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Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 2010 Instructor’s Manual
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Discovering Computers Chapter 4
Operating Systems and Utility Programs
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom
activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in rreedd that you see in the textbook. Under each
heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section, if
any, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared
towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test
Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
For your students:
Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with
the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the
most recent CourseCast onto their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida
State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of
FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent
news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to
figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Chapter Objectives
270: System Software
271: Operating Systems
272: Operating System Functions
279: Types of Operating Systems
280: Stand-Alone Operating Systems
282: Server Operating Systems
283: Embedded Operating Systems
284: Utility Programs
End of Chapter Material
Glossary of Key Terms
CChhaapptteerr O
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Seven when they can:
 Define system software and identify the
 Describe each of these functions of an
two types of system software
operating system: starting and shutting
Discovering Computers & Office 2010 Instructor’s Manual
down a computer, providing a user
interface, managing memory, coordinating
tasks, configuring devices, establishing an
Internet connection, monitoring
performance, providing file management
and other utilities, updating automatically,
controlling a network, and administering
 Summarize the features of several standalone operating systems: Windows, Mac
OS, UNIX, and Linux
 Identify various server operating systems
 Briefly describe several embedded operating
systems: Windows Embedded CE, Windows
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Phone, Palm OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry,
Google Android, Embedded Linux, and
Symbian OS
 Explain the purpose of several utility
programs: file manager, search utility,
image viewer, uninstaller, disk cleanup,
disk defragmenter, backup and restore
utilities, screen saver, personal firewall,
antivirus programs, spyware and adware
removers, Internet filters, file compression,
media player, disc burning, and personal
computer maintenance
227700:: SSyysstteem
m SSooffttw
 Define system software
 Introduce the two types of system software: operating systems and utility programs
227711:: O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
 Define operating system (OS)
 Use Figure 7-1 to list functions performed by an operating system
 Define platform and cross-platform program
227722:: O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
m FFuunnccttiioonnss
 Define booting and differentiate between a cold boot and a warm boot
 Define sleep mode, hibernate, and user interface
 Define kernel and memory resident, and explain how a memory resident portion of the OS is
different from nonresident portions of the operating system
 Use Figures 7-3a and 7-3b to differentiate between command-line interfaces and graphical user
interfaces (GUIs)
 Discuss Windows Aero
 Describe the following kinds of operating systems: single user/single tasking, single
user/multitasking, multiuser, and multiprocessing
 Describe what a fault-tolerant computer is
 Define memory management, virtual memory, and Windows ReadyBoost
 Define buffer, spooling, queue, and print spooler
 Explain the function of a driver, and describe Plug and Play technology
 Describe the function of a performance monitor
 List capabilities provided by operating systems
 Discuss automatic update and service pack
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Define server operating system and administrator account
Explain what the following terms mean: log on, user name (user ID), and password
FIGURES: 7-2, 7-3a, 7-3b, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7
1. Web Link: Spooling. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
2. Web Link: Plug and Play. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
3. Looking Ahead 8-1: Contact Lenses Monitor Glaucoma. Ask students to brainstorm other advanced
uses of technology like the one described in the text, and encourage students to visit the Web site
mentioned for more information.
4. FAQ 7-1: What are the guidelines for selecting a good password? Review the suggestions (and
prohibitions) mentioned and encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
5. Quiz Yourself 7-1: In addition to answering the questions in the text, as a quick review, have students
visit the Computer Concepts CourseMate Web site at, navigate to the Chapter
7 Quiz Yourself resource for this book, and then click Objectives 1 – 2.
Because it is easy to learn and use, a GUI often is called user-friendly. As an example of this userfriendly nature, consider how a relatively simple task, such as deleting a file, is performed with a
command-line interface and with a graphical user interface file manager. With a command-line
interface, a user might have to type del followed by the file name in quotation marks. Therefore, the
user must remember the command, type it correctly, and use the proper syntax. On the other hand,
with a GUI a user need only select (click) the file name in the file manager window and then click the
Delete command on a menu or the Delete button on a toolbar. Point out that many GUIs incorporate
browser-like features. Windows is a good example of an interface with browser-like features.
Two points to make on the subject of scheduling jobs: The term spooling comes from the observation
that placing print jobs temporarily in a buffer is somewhat like winding thread onto a spool so that it
can be used at a later time. When you define the term queue, explain that while U.S. students may be
unfamiliar with the word, it is used commonly in Britain to mean a line of waiting people or vehicles.
1. Group Activity: Graphical user interfaces use icons, or small images, to represent programs,
instructions, files, or some other object. Developing icons for a graphical user interface is not an easy
task. Although a good icon need not be a work of art, it must be a memorable symbol of the task or
object it represents. According to Susan Kare, creator of the icons used with many popular GUIs, “The
best icons are more like traffic signs than graphic illustrations.” Have students choose two of the utilities
described later in this chapter and, using two sheets of graph paper, create an icon to represent each
utility. Let each square on the graph paper stand for a pixel on a monitor screen. Color the appropriate
squares on the graph paper to create the image for each icon. On the back of the graph paper, have
students explain why the icon is suitable for the utility they chose.
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2. Quick Quiz:
1) How is a program in the foreground different from programs in the background? (Answer: A
program in the foreground is the active program currently being used, and a program in the
background is running but not in use.)
3. Critical Thinking: Some organizations require a user’s password to be several characters long, or to
contain a number. They also enforce a limit on the number of password entry attempts. Ask students for
their opinions of these security measures. Longer passwords are more difficult to guess, but they also are
more difficult to remember. Is the additional security worth the bother? Why or why not? Should the
number of entry attempts be limited? Why or why not?
227799:: TTyyppeess ooff O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
 List the three basic categories of operating systems: stand-alone, server, and embedded
 Use Figure 7-8 to identify operating systems in each category
1. FAQ 7-2: Which operating systems have the most market share? Review the pie chart and encourage
students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
1. Assign a Project: Have students find out the operating system that is used on their, or a friend’s,
personal computer. What company publishes the operating system? What type of interface does the
operating system use? Does the operating system support multitasking? Have students refer to the
documentation that accompanied the computer or operating system to determine the operating system’s
version and release number, and the year it was published. Try to find out when the first version of the
operating system was introduced, when the next version is expected, and how much the publisher
charges for upgrades.
2. Quick Quiz:
1) What does it mean for a new version of an operating system to be backward compatible?
(Answer: It recognizes and works with application software written for an earlier version of the
operating system or platform)
228800:: SSttaanndd--A
Alloonnee O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
 Define stand-alone operating system (client operating systems) and list examples
 Introduce Windows 7, and discuss the long history of the Windows operating system
 Describe Apple’s Macintosh operating system, and Mac OS X
 Describe UNIX and Linux
FIGURES: 7-9, 7-10, 7-11, 7-12
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1. Web Link: Windows 7. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
2. Web Link: Mac OS X. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
3. Web Link: Linux. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
4. Ethics & Issues 7-1: Closed Source vs. Open Source Operating Systems. Survey students on whether
or not open source operating systems are a good idea, and ask them to weigh the advantages and
disadvantages of open and closed source operating systems.
1. Class Discussion: Windows Millennium Edition was a result of Microsoft’s first recognition that the
needs of business and home users are different. Ask students why this realization was important. Would
students be more likely to purchase a version of Windows 7 in the Home or Professional category?
2. Class Discussion: A question that confronts companies and individuals worldwide when upgrading
computers is, “What operating system should we select”? Compatibility, usability, portability,
reliability, and cost are among the many factors that must be considered. Microsoft’s Windows
definitely has an edge as the most widely used and popular operating system. On the other hand, Mac
OS X has a reputation for being easy to use, IBM’s OS/2 is used widely among businesses, UNIX is
considered portable and reliable (it is a mature system, developed in the early 1970s, long before
Windows even existed), and Linux is available in free open-source versions. If you were buying an
operating system for a company, which one would you choose? Why? If you were purchasing an
operating system for a personal computer, what considerations do you think would be most important?
Why? What operating system would you select for a personal computer? Why?
3. Class Discussion: Linus Torvalds, one of this chapter’s Technology Trailblazers (see page 159), is the
creator of Linux. Although he may not be a household name, Forbes magazine calls Torvalds, “perhaps
the most popular programmer on the planet.” Among Internet disciples, his renown is clear: a Web
search engine returns more than 3.2 million hits when Linus Torvalds is the keyword. This secret
celebrity may be representative of a group interested in the lyrical, rather than the commercial, side of
computers. When asked what motivates him, Torvalds claims, “there’s a strong artistic element.” He
also points out that, “a big part of personal satisfaction is having your work recognized by your peers.
That’s fundamental in any human psyche.” Students may be interested in discussing the apparent
incentives for different Technology Trailblazers described in this text. Of these people who shaped the
computer industry, how many seem motivated primarily by the possibility of financial gain? How many
seem to have other motivations? What? What, if any, impact does motivation have on an individual’s
4. Group Activity: The Apple — PC rivalry may be evident in your class. It is not unlikely that among
students you will find both Apple and PC adherents. The relative merits, and limitations, of each system
could form the basis for a lively debate.
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5. Assign a Project: Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Inc., is a modern legend. A subject of Chapter
1’s Technology Trailblazers, Gates is one of the wealthiest men in the world, and Microsoft is one of the
most influential companies in the computer industry. Not surprisingly, the fascinating story of Bill
Gates, his ideas, and his company has been told (both favorably and critically) in many books,
including: The Road Ahead (Bill Gates), Business at the Speed of Thought (Bill Gates), Bill Gates
(Jeanine M. Lesinski), Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (James Wallace),
Bill Gates Speaks: Insight from the World’s Greatest Entrepreneur (Janet Lowe), Bill Gates: The Path to
the Future (Jonathan Gatlin), Gates: How Microsoft’s Mogul Reinvented an Industry — And Made
Himself the Richest Man in America (Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews), Overdrive: Bill Gates and the
Race to Control Cyberspace (James Wallace), Bill Gates: Billionaire and Computer Genius (Joan D.
Dickinson), Barbarians Led by Bill Gates (Jennifer Edstrom and Marlin Eller), Breaking Windows: How
Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft (David Bank), and Accidental Empires: How the Boys of
Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can’t Get a Date (Robert X.
Cringely). Have students read one of these books, or another book on Gates and Microsoft, and write a
report on the qualities they think led to the success of the man and the company.
6. Assign a Project: Application programs are designed to be used with specific operating systems. When
software is purchased, it is important to read the program’s packaging to determine if it is compatible
with the operating system on your personal computer. Operating systems undergo frequent revisions. A
higher, or later, version number often means a more recent revision (Windows 98 is a newer version
than Windows 95), but sometimes other designations are used (for example, Windows 7 is the latest
revision of the Windows operating system). Usually, operating systems are downward compatible,
meaning that an application program written for an earlier version of an operating system will work
with a later version of the same operating system. Often, however, an application program written for a
later version of an operating system (such as Windows 7) will not work correctly with an earlier version
(such as Windows 95). Have students visit a software vendor or Web site and find four application
programs in which they are interested that require the Windows operating system. Which of the
programs could they run on their personal computer if they had Windows 95? Windows 98? Windows
XP? Windows Vista? Windows 7? What is the earliest version of Windows they would need to run all
five programs? Can they find comparable programs that would run with an earlier version of Windows?
7. Quick Quiz:
1) Which of the following is open source software?
a) Windows 7 b) Mac OS X c) Linux d) All of the above (Answer: c)
2) Which of the following editions of Windows 7 is designed for netbooks?
a) Windows 7 Home Premium b) Windows 7 Ultimate c) Windows 7 Starter d) Windows 7
Professional (Answer: c)
8. Critical Thinking: At a recent technical conference, a speaker from a noted software company told an
audience of information-technology professionals that upgrading to a new operating system would be
“seamless.” His listeners responded with uncontrolled laughter. Adopting a new operating system
seldom is easy. As a result, no matter what the benefits, people often are reluctant to give up their old
operating systems. Although reviewers agree that each new version of Windows offered several
advantages over previous versions, one of the earliest editions of the operating system, Windows 3.1,
remained popular for years. Why might people be unwilling to embrace new versions of an operating
system? How could developers hasten acceptance of a new operating system? If you generally were
Discovering Computers & Office 2010 Instructor’s Manual
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satisfied with your current operating system, would you upgrade? Why or why not?
1. Take students into the lab to see either Windows 7 if they have not used it yet, and/or machines that
are running Linux and UNIX. Ask students to write a short description of the similarities and
differences among any of the operating systems available in the lab.
2. Take students into the lab to use machines running Mac OS X. Ask students to write a short
description of the similarities and differences between the Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
228822:: SSeerrvveerr O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
 Remind students that a server operating system supports a network
 Explain the relationship among the server, the client computers, and a server operating system
 Compare and contrast a server operating system with a stand-alone operating system with
networking capability
 List examples of server operating systems: Windows Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Solaris, and Novell’s
1. Web Link: Ethics & Issues. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
1. Class Discussion: When Microsoft released Windows 98, it claimed the new operating system was
evolutionary, not revolutionary. In other words, instead of being radically different, Windows 98 built
on the model of its predecessor, Windows 95. Of the stand-alone and server operating systems
described in this chapter — DOS, Windows XP, Mac OS X, UNIX, Linux, NetWare, and Windows
Server 2008 — which would you consider revolutionary? Why? Which would you call evolutionary?
Why? Based on your experiences with each operating system, is an operating system better off being
revolutionary or evolutionary? Why?
2. Quick Quiz:
1) What is Novell’s NetWare designed for? (Answer: Client/server networks)
228833:: EEm
mbbeeddddeedd O
Oppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteem
 Define embedded operating system and list popular embedded operating systems: Windows
Embedded CE, Windows Phone 7, Palm OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Google Android,
embedded Linux, and Symbian OS
FIGURE: 7-13
1. Quiz Yourself 7-2: In addition to answering the questions in the text, as a quick review, have students
visit the Computer Concepts CourseMate Web site at, navigate to the Chapter
7 Quiz Yourself resource for this book, and then click Objectives 3 – 5.
Discovering Computers & Office 2010 Instructor’s Manual
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1. Class Discussion: Futurists claim tomorrow’s operating systems may be very different from those we
use today. Innovations such as touch-screens, speech-recognition capabilities, automatic adaptability to
individuals, and even recognition of user emotional states have been suggested. Some innovators claim
operating systems will be simpler, others think they will be more complex. What would you like to see?
Will future operating systems be single-tasking, multitasking, or multiprocessing systems? How will
they handle such tasks as memory management, configuring devices, monitoring system performance,
administering security, and managing storage media? What type of interface will they have? Of the
operating systems with which you are familiar, which is most like, or most dislike, the perfect operating
system? Why?
2. Quick Quiz:
1) What is Symbian OS? (Answer: An open source multitasking operating system designed for
smart phones)
228844:: U
Uttiilliittyy PPrrooggrraam
 Define utility program (utility)
 Explain the function of each of the following kinds of utilities: file manager, search utility,
uninstaller, image viewer, disk cleanup, disk defragmenter, backup and restore utilities, screen
saver, and personal firewall
 Define folder and defragmenting
 Define virus, virus author, worm, Trojan horse, and antivirus program
 Differentiate between spyware and adware, and explain what spyware and adware removers are
 Define spam, phishing, zipped files, and uncompress
 Describe Internet filters, including anti-spam programs, Web filtering software, phishing filters, and
pop-up blockers
 Define each of the following: file compression utility, file conversion utility, media player, disc
burning software, and personal computer maintenance utility
FIGURES: 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 7-19, 7-20, 7-21, 7-22, 7-23, 7-24
1. Web Link: WinZip. Encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned for more information.
2. Innovative Computing 7-1: Utility Programs Locate Deleted Files. Survey students about their own
frustrating experiences with accidentally deleted files, and encourage students to visit the Web site
mentioned for more information.
3. FAQ 7-3: What steps should I take to prevent virus infections on my computer? Discuss the
suggestions about the use of antivirus software, and encourage students to visit the Web site mentioned
for more information.
4. FAQ 7-4: Where does spam originate? Discuss the origins of spam and encourage students to visit the
Web site mentioned for more information.
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5. Ethics & Issues 7-2: Should the Government Tax Media Downloads? Survey students about the
differences between taxable physical media and digital media.
6. Quiz Yourself 7-3: In addition to answering the questions in the text, as a quick review, have students
visit the Computer Concepts CourseMate Web site at, navigate to the Chapter
7 Quiz Yourself resource for this book, and then click Objective 6.
Emphasize to students that viruses are not harmless pranks — the Melissa virus, as one example, cost an
estimated $80 million in damages. A virus called the Love Bug wreaked havoc worldwide. The virus,
which targeted Microsoft Outlook users, arrived as an attachment to e-mail messages, often from what
would appear to be a “trusted source,” with the subject line, “ILOVEYOU” (hence the virus’s name).
When the attachment was opened, the virus sent itself to every name in the victim’s address book,
overwrote files on the victim’s hard drive, directed the victim’s browser to a Web site that downloaded
a program to steal the victim’s password, and then e-mailed the password to the virus’s author (who
eventually was discovered and arrested).
1. Assign a Project: Encourage students to use the Web to identify other stand-alone utilities besides
those listed in the text. Some examples include: desktop enhancers that change the desktop look and
organization, allowing users to create and switch between multiple desktops; file conversion utilities
that converts from one file format to another so that a file can be used by another application; and
Internet organizers that help in the management and use of favorite Web sites, searching the Web and
reporting on site changes.
2. Assign a Project: Many utility programs are available for users of personal computers. Have students
visit a computer store, read a computer magazine, or access a vendor’s Web site and choose two utility
programs in which they are interested. Write a review of the two programs. What is the function of
each? What are the system requirements? How easy is the program to use? How much does the program
cost? In their opinion, is the utility worth the price? Why or why not? If they could buy only one of the
utility programs, which would they purchase? Why?
3. Assign a Project: Using current computer magazines and business publications, have students
research the ways in which one of the operating systems described in this chapter is being used today.
What kinds of businesses are using the operating system? Why? How much is the operating system
being used by individuals on personal computers? What are the advantages of the operating system?
What are the disadvantages? What are the system requirements and price of the operating system?
From their research, what do they think is the future of the operating system?
4. Class Discussion: New utility programs are being developed continually to meet user needs. One new
utility guards against computer theft by once a week making a silent call to a control center. If the call
emanates from an appropriate number, the call is logged. If the computer has been reported stolen,
however, the center traces the call to locate the missing computer. What other needs could be
addressed by a utility program? Identify three specific tasks (not described in this chapter) related to
managing or working with hardware, software, or files that computer users would like to have
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performed. Why would these tasks be important to a computer user? What would a utility program do
to perform each task? If you were to market the utility program, what would you call it?
5. Quick Quiz:
1) What is ghosting? (Answer: A problem with displays in which images were permanently etched
onto the screen)
2) What does it mean for a file to be fragmented? (Answer: The contents of the file are scattered
across two or more noncontiguous sectors)
6. Critical Thinking: Some users insist that there is no such thing as a “harmless” virus, because all
viruses represent an unasked for intrusion into a computer system. Ask students how they feel about
“harmless” viruses. Does it make any difference whether the virus infection is on a business or personal
computer? Why or why not?
7. Critical Thinking: Today’s operating systems include a variety of features. They support a graphical
user interface, monitor performance, and administer security. Most operating systems also include a
variety of utility programs. These utilities offer functions such as managing files, viewing images,
uninstalling programs, diagnosing problems, scanning disks, defragmenting disks, backing up files and
disks, and displaying screen savers. Do you think an operating system should include these features? Are
these features useful? What other features could be included in an operating system? If you were to
write an overview of the perfect operating system, what features would you include?
1. Ask students to go into the lab and access two or three of the utilities described in this section and
then write a short summary of their experiences using the utilities as well as the options they find in
each utility.
EEnndd ooff CChhaapptteerr M
Chapter Review provides a general survey of the material in the chapter. Students can use these
pages to reinforce their achievement of the chapter objectives.
Key Terms allows students to use these terms from the text to prepare for tests and quizzes.
Checkpoint exercises review key terms and concepts presented in the chapter. Have students
complete the Multiple Choice, Matching, and Short Answer exercises.
In the Problem Solving exercises, students expand their knowledge by solving practical computer
problems. Encourage students to visit the forum to discuss the Problem Solving exercises in this
chapter with other students.
The Learn How To exercises apply to students’ every day life what they learn in each chapter. These
hands-on activities solidify the concepts presented in the chapter with practical application.
Learn It Online exercises offer students additional information, resources, and activities related to
the topics presented in the chapter.
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In the Web Research exercises, students use various Web resources to find out more features related
to this chapter. Encourage students to use their browsers and the link in each exercise or a search
engine to complete selected exercises.
Discovering Computers & Office 2010 Instructor’s Manual
Glloossssaarryy ooff K
Keeyy TTeerrm
administrator account (144)
adware remover (155)
anti-spam program (155)
antivirus program (288154)
automatic update (143)
backup utility (152)
booting (138)
buffer (141)
cold boot (138)
command-line interface (139)
defragmenting (152)
disc burning software (157)
disk cleanup (152)
disk defragmenter (152)
driver (142)
embedded operating system (149)
file compression utility (156)
file manager (151)
folder (151)
graphical user interface (GUI) (139)
hibernate (138)
image viewer (151)
Linux (148)
log on (144)
Mac OS X (147)
Macintosh operating system (147)
media player (156)
memory management (141)
multiprocessing (141)
multiuser (141)
operating system (OS) (137)
password (144)
performance monitor (143)
personal computer maintenance utility
personal firewall (153)
phishing (156)
phishing filter (156)
Plug and Play (142)
pop-up blocker (156)
queue (142)
restore utility (152)
screen saver (153)
search utility (151)
server operating system (143)
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service pack (143)
sleep mode (138)
spam (155)
spooling (141)
spyware remover (155)
stand-alone operating system (146)
system software (136)
Trojan horse (154)
uncompress (156)
uninstaller (151)
UNIX (147)
user ID (144)
user interface (138)
user name (144)
utility (150)
utility program (150)
virtual memory (141)
virus (154)
warm boot (138)
Web filtering software (156)
Windows 7 (146)
Windows Aero (139)
Windows ReadyBoost (141)
worm (154)
zipped files (156)
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