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Subject: 7th Grade Social Studies Essential Standards
Unit 2
Unit Title: Age of Discovery: Exploration & Revolutions 1450-1850
Timeframe: 9 weeks
Grading Period: 2nd 9 weeks
Dates of Completion:
Suggested Understandings:
The Age of Exploration 1450-1650
o Europeans search for new trade routes: All-water routes to China and India, Migration from Europe to the Americas.
o Marco Polo reaches China, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Dynasty of India, and the isolation of China and Japan.
o Portugal Explorers: Bartholomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan
o Spain Explorers: Christopher Columbus, Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Hernando de Soto, Francisco de Coronado
o Italy Explorers: Amerigo Vespucci
o Describe what Spanish conquest did to the Native American population.
o The Rise and Fall of Spain: Moors, Ferdinand & Isabella, Columbus, Charles V & Holy Roman Empire, Spanish Armada.
o Portuguese bring African slaves to Americas/ Columbian Exchange/ Triangle Trade/ Middle Passage/ Slavery
o Establishing Colonies: England Explorers: Sir Walter Raleigh, Roanoke Island, Jamestown (John Rolfe plants tobacco), Pilgrims,
Mayflower, Mayflower Compact, and the 13 English colonies. France Explorers: Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec, Great Lakes,
Mississippi River and Louisiana. French and Indian Wars.
o Trade Patterns/ Goods exchanged and the discovery of new goods in Americas and impact on the world.
The New Science 1540-1750/ The Age of Reason Scientific Revolution 1687-1789
o Francis Bacon and 5 Steps of the Scientific Method.
o Ptolemy’s Theory about Earth
o Galileo’s Theory and condemnation by Catholic Church.
o Scientists, Theories, and Inventions (potential scientists): Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Andreas Vesalius,
William Harvey, William Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin, John Napier, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, Christian Huygens, Gabriel Fahrenheit,
Anders Celsius.
o Explain how Isaac Newton’s reasoning influenced people.
o Describe the Age of Reason, The Enlightenment, and an enlightened thinker.
o New Theories on Government: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau
An Age of Revolution 1600-1850
o The rise of nations: Define feudalism, nationalism, monarch, absolute Monarch.
o 1688 Glorius Revolution in England: Elizabeth I, King James I and Divine Rights, England rejects Absolute Monarchy: Civil War in
England, Cavaliers vs. Puritans, Restoration, Glorious Revolution-Whigs vs. Tories, England creates Constitutional Monarchy, Impact
of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution on democracy
o 1672-1725 Peter the Great and Catherine the Great of Russia.
o Revolution in the American Colonies: Navigation, Quartering, Stamp, and Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party.
o The American Revolutionary War: 1774 representatives of 13 colonies meet in Philadelphia, Boycott British goods, Lexington &
Concord in 1775, Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, Saratoga, Yorktown.
o The French Revolution: 1789-1799 3 classes or estates: clergy, nobles, commoners. Louis XIV, Louis XVI, Versailles, Estates General,
National Assembly, Bastille, France’s Constitutional Convention, King Leopold of Prussia, Guillotine, Maximilien Robespierre, Jacobins,
Reign of Terror, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon Bonaparte.
o Age of Napoleon and The French Empire: First consul, Military Dictator, defeat of Holy Roman Empire, Confederation of the Rhine,
Bonaparte brothers, Continental system, Czar Alexander I and the invasion of Russia, 1814 defeat of Napoleon, Elba Island, Waterloo,
exiled to St. Helena. Napoleon is defeated and sent into exile by Austria, Prussia, Gt. Britain, and Russia.
o Congress of Vienna: role of Prince Metternich of Austria, outcome of the Congress of Vienna, halt to nationalism, restore kings and
land to European nations.
o Describe the impact of the Monroe Doctrine.
o Wars for independence in Latin America:
-Fight for Hispaniola: French owned the west- Toussaint L ‘Ouverture and Haiti, Spain owned the east and became Santo Domingo.
-Peninsulars vs. creoles in Spanish colonies of South America.
-Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin defeat Spain in South America.
-Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos lead Mexico to independence from Spain.
-Brazil gains independence from Portugal in 1822.
o Germany: Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto, and the Proletariat.
The Industrial Revolution 1750 to 1850
o Industrial Revolution and the need for natural resources, workers, and capital.
o Growth of the first modern industries: textiles, coal, steam, electricity, oil, gasoline.
-Inventors: John Kay, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, Samuel Crompton, Eli Whitney, Abraham Darby, Henry Bessemer.
-Factories and Mass Production: Samuel Slater, Moses Brown, Francis Lowell.
-Improvements in transportation: roads, canals, steam locomotives, railroads.
o Emergence of Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism
o Problems of Industrialization: migration from farms to cities, garbage and bad water, health issues, sanitation, child workers.
o The evolution of the nature of work and the labor force, including its effects of families, the status of women and children, the slave
trade, and the labor union movement.
o Inventions that helped industrialization: Samuel FB Morse- Telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell-Phone, Thomas Edison- Light bulb,
Gottlieb Daimler- combustion engine, Wilbur & Orville Wright- Airplane.
Curriculum Goals/Objectives:
 7.H.1.1-3:Use historical thinking to analyze
various modern societies.
 7.H.2.1, 2.3: Understand the implications of
global interactions.
 7.G.1.2-3: Understand how geography,
demographic trends, and environmental
conditions shape modern societies and
 7.G.2.1-2: Apply the tools of a geographer to
understand modern societies and regions.
 7.E.1.1: Understand the economic activities
of modern societies and regions.
 7.C&G.1.1-4: Understand the development
of government in modern societies and
 7.C.1.1-2: Explain how culture unties and
divides modern societies and regions
(religious conflict)
Suggested Essential Questions and Understandings:
 Why were Europeans interested in discovering new lands and markets?
 Why did European nations search of an all-water route to China and India?
 Examine the explorations of Marco Polo.
 Where was the Ottoman Empire located, and how did it expand?
 What were the contributions of the Mughal emperors of India?
 How did the Mughal Empire trade with European nations?
 How did the Chinese and Japanese attempt to limit the influence of European merchants?
 Provide reasons why the Spaniards came to the Americas.
 How did Spanish conquest effect the Native American population?
 Why did Portugal introduce African slavery into the New World.
 What plants were grown in the Americas that made differences around the world?
 What were the effects of European migration to the Americas, Africa, and Asia?
 What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange?
 What was the triangular trade?
 How did Africa become involved in foreign trade?
 How did philosophers of the Enlightenment influence thinking on political issues?
 What effect did the composers, artists, philosophers, & writers have on modern society?
 Describe the role Isaac Newton played in the history of science.
 What were some of the effects of the new scientific theories and discoveries?
 List some of the inventions and contributions of early scientists.
 Compare feudalism and nationalism.
 Explain how nations developed.
 Describe the rise and fall of Spain as a powerful nation.
 Explain rule by “divine right”.
 Describe England’s constitutional monarchy.
 Explain how Louis XIV helped France become powerful.
 Explain why historians call two Russian monarchs “great”.
 Why did European countries participate in imperialism and a race for colonies?
 How did the Enlightenment promote revolution in the American colonies?
 How did the ideas of the Enlightenment contribute to causing the French Revolution?
 How did the American and French Revolutions influence Latin American independence
 List the causes of the American Revolution.
 How did the American Revolution change the world?
 Describe the causes of the French Revolution.
Describe the Reign of Terror.
List the accomplishments and failures of Napoleon.
Describe the legacy of Napoleon.
State the purpose and outcome of the Congress of Vienna.
Explain the difference between radicals, conservatives, and liberals.
Describe the wars of national liberation that occurred in the 19th century.
How did the American and French Revolutions influence Latin American independence
Describe the impact of the Monroe Doctrine.
Explain the ideas of socialists and socialism.
What economic conditions were needed for industrialization to take place?
Explain what was revolutionary about economic changes that took place in England
during the Industrial Revolution.
How did the Industrial Revolution produce changes in culture and society?
What was the role of capitalism and market competition in the Industrial Revolution?
Describe the benefits and problems of industrialization.
Identify important inventions that helped industrialization.
How did the Industrial Revolution impact the lives of women, children, and the family?
Why did workers organize into labor unions?
Suggested Essential Vocabulary:
Glorious Revolution
Mayflower Compact
Columbian Exchange
Divine Right
Military State
Suggested Assessment Tasks:
Prime Minister
Industrial Revolution
Natural Resources
Assume that you have been chosen to serve on a panel
charged with naming someone to appear on the cover of
Time Magazine as “The Outstanding Medieval Scientist.”
Choose one of the following and explain your reasons for
your choice: Nicolaus Copernicus, Andreas Vesalius,
Galileo Galilei, William Harvey, Isaac Newton.
Can the evidence in Student Handout 1.1 about reasons
for Native American population decline be accepted as
reliable? Why or why not? Are the reasons on which there
is agreement more likely to be correct than those only one
observer mentions? Why or why not? *Have students
Jigsaw the text and then complete the activity.
(to get documents:
 big era 66.2 Columbian exchange)
Spanish Armada
Triangle trade
Middle passage
Scientific Law
Scientific Method
Scientific Law
Absolute monarchy
American Revolution
French Revolution
Reign of Terror
Congress of Vienna
Balance of Power
Assembly line
Mass production
Raw Materials
Child Labor
Labor Union
Internal Combustion Engine
Mother Country
Sphere of Influence
Work in a group to create a map of the world depicting
the routes of each explorer. Each explorer should be
illustrated using a different color and the areas claimed by
the explorer and country shaded in different colors.
Create a ‘Farcebook’ page for one of the leaders of the
Working with a partner, complete research on an explorer
& produce a green screen video outlining the expeditions
and discoveries of an explorer.
Create a PowerPoint or animoto video on the events
leading to one of the above Revolutions.