A truth-functional account of metalinguistic negation, with evidence
... The negation is being used to object to a phonetic property in (a), to a scalar implicature in (b), to a conventional implicature in (c), to certain connotations or implications in (d), and to a presupposition in (e). (We will leave the presuppositional cases aside in this paper as there is much con ...
... The negation is being used to object to a phonetic property in (a), to a scalar implicature in (b), to a conventional implicature in (c), to certain connotations or implications in (d), and to a presupposition in (e). (We will leave the presuppositional cases aside in this paper as there is much con ...
The Analogical Speaker or grammar put in its place
... René-Joseph Lavie. The Analogical Speaker or grammar put in its place. Linguistique. Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2003. Français.
... René-Joseph Lavie. The Analogical Speaker or grammar put in its place. Linguistique. Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2003. Français.
Structuring information in discourse: the explicit/implicit
... the explicature-implicature distinction (Thorstein F); and one paper outlining a model for non-sentential utterance production (Shinji I). The general research questions addressed in this volume are highly relevant in the present linguistic debate, centering on interfaces between different ...
... the explicature-implicature distinction (Thorstein F); and one paper outlining a model for non-sentential utterance production (Shinji I). The general research questions addressed in this volume are highly relevant in the present linguistic debate, centering on interfaces between different ...
Metaphor and Lexical Semantics
... their expressions are described as being semantically ‘thin’. Our metaphor probe will give some substance to this (often very rough-and-ready) idea. But it raises the question of whether all such structural elements in language— anything we can describe as ‘linguistic glue’—are invisible when it com ...
... their expressions are described as being semantically ‘thin’. Our metaphor probe will give some substance to this (often very rough-and-ready) idea. But it raises the question of whether all such structural elements in language— anything we can describe as ‘linguistic glue’—are invisible when it com ...
²¶ÆÎ ²êȲÜÚ²Ü
... words and, therefore, the syntactical aspect of speech is a definite combination of grammatical forms and in this sense the actual words used are essentially immaterial 1. He states that syntactic relations are that aspect of speech where everything presents itself as actualization of the potential ...
... words and, therefore, the syntactical aspect of speech is a definite combination of grammatical forms and in this sense the actual words used are essentially immaterial 1. He states that syntactic relations are that aspect of speech where everything presents itself as actualization of the potential ...
Deixis and anaphora F. Recanati Institut Jean Nicod (CNRS) 1bis
... Strawson, a use of a singular term invokes a mental file in the mind of the interpreter, and is successful only if the interpreter actually connects the singular term with such a mental file, that is, only if the singular term used establishes for the hearer an identity, and the right identity, betw ...
... Strawson, a use of a singular term invokes a mental file in the mind of the interpreter, and is successful only if the interpreter actually connects the singular term with such a mental file, that is, only if the singular term used establishes for the hearer an identity, and the right identity, betw ...
The Use of Ain`t in John Steinbeck`s Of Mice and
... term of ain’t isdoes not. It also occurs in the second ain’t. As a matter, the subject in the second ain’t isLennie that is the same word classes with he. All in all, the usage of ain’t in both utterances are short term of does not. Standard English form for both utterances in (2) becomes “He doesn‟ ...
... term of ain’t isdoes not. It also occurs in the second ain’t. As a matter, the subject in the second ain’t isLennie that is the same word classes with he. All in all, the usage of ain’t in both utterances are short term of does not. Standard English form for both utterances in (2) becomes “He doesn‟ ...
Automatic annotation of localization and identification relations in platform EXCOM
... statement of identification proceeding of the role towards theterm which fills it. ...
... statement of identification proceeding of the role towards theterm which fills it. ...
Inshallah: Extensive Flouting of Grice`s Maxim of Quality
... flouting the maxim of quality, threatening, wonder, yes/ok, prohibition, and wishing. Moreover, the study has found out that the utterances containing the expression inshallah will not give the same meaning after the removal of inshallah. And this can be considered another major contribution for the ...
... flouting the maxim of quality, threatening, wonder, yes/ok, prohibition, and wishing. Moreover, the study has found out that the utterances containing the expression inshallah will not give the same meaning after the removal of inshallah. And this can be considered another major contribution for the ...
General Semantics - Division of Social Sciences
... on something else? Functions, of course; functions in the most in which set-theoretic domain of the sense, arguments and the general sort of of of values consist entities may any range whatever, and in which it is not required that the function be specifiable by any simple rule. We have now found so ...
... on something else? Functions, of course; functions in the most in which set-theoretic domain of the sense, arguments and the general sort of of of values consist entities may any range whatever, and in which it is not required that the function be specifiable by any simple rule. We have now found so ...
Speech levels, social predicates and pragmatic structure in Balinese
... Old Javanese elements and Sanskrit borrowings began to spread from highly formal (royal and religious) usage to everyday Balinese speech. Since Javanese and Sanskrit were associated with the language of the elite, they contributed a large number of highregister words to Balinese. The native Balinese ...
... Old Javanese elements and Sanskrit borrowings began to spread from highly formal (royal and religious) usage to everyday Balinese speech. Since Javanese and Sanskrit were associated with the language of the elite, they contributed a large number of highregister words to Balinese. The native Balinese ...
direct evidentiality
... Evidentiality markers have the speaker as their implied subject. Thus, they are included in the category of egocentrical elements – egocentricals (or, in other terminology, indexical elements, indexicals). Thus, we get the opportunity to pay attention to some aspects of their semantics that were neg ...
... Evidentiality markers have the speaker as their implied subject. Thus, they are included in the category of egocentrical elements – egocentricals (or, in other terminology, indexical elements, indexicals). Thus, we get the opportunity to pay attention to some aspects of their semantics that were neg ...
Wittgensteinian Semantics
... 1979]). Anyhow, there is no non-linguistic set of conditions necessary and sufficient for falling underthe concept of being a word of Esperanto,but that does not make this a family resemblance concept; this is so even if we could never be in a position to give a complete enumerationof everything tha ...
... 1979]). Anyhow, there is no non-linguistic set of conditions necessary and sufficient for falling underthe concept of being a word of Esperanto,but that does not make this a family resemblance concept; this is so even if we could never be in a position to give a complete enumerationof everything tha ...
Developing Component Scor es from Natural
... specificity of many of the indices included in the W-Pal scoring algorithms. These indices, while predictive of essays quality, can lack utility in providing feedback to users. For instance, the current W-Pal algorithm includes a number of indices related to lexical and syntactic complexity. However ...
... specificity of many of the indices included in the W-Pal scoring algorithms. These indices, while predictive of essays quality, can lack utility in providing feedback to users. For instance, the current W-Pal algorithm includes a number of indices related to lexical and syntactic complexity. However ...
Referentiality in Spanish CPs Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the
... In addition, Haegeman (2006:1666) discusses examples where a “true factive” (a.k.a. emotive) verb like regret behaves more like a non-factive verb, as in (i), her example (24b). (i) I regret that those details, I cannot reveal to non members. This instance of regret allows the topicalization of thos ...
... In addition, Haegeman (2006:1666) discusses examples where a “true factive” (a.k.a. emotive) verb like regret behaves more like a non-factive verb, as in (i), her example (24b). (i) I regret that those details, I cannot reveal to non members. This instance of regret allows the topicalization of thos ...
A Simple Syntax for Complex Semantics
... semantics. Despite the complexity of computational semantics, it is assumed that its underlying syntax must be simple. A simple syntax is advocated for complex semantics. The task of computational semantics cannot be but complex because its ultimate aim is to model how human-machine communications a ...
... semantics. Despite the complexity of computational semantics, it is assumed that its underlying syntax must be simple. A simple syntax is advocated for complex semantics. The task of computational semantics cannot be but complex because its ultimate aim is to model how human-machine communications a ...
Context in Semantics
... Martian. But none of this is information that is carried semantically, and, pace Carston (2002, p. 203) and Wilson and Sperber (2002)), it is odd to suppose that anyone has ever advanced a theoretical position that would commit them otherwise. Nevertheless, between the two extremes I have just discu ...
... Martian. But none of this is information that is carried semantically, and, pace Carston (2002, p. 203) and Wilson and Sperber (2002)), it is odd to suppose that anyone has ever advanced a theoretical position that would commit them otherwise. Nevertheless, between the two extremes I have just discu ...
Context in Semantics
... Martian. But none of this is information that is carried semantically, and, pace Carston (2002, p. 203) and Wilson and Sperber (2002)), it is odd to suppose that anyone has ever advanced a theoretical position that would commit them otherwise. Nevertheless, between the two extremes I have just discu ...
... Martian. But none of this is information that is carried semantically, and, pace Carston (2002, p. 203) and Wilson and Sperber (2002)), it is odd to suppose that anyone has ever advanced a theoretical position that would commit them otherwise. Nevertheless, between the two extremes I have just discu ...
The temporality of language in interaction: projection and
... inner, experienced time. As such, at first sight it may not appear to be a phenomenon that interactional linguists should or could be interested in; 'inner' phenomena do not seem to be accessible for analysis based on behavioral recordings, which are the empirical basis of interactional linguistics. ...
... inner, experienced time. As such, at first sight it may not appear to be a phenomenon that interactional linguists should or could be interested in; 'inner' phenomena do not seem to be accessible for analysis based on behavioral recordings, which are the empirical basis of interactional linguistics. ...
Contextualism and the Factivity of Knowledge[1] - Hal-SHS
... was at the centre of the universe), as well as with know, which takes both declarative and interrogative complements (e.g. Galileo knew whether Earth was at the centre of the universe and that Copernicus was right on the matter). Among attitude verb phrases that do take declarative complements, some ...
... was at the centre of the universe), as well as with know, which takes both declarative and interrogative complements (e.g. Galileo knew whether Earth was at the centre of the universe and that Copernicus was right on the matter). Among attitude verb phrases that do take declarative complements, some ...
pages 561–577 - Stanford University
... or local), there is a feature path terminating with CONTENT|RESTIND|INDEX leading to a substructure of type index, which in turn bears a set of features usually called agreement features (usually, PERSON, NUMBER, GENDER). This is the case no matter whether the index-bearing element is a QNP (e.g. ev ...
... or local), there is a feature path terminating with CONTENT|RESTIND|INDEX leading to a substructure of type index, which in turn bears a set of features usually called agreement features (usually, PERSON, NUMBER, GENDER). This is the case no matter whether the index-bearing element is a QNP (e.g. ev ...
Metapragmatic presentationals - Create and Use Your home
... In any actual instance of reported spcech thew functional orientations and formal approaches are embodicd in two structural parts. First, there are one or more explicit or implicit framing forms - usually verbs - which indicate (characterize or present) the communicative or purposive functaon of the ...
... In any actual instance of reported spcech thew functional orientations and formal approaches are embodicd in two structural parts. First, there are one or more explicit or implicit framing forms - usually verbs - which indicate (characterize or present) the communicative or purposive functaon of the ...
On Verbal Competence - Journal of Arts and Humanities
... knowledge of a native speaker. He imagined the whole picture of real communication and the speaker’s ability to successfully and appropriately communicate with others in a real situation. Ever since the advent of Hymes’ concept, the ethnographic and pragmatic aspects of language use have begun to be ...
... knowledge of a native speaker. He imagined the whole picture of real communication and the speaker’s ability to successfully and appropriately communicate with others in a real situation. Ever since the advent of Hymes’ concept, the ethnographic and pragmatic aspects of language use have begun to be ...