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Learning Targets : Unit I Introduction and Geography
1.1 Five ideals shaped United States History: liberty, rights, opportunity, equality and democracy.
1.1.A I can define all five of the ideals that shaped U.S. History
1.2 Historical events can be viewed through multiple perspectives.
1.2.A I can differentiate between fact and opinion, primary and secondary sources and causes
and effect relationships.
1.3 Geography has influenced the development of the United States
1.3.A I can define physical features, natural resources, landforms, fossil fuels, census, regions, and
1.3.B I can explain how each of the previous terms influenced the development of the US by
providing one example for each term.
1.4 Skill—Writing
1.4.A I can write a 6 sentence paragraph with a topic sentence and 5 supporting
Learning Targets: Unit 2 Civil War and Reconstruction
2.1 Social, political and economic differences, which the US government was unable to resolve, led to the
Civil War.
2.1.A I can identify 3 examples and explain how sectional differences led to the Civil War (slavery, states
rights vs. federal rights and agrarian vs industrial economies).
2.1.B I can evaluate why the federal governments attempt to address sectional differences failed. (ex.
Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act, and Dred Scott Decision)
2.1.C I can evaluate the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation on African Americans, Union military,
and Confederate citizens.
2.2 The North won the bloodiest conflict in US History due to superior economic strength and military
2.2.A I can explain and provide 2 examples of why the North had a superior economic advantage.
2.2.B I can compare and contrast the military strategies of the North and South.
2.3 The Civil War provided opportunities and hardships for many Americans.
2.3.A. I can explain how the war affected African Americans, women, and soldiers.
2.4 The nation’s commitment to its founding ideals was tested during Reconstruction.
2.4.A I can explain the major parts of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
2.4.B. I can differentiate between the Presidential and Congressional plans for Reconstruction.
2.4.C. I can compare and contrast the experience of Northerners, Southerners and Freedmen in the South
during Congressional Reconstruction.
2.4.D. I can evaluate the changing conditions as Reconstruction came to an end.
2.4 Skills- Writing: I can develop 3 different thesis statements from the same writing prompt. (Example:
Why did the North win the war?
Learning Targets : Unit 3 Industrial Revolution and Immigration
3.1 Technological advancements led to an explosion of industrial growth
3.1.A I can identify 3 new technologies of the Industrial Age and explain their impact on
3.1.B I can evaluate how mass production affected industrial growth, the organization of businesses, and
government involvement of business. (Ex. creation of corporations, stockholders, vertical and horizontal
integration, monopolies, laissez-faire, factors of production, capitalism, Social Darwinism, Robber Barons
and Captains of Industry)
3.2 Industrialization led to poor working and living conditions, as well as the use of child labor
3.2.A I can cite evidence of at least 5 examples of poor living and working conditions caused by
industrialization. (Ex. work hours, wages, safety, child labor, division of labor, sweatshops, tenements,
diseased food, poor sanitation)
3.3 As a reaction to poor conditions associated with factory work, the U. S. experienced a growth of labor
unions and various radical movements
3.3.A I can develop a logical argument for the need of labor unions workers’ movements during the
industrial period. (ex. Knights of Labor, AFL, and radical groups)
3.3.B I can compare the tactics used by labor unions to obtain better working conditions often with
mixed results.
3.4 Between 1880-1910 the US experienced its greatest wave of immigration
3.4.A I can differentiate between the factors that led to the greatest wave immigration in US History. (ex.
specific push factors and specific pull factors)
3.5 Immigrants arriving in America found challenges assimilating into American society.
3.5.A I can explain at least 3 challenges faced by immigrants upon their arrival in the United States. ( EX.
legal processing, medical processing, language barriers, education, nativist attitudes, the Chinese
Exclusion Act, housing, job opportunities, ethnic enclaves/neighborhoods.)
Learning Targets : Unit 4 The Progressive Movement
4.1 At the turn of the century, the United States experienced a number of economic, environmental,
political, and social problems in large part due to urbanization.
4.1.A. I can identify 3 negative effects of industrialization and urbanization on the American workers in
the early 1900s as illustrated by the muckrakers. (ex. slum life, poor working conditions, and unsafe
consumer products)
4.1.B. I can assess the environmental damage created by industrialization and urbanization.
4.1.C. I can analyze the causes and effects of mass political corruption in government.
4.1.D. I can compare the positive and negative experiences of various social groups such as: the poor,
African Americans, and women.
4.2 The Progressive Movement developed in response to the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution.
4.2.A. I can critique the effectiveness of the social reforms implemented by Progressives.
4.2.B. I can critique the effectiveness of the political reforms implemented by Progressives.
4.2.C. I can evaluate the progress made by African Americans and Women with regard to social
4.3 Three Presidents promoted progressive goals in their national policies.
4.3.A I can differentiate between the policies of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson used to address the problems
of industrialization. (ex. trusts, consumer protection, worker protection, environmental protection,
monetary policy)
4.3.B I can identify the constitutional changes of the progressive era.
Learning Targets : Unit 5 Foreign Policy
5.1 US foreign policy evolves from a policy of isolationism toward a policy of intervention.
5.1.A. I can explain the differences between policies of isolationism and intervention.
5.1.B. I can analyze the causes and effects of the Spanish American War. (yellow journalism, de Lome
letter, USS Maine, Treaty of Paris, Teller Amendment, Platt Amendment)
5.2 The United States intervened in the affairs of several nations during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.
5.2.A I can differentiate between the foreign policies of T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.
5.2.B. I can evaluate the motivation for US intervention in the affairs of foreign nations during the late
1800’s and early 1900’s. (for example: China, Panama, etc.)
Learning Targets : Unit 6 World War I
6.1 World War I challenged the United States policy of neutrality.
6.1.A. I can evaluate the reasons for US neutrality in World War I. (economic and ethnic pressures)
6.1.B I can analyze the events that drew the US away from neutrality and into WWI. (unrestricted
submarine warfare, the Zimmerman Note, the sinking of the Lusitania)
6.2. World War I affected various groups of Americans in numerous ways.
6.2.A I can identify the steps taken by the United States to prepare for and participate in the war.
(military draft, propaganda, conservation efforts, participation efforts, Sedition and Espionage Acts, US
Military contributions, Schenck v. USA)
6.2.B I can analyze the effect of WWII on various groups. (women, pacifists, African-Americans, and
immigrants/ethnic groups)
6.3 The Treaty of Versailles created a return to the debate of isolationism vs. intervention.
6.3.A. I can identify the main ideas of Wilsons 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles.
6.3.B. I can differentiate between the positions of those in favor of and against the ratification of the
Treaty of Versailles in the United States Senate. (reservationists, irreconcilables, internationalists)
6.3.C. I can explain why the United States ultimately did not sign the Treaty of Versailles.
Learning Targets : Unit 7 Postwar Era/1920’s
7.1 The end of World War I created political, economic, and social tension among various groups in the
United States.
7.1.A I can explain how the end of WWI affected the U.S. economy. (demobilization, unemployment,
recession, inflation, labor movement)
7.1.B I can connect the loss of civil liberties to the “fear” of radical beliefs and subversives in the 1920’s.
(freedom of speech, Red Scare, Palmer Raids)
7.1.C. I can cite evidence of how an increase in social tension affected different groups: immigrants,
African Americans, Jews.
7.1.D. I can cite examples of how economic policies of Republican Presidents affected the U.S. economy.
(decrease in taxes and spending, continued growth of industry, poverty levels)
7.1.E. I can evaluate the shift in U.S. foreign policy toward isolationism. (disarmament, Dawes Plan,
Kellogg-Briand Pact, Latin America)
7.2 Social, economic and technological changes led to a cultural shift during the 1920’s.
7.2.A I can explain the impact of a rising consumer culture. (installment buying, new products,
7.2.B I can cite examples of how the growth of mass media contributed to the development of a national
popular culture.
7.2.C I can identify the new opportunities created for African Americans and women during the 1920’s.
7.2.D I can compare and contrast the viewpoints of modernists and traditionalists (rural v. urban,
young v. old, religion v. science, prohibition v. temperance)
Learning Targets : Unit 8 The Great Depression
8.1 Several economic factors contributed to the collapse of the United States economy known as the Great
8.1.A. I can explain the numerous factors that led to the Great Depression. (stock market crash,
overproduction, underconsumption, higher tariffs, higher interest rates)
8.1.B. I can differentiate between the liberal, conservative, and radical approach to lifting the United
States out of the Great Depression.
8.1.C. I can compare the responses of President Hoover and President Roosevelt in trying to deal with the
consequences of the Great Depression (limited government response, First 100 Days, New Deal)
8.2 The Great Depression creates extraordinary hardships for many Americans
8.2.A. I can evaluate the impact of the Great Depression on the American family. (unemployment,
malnutrition, financial stress, family structure, homelessness
8.2.B. I can analyze the impact of the natural disasters that worsened the conditions of the Great
8.3 The New Deal expanded the role of government during the Great Depression
8.3.A. I can differentiate between relief, recovery, and reform programs implemented under FDR.
8.3.B. I can explain the purpose of the various government programs implemented during the New Deal.
(AAA, CCC, TVA, FHA, PWA, NIRA, FDIC, Social Security Act)
8.3.C. I can give 2 examples of how the New Deal affected various groups such as: workers, women, and
African Americans.
8.3.D I can explain how the New Deal expanded the role of government.
8.4 Skills- Statistical Analysis: I can interpret various types of data pertaining to the Great Depression:
charts, graphs, and tables.
Learning Targets : Unit 9 World War II
9.1 The United States gradually moved away from a position of neutrality to an active role in World War
as part of the Allies.
9.1.A I can develop a logical argument to explain why the United States moved away from a position of
neutrality in World War II.
9.1.B I can give 3 examples of the events that drew the United States away from neutrality. (lend-lease,
cash and carry, Atlantic Charter, sanctions against Japan, Selective Training and Service Act)
9.2 World War II and the switch to a wartime economy created hardships and opportunities for various
groups in the United States.
9.2.A I can analyze how World War II affected the United States economy. (increased production,
financing the war, inflation and price controls, rationing)
9.2.B. I can make observations about the hardships and opportunities faced by various groups. (soldiers,
women, African Americans, Jewish Americans and Japanese Americans)
9.3 The United States was forced to fight in 2 theaters during World War II. (Europe and the Pacific)
9.3.A I can identify the key members of the Allied and Axis Powers. (US, Britain, France, Russia,
Germany, Japan, Italy)
9.3.B. I can assess the effectiveness of the US and the Allied war effort in Europe after US entry into the
9.3.C. I can assess the effectiveness of the US war effort in the Pacific during World War II.
9.3.D. I can evaluate varying opinions on Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan as a means
to end WWII.
Learning Targets: Unit 10 Civil Rights
10.1 Segregation and discrimination affected many areas of American life in the postwar period.
10.1.A. I can analyze the ways in which segregation and discrimination can affect the everyday lives of
African Americans after World War II. (schools, housing, public places, marriage, workplace)
10.1.B. I can cite evidence of success in breaking down barriers of segregation in several American
institutions. (sports, military, civil rights groups, and the courts such as Brown v Board of Education.)
10.2 Civil Rights activists helped to advance the condition of African Americans in the post war period.
10.2.A I can explain the significance of the personalities and events that inspired the Civil Rights
movement. (Rosa Parks, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King Jr., Little Rock Nine, James
Meredith, sit-ins, freedom rides, violence in Birmingham, March on Washington)
10.2.B. I can assess the impact of Civil Rights Legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the Voting
Rights Act of 1865.