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Period 3: 600-1450
Tang and Song China
Directions: Access the website and read the materials. Answer the questions as you go.|Tang
1. What is the era following the Han Dynasty known as?
2. Who reunified china after the centuries of division?
3. What was constructed under the Emperor and why?
4. What led to the fall of the Sui Dynasty?
5. How would you characterize the Tang Dynasty?
6. Who was the Tang Dynasty founded by?
7. What religion flourished under the Tang? Why?’
How does the painting reflect the characteristics of Tang art?
9. Do you consider China under the Tang Dynasty to be a golden age? Why or why not, use specific
Go to this site: and answer
the questions that follow.
10. What is the period after the fall of the Tang Dynasty called?
11. What achievements were made under the Khitan/Liao Empire?
12. Who was able to unify China in 960?
13. What did the Emperor do to shift the bureaucratic balance?
14. Identify how this painting reflects Song society.
15. How does the painting reflect the characteristics of Song art?
16. Do you consider China under the Song Dynasty to be a golden age? Why or why not, use specific
Go to this site and answer the questions that follow:
17. How were Confucian teachings implemented in Song China?
18. What was the status of women in Song China?
19. Compare the status of women in Song China to that of the Abbasid Dynasty.
20. Shade in the map with the regions of the Tang and the Song
Outline an essay answering this prompt:
Analyze the change and continuities in social structures in China from 600-1000 CE