History - Saint Louis University
... Fifteen hours of History courses beyond HIST 111/112. These must include at least one course in three of the four following areas* Pre-1500 European History List as for Majors plus HIST 490 Seminar in European History Modern European History List as for Majors plus HIST 490 Seminar in European Histo ...
... Fifteen hours of History courses beyond HIST 111/112. These must include at least one course in three of the four following areas* Pre-1500 European History List as for Majors plus HIST 490 Seminar in European History Modern European History List as for Majors plus HIST 490 Seminar in European Histo ...
... U.S. History - 3 Hours HIST 345 Colonial America HIST 346 Found of American Republic, 1763-1816 HIST 347 Nationalism & Sectionalism, 1816-1860 HIST 348 Civil War & Reconstruction, 1850-1877 HIST 349 The Gilded Age HIST 350 Progressive Era to Jazz Era, 1890-1920 HIST 351 Prosperity, Depression & War, ...
... U.S. History - 3 Hours HIST 345 Colonial America HIST 346 Found of American Republic, 1763-1816 HIST 347 Nationalism & Sectionalism, 1816-1860 HIST 348 Civil War & Reconstruction, 1850-1877 HIST 349 The Gilded Age HIST 350 Progressive Era to Jazz Era, 1890-1920 HIST 351 Prosperity, Depression & War, ...
History History (BA)
... Louis University for more than a century and a half. The program begins with introductions to American, European, and non-Western history. Students then take courses in more specific historical areas that allow exploration of certain subjects in greater depth. Finally, students take seminars that re ...
... Louis University for more than a century and a half. The program begins with introductions to American, European, and non-Western history. Students then take courses in more specific historical areas that allow exploration of certain subjects in greater depth. Finally, students take seminars that re ...
Course List for the International Studies major and minor Please
... 4710 Middle East Politics: Critical Issues SOCI 4260 Topics in Sociology (when approved) Sub-area III – Europe *INST 4850 may be taken when topic has been approved for a specific region ANTH 3600 Peoples and Cultures of Europe GEOG 4030 British Isles Field School HIST 4060 Russia in the 20th and 21s ...
... 4710 Middle East Politics: Critical Issues SOCI 4260 Topics in Sociology (when approved) Sub-area III – Europe *INST 4850 may be taken when topic has been approved for a specific region ANTH 3600 Peoples and Cultures of Europe GEOG 4030 British Isles Field School HIST 4060 Russia in the 20th and 21s ...
European Studies - International and Area Studies
... o German Literature and the Modern Era (L97 3402) o German Thought and the Modern Era (L97 3416) o Germany Today (L97 4040) o German Lit and Culture, 1750-1830 (L97 4101) o German Lit and Culture, 1830-1914 (L97 4102) o German Lit and Culture, 1914 to the Present (L97 4103) o Studies in Genre (L97 4 ...
... o German Literature and the Modern Era (L97 3402) o German Thought and the Modern Era (L97 3416) o Germany Today (L97 4040) o German Lit and Culture, 1750-1830 (L97 4101) o German Lit and Culture, 1830-1914 (L97 4102) o German Lit and Culture, 1914 to the Present (L97 4103) o Studies in Genre (L97 4 ...
History Minor - University of Minnesota
... •HIST 3695 - Special Topics African History (various titles to be assigned) (4.0 cr) •East Asia Take 0 or more course(s) from the following: •FORS 2030 - HIST 2030: China An Ancient Civilization (3.0 cr) •HIST 1400 - Modern World History from 1500 to present [LE CAT7, LEIP CAT07, HUMANITIES, GLOBAL ...
... •HIST 3695 - Special Topics African History (various titles to be assigned) (4.0 cr) •East Asia Take 0 or more course(s) from the following: •FORS 2030 - HIST 2030: China An Ancient Civilization (3.0 cr) •HIST 1400 - Modern World History from 1500 to present [LE CAT7, LEIP CAT07, HUMANITIES, GLOBAL ...
PDF of This Page - Catalog - University of Wisconsin
... This certificate is designed for undergraduate students with an interest in history who have chosen a major other than History. It is particularly geared toward students for whom a deeper understanding of the history of global interactions will complement and enhance their major area of study and/or ...
... This certificate is designed for undergraduate students with an interest in history who have chosen a major other than History. It is particularly geared toward students for whom a deeper understanding of the history of global interactions will complement and enhance their major area of study and/or ...
World History, Modern Era
... This document demonstrates how Pearson World History, Modern Era, ©2016, meets the Arkansas Social Studies Curriculum Framework, Grades 9-12. Pearson is excited to announce its NEW World History program! The program invites students to truly experience the scope and impact of history through engagin ...
... This document demonstrates how Pearson World History, Modern Era, ©2016, meets the Arkansas Social Studies Curriculum Framework, Grades 9-12. Pearson is excited to announce its NEW World History program! The program invites students to truly experience the scope and impact of history through engagin ...
This Fleeting World
... pages), but also demonstrates ways teachers might manage critical challenges inherent in planning and teaching world history. Many teachers, textbooks, and history courses stay at the nationstate or civilization level, rarely zooming out for a broader picture. They thus keep the instructional focus ...
... pages), but also demonstrates ways teachers might manage critical challenges inherent in planning and teaching world history. Many teachers, textbooks, and history courses stay at the nationstate or civilization level, rarely zooming out for a broader picture. They thus keep the instructional focus ...
Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction
... Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ...
... Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ...
jewish history - Department of History
... If you think history is simply a lot of names, dates, and battles, you are in for a surprise. At The Ohio State University history is alive, and it's probably not what you would expect. In today's world, where war, recession, revolution, famine, and social upheaval occur with frightening regularity, ...
... If you think history is simply a lot of names, dates, and battles, you are in for a surprise. At The Ohio State University history is alive, and it's probably not what you would expect. In today's world, where war, recession, revolution, famine, and social upheaval occur with frightening regularity, ...
Ireland_final version_Faas_11Nov
... During the junior cycle, the syllabus is structured so that students learn about ‘key ideas’ that are contextualised with examples from ‘local, national and international’ settings (DES 2006a, 3). As expected, references to Europe appear under the ‘international’ rubric, usually indirectly through m ...
... During the junior cycle, the syllabus is structured so that students learn about ‘key ideas’ that are contextualised with examples from ‘local, national and international’ settings (DES 2006a, 3). As expected, references to Europe appear under the ‘international’ rubric, usually indirectly through m ...
Walter D. Mignolo The Enduring Enchantment: (Or the Epistemic
... or critical like Bartolomé de las Casas’s. The discourse of Smith and Ricardo, however, carried over the enchantments of the discovery of America, colonial commerce (Smith) and colonial (primitive) accumulation (Marx). The excesses committed by Spanish ‘‘conquistadors,’’ so well exploited later on b ...
... or critical like Bartolomé de las Casas’s. The discourse of Smith and Ricardo, however, carried over the enchantments of the discovery of America, colonial commerce (Smith) and colonial (primitive) accumulation (Marx). The excesses committed by Spanish ‘‘conquistadors,’’ so well exploited later on b ...
... Option- (i): Ancient and Medieval World Max. Marks: 100 Internal Assessment: 20 External Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours Note- 1. The question paper will consist of 11 questions in all. The candidate will have to attempt 5 questions in all, selecting one question from each section. The paper will carry 80 m ...
... Option- (i): Ancient and Medieval World Max. Marks: 100 Internal Assessment: 20 External Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours Note- 1. The question paper will consist of 11 questions in all. The candidate will have to attempt 5 questions in all, selecting one question from each section. The paper will carry 80 m ...
1-2F Social Studies Unit Plans
... different areas. A new era of human development began when humans discovered how to plan crops and domesticate animals. A more settled life and more dependable food sources allowed people to build civilizations with complex social structures. Civilizations began to interact with each other. In this ...
... different areas. A new era of human development began when humans discovered how to plan crops and domesticate animals. A more settled life and more dependable food sources allowed people to build civilizations with complex social structures. Civilizations began to interact with each other. In this ...
Balkans, Events in Eastern Europe, 1989
... different treatments of each of the course’s topics by the two main historians (Kishlansky and Bucholz) whose presentations frame their survey course. This approach will also be used with selected secondary sources. o Understanding History through the Arts: Students will examine works of art, litera ...
... different treatments of each of the course’s topics by the two main historians (Kishlansky and Bucholz) whose presentations frame their survey course. This approach will also be used with selected secondary sources. o Understanding History through the Arts: Students will examine works of art, litera ...
World History v12 Course Syllabus
... samurais lived. You will also investigate the rise and fall of some of the great kingdoms of the Americas and Africa and then travel back to the Europe of the Renaissance and Reformation era. Hang on tight, before you dive into the Age of Discovery when eastern and western hemispheric encounters cre ...
... samurais lived. You will also investigate the rise and fall of some of the great kingdoms of the Americas and Africa and then travel back to the Europe of the Renaissance and Reformation era. Hang on tight, before you dive into the Age of Discovery when eastern and western hemispheric encounters cre ...
Britain, Empire, Europe: Re
... suggest that Hobsbawm was hesitant about a rigidly European framework. In its early editions The Age of Revolution carried the subtitle Europe, 1789–1848. Later editions dropped the «Europe»; they were simply entitled The Age of Revolution, 1789– 1848. The other two volumes in the trilogy came witho ...
... suggest that Hobsbawm was hesitant about a rigidly European framework. In its early editions The Age of Revolution carried the subtitle Europe, 1789–1848. Later editions dropped the «Europe»; they were simply entitled The Age of Revolution, 1789– 1848. The other two volumes in the trilogy came witho ...
De-personifying Collaert`s Four Continents: European descriptions
... historians of travel writing and natural science, with questions regarding how the wondrous and the exotic interacted with factual information central to the debate.18 Erik Ringmar’s assertion that ‘predispositions are nothing more than predispositions, and there are often [...] quite contradictory ...
... historians of travel writing and natural science, with questions regarding how the wondrous and the exotic interacted with factual information central to the debate.18 Erik Ringmar’s assertion that ‘predispositions are nothing more than predispositions, and there are often [...] quite contradictory ...
... [Integrated] identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450: the formation of medieval Europe.[WHS.1C] [Integrated] explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe a ...
... [Integrated] identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450: the formation of medieval Europe.[WHS.1C] [Integrated] explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe a ...
Chapter 4
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
Chapter 4: Toward a New World, 800-1500
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
... either ancient or modern cities. A large trading city would number about five thousand inhabitants. Italian cities tended to be larger. Venice, Florence, and Milan each had more than 80,000 inhabitants. Even the largest European city, however, seemed small alongside the Byzantine capital of Constant ...
frame the lesson - Trinity Basin Preparatory
... Explain that the Aztecs were a civilization in present-day Mexico, while further south, the Incas built a civilization along the west coast of South America. The Aztec settled near shallow swamps, and the Incas in the mountains. Both civilizations altered the land in order to farm. Religion & The ...
... Explain that the Aztecs were a civilization in present-day Mexico, while further south, the Incas built a civilization along the west coast of South America. The Aztec settled near shallow swamps, and the Incas in the mountains. Both civilizations altered the land in order to farm. Religion & The ...
Advanced Placement European History
... They will be shown various works of art and expected to note the major differences in style and substance of the several periods as outlined in the organization section above. Using specific pieces of art students will generally be using an art analysis worksheet that follows these basis lines: What ...
... They will be shown various works of art and expected to note the major differences in style and substance of the several periods as outlined in the organization section above. Using specific pieces of art students will generally be using an art analysis worksheet that follows these basis lines: What ...
Early modern European cuisine

The cuisine of early modern Europe (c. 1500–1800) was a mix of dishes inherited from medieval cuisine combined with innovations that would persist in the modern era. Though there was a great influx of new ideas, an increase in foreign trade and a scientific revolution, preservation of foods remained traditional: preserved by drying, salting and smoking or pickling in vinegar. Fare was naturally dependent on the season: a cookbook by Domenico Romoli called ""Panunto"" made a virtue of necessity by including a recipe for each day of the year.The discovery of the New World, the establishment of new trade routes with Asia and increased foreign influences from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East meant that Europeans became familiarized with a multitude of new foodstuffs. Spices that previously had been prohibitively expensive luxuries, such as pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger, soon became available to the majority population, and the introduction of new plants coming from the New World and India like maize, potato, sweet potato, chili pepper, cocoa, vanilla, tomato, coffee and tea transformed European cuisine forever.There was a very great increase in prosperity in Europe during this period, which gradually reached all classes and all areas, and considerably changed the patterns of eating. Everywhere both doctors and chefs continued to characterize foodstuffs by their effects on the four humours: they were considered to be heating or cooling to the constitution, moistening or drying. Nationalism was first conceived in the early modern period, but it was not until the 19th century that the notion of a national cuisine emerged. Class differences were far more important dividing lines, and it was almost always upper-class food that was described in recipe collections and cookbooks.