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Part A: 70 multiple choice questions covering 1st semester (August to Greece)
Part B: 5 short answer questions (2 straight short answer; document questions)
PRE- HISTORY- UNIT I: VOCABULARY- 5 Themes of Geography, Cartography, Distortion, Projection, Latitude,
Longitude, Carbon Dating, Prehistory, Anthropology, Archaeology, Artifacts, Fossils, Hominids, Neanderthal, Homo
Sapiens, Homo Erectus, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Revolution, Bronze Age, Nomad, Clan, Domestication,
Specialization, “Lucy, ”Mary and Louis Leakey, Catal Huyuk, Stonehenge, Otzi, Lascaux, Culture, Civilization.
 What are the 5 different themes of geography? Can you apply them to a city?
 Who is seen as the first hominid and what made them different from other humans?
 What distinguishes the transition from prehistory to history? (Paleolithic to Neolithic)
 What do anthropologists and anthropologist do?
 What does carbon dating do to help scholars?
 What contributions do each human subgroup provide us?
 What does a nomad do?
 What advancements were made by humans in the Paleolithic Era? How about the Neolithic Era?
 Why is it important to study ancient sites and cities like Catal Huyuk and Stonehenge?
 What are the different characteristics associated with civilization?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EARLY RIVER VALLEY- UNIT II VOCABULARY- Polytheistic, Pictograph, Cuneiform, Dynasty, Mesopotamia, Fertile
Crescent, Tigris & Euphrates, Ur, Sumer, City-States, Epic of Gilgamesh, Assyrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Hittites,
Nebuchadnezzar, Hammurabi’s Code, Ziggurat, Theocracy, Nile, Scribes, Pyramids, Mummification, , Papyrus
Pharaoh, Hieroglyphic, Akhenaton, Ramses II, Namer/Menes, Persia, Royal Road, Cyrus, Darius, Zoroastrianism,
Imperial bureaucracy, Monotheism, Israelites, Palestine, Jerusalem, Abraham, Moses.
LOCATIONS: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Israel, Jerusalem, Sumer, Nubia, Tigris River, Euphrates River, Nile River.
Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea
 What were the characteristics and location of the Mesopotamians?
 Where was the Fertile Crescent located and why was it the “Cradle of Civilization?”
 What were the characteristics and location of Ancient Egypt?
 What were the characteristics and location of the Hebrews
 What were the characteristics and location of the Assyrian Empire?
 What were the characteristics and location to the Persian Empire?
 How did writing evolve over time and civilizations?
 How were the first law codes of civilizations developed and whom did they mainly apply to?
 Review your Religion chart. Study up on the founders, holy books, beliefs structures of Judaism.
 What is the common theme between polytheism, monotheism, Zoroastrianism, theocracy, and Jews?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INDIA/CHINA- Unit III Vocabulary- Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Monsoons, Indo-Europeans, Aryan, Hinduism,
Brahmin, Vedas, Upanishads, caste system, karma, reincarnation, enlightenment, Nirvana, Shudra, untouchable,
Mauryan Dynasty, Gupta Dynasty, Buddhism, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Siddhartha Gautama, Asoka,
Dynastic Cycle, Mandate of Heaven, Oracle Bones, Confucianism, Filial piety, Laozi, Taoism/Daoism, Yin and Yang,
Legalism, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Shi (Qin) Huangdi
Locations: Indus River Valley, Hindu Kush, Himalayas, Bay of Bengal, Khyber Pass, Deccan Plateau Gobi Desert,
Huang (Yellow) River, Chang (Yangtze) River, Korean Peninsula
 How is India geographically located and what are its features?
 In which ways did monsoons affect the Indian climate and lifestyle?
 What were the two early civilizations that settled in the northern part of India?
 Who were the Indo- Aryans and how did they settle in India?
 What was the writing of the ancient Indians?
 What is the caste system? How does it work? Who is in the caste system? Outside the caste system?
 What are the tenants of both Hinduism and Buddhism? ( again -- look at your religion chart)
 How do Hinduism and Buddhism view the Caste System differently?
 Accomplishments of the three great Indian Empires?
 Who is Asoka and what did he do?
 Explain what the golden age of the Gupta Empire was like? Why is called the Golden Age?
 What was the legacy of the ancient Indian civilizations?
 How was the Shang Dynasty formed and how did they contribute to Chinese history?
 How was the Zhou Dynasty formed and how did they contribute to Chinese history?
 How was the Qin Dynasty formed and how did they contribute to Chinese history?
 How was the Han Dynasty formed and how did they contribute to Chinese history?
 What were the major religions/philosophies of ancient China and how did they impact dynasties?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GRECCE- Unit IV Vocabulary: Minoans, Mycenaean, Dorians, Oligarchy, Tyranny, Mythology, Oracle, Homer, Polis,
Agora, Acropolis, Persian War, Xerxes, Thermopylae, Hoplites, Infantry phalanx, Peloponnesian War, Delian
League, Peloponnesian League, Parthenon, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pericles, Direct Democracy, Euclid,
Pythagoras, , Sophocles, Herodotus/Thucydides, Phidias, 3 Types of Columns, Archimedes, Hippocrates, Phillip II,
Alexander the Great, Hellenistic
Location: Aegean Sea, Balkan and Peloponnesus peninsula, Europe, Asia Minor, Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea,
Troy, Sparta, Athens, Macedonia
 How did geography influence the lives of the ancient Greeks?
 How were Greek commerce and colonization important in the ancient Mediterranean world?
 What religious beliefs were at the center of the Greek outlook on life?
 How did Democracy emerge in the aristocratic Greek city-states?
 What were the Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War, and what was their significance?
 What was life like in Athens during the Age of Pericles?
 How did the Greeks contribute to science, philosophy, and the arts?
 Who were Philip of Macedonia & Alexander the Great & how did they spread Greek culture?
Suggestions for Studying:
Spend approximately 1-2 hours on each section (geography, units 1-5) over the course of a week.
Do not try to cram all information the night before the exam.
Review through notes focusing on unit guides and study guides
Practice with flash cards made over the first semester
Review quizzes and tests from folder (must be returned at exam time)
Review the online powerpoints
Make short outlines of the possible essay topics
Be able to answer the short answer questions above (the information will also be reflected in the multiple
choice section)