Seamount physiography and biology in the north
... habitats and defined these features as undersea mountains whose summits rise more than 1000 m above the surrounding seafloor (OSPAR, 2008). The official OSPAR database (consulted in September 2011) included 104 seamounts in the high seas and territorial waters of Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, UK, I ...
... habitats and defined these features as undersea mountains whose summits rise more than 1000 m above the surrounding seafloor (OSPAR, 2008). The official OSPAR database (consulted in September 2011) included 104 seamounts in the high seas and territorial waters of Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, UK, I ...
Adriatic Sea: Ecology
... goals of the Good Environmental Status (GES) established in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is still at its beginning. This report intends to describe and determine the characteristics for which it is worth considering the protection of the Adriatic Sea despite its important coastal p ...
... goals of the Good Environmental Status (GES) established in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is still at its beginning. This report intends to describe and determine the characteristics for which it is worth considering the protection of the Adriatic Sea despite its important coastal p ...
GFCM Algal and Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
... and the nutrient concentrations, but also to the Modified Atlantic Water (MAW). The physical forcing resulting from the MAW advection could confront distinct water masses and generate potential mixing of water from coastal and/or openocean origin. This water mixing may have an impact on the phytopla ...
... and the nutrient concentrations, but also to the Modified Atlantic Water (MAW). The physical forcing resulting from the MAW advection could confront distinct water masses and generate potential mixing of water from coastal and/or openocean origin. This water mixing may have an impact on the phytopla ...
the Report
... Sea aimed to identify Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) to protect bluefin tuna spawning grounds and to promote the conservation of these sensitive habitats in the region. This could be achieved by creating a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) free from fishing interference, particularly during th ...
... Sea aimed to identify Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) to protect bluefin tuna spawning grounds and to promote the conservation of these sensitive habitats in the region. This could be achieved by creating a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) free from fishing interference, particularly during th ...
Status of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea 2012
... of the main reservoirs of marine and coastal biodiversity in the world: it hosts almost 20% of global marine biodiversity and has a high level of endemism, up to nearly 50% for some groups. It is an important breeding area for several key pelagic species, and some of these are threatened. But intens ...
... of the main reservoirs of marine and coastal biodiversity in the world: it hosts almost 20% of global marine biodiversity and has a high level of endemism, up to nearly 50% for some groups. It is an important breeding area for several key pelagic species, and some of these are threatened. But intens ...
Effects of natural and anthropogenic processes in the distribution of
... The first systematic disposal of anthropogenic waste reaching deep waters dates from the end of the 18th century, with the start of the use of steam engines. For 150 years, the residues of burnt charcoal (clinker) used to power ship engines were dumped overboard, sinking along shipping lines to the ...
... The first systematic disposal of anthropogenic waste reaching deep waters dates from the end of the 18th century, with the start of the use of steam engines. For 150 years, the residues of burnt charcoal (clinker) used to power ship engines were dumped overboard, sinking along shipping lines to the ...
... Cadiz, the Alboran Sea, the Balearics islands, the Ebro Delta, the Catalunya Coast, the Gulf of Lion, the Northern Adriatic Sea, the Strait of Otranto, the Strait of Sicily and more generally the area located south of Sicily, the northern Aegean Sea, the Central Aegean Sea and the Ionian coast of Gr ...
... Cadiz, the Alboran Sea, the Balearics islands, the Ebro Delta, the Catalunya Coast, the Gulf of Lion, the Northern Adriatic Sea, the Strait of Otranto, the Strait of Sicily and more generally the area located south of Sicily, the northern Aegean Sea, the Central Aegean Sea and the Ionian coast of Gr ...
... Cadiz, the Alboran Sea, the Balearics islands, the Ebro Delta, the Catalunya Coast, the Gulf of Lion, the Northern Adriatic Sea, the Strait of Otranto, the Strait of Sicily and more generally the area located south of Sicily, the northern Aegean Sea, the Central Aegean Sea and the Ionian coast of Gr ...
... Cadiz, the Alboran Sea, the Balearics islands, the Ebro Delta, the Catalunya Coast, the Gulf of Lion, the Northern Adriatic Sea, the Strait of Otranto, the Strait of Sicily and more generally the area located south of Sicily, the northern Aegean Sea, the Central Aegean Sea and the Ionian coast of Gr ...
Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic
... Increasing attention has been paid to AAP bacteria in marine environments exhibiting various trophic regimes. However, oligotrophic waters, which represent 60% of the surface of the oceans, have not been extensively studied. The Mediterranean Sea has a wide range of oligotrophic conditions including ...
... Increasing attention has been paid to AAP bacteria in marine environments exhibiting various trophic regimes. However, oligotrophic waters, which represent 60% of the surface of the oceans, have not been extensively studied. The Mediterranean Sea has a wide range of oligotrophic conditions including ...
Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria - HAL-Insu
... Increasing attention has been paid to AAP bacteria in marine environments exhibiting various trophic regimes. However, oligotrophic waters, which represent 60% of the surface of the oceans, have not been extensively studied. The Mediterranean Sea has a wide range of oligotrophic conditions including ...
... Increasing attention has been paid to AAP bacteria in marine environments exhibiting various trophic regimes. However, oligotrophic waters, which represent 60% of the surface of the oceans, have not been extensively studied. The Mediterranean Sea has a wide range of oligotrophic conditions including ...
MPA Network proposal for the Mediterranean Sea
... (97,410 km2) including the Pelagos Sanctuary in the Ligurian Sea (87,500 km2). In 2010, this surface was increased, and according to data from UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA it now covers approximately 144,800 km2. Similar to what has happened on a global scale, the Mediterranean network of MPAs is neither repres ...
... (97,410 km2) including the Pelagos Sanctuary in the Ligurian Sea (87,500 km2). In 2010, this surface was increased, and according to data from UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA it now covers approximately 144,800 km2. Similar to what has happened on a global scale, the Mediterranean network of MPAs is neither repres ...
C IESM Workshop Monographs Towards an integrated system of
... topics like the spatio-temporal variability at several scales of the interaction between the different components of the Mediterranean environment and ecosystems, or building efficient indicators of the health of our sea. Beyond the longterm, highly selective programs launched by CIESM, illustrative ...
... topics like the spatio-temporal variability at several scales of the interaction between the different components of the Mediterranean environment and ecosystems, or building efficient indicators of the health of our sea. Beyond the longterm, highly selective programs launched by CIESM, illustrative ...
The Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: Estimates
... Strait of Sicily, a shallow ridge at 400 m depth separates the island of Sicily from the coast of Tunisia and divides the sea into two main subregions: the western (area = 0.85 million km2) and the eastern (area = 1.65 million km2). General oceanographic conditions in the Mediterranean have been pre ...
... Strait of Sicily, a shallow ridge at 400 m depth separates the island of Sicily from the coast of Tunisia and divides the sea into two main subregions: the western (area = 0.85 million km2) and the eastern (area = 1.65 million km2). General oceanographic conditions in the Mediterranean have been pre ...
The Mediterranean Sea Biodiversity
... RAC/SPA’s 2009 Reports on vulnerability and the impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biodiversity in the Mediterranean The UNEP/MAP-Plan Bleu’s 2009 Report on the state of the environment and of development in the Mediterranean The Report of the European Agency for the Environment dealing ...
... RAC/SPA’s 2009 Reports on vulnerability and the impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biodiversity in the Mediterranean The UNEP/MAP-Plan Bleu’s 2009 Report on the state of the environment and of development in the Mediterranean The Report of the European Agency for the Environment dealing ...
Simulation of the mantle and crustal helium isotope
... to be improved: in the eastern basin, tritium/helium-3 simulations have highlighted the too-weak formation of Adriatic Deep Water (AdDW), followed by a weak contribution to the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water (EMDW) in the Ionian sub-basin. In the western basin, the production of WMDW is correct, b ...
... to be improved: in the eastern basin, tritium/helium-3 simulations have highlighted the too-weak formation of Adriatic Deep Water (AdDW), followed by a weak contribution to the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water (EMDW) in the Ionian sub-basin. In the western basin, the production of WMDW is correct, b ...
Biogeochemical and physical controls on concentrations of
... rotary evaporation to half the initial volume and was then submitted to liquid‐liquid extraction with 25 ml hexane for three times. The hexane extracts were dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, combined with the dichloromethane fraction and rotary evaporated for purification on a column filled with ...
... rotary evaporation to half the initial volume and was then submitted to liquid‐liquid extraction with 25 ml hexane for three times. The hexane extracts were dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, combined with the dichloromethane fraction and rotary evaporated for purification on a column filled with ...
Aggregations of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in a
... The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species native to estuaries and coastal regions of the western Atlantic Ocean, was first introduced into the Black Sea in the early 1980s, where it negatively affected zooplankton biodiversity and biomass, and commercial fisheries. This invasive ctenophore was fir ...
... The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species native to estuaries and coastal regions of the western Atlantic Ocean, was first introduced into the Black Sea in the early 1980s, where it negatively affected zooplankton biodiversity and biomass, and commercial fisheries. This invasive ctenophore was fir ...
Marine Reserves for the Mediterranean Sea
... dominated the culture of the nations that border it. Connecting three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, The Mediterranean's resources are shared between 21 bordering countries. For thousands of years, it has facilitated trade and the exchange of cultures between the various peoples of the region ...
... dominated the culture of the nations that border it. Connecting three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, The Mediterranean's resources are shared between 21 bordering countries. For thousands of years, it has facilitated trade and the exchange of cultures between the various peoples of the region ...
Marine Reserves for the Mediterranean Sea
... dominated the culture of the nations that border it. Connecting three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, The Mediterranean's resources are shared between 21 bordering countries. For thousands of years, it has facilitated trade and the exchange of cultures between the various peoples of the region ...
... dominated the culture of the nations that border it. Connecting three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, The Mediterranean's resources are shared between 21 bordering countries. For thousands of years, it has facilitated trade and the exchange of cultures between the various peoples of the region ...
Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active
... medium (Moore and Chisholm, 1999) for picocyanobacteria (Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus). In order to promote the growth of nitrate-assimilating cyanobacteria, the latter medium amended with 10 µM nitrate was also used. After incubation at 18 ◦ C for 7 days in the dark, MAD agar plates were trans ...
... medium (Moore and Chisholm, 1999) for picocyanobacteria (Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus). In order to promote the growth of nitrate-assimilating cyanobacteria, the latter medium amended with 10 µM nitrate was also used. After incubation at 18 ◦ C for 7 days in the dark, MAD agar plates were trans ...
fisheries cooperation in the mediterranean and the black sea
... Background The Mediterranean and Black Sea basins have a long tradition of political and diplomatic cooperation structures, on the levels of both high politics and sectoral policies. North-South asymmetry and the wide economic gap were an incentive for these instruments to be constructed, but also a ...
... Background The Mediterranean and Black Sea basins have a long tradition of political and diplomatic cooperation structures, on the levels of both high politics and sectoral policies. North-South asymmetry and the wide economic gap were an incentive for these instruments to be constructed, but also a ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin volume …, issue, pages , year
... Mediterranean Sea is enclosed by land, the warm waters take more than 8090 years to clean and renew themselves. The basic aim of Barcelona Convention was to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, protect the marine environment for a sustainable future and make the marine ecosystems resistant to ...
... Mediterranean Sea is enclosed by land, the warm waters take more than 8090 years to clean and renew themselves. The basic aim of Barcelona Convention was to reduce pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, protect the marine environment for a sustainable future and make the marine ecosystems resistant to ...
Δείτε το αρχείο
... spread over a large area from Central Europe to western Asia. The Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea are all that is left of that once vast inland sea (Rögl, 1999). The overall convergence of Africa and Eurasia, which involved several successive local rifting processes and collisions during ...
... spread over a large area from Central Europe to western Asia. The Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea are all that is left of that once vast inland sea (Rögl, 1999). The overall convergence of Africa and Eurasia, which involved several successive local rifting processes and collisions during ...
State of the art report on human pressure in the
... Figure 9 Cummulative impacts of human pressures on the Mediterranean (NCEAS, 2013) .......................19 Figure 10 Location of the studied Lebanese coastal zone .............................................................................20 Figure 11 Shoreline typology of the Lebanese study area ...
... Figure 9 Cummulative impacts of human pressures on the Mediterranean (NCEAS, 2013) .......................19 Figure 10 Location of the studied Lebanese coastal zone .............................................................................20 Figure 11 Shoreline typology of the Lebanese study area ...
MOON Science and Strategy plan
... teleconnections with the larger Northern Hemisphere climate. The water resources in and around the Mediterranean area are vulnerable and under stress since industrial and agricultural development heavily draw on water resources. The coastal areas degradation and change of ecosystem habitats that may ...
... teleconnections with the larger Northern Hemisphere climate. The water resources in and around the Mediterranean area are vulnerable and under stress since industrial and agricultural development heavily draw on water resources. The coastal areas degradation and change of ecosystem habitats that may ...
Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea /ˌmɛdɪtəˈreɪniən ˈsiː/ is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Southern Europe and Anatolia, on the south by North Africa, and on the east by the Levant. The sea is sometimes considered a part of the Atlantic Ocean, although it is usually identified as a separate body of water.The name Mediterranean is derived from the Latin mediterraneus, meaning ""inland"" or ""in the middle of the land"" (from medius, ""middle"" and terra, ""land""). It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million km² (965,000 sq mi), but its connection to the Atlantic (the Strait of Gibraltar) is only 14 km (8.7 mi) wide. The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Gibraltar and Spain in Europe from Morocco in Africa. In oceanography, it is sometimes called the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea or the European Mediterranean Sea to distinguish it from mediterranean seas elsewhere.The Mediterranean Sea has an average depth of 1,500 m (4,900 ft) and the deepest recorded point is 5,267 m (17,280 ft) in the Calypso Deep in the Ionian Sea.It was an important route for merchants and travellers of ancient times that allowed for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region. The history of the Mediterranean region is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies.The countries with coastlines on the Mediterranean Sea are Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Montenegro, Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey), Palestine, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Turkey, and Tunisia. In addition, Gibraltar and Akrotiri and Dhekelia are British Overseas Territories with coastlines on the Sea.