The Prevalence of DSM-IV Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
... Abstract This article describes a comprehensive metaanalysis that was conducted to estimate the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). A systematic literature review identified 8 ...
... Abstract This article describes a comprehensive metaanalysis that was conducted to estimate the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). A systematic literature review identified 8 ...
ADHD and Comorbid Conditions
... showed elevated rates of comorbidity associated with the ADHD females. (Biederman et al. 2008 ) In line with the formal reports (Stinhausen et al. 2006), a sample of 122 children and adolescents with ADHD between the ages of 6-18 years recruited by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry i ...
... showed elevated rates of comorbidity associated with the ADHD females. (Biederman et al. 2008 ) In line with the formal reports (Stinhausen et al. 2006), a sample of 122 children and adolescents with ADHD between the ages of 6-18 years recruited by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry i ...
... manic episodes of bipolar disorder. An examination of the nature of the person’s difficulties and family history can be revealing. ADHD must be differentiated from an anxiety disorder that also causes cognitive impairments and agitation. ADHD often leads to performance anxiety. People with ADHD may ...
... manic episodes of bipolar disorder. An examination of the nature of the person’s difficulties and family history can be revealing. ADHD must be differentiated from an anxiety disorder that also causes cognitive impairments and agitation. ADHD often leads to performance anxiety. People with ADHD may ...
Long-term outcomes of obsessive–compulsive disorder: follow
... Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder that often starts in childhood. The prevalence of OCD in childhood and adolescence has been shown to be between 0.5 and 4% in epidemiological studies.1–3 Childhood OCD is associated with high rates of persistence,4 and a high risk of adult OC ...
... Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder that often starts in childhood. The prevalence of OCD in childhood and adolescence has been shown to be between 0.5 and 4% in epidemiological studies.1–3 Childhood OCD is associated with high rates of persistence,4 and a high risk of adult OC ...
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
... 2. To make a diagnosis of ADHD, determine that DSM-IV criteria have been met (including documentation of impairment in more than one major setting) ...
... 2. To make a diagnosis of ADHD, determine that DSM-IV criteria have been met (including documentation of impairment in more than one major setting) ...
ADHD and Comorbid Disorders in Childhood Psychiatric Problems
... are characterized by an opposite pattern of brain activity, in which OCD is associated with frontostriatal hyperactivity and ADHD with frontostriatal hypo activity. In the study of [47] patients OCD with ADHD appeared more impulsive behavior [45-47]. Although treatment differs for ADHD and OCD, they ...
... are characterized by an opposite pattern of brain activity, in which OCD is associated with frontostriatal hyperactivity and ADHD with frontostriatal hypo activity. In the study of [47] patients OCD with ADHD appeared more impulsive behavior [45-47]. Although treatment differs for ADHD and OCD, they ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: are we helping or
... the wording has changed from “clinically significant” to “interfere with or reduce the quality of social, academic, or occupational functioning.” DSM-5 has also included, for the first time, criteria for diagnosis of ADHD in adults. ...
... the wording has changed from “clinically significant” to “interfere with or reduce the quality of social, academic, or occupational functioning.” DSM-5 has also included, for the first time, criteria for diagnosis of ADHD in adults. ...
Comorbidity Between Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and
... co-occurrence between ADHD and OCD. In this article we aim to (1) conduct a systematic review of reported ADHD-OCD co-occurrence rates, (2) outline methodological caveats that may have contributed to the variability seen across studies, (3) evaluate the theoretical and etiological accounts for ADHD- ...
... co-occurrence between ADHD and OCD. In this article we aim to (1) conduct a systematic review of reported ADHD-OCD co-occurrence rates, (2) outline methodological caveats that may have contributed to the variability seen across studies, (3) evaluate the theoretical and etiological accounts for ADHD- ...
ADD/ADHD and Impaired Executive Function in Clinical Practice
... excessive restlessness or impulsivity in adults. In fact, ADD/ADHD is essentially a cognitive disorder, a developmental impairment of executive functions (EFs), the self-management system of the brain. Although EFs are complex, their impairment constitutes a syndrome that can be recognized readily i ...
... excessive restlessness or impulsivity in adults. In fact, ADD/ADHD is essentially a cognitive disorder, a developmental impairment of executive functions (EFs), the self-management system of the brain. Although EFs are complex, their impairment constitutes a syndrome that can be recognized readily i ...
About ADHD
... Children with ADHD are at risk for potentially serious problems in adolescence and adulthood: academic failure or delays, driving problems, difficulties with peers and social situations, risky sexual behavior, and substance abuse. There may be more severe negative behaviors with co-existing conditio ...
... Children with ADHD are at risk for potentially serious problems in adolescence and adulthood: academic failure or delays, driving problems, difficulties with peers and social situations, risky sexual behavior, and substance abuse. There may be more severe negative behaviors with co-existing conditio ...
comorbidity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
... an individual, who has been diagnosed with one specific disorder, is also found to meet diagnostic criteria for one or more additional disorders. Although the use of the concept of comorbidity seems relatively straightforward, there has been considerable controversy regarding the use of this term wi ...
... an individual, who has been diagnosed with one specific disorder, is also found to meet diagnostic criteria for one or more additional disorders. Although the use of the concept of comorbidity seems relatively straightforward, there has been considerable controversy regarding the use of this term wi ...
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). - Pediatrics
... two types of settings • Clinically significant impairment in school, social or ...
... two types of settings • Clinically significant impairment in school, social or ...
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
... Do not penalize children by taking away recess and gym. Children with ADHD need the physical activity to help them refocus and attend. ...
... Do not penalize children by taking away recess and gym. Children with ADHD need the physical activity to help them refocus and attend. ...
ADHD: Comorbidity and Mimicry
... • These investigators go on to indicate that “...subgrouping based on comorbidity with conduct disorder may be of potential value in determining which children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a more serious prognosis and different family-genetic risk factors and [who may] require ...
... • These investigators go on to indicate that “...subgrouping based on comorbidity with conduct disorder may be of potential value in determining which children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a more serious prognosis and different family-genetic risk factors and [who may] require ...
... with and without ADHD, which suggests decreased dopamine levels in children with ADHD There is also some evidence of a deficiency in the availability of norepinephrine in children with ADHD. This is of interest given that a relatively new non-stimulant ADHD medication, Straterra, is thought to act o ...
... with and without ADHD, which suggests decreased dopamine levels in children with ADHD There is also some evidence of a deficiency in the availability of norepinephrine in children with ADHD. This is of interest given that a relatively new non-stimulant ADHD medication, Straterra, is thought to act o ...
1 x 10
... Need to understand that this is a “spectrum disorder” and that there can be some situational influence on severity of symptoms. A very significant overlap with many other learning and mental health struggles means we should be open to this likelihood and be prepared to review these matters carefully ...
... Need to understand that this is a “spectrum disorder” and that there can be some situational influence on severity of symptoms. A very significant overlap with many other learning and mental health struggles means we should be open to this likelihood and be prepared to review these matters carefully ...
... • Comorbidity is defined as two different diagnoses present in an individual patient 複病症性是指兩種不同診斷的病症出現於同一個病人 • It is important to recognize comorbid disorders 了解複病症的問題很重要 • Comorbidities may require treatment independent from and different to therapy for ADHD 複病症性可能需要獨立和有別於ADHD診療的治療 ...
... • Comorbidity is defined as two different diagnoses present in an individual patient 複病症性是指兩種不同診斷的病症出現於同一個病人 • It is important to recognize comorbid disorders 了解複病症的問題很重要 • Comorbidities may require treatment independent from and different to therapy for ADHD 複病症性可能需要獨立和有別於ADHD診療的治療 ...
ADHD Along The Developmental Spectrum - CT-AAP
... Often blurts out answers before questions have been finished. Often has trouble waiting one's turn. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games). Some symptoms that cause impairment were present before age 7 years. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in t ...
... Often blurts out answers before questions have been finished. Often has trouble waiting one's turn. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games). Some symptoms that cause impairment were present before age 7 years. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in t ...
MRI in Autism Discordant Siblings
... Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)- Pervasive pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behaviors toward authority figures Conduct Disorder (CD)- Repetitive pattern of violating the basic rights of others/ major age-appropriate social norms or rules are violated Mood disorders (dep ...
... Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)- Pervasive pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behaviors toward authority figures Conduct Disorder (CD)- Repetitive pattern of violating the basic rights of others/ major age-appropriate social norms or rules are violated Mood disorders (dep ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations
... be less violent, less motorically active, more socially adept, and better at using language skills for communication. All of these factors contribute to masking the early symptomatic presentation of disorders such as ASD, and ADHD. With better awareness about the presence of such disorders in presch ...
... be less violent, less motorically active, more socially adept, and better at using language skills for communication. All of these factors contribute to masking the early symptomatic presentation of disorders such as ASD, and ADHD. With better awareness about the presence of such disorders in presch ...
PDF version
... In adults, approximately 38 percent of ADHD patients have a co-occurring mood disorder. Mood disorders are characterized by extreme changes in mood. Children with mood disorders may seem to be in a bad mood often. They may cry daily or be frequently irritable with others for no apparent reason. Mood ...
... In adults, approximately 38 percent of ADHD patients have a co-occurring mood disorder. Mood disorders are characterized by extreme changes in mood. Children with mood disorders may seem to be in a bad mood often. They may cry daily or be frequently irritable with others for no apparent reason. Mood ...
Cognitive Aspects of Hyperactivity and Overactivity in
... preadolescents (evaluator), is a questionnaire which rates the style of planning action according to the choice of an option of overactive response or not. Items are phrased to give the person a choice between overactive and nonoveractive styles (e.g., “You have five tasks to do. Do you begin all at ...
... preadolescents (evaluator), is a questionnaire which rates the style of planning action according to the choice of an option of overactive response or not. Items are phrased to give the person a choice between overactive and nonoveractive styles (e.g., “You have five tasks to do. Do you begin all at ...
Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, more commonly, simply Tourette's or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. These tics characteristically wax and wane, can be suppressed temporarily, and are preceded by a premonitory urge. Tourette's is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes provisional, transient and persistent (chronic) tics.Tourette's was once considered a rare and bizarre syndrome, most often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia), but this symptom is present in only a small minority of people with Tourette's. Tourette's is no longer considered a rare condition, but it is not always correctly identified because most cases are mild and the severity of tics decreases for most children as they pass through adolescence. Between 0.4% and 3.8% of children ages 5 to 18 may have Tourette's; the prevalence of other tic disorders in school-age children is higher, with the more common tics of eye blinking, coughing, throat clearing, sniffing, and facial movements. Extreme Tourette's in adulthood is a rarity, and Tourette's does not adversely affect intelligence or life expectancy.Genetic and environmental factors play a role in the etiology of Tourette's, but the exact causes are unknown. In most cases, medication is unnecessary. There is no effective treatment for every case of tics, but certain medications and therapies can help when their use is warranted. Education is an important part of any treatment plan, and explanation and reassurance alone are often sufficient treatment. Comorbid conditions (co-occurring diagnoses other than Tourette's) such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) are present in many patients seen in tertiary specialty clinics. These other conditions often cause more functional impairment to the individual than the tics that are the hallmark of Tourette's; hence, it is important to correctly identify comorbid conditions and treat them.The eponym was bestowed by Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893) on behalf of his resident, Georges Albert Édouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette (1857–1904), a French physician and neurologist, who published an account of nine patients with Tourette's in 1885.