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NATURAL METHODS – Other than abstinence, these methods are
NOT RECOMMENDED for teenagers because there are too many
 ____________________: Refraining from engaging in any sexual
activity. The only 100% effective method of contraception.
 ____________________: When a woman charts the length of at
least 8 menstrual cycles to determine the average length of her
cycle. The first day of her period is considered day 1 of each new
cycle. 18 days are subtracted from the length of the shortest cycle
to find the first unsafe day and 11 days from the length of the
longest cycle to find the last fertile day.
 ___________________________: When a woman records her
temperature every day, immediately upon rising and before any
physical activity or urinating. A drop in basal body temp may
precede ovulation by 12 to 24 hours, followed by a progressive rise
during the next several days post ovulation. 75-99% Effective.
 ___________________________: When a woman checks the
changing quality of her cervical mucus during various phases of
her menstrual cycle. Cervical mucus secretions are usually cloudy,
but near ovulation they become clear, slippery and stretchy
between the fingers in a thin strand of two inches or more. This
altered discharge usually coincides with a feeling of increased
vaginal wetness or stickiness. The last day of this period is called
the peak day, and ovulation typically occurs the day after the peak
day. A woman is fertile from the time the clear mucus appears
until the fourth day after the peak day. 75-99% effective.
 ___________________________: This is the removal of the penis
from the vagina just before ejaculation.
 ___________________________: This is the worst method
for teens. No protection against STD’s or Pregnancy. If
you use this method you are trying to start a family!
BARRIER METHODS – These are methods that stop the sperm
from joining the egg by placing a barrier between them.
 ___________________: A sheath that covers the penis during
intercourse to prevent sperm from entering the vagina. 85-98%
Effective nearly 100% with withdrawal. Made from latex,
polyurethane, or animal skin.
 ___________________: A pouch that is worn inside the vagina to
prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Made from latex,
polyurethane, or animal skin.
 ___________________: A thimble-shaped latex cap coated with
spermicide that fits over the cervix.
 ___________________: A shallow, round dome made of soft latex
or gum rubber coated with spermicide, about two to four inches in
diameter. The rim of the diaphragm is sealed over a flexible metal
spring or coil to hold it in place. The diaphragm is placed inside
the vagina and is designed to completely cover the cervix of the
uterus. Visit a private doctor or a family planning clinic for an
exam and prescription. Diaphragms and caps may be purchased at
a drugstore or clinic. An examination costs from $50 to $200.
Diaphragms and caps average from $15 to $75. A kit of
spermicidal cream, jelly, or foam costs from $8 to $17.
 ___________________________: The Protectaid® contraceptive
sponge is a unique barrier device made of polyurethane foam
impregnated with F-5 Gel (spermicide).
 ___________________________ (IUD): A small (1–1½ inch)
device made of soft plastic that inserted into the uterus to prevent
pregnancy. A small string hangs down from the IUD into the upper
part of the vagina. The IUD is not noticeable during intercourse. It
is thought to immobilize sperm or speed the transport of the ovum
through the fallopian tube. 99% effective, Cost 175-400 including
exam and insertion. IUD’s can last 1-10 years.
 __________________: is a hormone-based contraceptive. It’s a
soft, flexible ring about two inches in diameter it is inserted into
the vagina once a month. The ring contains estrogen and progestin
and has the same effects as oral contraceptives. UP TO 99.7%
CHEMICAL METHOD - These methods kill sperm or stop the
ovaries from releasing egg cells.
 __________________: Prevent pregnancy by killing sperm so that
none can reach and fertilize an egg. Foam, cream, jelly, film, or
suppository is put deep into the vagina shortly before intercourse to
immobilize sperm and keep them from joining egg. $8-17
 ____________________________: Oral contraceptives, known as
"The Pill", contain two synthetic female hormones (estrogen and
progesterone) that prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the monthly
release of the "egg" from the ovaries.
 ______________________________ - a 2-inch by 2-inch paper-thin
sheet that contains a chemical that kills sperm (called nonoxynol-9). It
is translucent (permitting light to go through it). It is placed on or near
the cervix (the opening of the womb). It will dissolve immediately.
 ________________ (ORTHO EVRA): a thin plastic patch placed on
the skin of the buttocks, stomach, upper outer arm, or upper torso
once a week for three weeks in a row. Uses hormones similar to the
estrogen and progesterone made by a woman’s ovaries to usually,
prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) also thicken
cervical mucus to prevent sperm from joining egg. The cost is about
55-125 for the exam and 35 a month for the patch. This method is up
to 99.7% effective.
 ____________________________________: (Norplant, DepoProvera mini pill): Can be administered orally, by injection, or via
implants. Progesterone inhibits ovulation, thickens the cervical
mucus, thins the endometrium, and causes early degeneration of the
corpus luteum. 92—99.7% EFFECTIVE.
 __________________: Six thin, flexible plastic implants are inserted
under the skin of the upper arm. The soft capsules are about the size
of a cardboard matchstick. Each contains a hormone (levonorgestrel)
like the progesterone made by a woman's ovaries. A small amount of
hormone is released constantly. The hormone keeps the ovaries from
releasing eggs. It also thickens the cervical mucus, keeping sperm
from joining with an egg.
 __________________: A prescription method of reversible birth
control. It is a hormone like progesterone that regulates the menstrual
cycle. A shot of Depo-Provera in the buttocks or arm can prevent
pregnancy for 12 weeks by not allowing the ovaries to release eggs.
Depo cost about $215-$545 for a year’s use.
SURGICAL METHOD – This prevents sperm from meeting to
the egg. Either the eggs path is blocked or the sperms path is blocked.
 ___________________ (TUBAL LIGATION, VASECTOMY):
Surgery performed on the female to prevent an ovum from
reaching the uterus, and sperm from reaching the egg. Surgery
performed on the male to prevent sperm from being released from
the body.
 ______________: An operation that blocks the tubes (the vas
deferens), which carry a man's sperm to the penis. This operation
should be considered permanent. Vasectomy cost between $240$1000.
 ___________________________: An operation that blocks the
fallopian tubes that carry a woman's egg to her uterus. Tubal
ligation cost between $2000-$6000.
 _____________: The Essure procedure is a sterilization procedure
for women that is performed by an Essure trained doctor. Unlike
tubal ligation and vasectomy, there are no incisions. Instead,
micro-inserts are passed through the body's natural pathways
(vagina, cervix, and uterus) and placed into your fallopian tubes.
 ___________________ (RU 486): Method of termination of
pregnancy for early pregnancies. It works to block the action of
progesterone and cause the shedding of the endometrium. In
addition it opens the cervix and causes contractions that help
dislodge and expel the embryo.
 __________________________(Plan B): Emergency use only.
The morning after pill tries to block a pregnancy from happening.
The sooner it is taken the better it will work.
Female condom
Male condom
Contraceptive foam, jelly, suppository
Vaginal contraceptive film
Emergency Contractive – Plan B
CONDOM - Lubricants that can and will weaken or disintegrate latex condoms.
 Petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
 Baby oil
 Cooking oil
 Vegetable oil
 Hand lotion
 Body lotion
 Crisco
 Chocolate syrup
 Suntan lotions or creams
Tubal sterilization
Intrauterine device (IUD)
Periodic Abstinence or Fertility Awareness Methods
Missed menstrual period
Tenderness in the breasts
Change in appetite
 Blood test - This tests for the presence of HCG (Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin) in the blood. In pregnancy, the placenta produces large
amounts of HCG, which can be detected in the female’s blood as early as 6-8
days after fertilization. A physician performs the test.
 Urine test - HCG is also found in urine and can be detected in as few as 7
days after conception. The test is performed by a physician and is 99%
 Home Pregnancy Tests - Same as urine tests, but can be used any time after
the first day of your missed period. Read instructions carefully.