Transient postseismic mantle relaxation following 2004
... Dong et al. (2002). Figure 2 shows the postseismic transients in horizontal (east and north) components obtained from the GPS measurements taken in campaign mode during the period 2005–2008, and Table 1 gives the corresponding details of the observed data of postseismic velocity (ITRF2005) for these ...
... Dong et al. (2002). Figure 2 shows the postseismic transients in horizontal (east and north) components obtained from the GPS measurements taken in campaign mode during the period 2005–2008, and Table 1 gives the corresponding details of the observed data of postseismic velocity (ITRF2005) for these ...
1.0 Introduction Approximately 19% of the Earth`s land area and
... the total 238,385 fatalities as a result of all tsunamis during the time period. Marano et al. (2010) considered this an atypical event, which does not represent the non-shaking fatality distribution of events during the timeline. After the removal of deaths attributed to the 2004 Sumatra event, lan ...
... the total 238,385 fatalities as a result of all tsunamis during the time period. Marano et al. (2010) considered this an atypical event, which does not represent the non-shaking fatality distribution of events during the timeline. After the removal of deaths attributed to the 2004 Sumatra event, lan ...
earthquakes and earth`s interior
... The study of earthquake waves, seismology (seismos ⫽ shake, ology ⫽ the study of) dates back to attempts made by the Chinese almost 2000 years ago to determine the direction from which these waves originated. The seismic instrument used by the Chinese was a large hollow jar that contained a suspende ...
... The study of earthquake waves, seismology (seismos ⫽ shake, ology ⫽ the study of) dates back to attempts made by the Chinese almost 2000 years ago to determine the direction from which these waves originated. The seismic instrument used by the Chinese was a large hollow jar that contained a suspende ...
... time for build up of stress to cause fault movement and earthquake − Longer recurrence intervals (100s years) for biggest earthquakes − Decades or less for smaller events − Scientists can analyze the build up of deformation using instruments that identify changes in shape or positions of rocks The G ...
... time for build up of stress to cause fault movement and earthquake − Longer recurrence intervals (100s years) for biggest earthquakes − Decades or less for smaller events − Scientists can analyze the build up of deformation using instruments that identify changes in shape or positions of rocks The G ...
Chapter 8 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
... Los Angeles. Although not the fabled “Big One,” this moderate 6.7-magnitude earthquake left 57 dead, more than 5,000 injured, and tens of thousands of households without water and electricity. The damage exceeded $40 billion and was attributed to an apparently unknown fault that ruptured 18 kilomete ...
... Los Angeles. Although not the fabled “Big One,” this moderate 6.7-magnitude earthquake left 57 dead, more than 5,000 injured, and tens of thousands of households without water and electricity. The damage exceeded $40 billion and was attributed to an apparently unknown fault that ruptured 18 kilomete ...
PDF - GFZpublic
... of Tibet (e.g., Tapponnier and Molnar, 1997; Yin and Harrison, 2000). It is suggested that ...
... of Tibet (e.g., Tapponnier and Molnar, 1997; Yin and Harrison, 2000). It is suggested that ...
Kenji Satake Affiliation: Earthquake Research Institute The
... IAPSO and IAVCEI) between 2003 and 2011, during which period we experienced the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Tohoku tsunamis. As the Tsunami Commission chair, I participated to numerous meetings, not limited to the scientific ones, but also governmental and inter-governmental ones in order to bridge b ...
... IAPSO and IAVCEI) between 2003 and 2011, during which period we experienced the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Tohoku tsunamis. As the Tsunami Commission chair, I participated to numerous meetings, not limited to the scientific ones, but also governmental and inter-governmental ones in order to bridge b ...
estimating the strong-motion of the december 26, 2003 bam (iran)
... the slip distribution or details of the Earth structure. For this reason, it is not only a good modeling tool for past earthquakes, but a valuable tool for predicting ground motion for future events with unknown slip distributions [22, 23, and 24]. Comparisons of stochastic-method predictions with e ...
... the slip distribution or details of the Earth structure. For this reason, it is not only a good modeling tool for past earthquakes, but a valuable tool for predicting ground motion for future events with unknown slip distributions [22, 23, and 24]. Comparisons of stochastic-method predictions with e ...
ARTICLES - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
... Measurements of slip beginning shortly after the 1966 Parkfield earthquake13,26 appear to provide some insight into these questions. The region of maximum slip in the 2004 event appears to partially fill a deficit in the distribution of slip that had accumulated beginning with the 1966 earthquake13, ...
... Measurements of slip beginning shortly after the 1966 Parkfield earthquake13,26 appear to provide some insight into these questions. The region of maximum slip in the 2004 event appears to partially fill a deficit in the distribution of slip that had accumulated beginning with the 1966 earthquake13, ...
... A need exists, therefore, for establishing an analytical model that is more consistent with the underlying physical processes and that can characterize the recurrence of great earthquakes on a more location-specific basis. FORM OF THE SELECTED MODEL In this paper, a semi-Markov process has been util ...
... A need exists, therefore, for establishing an analytical model that is more consistent with the underlying physical processes and that can characterize the recurrence of great earthquakes on a more location-specific basis. FORM OF THE SELECTED MODEL In this paper, a semi-Markov process has been util ...
Vertical and Horizontal Seismic Impedance Moments, and Corner
... corner frequencies, respectively (Molnar et al., 1973). For normal earthquakes, the horizontal impedance-corner frequency is slightly higher than the vertical impedance-corner frequency, because the vertical impedance-corner frequency has the higher vertical seismic impedance moment than that in the ...
... corner frequencies, respectively (Molnar et al., 1973). For normal earthquakes, the horizontal impedance-corner frequency is slightly higher than the vertical impedance-corner frequency, because the vertical impedance-corner frequency has the higher vertical seismic impedance moment than that in the ...
Seismic intensity map and typical structural damage of 2010 Ms 7.1
... one- and two-story adobe and stone structures constructed without considering the effects of possible earthquakes. Referring to the 2008 version of the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (GB/T 17742-2008), the survey results yield the seismic intensity map shown by the solid lines in Fig. 2. The earthq ...
... one- and two-story adobe and stone structures constructed without considering the effects of possible earthquakes. Referring to the 2008 version of the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (GB/T 17742-2008), the survey results yield the seismic intensity map shown by the solid lines in Fig. 2. The earthq ...
Evaluation of structural irregularities based on architectural
... 1. Introduction Turkey, with more than 90 per cent of its land being in highly seismic regions, is an earthquake prone country and has been struck by many devastating earthquakes throughout history. During the last century, 21 earthquakes took place with magnitudes 47. More than 80,000 people have d ...
... 1. Introduction Turkey, with more than 90 per cent of its land being in highly seismic regions, is an earthquake prone country and has been struck by many devastating earthquakes throughout history. During the last century, 21 earthquakes took place with magnitudes 47. More than 80,000 people have d ...
Repeating earthquakes and quasi-static slip on the plate boundary east... northern Honshu, Japan Toru Matsuzawa , Naoki Uchida
... afterslip (Fig. 5(c)). As the afterslip areas and slip amounts increase, the stresses on the asperities located at the edge of the afterslip area become large enough to rupture them even if their sizes are large. In this way, a rupture of an asperity (earthquake) generates its afterslip and the afte ...
... afterslip (Fig. 5(c)). As the afterslip areas and slip amounts increase, the stresses on the asperities located at the edge of the afterslip area become large enough to rupture them even if their sizes are large. In this way, a rupture of an asperity (earthquake) generates its afterslip and the afte ...
recent experience and practice for strong motion observation in china
... which is one part of the Yushu-Garzê-Xianshuihe fault zone, one of the most active fault zones in eastern Tibet. Finally 2,698 people have been confirmed dead, 270 missing, and 12,135 injured and the Chinese intensity is VIII around Jiegu Town. The nearest station from NSMONS was about 350km, only 5 ...
... which is one part of the Yushu-Garzê-Xianshuihe fault zone, one of the most active fault zones in eastern Tibet. Finally 2,698 people have been confirmed dead, 270 missing, and 12,135 injured and the Chinese intensity is VIII around Jiegu Town. The nearest station from NSMONS was about 350km, only 5 ...
Tsunami waveform analyses of the 2006 underthrust and 2007 outer
... The focal mechanism of the earthquake estimated using the teleseismic body waves (Yamanaka, 2007) showed a normal fault type (strike=220◦ , dip=37◦ , rake=-108◦ ). The epicenter of this large earthquake was located at the outer-rise in the Pacific plate near the Kurile-Kamchtka Trench. Those indicat ...
... The focal mechanism of the earthquake estimated using the teleseismic body waves (Yamanaka, 2007) showed a normal fault type (strike=220◦ , dip=37◦ , rake=-108◦ ). The epicenter of this large earthquake was located at the outer-rise in the Pacific plate near the Kurile-Kamchtka Trench. Those indicat ...
Earthquake rupture below the brittle-ductile transition in continental
... proposed (5, 6) that the rare continental lithospheric earthquakes occur in cold and anhydrous mantle rocks (T < ~700° ± 100°C). Earthquakes located below the Moho may thus indicate a strong, seismogenic upper mantle that can sustain large stresses, which are later released during brittle rupture (5 ...
... proposed (5, 6) that the rare continental lithospheric earthquakes occur in cold and anhydrous mantle rocks (T < ~700° ± 100°C). Earthquakes located below the Moho may thus indicate a strong, seismogenic upper mantle that can sustain large stresses, which are later released during brittle rupture (5 ...
Logarithmic Scale - Macmillan Learning
... several orders of magnitude. A small scale interval shows all the values correctly, but requires a very large grid, while a large scale interval reduces small values to essentially zero. Instead, using a scale that represents the various powers of ten retains relative sizes, and places all numbers o ...
... several orders of magnitude. A small scale interval shows all the values correctly, but requires a very large grid, while a large scale interval reduces small values to essentially zero. Instead, using a scale that represents the various powers of ten retains relative sizes, and places all numbers o ...
Chapter 01 - Earthquakes
... removing surface evidence of faulting and making their detection based on surface studies more difficult (Figure 2D). Earthquakes on other faults may cause folding or doming of the Earth’s surface without causing a discrete surface rupture (Figure 2D). Some faults may not have sufficient slip to inf ...
... removing surface evidence of faulting and making their detection based on surface studies more difficult (Figure 2D). Earthquakes on other faults may cause folding or doming of the Earth’s surface without causing a discrete surface rupture (Figure 2D). Some faults may not have sufficient slip to inf ...
Post-earthquake ignition vulnerability assessment of
... different fires from a central fire department prevents all of them from responding to the same fire and optimizes time efficiency. The most common FFEs are caused by the restoration of an electricity supply in red-tagged buildings, which are unsafe and where nobody is allowed to enter. If there is ...
... different fires from a central fire department prevents all of them from responding to the same fire and optimizes time efficiency. The most common FFEs are caused by the restoration of an electricity supply in red-tagged buildings, which are unsafe and where nobody is allowed to enter. If there is ...
Full text
... be used for warning about an impending large earthquake and showed some successful cases. Tanaka et al. (2002a) showed that the high correlation between the Earth tide and earthquake occurrence was concentrated in and around the future focal region for the several years preceding the occurrence of t ...
... be used for warning about an impending large earthquake and showed some successful cases. Tanaka et al. (2002a) showed that the high correlation between the Earth tide and earthquake occurrence was concentrated in and around the future focal region for the several years preceding the occurrence of t ...
- Pacific Disaster Net
... form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ...
... form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ...
Seismological evidence of simultaneous mountain-building and crust-thickening 7.6)
... Although crustal deformation in orogenic belts is often characterized by mountain-building near the surface, the greatest amount of crustal deformation in the crust is not mountain-building, but rather crust-thickening. Based on the isostasy theory (Airy compensation), the anomaly of crust thickness ...
... Although crustal deformation in orogenic belts is often characterized by mountain-building near the surface, the greatest amount of crustal deformation in the crust is not mountain-building, but rather crust-thickening. Based on the isostasy theory (Airy compensation), the anomaly of crust thickness ...
8.1 What Is an Earthquake?
... Cause of Earthquakes Before the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the actual causes and effects of earthquakes were not understood. The San Fransisco earthquake caused horizontal shifts in Earth’s surface of several meters along the northern portion of the San Andreas Fault. The 1300-kilometer Sa ...
... Cause of Earthquakes Before the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the actual causes and effects of earthquakes were not understood. The San Fransisco earthquake caused horizontal shifts in Earth’s surface of several meters along the northern portion of the San Andreas Fault. The 1300-kilometer Sa ...
2010 Canterbury earthquake
The 2010 Canterbury earthquake (also known as the Christchurch earthquake or Darfield earthquake) struck the South Island of New Zealand with a moment magnitude of 7.1 at 4:35 a.m. local time on 4 September, and had a maximum perceived intensity of X (Extreme) on the Mercalli Intensity Scale. Some damaging aftershocks followed the main event, the strongest of which was a magnitude 6.3 shock that occurred on 22 February 2011. Because this aftershock was centred very close to Christchurch, it was much more destructive and resulted in the deaths of 185 people, and was felt from Invercargill to Wellington.The main shock caused widespread damage and several power outages, particularly in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city. Two residents were seriously injured, one by a collapsing chimney and a second by flying glass. One person died of a heart attack suffered during the quake, although this could not be directly linked to the earthquake. Mass fatalities were avoided partly due to there being few houses of unreinforced construction, although this was also aided by the quake occurring during the night when most people were off the street.The earthquake's epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 mi) west of Christchurch, near the town of Darfield. The hypocentre was at a shallow depth of 10 km. A foreshock of roughly magnitude 5.8 hit five seconds before the main quake, and strong aftershocks have been reported, up to magnitude 6.3.The initial quake lasted about 40 seconds, and was felt widely across the South Island, and in the North Island as far north as New Plymouth. As the epicentre was on land away from the coast, no tsunami occurred.The National Crisis Management Centre in the basement of the Beehive in Wellington was activated, and Civil Defence declared a state of emergency for Christchurch, the Selwyn District, and the Waimakariri District, while Selwyn District, Waimakariri and Timaru activated their emergency operation centres. Initially, a curfew was established for parts of Christchurch Central City from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am in response to the earthquake. The New Zealand Army was deployed to the worst affected areas in Canterbury.Claims from the earthquake were confirmed at being between $2.75 and $3.5 billion NZD.