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Chronology of First World War
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
28th June, 1914
Austria-Hungary demands that Serbia arrest the leaders of the Black Hand
23rd July, 1914
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
28th July, 1914
Germany declares war on Russia
1st August, 1914
Germany declares war on France
3rd August, 1914
Moltke orders the Schlieffen Plan to proceed
4th August, 1914
German troops enter Belgium
4th August, 1914
Great Britain declares war on Germany
4th August, 1914
Battle of the Marne begins
6th Sept., 1914
Christmas Truce on the Western Front
25th Dec, 1914
Sinking of the Lusitania
7th May, 1915
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
23rd May, 1915
First tank demonstrated to British military leaders
11th Sept, 1915
German Verdun Offensive
21st Feb, 1916
First use of British tanks at Flers-Courcelette
15th Sept, 1916
Somme Offensive ends
18th Nov, 1916
Lloyd George becomes British Prime Minister
6th Dec, 1916
Zimmermann Telegram intercepted by Britain
19th January, 1917
United States declares war on Germany
6th April, 1917
French tanks used for the first time in battle
17th April, 1917
John Pershing given command of AEF
19th May, 1917
United States troops arrive in France
25th June, 1917
Wilson announces 14 Points Peace Programme
8th January, 1918
Start of German Spring Offensive
21st March, 1918
German retreat at the Marne
20th July, 1918
United States St Mihiel Offensive
12th Sept, 1918
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates
9th Nov, 1918
11th Nov, 1918
Lloyd George wins British General Election
14th Dec, 1918
Paris Peace Conference
12th January, 1919
Treaty of Versailles signed
28th June, 1919