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Updated 7/20/2016
Greek and Latin Roots, Suffixes, Prefixes, Vocabulary, and Spelling Contracts
Note: all vocabulary and Greek words will be written in student agendas, newsletter, and
posted on Google Classroom. The words chosen are critical to fifth grade across the
curriculum. Therefore, please check your child’s agenda, the class newsletter, or Google
Classroom for definitive words if needed.
Four mandatory vocabulary/ spelling contracts listed here must be done every week.
1. Create a set of flash cards: provide the word, definition, sample sentence, and a
picture (if using Google Slides), 3 x 5 index cards, or simply use lined paper.
 Front: the word
 Back: definition and sample sentence
 Definition example: Perseverance means to battle through any difficulty to be
successful Sample sentence example: Mr. Gumm displayed perseverance while trying to
locate his golf ball during the tournament)
2. Create a crossword puzzle with clues. You may use Google Sheets as well. Do not
forget the clues.
3. Spelling/ Vocabulary pretest signed by an adult. Words that were misspelled must be
rewritten correctly. Likewise, all words must have the definition as well. The test
must be done in pen.
All assignments must be TITLED, neatly written, and their name on the upper right
corner. These must be turned in every Friday at 8:30 am. Otherwise the work will be
considered incomplete or missing.
Greek/Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes:
 All roots, prefixes, suffixes must have its definition.
 Find two words using the Greek/Latin root, prefix, or suffix.
 Write a sample sentence for both words to show a clear understanding of Greek
 Here is an example:
o Greek prefix: post
o Post definition: after
o Sample words: postdate and postgame
o Sample sentences:
 Please postdate your assignment for two weeks since you’ll be on
 The postgame show explained the offensive’s powerful dominance.