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Ahlcon Public School, Mayur Vihar-1, Delhi.
Class: XI
Subject: HISTORY Assignment No. 2
Academic Session: 2016-17
Theme 2 – Writing and City Life (Questions marked with an ** are to be done for H.W.)
1. Explain how the desert in Mesopotamia could become the birthplace of a civilization.
2. ** Briefly explain each step / stage in the developments leading to the Urban
Revolution in Mesopotamia. (Write your answer under suitable headings.)
3. Explain why Mesopotamia is referred to as a Bronze Age civilization.
4. Describe how trade and transportation was organized in the urban centers. (Refer to
pages 33 and 44)
5. ** Discuss how the Mesopotamians developed the art of writing. What was the initial
attitude towards writing? Analyze why writing become their greatest legacy to the
6. To what extent was literacy widespread among the people and rulers in Mesopotamia?
7. ** Describe how urbanization spread in Southern Mesopotamia. (Refer to the role
played by temples, kings and wars- write your answer under appropriate headings).
8. Describe how the Mesopotamian society was organized.
9. ** Explain the features of the Mesopotamian city of Ur.
10. ** Describe the manner in which Mari developed differently as compared to other
cities in Mesopotamia.
11. How do we know about the pride felt by the Mesopotamians in their cities? (Refer to
pg.45 and notes on the Gilgamesh Epic given in class.)
Mark and label- Rivers Tigris & Euphrates; Desert of Arabia; Black Sea, Caspian Sea,
Mediterranean Sea; Persian Gulf; Regions- Mesopotamia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon,
Iran; mark with a dot and label the sites of- Mari, Babylon, Uruk, Ur, Baghdad.
NOTE 1: Map work will be done using a sharpened lead pencil; while labeling on the
map, joined handwriting is not allowed; always write the title of the map on the map
itself; make a key on the map where required.
NOTE 2: You have been provided with extra notes on the Law Code of Hammurabi
and the Epic of Gilgamesh. This is part of your syllabus. Evaluation of these two
topics will only be in the form of “passage based questions”.