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pGLO prelab
1. What does transformation mean?
2. What areas of biotechnology is transformation used? Give 2 examples.
3. Draw a picture of a transformed bacterial cell with the pGLO plasmid
inside it. Include the substances that are in the surrounding agar plate.
4. What genes does the pGLO plasmid carry? What does each one do?
5. Why do scientists prefer to do transformation on a simple organism like
6. Why do plasmids make good vectors (something that transfers DNA from
one place to another)?
Draw and label the 5 plates you poured for the pGLO lab.
7. On which of the plate would you expect to find bacteria most like the
original non-transformed E. Coli colonies? Explain your answer.
8. If there are any genetically transformed bacterial cells, on which plate(s)
would they most likely be located? Explain your predictions.
9. What other molecule is required for expression of the GFP gene? (hint
look at plates 4 and 5)
PGLO Results and Conclusions
1. Complete the following table by observing the 4 agar plates.
Bacteria has not had
pGLO plasmid inserted. Its
plated on normal luria
broth agar with no
ampicillin added.
Bacteria has not had
pGLO plasmid inserted. Its
plated on normal luria
broth agar with ampicillin.
This bacteria has been
transformed (carries pGLO
plasmid). It is plated on
luria broth with ampicillin.
This bacteria has been
transformed (carries pGLO
plasmid). It is plated on
luria broth with ampicillin
plus arabinose sugar.
2. Compare the –DNA/LB plate with the –DNA/LB/AMP plate. What can you conclude
about normal E. coli?
3. Compare the –DNA/LB/Amp plate with the +DNA/LB/AMP plate. What can you
conclude about the transformed E. coli?
4. Compare the –DNA/LB plate with the +DNA/LB/AMP plate. Why were the growth
patterns different?
5. If +DNA/LB/AMP did not produce colonies, what could be the reason?
6. As you compare the original bacterial traits (-DNA) to the transformed bacterial traits
(+DNA), what two new traits do the transformed bacterial cells now exhibit?
7. What kind of molecule is glowing?