Methods Five 1536-SNP GoldenGate assays (Fig. 1) Three pilot
... names for BOPA2 SNPs are included in Table S4 (Additional File 14), either 12_ followed by a concatenation of the POPA name, or 12_0001 through 12_1536 from alphanumeric sorting of the concatenated POPA SNP names. BOPA2 was composed of SNPs from the following sources (mean MAF indicated in parenthes ...
... names for BOPA2 SNPs are included in Table S4 (Additional File 14), either 12_ followed by a concatenation of the POPA name, or 12_0001 through 12_1536 from alphanumeric sorting of the concatenated POPA SNP names. BOPA2 was composed of SNPs from the following sources (mean MAF indicated in parenthes ...
Quantitative Trait Analysis in Plants
... hybrids. The F1 plants were then intercrossed to produce an F2 • Seed from all four populations was planted in the same season to determine the time to maturitv. In each case, data were obtained from 40 plants. The me;in maturation times eX) are indicated by the triangles; the sample variances (S2) ...
... hybrids. The F1 plants were then intercrossed to produce an F2 • Seed from all four populations was planted in the same season to determine the time to maturitv. In each case, data were obtained from 40 plants. The me;in maturation times eX) are indicated by the triangles; the sample variances (S2) ...
Genomic analysis of clinical samples with serologic ABO blood
... subgroups. Each allele was characterized by a missense or nonsense mutation for which screening by allele-specific primer polymerase chain reaction was performed. The novel mutations were encountered in 28 of the remaining 60 A and B subgroup samples but not among normal donors. As a result of this ...
... subgroups. Each allele was characterized by a missense or nonsense mutation for which screening by allele-specific primer polymerase chain reaction was performed. The novel mutations were encountered in 28 of the remaining 60 A and B subgroup samples but not among normal donors. As a result of this ...
WASP - Genome Institute, BIOTEC
... which the underlying additional mismatch should be added to AS primer. The areas shaded in red and yellow respectively represent the strong and weak destabilizing effect of any two nucleotides while blue ones imply the medium effect. Starting from the center of this figure (3' end of AS primer) and ...
... which the underlying additional mismatch should be added to AS primer. The areas shaded in red and yellow respectively represent the strong and weak destabilizing effect of any two nucleotides while blue ones imply the medium effect. Starting from the center of this figure (3' end of AS primer) and ...
... In crosses using joi males, which mate less readily, a male was placed with only one female at a timc, the female being replaced as soon as she had mated. Mating was detected by examining females for copulation plugs, on the evening of the first day and the morning of subsequent days. All females wh ...
... In crosses using joi males, which mate less readily, a male was placed with only one female at a timc, the female being replaced as soon as she had mated. Mating was detected by examining females for copulation plugs, on the evening of the first day and the morning of subsequent days. All females wh ...
Prothrombin 20210 Mutation
... with the prothrombin mutation developing a DVT during pregnancy. This is not a high risk. Recently, there has been the suggestion that the prothrombin mutation occurs more commonly among women with certain pregnancy complications. These complications may include stillbirth (pregnancy loss after week ...
... with the prothrombin mutation developing a DVT during pregnancy. This is not a high risk. Recently, there has been the suggestion that the prothrombin mutation occurs more commonly among women with certain pregnancy complications. These complications may include stillbirth (pregnancy loss after week ...
Characteristics, causes and evolutionary consequences of male
... large-scale genome analysis is that there is significant local and regional variation in the substitution rate along chromosomes (e.g. MGSC 2002; Smith et al. 2002; Hardison et al. 2003; CSAC 2005). This is likely to reflect neutral processes in which mutation rate variation is associated with facto ...
... large-scale genome analysis is that there is significant local and regional variation in the substitution rate along chromosomes (e.g. MGSC 2002; Smith et al. 2002; Hardison et al. 2003; CSAC 2005). This is likely to reflect neutral processes in which mutation rate variation is associated with facto ...
STR-typing of ancient skeletal remains: which multiplex
... D10S1248 ≈ 50-120 bp (ESI = 275-330 bp), D5S818 ≈ 115190 bp), which probably explains the good typing results. ESI, ESX, and NGM kit showed similar typing success rates and informative values. Therefore, a more detailed analysis of the results was conducted regarding the occurrence of allelic drop-o ...
... D10S1248 ≈ 50-120 bp (ESI = 275-330 bp), D5S818 ≈ 115190 bp), which probably explains the good typing results. ESI, ESX, and NGM kit showed similar typing success rates and informative values. Therefore, a more detailed analysis of the results was conducted regarding the occurrence of allelic drop-o ...
Genetic loads under fitness
... but it is closely approximated within several hundred generations. Therefore, each simulation was run for at least 300 generations or until the change in mean fitness between generations was less than 10)4, whichever took longer. In several cases, computer simulations were also run from an initial s ...
... but it is closely approximated within several hundred generations. Therefore, each simulation was run for at least 300 generations or until the change in mean fitness between generations was less than 10)4, whichever took longer. In several cases, computer simulations were also run from an initial s ...
Direct Deletion Analysis in Two Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
... PCR products of the alleles were analyzed by superimposing the traces of the proband to that of her relatives. The haplotypes of the allele lengths at these loci were determined in both cases by assigning arbitrary letters to each allelic variation (Fig. 1.) Case 1: STR haplotypes initially suggeste ...
... PCR products of the alleles were analyzed by superimposing the traces of the proband to that of her relatives. The haplotypes of the allele lengths at these loci were determined in both cases by assigning arbitrary letters to each allelic variation (Fig. 1.) Case 1: STR haplotypes initially suggeste ...
Comparison between the Polish population and European
... than one person. Similar data were presented for 192 persons from the Finnish population (Finnilä et al., 2001). In the entire mtDNA 413 polymorphisms have been found, which were classified to 134 haplotypes. The most frequent one has been found in only 15 persons (8% of studied sample). From the da ...
... than one person. Similar data were presented for 192 persons from the Finnish population (Finnilä et al., 2001). In the entire mtDNA 413 polymorphisms have been found, which were classified to 134 haplotypes. The most frequent one has been found in only 15 persons (8% of studied sample). From the da ...
CLL Complete - Cancer Genetics Inc.
... Clonal genomic alterations with diagnostic and prognostic significance are assayed by array-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) permitting the simultaneous detection of gain and loss at multiple loci. Loci being assessed by MatBA® -CLL/SLL are 1p, 2p, 3q, 4p, 5p, 6q, 7p, 7q, 8p, 8q, 11q (A ...
... Clonal genomic alterations with diagnostic and prognostic significance are assayed by array-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) permitting the simultaneous detection of gain and loss at multiple loci. Loci being assessed by MatBA® -CLL/SLL are 1p, 2p, 3q, 4p, 5p, 6q, 7p, 7q, 8p, 8q, 11q (A ...
Use of Alternative Primers for Gender Discrimination in Human
... samples. The Federal Bureau of Investigation developed a standardized set of loci and primers for use with PCR for genotyping. The Combined DNA Identity System (CODIS) contains a core set of STR markers for human identity testing1 that are discriminatory over a wide range of ethnicities. An addition ...
... samples. The Federal Bureau of Investigation developed a standardized set of loci and primers for use with PCR for genotyping. The Combined DNA Identity System (CODIS) contains a core set of STR markers for human identity testing1 that are discriminatory over a wide range of ethnicities. An addition ...
Gene mutation
... Some chemical compounds are sufficiently similar to the normal nitrogen bases of DNA that they occasionally are incorporated into DNA in place of normal bases; such compounds are called base analogs. Once in place, these analogs have pairing properties unlike those of the normal bases; thus, they ca ...
... Some chemical compounds are sufficiently similar to the normal nitrogen bases of DNA that they occasionally are incorporated into DNA in place of normal bases; such compounds are called base analogs. Once in place, these analogs have pairing properties unlike those of the normal bases; thus, they ca ...
No Slide Title
... sum of the squares of the observed phenotype/genotype frequencies in a database, ...
... sum of the squares of the observed phenotype/genotype frequencies in a database, ...
Medullary thyroid cancer
... from Portugal, present their experience with RET testing of patients with sporadic and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Although their targeted approach to RET testing for patients in whom the mutation status is unknown (presumed sporadic MTC) is not often practiced in this country (where ...
... from Portugal, present their experience with RET testing of patients with sporadic and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Although their targeted approach to RET testing for patients in whom the mutation status is unknown (presumed sporadic MTC) is not often practiced in this country (where ...
How to determine recessive-lethal mutation rates. David D. Perkins Background
... plate supplemented with lysine and FPA and a second with adenine and CYH (both with ANTH). The replicas were incubated about 30 h at 33° before being examined for nongrowers which signalled recessive lethal mutations. Putative mutant-bearing heterokaryons were marked on the master plates and confirm ...
... plate supplemented with lysine and FPA and a second with adenine and CYH (both with ANTH). The replicas were incubated about 30 h at 33° before being examined for nongrowers which signalled recessive lethal mutations. Putative mutant-bearing heterokaryons were marked on the master plates and confirm ...
Ringneck Colour Genetics
... FallowNSL Ino X Cleartail, by Wynand Bezuidenhout in S.A. however did not give intermediary phenotypes but rather wild-coloureds. If allelic, each one of the brood should have been an intermediary phenotype and not double splits at all. This is strong evidence against an allelic relationship and vir ...
... FallowNSL Ino X Cleartail, by Wynand Bezuidenhout in S.A. however did not give intermediary phenotypes but rather wild-coloureds. If allelic, each one of the brood should have been an intermediary phenotype and not double splits at all. This is strong evidence against an allelic relationship and vir ...
Memetic Algorithm with Hybrid Mutation Operator
... unchanged. Baldwinian search also have the effect of obscuring genetic differences and hindering the evolution process. This is known as Hindering effect [18]. This occurs as a result of different genotype mapping to the same phenotype. Most of the memetic algorithms are based on Lamarckism approach ...
... unchanged. Baldwinian search also have the effect of obscuring genetic differences and hindering the evolution process. This is known as Hindering effect [18]. This occurs as a result of different genotype mapping to the same phenotype. Most of the memetic algorithms are based on Lamarckism approach ...
Male-Biased Mutation Rate and Divergence in Autosomal, Z
... Orthologous chicken and turkey introns were aligned by use of ClustalW on default settings (Thompson, Higgins, and Gibson 1994), although some manual adjustment was required to improve the alignment of repetitive sequences. Pairwise distances were estimated by use of the baseml program in PAML versi ...
... Orthologous chicken and turkey introns were aligned by use of ClustalW on default settings (Thompson, Higgins, and Gibson 1994), although some manual adjustment was required to improve the alignment of repetitive sequences. Pairwise distances were estimated by use of the baseml program in PAML versi ...
Rapid detection of most frequent Slovenian germ
... However, positive misleading results may be obtained because of unknown polymorphisms or a mutation within the target region affecting hybridization of probes and binding of primers, and consequently, the melting temperature of the product. It should also be mentioned that careful optimization of th ...
... However, positive misleading results may be obtained because of unknown polymorphisms or a mutation within the target region affecting hybridization of probes and binding of primers, and consequently, the melting temperature of the product. It should also be mentioned that careful optimization of th ...
Representation, Mutation, Recombination
... 1. Make a cycle of alleles from P1 in the following way. (a) Start with the first allele of P1. (b) Look at the allele at the same position in P2. (c) Go to the position with the same allele in P1. (d) Add this allele to the cycle. (e) Repeat step b through d until you arrive at the first allele of ...
... 1. Make a cycle of alleles from P1 in the following way. (a) Start with the first allele of P1. (b) Look at the allele at the same position in P2. (c) Go to the position with the same allele in P1. (d) Add this allele to the cycle. (e) Repeat step b through d until you arrive at the first allele of ...
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
... Latent (variations found in coding and regulatory regions, are not harmful on their own, and the change in each gene only becomes apparent under certain conditions e.g. susceptibility to lung cancer) ...
... Latent (variations found in coding and regulatory regions, are not harmful on their own, and the change in each gene only becomes apparent under certain conditions e.g. susceptibility to lung cancer) ...
DNA Profile 911 - Bertino Forensics
... 4. Distribute the 911 STR Profile to students. State that the top line represents the Mother's DNA (labeled M on the right). The second line is the unknown DNA found at the 9/11 site that is believed to be the father's DNA. The third and fourth line represents the DNA of the two sons, labeled S1 an ...
... 4. Distribute the 911 STR Profile to students. State that the top line represents the Mother's DNA (labeled M on the right). The second line is the unknown DNA found at the 9/11 site that is believed to be the father's DNA. The third and fourth line represents the DNA of the two sons, labeled S1 an ...
Rapid and accurate cancer somatic mutation
... in tumor tissue (i.e., high assay sensitivity). This tool must account ...
... in tumor tissue (i.e., high assay sensitivity). This tool must account ...