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Infection Prevention and Control – Handling of Blood and Body Fluid Spill
Strength of Evidence Level: 3
The purpose of this procedure is to protect patients,
caregivers and staff from exposure to bloodborne
pathogens resulting from a spill of blood or body fluids.
1. Spills of blood or body fluid on any surface should
be cleaned up immediately and handled according
to this procedure.
2. Per OSHA 1910.1030(d)(4)(ii)(D), broken glassware
which may be contaminated shall not be picked up
directly with the hands. It shall be cleaned up using
mechanical means, such as a brush and dust pan,
tongs or forceps.
3. Per OSHA 1910.1030(d)(4)(ii)(A), contaminated
work surfaces shall be decontaminated with an
appropriate disinfectant after completion of
procedures; immediately or as soon as feasible
when surfaces are overtly contaminated or after any
spill of blood or other potentially infectious materials;
and at the end of the work shift if the surface may
have become contaminated since the last cleaning.
Blood spill kit
Disposable gown or apron as necessary per standard
Goggles and mask or mask with eye shield per
instructions on disinfectant
Paper towels
Plastic bags
Disinfectant: 1:10 freshly made bleach or EPA
registered tuberculocidal disinfectant
Dust pan with broom or brush, tongs or forceps, if glass
or sharp objects are involved in the spill.
1. Adhere to standard precautions.
2. Place paper towels over the spill area and allow
spilled material time to absorb into the towels. Allow
to sit per manufacturer instructions.
3. If broken glass is involved use broom or brush to
sweep broken glass and towels onto dustpan and
discard in rigid, impermeable container. Place in
plastic bag and discard in regular household trash.
Disinfect reusable dustpan and broom/brush after
4. If no broken glass involved, place towels containing
spill material in plastic bag and discard in regular
household trash.
5. Disinfectants may be damaging to carpet, fabric and
other surfaces. Use in residence only with the
homeowner’s permission. Disinfect the area by
applying disinfectant wipes or paper towels wetted
with disinfectant.
SECTION: 14.08
Keep surface damp with disinfectant for length of
time per manufacturer instructions; remove
wipes/paper towels and allow area to air dry.
Place used disinfectant wipes/paper towels in
plastic bag and discard in regular household trash.
Discard disposable gloves.
Perform hand hygiene.
1. Use extreme care to prevent self contamination.
2. Report incident to supervisor.
3. Document per agency policy:
a. Details of spill of blood or body fluids.
b. Method for handling the spill.
OSHA. (n.d.). Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.
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