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International Workshop on the Innovations within the
Tropical Forests Industries and Forest Items Thereof
Derived (Tropical Timber Related Innovations)
FROM 22nd TO 25th of September 2008
The International workshop on the Innovations within the Tropical Forests
Industries and Forest items thereof Derived known as AIFORT2008 is organized by the
state of Côte d’Ivoire in collaboration with the International Tropical Timber
Organization (ITTO)
This is an opportunity to ask oneself some questions about the efficiency of the
steps conducted so far and also to probe/survey new ways in order to launch the
development of the forest and wood sector in tropical areas as a rule and particularly in
Africa in the context of the continued damage to world tropical forest despite the
numerous strategies implemented to make a sustainable management of them,
AIFORT appears to be a forum of exchange among different participants and
institutions involved in the scope of R& D as well as in the innovations of tropical woods
industries for the purpose of assessing their state and determine the most suitable
actions policies to reach the goal of improvement in the sustainable management of
tropical forest resources, in the competitiveness of forest products, in the promotion of
innovating technologies transfer.
This international worksop whose topic is “creation of riches and sustainable
growth through the innovating tropical woods industry of the 21st century” will
occur from the 22nd to 25th of September 2008 in Abidjan.It consists of three
main sections as follows:
The lectures forum which will take place with the communications of experts
and works in commission arranged around several topics;
An exhibition of the tropical forests industry and products thereof derived
,known as EXPO AIFORT2008 also related to several topics;
And finally a trip to visit some wood processing plants and a training and an
integrated production farm designated for the purpose of modern management
of rural professions.
This document defines the concept of innovation and includes the event temporary agenda.
 The concept of technological Innovation
The concept of innovation as defined by the OECD in the manual of Oslo helps
make comparison at the international level.In fact, innovations may result from new
processes or new products from companies’point of view but not necessarily for the
technologically improved products and technological innovations of processes.
A technologically new item is an item whose technological features or
designated use present significant differences as compared to those previoulsy
manufactured. Any such innovations can involve new technologies or rely on the
association of existing technologies in new applications or result from drawing
profit from new knowledge.
A technologically improved product is an existing product (good or service)
whose performance is noticeably increased or ameliorated. A simple product may
be improved (through improving its performance or decreasing its cost) by the
use of more efficient components or materials or a complex product that takes
on several integrated technical sub-systems can be bettered by the means of
partial alterations to one of the sub-systems.
There is technological innovation of process when a company introduces a
method of production, a method of providing services or of delivering new
products or clearly altered. The new methods of production may imply
alterations to the production’s equipment or organization or the combination of
both modifications and may result from drawing benefit from new
knowledge.The result must be significant as per the production level, the quality
in the products or the production and distribution costs.
14:00-18:00: Registration Start-up.
Registration & Opening
08:00-9:45: Attendees’ registration and visit of the open house exhibition stands.
(See page 12 for exhibition description.)
10:00-11:00: Official opening.
 Chairman of the Steering committee: Introduction of the Workshop
 Welcome speech of the Mayor of Abidjan
 External participants:ITTO, FAO,COMIFAC
 Government ministers
 President of the Republic.
11:00-11:30 visitation of the Exhibition stalls’ by the Ivorian Officials and
government ministers.
11:30:12:00: Coffee Break and in-group photographs.
12:00-12:15 Workshop presentation by the National Coordinator as per the
Objectives, the expected results, the agenda and the commission works
organization. Workshop’s logistic related announces.
SESSION I in lecture: General Introductory Presentations
Official Recorder:
Topic description:
The speakers will review the technological innovations in the field of the world
tropical forests industry, will assess the existing state of R & D and will make
recommendations as for the actions, policies and strategies likely to enhance the
innovation that enables improvement in the sustainability and competitiveness of forests
industries of the ITTO country members as a rule and of its african members in
particular.This workshop will cover the following:
 Technological innovations at the global level
 Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry in Africa
 Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry in Latin America.
 Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry in Asia and Pacific
12:15-12:35 : Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry and the
existing state of R & D at the global level.
12:35-12:55: Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry and the
existing state of R & D in Africa.
12:55-13:15: Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry and the
existing state of R & D in Latin America.
13:15-13:35: Technological innovations in the tropical forests industry and the
existing state of R & D in Asia and Pacific.
13:35-13:55: Discussions and summary.
13:55-14:55 : Lunch Break
SESSION II in lecture: The existing situation of the innovation in the
sector of tropical forest-timber
Topic description:
The speakers will present cases of learnings and experiences from ITTO projects in
the scope of technological innovation in the field of sustainable forest management,
development in the forest industry and tropical woods markets .The presentations will
include the following particular areas:
 Recent progress in the improvement of the output per felling and in the
transport of wood.
 Improvement in the seasoning and processing of tropical woods.
 Innovating technologies in improving the adhesion systems of tropical woods
14:55-15:15 : Technological innovations in the tropical forest industry: Main
learnings and experiences from various ITTO related projects.
15:15-15:30: Innovating technologies that improve quality in seeds, in the
natural tropical forests productivity and tropical plantations and that improve
quality in the output per felling as well as in the transport in Côte d’Ivoire.
15:30-15:45: Innovating technologies in the seasoning and protection systems of
tropical woods in Latin America.
15:45-16:00: Innovating technologies for the use of the hevea tree in the fields
of construction and cabinet-making.
16:00-16:30: Discussions and summary.
16:30-16:45: Coffee Break
16:45-18:00 : Works In Commissions
Three commissions will be working on the following topics:
 Research and development in order to improve the competitiveness of the
tropical forest industry in Africa and in the world.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 Promoting policies and strategies for the technological innovation in the
tropical forests industry
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 Data sharing and learnings transfer in the field of tropical forests industry
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
18:00-18:30 : Delivery of the works in plenary commissions, summary of the day.
19:00: Reception-Diner
08:30-08:40: Program of the day.
Session III in lecture: Innovations in increasing value in non-timber
forests products
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
Topic description:
The forestry sustainable management requires envisioning the problematical issue
of the increase in the value of non ligneous tropical forest products from upstream. (i.e.
from the production or gathering, the collection, the domestic storage to the
exportation) downstream (that is, the industrial processing) .The economic role of Non
Timber Forest Products (NTFP) may grow if they are best valued in particular by the
domestic based industries .However, the guarantee of PFNL access to the markets, to
the export markets in particular requires significant support in terms of industrial
innovations to make them competitive. What is the potential, what are the constraints
and which strategies may be conceivable? The different speakers’ presentations should
prove helpful in responding to these questions and to several more, consistent for the
promotion of the tropical NTFP industry.
08:40-09:00: Recent technological innovations in the scope of increased value in
non ligneous forest products at the global level in general and in Africa in
09:00-09:15: Technological innovations in the processing and in the trade of non
ligneous forest items in Brasilia.
09:15-09:30 : Technological innovations in the NTFP processing in Africa: learning
and constraints
09:30-09:45: (The experience of Asia)
09:45-10:00: State of the research and development in the improvement of the
added value through the processing and the use of NTFP.
10:00-10:20 : Discussions and summary.
Session IV-A: Innovations In Increasing Value In The By-Products Of The
Tropical Timber Sector
 Chairman:
 Recorder
Topic description:
The wood sector generates wood related wastes at each one of the processing
levels. These wastes and the various other related products of the sector include forest
exploitation related residue, products generated from the first processing stage of
sawmills and paper mills originated woods, wastes produced from the second processing
stage (furniture, cupboards and vanity cases, pallets manufacturing ,from timber ), as
well as secondhand commodities and the packings. These wastes represent important
economic losses .More importantly, as for all industrial sectors; the need to protect the
environment will make rise new constraints for tropical forests products industries. With
the multiplication of the regulations, the processing of by-products and of wastes and an
increase in their value is of need. Among the possibilities offered, the use of forest byproducts as source of energy for companies constitutes a potential and real advantages.
It is of paramount importance therefore to lead reflections on innovations likely to help
increase value in by-products and wastes from the timber sector.
10:15-11:15: Innovations in increasing value in the tropical forests related byproducts in the world in general and in Brazil in particular.
11:15-11:30: Innovations in increasing value in the tropical forests related byproducts in Africa.
11:30-11:45 : State of the research and development in increasing value in the
by-products of the tropical timber sector.
11:45-12:00: Innovations in increasing value in the forest related by-products:
the ghanaian experience.
12:00-12:15 : (The experience of Côte d’Ivoire.)
12:15-12:30: Policies and strategies in increasing value in the forest related byproducts in Africa
12:30-13:00: Discussions and summary.
SESSION IV-B: Competitiveness of the tropical timber in the context of
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
Topic description
Globalization has among other effects that of bringing on the same market more
diversified commodities from different nations. And this also proves truthful of timber
industry related products. Tropical forest related products, diversified and less
homogeneous, have the reputation of being sensitive to this shift and are subject to a
hard international competition. Western countries’ markets for undressed tropical or
slightly processed timber evolve in niche markets and specific places. As for the african
continent whose tropical timber industry is not yet sufficiently developed, it is getting
more and more difficult to meet with the specificities of european niche markets .The
need of asian markets strongly dependent on raw materials is also growing .It is
estimated that if european non tariff barriers get developed faster than the
competitiveness of the african production systems, this state of dependence of the asian
markets will go growing. Moreover, the tropical timber is facing harsh competitiveness
from other materials such as plastic and metal etc. A reflection related to the future of
tropical timber is therefore of need in order to determine the proper innovations
required to ensure a sustainable trade in tropical timber.
10:50-11:15: competitiveness of tropical timber in the context of globalization.
11:15-11:35 : competitiveness of the african tropical timber in the international
11:35-11:55: Prospect for tropical timber as per competing materials.
11:55-12:15 : Research ontimber superseding materials in Thailand.
12:15-12:35: The experience of Côte d’Ivoire.
12:35-13:00: Discussions and summary.
13:05-14:30 : Lunch Break
SESSION V-A: Technological innovations in the forests industries based on
local communities.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
Topic description
For the populations living in countryside areas, forests products industries based
on local communities appear to be an opportunity to tap into their existing forest
resources in equal way and thus ensure to the best a sustainable management of those
They also constitute a vital means of income as for their possibly creation of
added value potential. Any such industries are regarded as a means of decreasing
poverty. As a consequence, mutual exchange of experiences is of paramount importance
to determine whether forest products related industries based on local communities can
get more developed and take part to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium
Development Objectives.
14:30-14:50 : technological innovations for the improvement of the added value
in tropical forests industries based on local communities
14:50-15:10: Innovations in the forests industries based on local communities in
Latin America
15:10-15:30: Innovations in the forests industries based on local communities in
15:30-15:50: Innovations in the forests industries based on local communities in
Asia and Pacific
15:50-16:15 : Discussions and Summary
SESSION V-B : he role of the technologies of information and
communication in promoting technological innovations
within the tropical forests products industry
 Chairman/woman
 Recorder:
Topic description
The technologies of information constitute a basical element to the industrial
development. When connected to tropical forests products, these technologies could
prove helpful in accessing relevant data related to the existing markets outlets including
a proper marketing of their products for the wood industries. Increasing international
competition and mutual dependence of markets, the enlargement of production systems
based on the optimization of information transactions…. It is timely therefore, to
consider to which extent the technologies of information and communication could
contribute to the capacity building of the tropical forest industry in Africa.
14:30-14:50: Technologies of information and communication in promoting
technological innovations within the industry of tropical forests products.
14:50-15:10: In which may the information about the technological innovations in
the field of tropical forests products industries prove helpful for the african
producing countries in improving competitiveness of their ligneous and non
ligneous export products ?
15:10-15:30: The Ivorian experience
15:30-15:50: Specific experiences in the world
15:50-15:20: Discussions and Summary.
15:20-15:50 : Coffee Break
15:50-17:30 : Works in commissions.
There will be 03 commissions thinking on the topic hereafter:
 Opportunities and constraints in the marketing of non ligneous forests
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 The use of the technologies of information and communication in promoting
the technological innovations in the tropical forests products industry.
Opportunities and constraints in the marketing of environment services.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 Opportunities and constraints in the development of tropical forests
products industries based on local communities.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
7:30-18:00: Delivery of the works/reflections held in plenary commissions;
Summary of the day.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 Field visit.
Topic description:
An assessment of the ivorian forest sector at the end of the year 1990s made
majors recommendations for a sustainable management of forest resources among
which, the forest policy should further contribute to enhance the integration of the tree
in the agricultural production system, help stabilize and intensify farming. The activities
developed in the farm of the SAP LAME agro-pastoral company in the department of
ADZOPE constitute a relevant illustration. Beyond sylviculture, this farm includes several
other rural profit-making professions and is used as a training center for the young
farmers within the department who want to make it in the modern management of land
related activities. The farm supports them to set up.
Moreover, the forest impoverishment in Côte d’Ivoire resulted in the export ban of
rough timber and in promoting an optimized use of natural resources by reinforcing
export duties related to non-seasoned cut up woods. The two processing plants selected
for the field visit are specialized each in the unrolling system and in the first basicprocessing sawing (sciage en 1ère transformation principale) They have second
processing workshops and also retrieving /recovery systems to reduce to the minimum
losses as per material output. With their proposal of a third processing level, they are
doing their part in the promotion work of the most developed processing systems that
seem to have hit a rough patch due to the obstacles related to the markets of semifinished and finished products of the ivorian woods.
06:00: Departure from ABIDJAN
09:00: Arrival in ADZOPÉ
 Visit of the Ivorian Floor Manufacturing Plant (FIP) by the 1 st group. This
group will be divided into two (2) subgroups of 20 members each. While one
will be visiting the FIP plant, the other will be visiting the INPROBOIS plant,
which is the Wood Promotion Industry factory then the two subgroups will
alternate one hour later.
 Visit of the SAP LAME farm by the 2nd group. This group will not have a
layover at ADZOPE at arrival, but will rather continue to the SAP LAME site
13:00-14:00 : Assembling of the two groups at SAP LAME for the lunch break.
 SAP LAME site visit by the 1st group;
 FIP and INPROBOIS plants visit by the 2nd group. This group will also be
divided into 2 subgroups of 20 members each .While one will be visiting the
FIP plant, the other one will be visiting the INPROBOIS plant, which is the
Wood Promotion Industry factory, then the two subgroups will alternate one
hour later.
Visit route description:
 Visit of the Ivorian Floor Manufacturing Plant (FIP) by the French speaking
group A:
 Wood park
 Flooring wheel
 Sawmill
 Recovery/Retrieving workshop
 Sharpening workshop
 Semi-finished products
 Visit of the Wood Promotion Industry factory ( INPROBOIS ) by the French
speaking group B:
 Wood park
 Plywood and Unrolling wheel
 Sawmill
 Recovery workshop
 Sharpening workshop
 SAP LAME site visit by the English speaking group:
 Mono-specific reforesting of TEAK (Tectona grandis, from the lamiacées family)
,of ceiba pentandra ,Bombax ceiba (from the Bombacaceae family ) and
reforesting of teak- fromager multi-specific plantations ;
 Planting hevea trees (Hevea brasiliensis) and pepper plants (piper nigrum);
 Cocoa tree experimentation(theobroma cocoa)
 Rearing :fish breeding, agouti (African giant Rat) breeding, rabbit breeding;
 Two types of enriching with various natural species such as :
Niangon (tarrieta utilis), mahogany (khaya ivorensis,khaya grandifolia),
Dibetou (Lovoa trichilioides), Tiama (Entandrophagma angolensis);
 Nursery of various essences and of jatropha curcas,from the family of
 Converted arboretum ;
 S’SPIRULINE packaging and processing plant (additional nutrient processed from
green alga )
17:30: Departure from ADZOPE back to ABIDJAN
08:30-08:15: Schedule of the day
Session VI in lecture: Technological innovations in the tropical forests
industries for trade in environment services.
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
Topic description
The global trade in carbon emissions opens its door with the promise of becoming
one of the fastest growing raw materials markets in the world. We can also see the
emergence of companies which launch out into the commerce of carbon and which may
create both new ways and incentives based upon the markets to resolve the problem of
global warming .It is therefore timely to consider the extent to which technological
innovations in the tropical forest products industry could allow producing countries to
take advantage of the trade in carbon emissions.
08:15-08:45 : Trade in carbon emissions: Which opportunities for the tropical
woods industry?
08:45-09:05: Safer Mechanisms of Development
09:05-09:25: Carbon emission
09:45-10:20: Discussions and summary
10:20-10:50 : Coffee Break
Organization: 3 commissions related to the topics hereafter:
 Constraints and opportunities related to the marketing of environment
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 Learnings from the field visit and recommendation applicable to Côte
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
 R& D for the technological innovations that can help improve the
competitiveness of tropical woods as compared to substitute products
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
12:30-13:00 : Delivering the summary and works in commissions
SESSION VII: Workshop Activities Synthesis
14:30-14:15: Adopting the final conclusions and recommendations in plenary.
 2 co-presidents:
 Recorder:
15:15-15:45: Coffee Break
15:45-16:45 closing ceremonies
 Closing session program announcement.
 A few words of thanks by the attendees’ representatives: Asia, Latin
America, Africa and other.
 Reading of the final conclusions and recommendations
 Closing Speech
16:45-17:45: Closing cocktail
 Chairman:
 Recorder:
Topic description:
Expo AIFORT2008 is taking place in order to reinforce AIFORT2008 scientific days
and appears to be a real platform for visual information and for exchanges around the
african tropical woods and in the world. It is a space that allows to recognize the
economic operators of the forest-wood department in general and industrialists in
particular, craftsmen and miscellaneous other service providers, the economic
environment of tropical woods and likely innovations
Expo AIFORT2008 takes part to the promotion of wood as a resource that has
never been out of fashion ever since and whose interest will still grow till tomorrow
EXPO AIFORT2008 will occur over four (4) days devoted to AIFORT2008, from 22 nd 24th September 2008
EXPO AIFORT2008 is open to the public and gathers the following main themes:
Area 1: wood industrialists and related products
This theme is devoted to the exhibition and to the interest of products that derive
from the tropical wood manufacturing. It will describe the hinderings met by the
factories but will also focus on the innovations achieved as per manufacturing.
Area 2: vendors/machines and set of tools
It is about inviting suppliers to show their equipments and their using and
optimization processes as per work or material output. This topic will highlight the
effect of the tools on the factors’ costs and other.
Area 3: Wooden-made Houses and Interior.
Here, the topic is devoted to the accessories and interior decoration with forests
items so as to value the wood, the forest and raise their competitiveness despite the
existing substitute materials.
Area 4: small-scale village/Land and Discovery
This topic aims at presenting the goods and services at the community level and
the innovations brought at the level of resources harvesting, at the packaging and
processing levels so as to contribute to the proper management of the forest resource.
Area 5: Financial partners and service providers/business contacts
It is an exchange space between manufacturers to seek for partnerships, between
operators and buyers for trade contracts and for the purposes of traditional markets
It also targets to favoring relationships between funds providers and the operators
of the sector.
Expo AIFORT2008 targets (page 13)
 Workshops attendees:
 Business men and women
 Architects and entrepreneurs
 Investors, Banks and development facility involved in the forest-wood
 Buyers, importers and exporters of woods and forest products
 Populations and individuals;
 Officials, administrations and partners.