- The Bonhoeffer Center
... seeking to recapture the element of law which remains in the life of grace. He, and they, reject a grace which leads to moral anarchy or a law which leads to “rabbinic legalism,” but seek a fusion of the two which makes a new and Christian form of active moral existence possible.16 ...
... seeking to recapture the element of law which remains in the life of grace. He, and they, reject a grace which leads to moral anarchy or a law which leads to “rabbinic legalism,” but seek a fusion of the two which makes a new and Christian form of active moral existence possible.16 ...
(and Is) Abraham? - Princeton University Press
... after all, and that this son will inherit not only the promises of blessing and great nationhood, as does Ishmael, but, unlike Ishmael, the covenant as well. Much of the second half of the story of Abraham focuses on the relationship of these two sons (and that of their mothers as well), until final ...
... after all, and that this son will inherit not only the promises of blessing and great nationhood, as does Ishmael, but, unlike Ishmael, the covenant as well. Much of the second half of the story of Abraham focuses on the relationship of these two sons (and that of their mothers as well), until final ...
Manichaeism, Buddhism and Christianity in Marco - E
... In that way the congregation of Foochow was able to fool the two Venetian travellers as well as the imperial Board of Rites, as is dramat¬ ically described in the final episode of Marco Polo's narrative. Asked by the emperor to solve the question by themselves, the representatives of the community ( ...
... In that way the congregation of Foochow was able to fool the two Venetian travellers as well as the imperial Board of Rites, as is dramat¬ ically described in the final episode of Marco Polo's narrative. Asked by the emperor to solve the question by themselves, the representatives of the community ( ...
the prevalence of christianity in roman britain to ad 410
... Church sites are also critical for establishing Christian presence in Britain. Literary evidence attests the presence of churches at Silchester, Caerwent (also known as Caerleon, who had two notable martyrs in Aaron and Julius), and (from Bede) Canterbury. Charles Thomas researched sites that had a ...
... Church sites are also critical for establishing Christian presence in Britain. Literary evidence attests the presence of churches at Silchester, Caerwent (also known as Caerleon, who had two notable martyrs in Aaron and Julius), and (from Bede) Canterbury. Charles Thomas researched sites that had a ...
Christian church itself has used capital punishment
... • Christians would be wary of punishing for the purpose of deterrence as this may lead to people being used as scapegoats. • A central idea in Christianity is that the strong should protect the weak. • Christians would support reformation because they believe everyone can change for the better. ...
... • Christians would be wary of punishing for the purpose of deterrence as this may lead to people being used as scapegoats. • A central idea in Christianity is that the strong should protect the weak. • Christians would support reformation because they believe everyone can change for the better. ...
Richard I of England - Educating Excellence
... Cologne (all located in modern-day Germany). It is one of only three Jewish accounts of the First Crusade that have survived. The Persecutions of 1096 was probably written many years after 1096, and Eliezer may have relied on other sources, as well as his own experience, in writing it. With passiona ...
... Cologne (all located in modern-day Germany). It is one of only three Jewish accounts of the First Crusade that have survived. The Persecutions of 1096 was probably written many years after 1096, and Eliezer may have relied on other sources, as well as his own experience, in writing it. With passiona ...
Purity, Sacrifice, and the Temple
... Texts are plugged into preconceived conceptions of religious history, where trajectories are assumed to run from primitive, pre-Israelite cult practices to ancient Jewish symbolic or ‘‘spiritualized’’ understandings of sacrifice, culminating in the nonsacrificial practices of contemporary Christianity ...
... Texts are plugged into preconceived conceptions of religious history, where trajectories are assumed to run from primitive, pre-Israelite cult practices to ancient Jewish symbolic or ‘‘spiritualized’’ understandings of sacrifice, culminating in the nonsacrificial practices of contemporary Christianity ...
... suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Chr ...
... suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Chr ...
... suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Chr ...
... suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Chr ...
Get Ready to Read (cont.)
... The Byzantine Church • The Greek-speaking Christians in the East developed their own form of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church. • The Byzantines believed their emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth. • The emperor appointed the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern Or ...
... The Byzantine Church • The Greek-speaking Christians in the East developed their own form of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church. • The Byzantines believed their emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth. • The emperor appointed the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern Or ...
answering questions about televangelists
... matter of personal judgment and must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis; there are those who even find public television’s periodic and low-key requests for funds to be objectionable! On the other hand, when a televangelist actually does misuse funds for personal gain, it is indefensible. Our re ...
... matter of personal judgment and must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis; there are those who even find public television’s periodic and low-key requests for funds to be objectionable! On the other hand, when a televangelist actually does misuse funds for personal gain, it is indefensible. Our re ...
F.L.Sharp - Beth El (NZ)
... Dr. Coleman: “Down even to the fifth century the observance of the Jewish Sabbath was continued in the early Christian church, but with a rigour and solemnity gradually diminishing until it was wholly discontinued.” In speaking of the first day, he says: “During the early ages of the church it [the ...
... Dr. Coleman: “Down even to the fifth century the observance of the Jewish Sabbath was continued in the early Christian church, but with a rigour and solemnity gradually diminishing until it was wholly discontinued.” In speaking of the first day, he says: “During the early ages of the church it [the ...
Standing up for Christ and his Church in our time
... laughter when Paul said that God raised Christ from death: “At this mention of rising from the dead, some of them burst out laughing; others said, ‘We would like to hear you talk about this another time (Acts 17:32). Like Paul, are we ready to be laughed at for the sake of Christ? The persecution of ...
... laughter when Paul said that God raised Christ from death: “At this mention of rising from the dead, some of them burst out laughing; others said, ‘We would like to hear you talk about this another time (Acts 17:32). Like Paul, are we ready to be laughed at for the sake of Christ? The persecution of ...
Aryan Jesus and the Kirchenkampf
... and popular attention as an example of Christian resistance to the National Socialist regime. Overlooked, however, were the Deutsche Christen, or German Christians. This division within Protestantism does more than highlight Christian opposition to Nazism; on balance, the same cultural shifts that a ...
... and popular attention as an example of Christian resistance to the National Socialist regime. Overlooked, however, were the Deutsche Christen, or German Christians. This division within Protestantism does more than highlight Christian opposition to Nazism; on balance, the same cultural shifts that a ...
Chapter 10: Christianity
... The Byzantine Church • The Greek-speaking Christians in the East developed their own form of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church. • The Byzantines believed their emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth. • The emperor appointed the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern Or ...
... The Byzantine Church • The Greek-speaking Christians in the East developed their own form of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church. • The Byzantines believed their emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth. • The emperor appointed the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern Or ...
Christianity and the Roman Empire Within a few hundred years, the
... Constantine and Christianity Despite its growing popularity, Christianity may never have become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire had it not eventually found imperial support. Under Emperor Constantine the Great, Christianity went from a persecuted faith to the most important religion in the ...
... Constantine and Christianity Despite its growing popularity, Christianity may never have become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire had it not eventually found imperial support. Under Emperor Constantine the Great, Christianity went from a persecuted faith to the most important religion in the ...
Christianity and the Roman Empire Within a few hundred years, the
... Constantine and Christianity Despite its growing popularity, Christianity may never have become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire had it not eventually found imperial support. Under Emperor Constantine the Great, Christianity went from a persecuted faith to the most important religion in the ...
... Constantine and Christianity Despite its growing popularity, Christianity may never have become the dominant religion of the Roman Empire had it not eventually found imperial support. Under Emperor Constantine the Great, Christianity went from a persecuted faith to the most important religion in the ...
INTELLECTUALS AND JEWS Amos Funkenstein If I were a
... The Avant-Garde and the Meaning of History Another, even older, feature of Jewish religion was its explicit historical orientation. I discussed elsewhere the original setting of this historical consciousness in Israel. In a few sectarian-apocalyptic, marginal groups of the centuries before and after ...
... The Avant-Garde and the Meaning of History Another, even older, feature of Jewish religion was its explicit historical orientation. I discussed elsewhere the original setting of this historical consciousness in Israel. In a few sectarian-apocalyptic, marginal groups of the centuries before and after ...
Jerusalem: the problems and responsibilities of sacred space
... little interest in Jerusalem. They believed that they had developed a more sophisticated, spiritual religion that did not depend upon such primitive enthusiasms as the devotion to sacred space. It was only Jews or pagans, in their view, who imagined that it was possible to nd God in a human buildi ...
... little interest in Jerusalem. They believed that they had developed a more sophisticated, spiritual religion that did not depend upon such primitive enthusiasms as the devotion to sacred space. It was only Jews or pagans, in their view, who imagined that it was possible to nd God in a human buildi ...
1 - Bardstown City Schools
... still one of the basic beliefs of Christianity. The Trinity Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Son of God. From the early days of the church, Christian thinkers pondered over what this means. Jesus, they believed, was truly God, yet in some way God was more than Jesus. In the gospels, Jesus hims ...
... still one of the basic beliefs of Christianity. The Trinity Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Son of God. From the early days of the church, Christian thinkers pondered over what this means. Jesus, they believed, was truly God, yet in some way God was more than Jesus. In the gospels, Jesus hims ...
Between Jerusalem and Antioch - Australian eJournal of Theology
... Jewish synagogue and adopted some Jewish customs and faith-practices. It may be reasonable to assume that many if not all the earliest Gentile converts to Christianity were probably either proselytes to Judaism or God-fearers. As individuals with a pre-existing affinity for Judaism and an establishe ...
... Jewish synagogue and adopted some Jewish customs and faith-practices. It may be reasonable to assume that many if not all the earliest Gentile converts to Christianity were probably either proselytes to Judaism or God-fearers. As individuals with a pre-existing affinity for Judaism and an establishe ...
Persecution of the Church
... faithful as Perpetua and Polycarp. Some denied their faith. After a persecution ended, many of those who had denied the faith sought forgiveness and re-admittance in the church. Some church members opposed and some favored their re-admittance. At stake was the nature of the church. Was the churc ...
... faithful as Perpetua and Polycarp. Some denied their faith. After a persecution ended, many of those who had denied the faith sought forgiveness and re-admittance in the church. Some church members opposed and some favored their re-admittance. At stake was the nature of the church. Was the churc ...
Christianity in the Roman Empire Jesus of Nazareth
... assumed power in 312, after a series of civil wars. He publicly attributed his success to the power of the Christian God. He ordered the construction of Christian churches on a grand scale, granted more lands to the Church, and gave Christian leaders the authority of civil judges. Most significantly ...
... assumed power in 312, after a series of civil wars. He publicly attributed his success to the power of the Christian God. He ordered the construction of Christian churches on a grand scale, granted more lands to the Church, and gave Christian leaders the authority of civil judges. Most significantly ...
... teaching. During his adult ministry, Jesus built up a loyal following, led by his twelve disciples. But Jesus also made enemies among the religious and political leaders of his time. In the end, these powerful leaders were so threatened by Jesus' growing following that the Roman governor sentenced J ...
... teaching. During his adult ministry, Jesus built up a loyal following, led by his twelve disciples. But Jesus also made enemies among the religious and political leaders of his time. In the end, these powerful leaders were so threatened by Jesus' growing following that the Roman governor sentenced J ...
... claiming that it was actually a prophecy context of this verse from the 31st chapter about the childhood of Jesus. It is clear that of Jeremiah, we see that Rachel was not Matthew obscures the actual meaning by weeping for children who were murdered, quoting only the latter half of the verse. He but ...
... claiming that it was actually a prophecy context of this verse from the 31st chapter about the childhood of Jesus. It is clear that of Jeremiah, we see that Rachel was not Matthew obscures the actual meaning by weeping for children who were murdered, quoting only the latter half of the verse. He but ...