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Chapter 6 Quiz
1.) Should the personal trainer develop diets for clients? No
2.) What are the 6 classes of nutrients?
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water
3.) Consistently consuming too little energy will burn enough of your lean mass
(muscles) that the rate at which you burn calories (called the “metabolic rate”) will
decrease. Therefore, your body weight usually increase because you lose your ability to
burn the calories you eat.
4.) Maintaining energy balance throughout the day by consuming small but frequent
meals during the day is an excellent strategy for reducing problems.
5.) Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram.
6.) List 3 samples of good carbohydrate snacks.
Apple, bagel, banana, fruit, whole-wheat bread/toast, spaghetti, orange juice
7.) Why does chapter 6 frequently reinforce a diet of small frequent meals versus the
more traditional 3 (breakfast, lunch, dinner) large meal diet?
One reason for this is to sustain blood sugar levels, which is the primary fuel for the CNS (brain).
If the brain receives insufficient glucose, mental fatigue will result, and mental fatigue results in to muscles
fatigue. Blood sugar level reaches its peak approximately 1 hour after a meal and is back to premeal levels
about 2 hours after that. This strongly suggest that meal frequency should be approximately every 3 hours
to avoid the mental and muscle fatigue that could result from low blood sugar level .
8.) What is the glycemic index?
Is a measure of how different consumed carbohydrate foods affect the blood sugar levels. Foods
are compared with the ingestion of glucose, which has an index value of 100. It is generally believed that
focusing on foods with a lower GI helps maintain blood sugar, avoids an excessive insulin response that
encourages the production of fat and keeps people feeling better longer.
9.) Name 3 common foods which have a low glycemic index.
Below 60: apples, cherries, peaches, plums, milk, yogurt
60-85: banana, grapes, orange juice, pasta, whole grain rye bread, all-bran
10.) Protein provides 4 calorie per gram.
11.) What is the recommended protein intake gram per kilogram of bodyweight for
Children: 1.0-1.6
Adults: .8
Adult athletes: 1.2-1.7
12.) Contrary to what many believe, why does the ACSM recommend endurance athletes
should take in more protein than strength athletes?
If carbs and fats are inadequate, an endurance athlete will utilize protein for
13.) Name 3 functions of protein:
Enzyme and protein synthesis, transports nutrients to the right places, source of
energy, hormone production, fluid balance, acid-base balance, growth and tissue
maintenance (why it is much more needed in growing children than adults), synthesis of
nonprotein, nitrogen-containing compounds
14.) What is the difference between essential and nonessential amino acids.
Essential = we must take into the body b/c we cannot make them, like meats, eggs,
milk, cheese, and fish
Nonessential = amino acids which can be synthesized in the body.
15.) Name 3 food sources of protein:
Cheese, chicken, milk, yogurt, tuna, meat, turkey, shrimp, clams, salmon,
16.) Should you recommend supplementation of creatine monohydrate? Why or why
No, because it has never been tested for safety.
17.) What percent of fat intake is the generally accepted healthy limit? 30 but 25 would
be better.
18.) Name 3 functions of fat:
Source of energy, provides insulation from extreme temperatures, cushion against
concussive forces, satiety control, carries essential nutrients (A,D,E,K)
19.) High-density lipoproteins are considered good cholesterol.
20.) Fats provide 9 calories per gram.
21.) What is the best way to make certain that an adequate amount of all the vitamins
and minerals are consumed .
Eat a wide variety of foods and consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
22.) Place a W for water-soluble vitamins and an F for Fat-soluble vitamins.
Vitamin C: W
Vitamin A: F
Thiamin: W
Vitamin D: F
Vitamin E: F
Vitamin K: F
Riboflavin: W
Naicin: W
23.) Iron and Zink are found in red meat.
24.) Deficiency in iron is common in most industrialized countries.
25.) About 60 % of total body weight is water.
26.) Name 2 fluid intake recommendations to stay hydrated.
*consuming fluids on a fixed time interval rather than relying on thirst for when
to drink
*drink as much as needed to match sweat losses
*drink 20 ounces per 1 pound of sweat loss
27.) 6 % carbohydrate solution is ideal to re-hydrate during physical activity.
28.) Name one benefit of utilizing a sports drink versus water:
* people, especially children would rather drink a sports drink instead of water
and therefore helps them stay hydrated.
*water has no energy whereas sports beverages contain carbohydrate.
*the sodium provided by sports beverages helps maintain blood volume, a factor
that is critical to maintaining sweat rates and performance. Sweat contains
sodium that water does not replace.
29.) Describe what an athlete should eat:
a. one day before a competition:
*avoid high fat food
*eat well throughout the day with whole grain carbs, fruit, vegetables
*dinner should include some rice, pasta, vegetables and lean meat,
chicken, or fish
*drink an extra 16oz of fluid throughout the day
b. day of a competition
*this meal should focus on providing carbohydrates and fluids 3 hours
before game time, no fat should be in the meal.
*drink 5-7 mL/kg body weight of water or sports beverage 4 hours before
practice or competition
*drink an additional 7-10 ounces of fluid 10-20 minutes before practice or
c. during competition
*stop and go sports should consume some type of sports beverage
containing 6% carbohydrates
*Long duration sports such as cycling or cross country skiing should
consume easy to digest foods such as a banana with a sports beverage
(6% carbohydrate). The ACSM recommends drinking 28-40 ounces of
such a beverage every hour
e. after competition
*consume 200-400 calories from carbohydrate immediately following
activity and then an addition 200-300 calories from carbohydrates with
the next several hours.
30.) approximately 20 oz of fluid should be consumed for each pound of body weight
lost during exercise.
31.) Why is skipping a meal a huge reason people have high body fat levels.
Skipping a meal will cause you to produce excess insulin the next time you eat
which will make more fat than if you ate more frequently. If you are trying to lose
fat, eating small and frequent meals will maintain blood sugar levels.