH of human blood, gastric juice, and body fluids?
How carbohydrates are classified? What are the “monosaccharides”, “Disaccharides”, and
“Polysaccharides”? Which polysaccharide is stored in muscles? Which polysaccharide is stored in
the liver? Which carbohydrate is used by the human cell to generate ATP molecules? Where?
Which carbohydrates contain “glucose”?
What is “homeostasis”? How the blood glucose level is regulated?
What are the role and/or “functions” of the following cell organelles: Smooth ER, Rough ER,
Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, lysosomes, and the nucleus.
Explain how the thin and the thick filaments slide over each other during muscle contraction.
What is the role of “Na+” and “K+” voltage sensitive channels during skeletal muscle contraction?
Which spinal reflex consists of an epsilateral withdrawal reflex and contralateral extensor reflex?
Which spinal reflex is simple and monosynaptic? What is the difference between “monosynaptic”
and “polysynaptic” reflex arc?
Define the following terms:- latent period, contraction phase, relaxation phase, refractory period,
summation, treppe, complete tetanus, incomplete tetanus, and graded response.
What is the role of “Ca++” in skeletal muscle contraction, and synaptic transmission.
What is the etiology (cause) and signs and/or symptoms of the followings: Multiple Sclerosis,
Alzheimer’s Disease, Stroke (CVA), Myasthenia Gravis, Cerebral Palsy, Bell’s Palsy,
Parkinson’s Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, and Poliomyelitis.
What are the functions of the “cranial nerves”?
What are the steps of “nerve conduction”?
What is the role of the neurotransmitter (Ach) in “synaptic transmission”? What is the role of
acetylcholinestrase in synaptic transmission?
Differentiate between “Temporal Summation” and “Spatial Summation”.
Compare and contrast between each of the following components of a sarcomere in a relaxed and
fully contracted state:- Z-lines, A-bands, I-bands, H-zones, and M-lines.
What is the effect of isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions on the human red blood cells?
Compare and contrast between each of the followings: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and
active transport.
What is the role of Na+/K+ pump in nerve conduction?