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Chapter 5 Discrete Random Variables and Distributions
A. Continuous vs. Discrete Distributions
1. Random Variable-rv – a variable whose value is a numerical outcome is a random
phenomenon. One and only one numerical value is assigned to each outcome. The r.v. can be
either discrete or continuous.
a. Discrete random variable – a random variable that takes on whole numbers or integers.
b. Continuous random variable – when the random variable can take on any value in an interval;
not just whole numbers.
2. Discrete Probability Model – This is a probability model that has a finite sample space and
also takes on a finite value or infinite sequence of values.
3. Continuous Probability Model – this is a probability model that has an infinite sample
space. We cannot assess the probability of an outcome at a point in this case  the reasoning is
the probability of something at one point under a distribution is zero since the area would be 0.
-probability in this case must be measured using a range of values and is the area under the curve
in that range.
Ex: a uniform distribution or normal distributions are good examples.
4. Discrete Probability Distribution - p(x) – a table, formula, or a graph showing how
probability is attached to each possible value the random variable may assume.
i- 1 ≥ p(x) ≥ 0; so as before the probability must be greater than 0 and less than 1.
; so the sum of all the probabilities must add to 1.
Example: Consider some r.v. x = # of car sales in an hour
We can see that the sum of all of probabilities
5. Mean, Variance, & Standard Deviation of a discrete r.v.
a. mean – this is the average. It is also called the expected value (ie what you expect to occur on
average) and is denoted E(x)
E(x) =
b. variance – the interpretation is the same as before. So it is the squared deviation of each value
from the mean.
Var(x) =
c. Standard deviation – the average deviation of each data value from the mean (as before)
Std(x) =
Example: Let’s use the values above to calculate each of the measures in 5.
= 0(0.4) + 1 (0.3) + 2 (0.2) + 3(0.1) = 1.0
So what this says is on average we expect 1 car to be sold per hour.
= [ (0-1)2(0.4) + (1-1)2(0.3)+ (2-1)2(0.2) + (3-1)2(0.1)] = 1
-Var(x) =
-Std(x) =
Note: the fact that the mean, variance, and standard deviation are all the same is only a property
of these values. You should not expect this to occur often at all.
B. Binomial Distributions
To have a binomial distribution we must meet certain criterion. We first must have a binomial
1. Binomial experiment – an experiment that meets the following conditions:
a. consists of a sequence of n identical trials
b. two outcomes are possible each trial  success or failure; each has their own probability
c. The probability of success is called p, while the probability of failure is (1-p). This does not
change from trial to trial.
d. The trials are independent of each other. So no one trial affects the probability or the outcome
of another trial.
-what we are interested in are the number of successes (or number of times an event occurs)
given that we run n trials. So if we denote X as a success, we note that X – [0, n]. Since the
number of values is finite we note that the binomial distribution is a discrete distribution (i.e. not
2. Binomial Distribution - the distribution that is associated with this type of experiment.
Ex: tossing a coin 5 times follows a binomial distribution. We can let success = head and failure
= tail, but it could just as easily be the other way around.
Facts: n = 5, p = 0.5, (1-p) = 0.5, and each toss is independent of the other.
3. Binomial Coefficient – the number of experimental outcomes that gives us exactly x
successes in n trials.
( nx ) = n! / x! (n-x)!
Where (n-x)! = (n-x))(n-x-1)(n-x-2)….(3)(2)(1)
n! = (n)(n-1)(n-2)….(3)(2)(1)
** This is the same concept as combination in chapter 4 notes.
4. Binomial Probability Function – the function that gives the probability of an event
occurring with x successes out of n trials.
Mathematically: f(x) – P( X = x) = ( nx ) px (1-p)(n-x)
Where p = probability of success, (1-p) = probability of failure, & n = # of trials
5. Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
a. mean – E(x) =
= n*p
b. variance – Var(x) = = np(1-p)
c. standard deviation - Std(x) =
n * p(1  p)
6. Normal Approximation to the Binomial – under certain circumstances we can use the
standard normal to approximate what happens with the binomial. If we have sufficiently large
numbers of observations this is a valid technique. So we get a distribution that is
N(n*p, n * p(1  p) .
Condition: We will assume that it is normal when it meets the following two conditions.
(a) n*p ≥10
(b) n (1-p) ≥10
7. Example: Suppose we have a binomial that we are looking at where we have n=10, x=4, and
the probability of success p=0.65. What is the probability that we get 4 successes in 10 tries
So we use our formula for the binomial probability
f(x) – P( X = x) = ( nx ) px (1-p)(n-x) = P( X = 4) = ( 10
= 10! / 4! (10-4)!
4 ) (0.65) (1-0.65)
*[(0.65)4 (0.35)(6)] = 10*9*8*7/4*3*2*1 [0.00033] = 210*(0.00033) = 0.06891
So we find that the probability of 4 successes is around 6.9% given all these conditions. Note
that we can also look at this as being the probability of 6 failures (i.e. if we have 4 successes in
10, then it is the same as saying it has 6 failures in 10).
Normal Approximation: Note that we have n*p = 6.5 and n(1-p) = 3.5. This does not satisfy our
conditions for using the normal, but we will do it anyway to show how it can be used to
approximate the probability calculations, and should do so well in this case since it is very close
to meeting the required conditions. So if we look at:
P ( X = 4 ) and convert it to a normal approximation  P ( X < 4 ) = P (Z < (4 – 6.5) / 2.275 )
= P ( Z < -1.66) = 0.0485
We see that since the conditions were not met that the approximation is different from the actual
calculation. In this case it is about 30% different, but we would expect that as we get closer and
closer to the conditions that the values would converge to one another.
C. Poisson Process – Optional
-this distribution is used when you consider how many times an event occurs in a given period of
time or space (like for queuing time  waiting time)
1. Assumptions:
i- the probability of the event occurring must be the same or constant across all time/intervals of
equal length
ii-the occurrence of an event in one interval is independent of every other interval
iii- probability distribution – p(x) =
2. Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
a. Mean =
b. Variance =
c. Standard Deviation =
*so an interesting characteristic of this distribution is that the variance and mean are the same.
3. Example: Suppose that we are told that the number of calls a call center gets per 15 minute
time interval is 2 calls on average. Find the probability of receiving 6 calls in a 1 hour time
So we know that μ = 2 for 15 min. So the average for 1 hour would be 2*4 because there are 4
time intervals given.
So the p(x) =
 P(6) =
≈ 0.122 or about 12.2%
Note that if we wanted to get the probability of having 6 or fewer calls we would have to find P
(X ≤ 6 calls) = P(6) + P(5) + …+ P(1) +P(0)