Anexo I. Modelos teóricos de análisis de sistemas de valencia mixta.
... origina por la reorientación de la capa de solvatación de alrededor de los dos centros redox, que difiere antes y después de que tenga lugar la TEI. Su valor se puede estimar mediante la ecuación siguiente: ...
... origina por la reorientación de la capa de solvatación de alrededor de los dos centros redox, que difiere antes y después de que tenga lugar la TEI. Su valor se puede estimar mediante la ecuación siguiente: ...
Scanning angle total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy and
... In Chapter 3, improvement of the scanning angle TIR Raman microscope and a Raman signal enhancement technique are described for the TIR geometry using a thin, smooth, gold film at the prism / sample interface as a means to increase the magnitude of the mean squared electric field (MSEF) encountered ...
... In Chapter 3, improvement of the scanning angle TIR Raman microscope and a Raman signal enhancement technique are described for the TIR geometry using a thin, smooth, gold film at the prism / sample interface as a means to increase the magnitude of the mean squared electric field (MSEF) encountered ...
... To measure spectra at different temperatures and pressures the thin section of MA-62 and MA-68 ringwoodite (Tab. 1) were detached and cleaned from epoxy with acetone and ethanol. The spectra at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures (~297 K and 77 K, respectively) were measured using a home-made mini ...
... To measure spectra at different temperatures and pressures the thin section of MA-62 and MA-68 ringwoodite (Tab. 1) were detached and cleaned from epoxy with acetone and ethanol. The spectra at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures (~297 K and 77 K, respectively) were measured using a home-made mini ...
i̇zmi̇r institute of technology graduate school of engineering
... The course will start off with a concise mention of chemical thermodynamics to elucidate the basic terminology.A discussion on the thermodynamics of liquid system will be covered so as to include van der walls, electrostatic and steric forces.Surfaces at solids will be examined as a prelude ...
... The course will start off with a concise mention of chemical thermodynamics to elucidate the basic terminology.A discussion on the thermodynamics of liquid system will be covered so as to include van der walls, electrostatic and steric forces.Surfaces at solids will be examined as a prelude ...
Methodological Advances in Theoretical - ETH E
... approaches has been developed in the past, including very accurate, but computationally demanding four-component methods and computationally cheaper quasi-relativistic two-component methods like the Douglas–Kroll–Hess (DKH) transformation theory, which is focused on in this thesis. It is shown how p ...
... approaches has been developed in the past, including very accurate, but computationally demanding four-component methods and computationally cheaper quasi-relativistic two-component methods like the Douglas–Kroll–Hess (DKH) transformation theory, which is focused on in this thesis. It is shown how p ...
(NH3)n and NH2 - Sanov Group
... extent of the observed vibrational progression indicates a significant geometry change along the bending coordinate between the X1 A1 state of the anion and the A2 A1 state of the neutral (and thus also between the A2 A1 and X2 B1 states of the neutral). Both NH2 − features persist in the spectrum f ...
... extent of the observed vibrational progression indicates a significant geometry change along the bending coordinate between the X1 A1 state of the anion and the A2 A1 state of the neutral (and thus also between the A2 A1 and X2 B1 states of the neutral). Both NH2 − features persist in the spectrum f ...
Spectroscopic Comparisons of the pH Dependencies of Fe
... monomers, which each have one active site containing a single Fe or Mn ion. The overall folds are the same, and in both cases the metal ion is coordinated in a trigonal bipyramid by two His and an Asp- in the equatorial plane and a His and a solvent molecule as axial ligands (5). The coordinated sol ...
... monomers, which each have one active site containing a single Fe or Mn ion. The overall folds are the same, and in both cases the metal ion is coordinated in a trigonal bipyramid by two His and an Asp- in the equatorial plane and a His and a solvent molecule as axial ligands (5). The coordinated sol ...
Understanding Microstructural Evolution in Mixed Metal
... alkoxide. This can be explained by an inductive effect. The longer the alkane chain of the alkoxide, the stronger is the electron propulsion of this chain which results in a stabilisation of the negative charge of oxygen. Therefore the rate of hydrolysis decreases in the sequence: Si(OC2H5)4> Si(OC4 ...
... alkoxide. This can be explained by an inductive effect. The longer the alkane chain of the alkoxide, the stronger is the electron propulsion of this chain which results in a stabilisation of the negative charge of oxygen. Therefore the rate of hydrolysis decreases in the sequence: Si(OC2H5)4> Si(OC4 ...
Theory of Excitation Energy Transfer in Pigment - diss.fu
... grey, Nitrogen blue. The four Nitrogen atoms are labeled according to the standard nomenclature. ...
... grey, Nitrogen blue. The four Nitrogen atoms are labeled according to the standard nomenclature. ...
Low Temperature Precursors for SnOx Thin Films
... deposited thin films are evaluated using a range of microscopy techniques including scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction analysis and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. ...
... deposited thin films are evaluated using a range of microscopy techniques including scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction analysis and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. ...
Study on Alginate–Chitosan Complex Formed with Different
... Chitosan (molecular weight (Mw ) « 50–190 kDa, degree of deacetylation (DD) = 82.84% (measured by titration method), viscosity of 0.5% soln. w/v in 1% soln. lactic acid: 0.03 ˘ 0.01 Pa¨s) was supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Sodium alginate extracted from Laminaria digitata (viscosity ...
... Chitosan (molecular weight (Mw ) « 50–190 kDa, degree of deacetylation (DD) = 82.84% (measured by titration method), viscosity of 0.5% soln. w/v in 1% soln. lactic acid: 0.03 ˘ 0.01 Pa¨s) was supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Sodium alginate extracted from Laminaria digitata (viscosity ...
Dye Sensitization of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide with Osmium
... density between the electrodes in the cell under typical solar illumination conditions. We have therefore performed electrochemical experiments to determine both the ground and excitedstate redox potentials of the Os and Ru complexes in order to probe the device performance as a function of the posi ...
... density between the electrodes in the cell under typical solar illumination conditions. We have therefore performed electrochemical experiments to determine both the ground and excitedstate redox potentials of the Os and Ru complexes in order to probe the device performance as a function of the posi ...
synthesis and reactions of tris dialkyl dithiocarbamates of group 15
... subsequent reaction of the oxide with 1:1 complexes results in the formation of ZnX2 P(Cy)3 [OP(Cy)3].(16) The very bulky phosphines, such as P(But)3, form dimeric 1:1 adduct with zinc(П) halides and also with cadmium and mercury dihalides.(17) Zinc(П) halides tend to form both 1:1 and 1:2 complexe ...
... subsequent reaction of the oxide with 1:1 complexes results in the formation of ZnX2 P(Cy)3 [OP(Cy)3].(16) The very bulky phosphines, such as P(But)3, form dimeric 1:1 adduct with zinc(П) halides and also with cadmium and mercury dihalides.(17) Zinc(П) halides tend to form both 1:1 and 1:2 complexe ...
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... The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made ...
... The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made ...
G 3 Geochemistry Geophysics
... hydrothermal vent environments where targets of interest such as high-temperature vent fluids, fragile chimney structures and bacterial mats may be either too hot for contact analysis or altered when brought to the surface for ship- or shore-based analysis. Raman spectroscopy has been widely used in ...
... hydrothermal vent environments where targets of interest such as high-temperature vent fluids, fragile chimney structures and bacterial mats may be either too hot for contact analysis or altered when brought to the surface for ship- or shore-based analysis. Raman spectroscopy has been widely used in ...
Chemical Kinetics in Monodentate and Bidentate Cobalt Compounds
... repeated. The trans-Co(NH3)4Cl2 should be synthesized using a lower temperature and lower concentration of acid. A mixture of HCl and H2SO4 could be used instead. From there the effect of different ligands can be evaluated. ...
... repeated. The trans-Co(NH3)4Cl2 should be synthesized using a lower temperature and lower concentration of acid. A mixture of HCl and H2SO4 could be used instead. From there the effect of different ligands can be evaluated. ...
... 3. Physical sources and the sign of CIFS in general resonators We next consider the rigorous evaluation and the physical origin of contributions to CIFS leading to shifts of either sign. Then, we demonstrate CIFS in traveling and standing-wave resonators and note characteristic field patterns associ ...
... 3. Physical sources and the sign of CIFS in general resonators We next consider the rigorous evaluation and the physical origin of contributions to CIFS leading to shifts of either sign. Then, we demonstrate CIFS in traveling and standing-wave resonators and note characteristic field patterns associ ...
Hyper-Raman scattering and the selection rules for the wave vector
... pulse duration 100 nsec, and the peak power 20 kW. With such an excitation, the HRS intensity (the number of photons per second) was comparable with the intensity obtainable by exciting the pulses with peak power -2 MW, duration 10 nsec, and repetition frequency 25 Hz. However, excitation with 20 kW ...
... pulse duration 100 nsec, and the peak power 20 kW. With such an excitation, the HRS intensity (the number of photons per second) was comparable with the intensity obtainable by exciting the pulses with peak power -2 MW, duration 10 nsec, and repetition frequency 25 Hz. However, excitation with 20 kW ...
Introduction - St. Olaf College
... that bonds are not shown. Rather, each atom is displayed as a colored sphere that represents its approximate size. Thus, the space-filling model for a molecule provides a measure of its size. While lines between atoms are not drawn, the existence (or absence) of bonds can be inferred from the extent ...
... that bonds are not shown. Rather, each atom is displayed as a colored sphere that represents its approximate size. Thus, the space-filling model for a molecule provides a measure of its size. While lines between atoms are not drawn, the existence (or absence) of bonds can be inferred from the extent ...
Improved Synthesis of Seven-Coordinate Molybdenum( I I) and
... X = halide) and [Mo(CNR),I2+ (from X = SnC13-) complexes. X-ray crystallographic studies of these complexes have been described e l s e ~ h e r e . ' ~ JFinally, ...
... X = halide) and [Mo(CNR),I2+ (from X = SnC13-) complexes. X-ray crystallographic studies of these complexes have been described e l s e ~ h e r e . ' ~ JFinally, ...
feature article
... macroscopic systems we usually consider the density of modes per unit volume as a fundamental dynamical quantity whereas in molecules we usually look at the total density of states. It is clear that, for many spectroscopicand dynamical observables, the former quantity is more relevant. When the mole ...
... macroscopic systems we usually consider the density of modes per unit volume as a fundamental dynamical quantity whereas in molecules we usually look at the total density of states. It is clear that, for many spectroscopicand dynamical observables, the former quantity is more relevant. When the mole ...
Aalborg University 2010
... of covalently imprinted silica networks produced by employing the sol-gel process. Furthermore the effects of changing the ratio between the cross-linking agent and the functional monomer are analyzed. Hence the report will focus on answering the following questions: Is it possible to covalently imp ...
... of covalently imprinted silica networks produced by employing the sol-gel process. Furthermore the effects of changing the ratio between the cross-linking agent and the functional monomer are analyzed. Hence the report will focus on answering the following questions: Is it possible to covalently imp ...
Structure and packing of phosphatidylcholines in lamellar and
... HI structures are analogous to those which determine the aggregation and average shape of micelles. Thus, the HI phase is a useful model for the accommodation of the alkyl chains of amphiphile monomers in micelles and, in particular, of solutes of very different size and molecular weight, such as ph ...
... HI structures are analogous to those which determine the aggregation and average shape of micelles. Thus, the HI phase is a useful model for the accommodation of the alkyl chains of amphiphile monomers in micelles and, in particular, of solutes of very different size and molecular weight, such as ph ...
... With one of the highest intrinsic magnetic moments (10.6 µB) among the heavy rare-earth elements, dysprosium (Dy) exhibits a rich magnetic phase diagram, including a few modulated magnetic phases. Aided by the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction, the magnetic modulations propagate coher ...
... With one of the highest intrinsic magnetic moments (10.6 µB) among the heavy rare-earth elements, dysprosium (Dy) exhibits a rich magnetic phase diagram, including a few modulated magnetic phases. Aided by the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction, the magnetic modulations propagate coher ...
Optical Spectroscopy of Spin Ladders
... elementary excitations. The triplet dispersion shows a gap [3], which is contrary to both 1D Heisenberg chains and odd-leg ladders that have gapless excitation spectra. The socalled telephone-number compounds (Sr,La,Ca)14 Cu24 O41 provide excellent realizations of two-leg spin ladders, which are com ...
... elementary excitations. The triplet dispersion shows a gap [3], which is contrary to both 1D Heisenberg chains and odd-leg ladders that have gapless excitation spectra. The socalled telephone-number compounds (Sr,La,Ca)14 Cu24 O41 provide excellent realizations of two-leg spin ladders, which are com ...
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, most commonly known as NMR spectroscopy, is a research technique that exploits the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. It determines the physical and chemical properties of atoms or the molecules in which they are contained. It relies on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance and can provide detailed information about the structure, dynamics, reaction state, and chemical environment of molecules. The intramolecular magnetic field around an atom in a molecule changes the resonance frequency, thus giving access to details of the electronic structure of a molecule.Most frequently, NMR spectroscopy is used by chemists and biochemists to investigate the properties of organic molecules, although it is applicable to any kind of sample that contains nuclei possessing spin. Suitable samples range from small compounds analyzed with 1-dimensional proton or carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy to large proteins or nucleic acids using 3 or 4-dimensional techniques. The impact of NMR spectroscopy on the sciences has been substantial because of the range of information and the diversity of samples, including solutions and solids.NMR spectra are unique, well-resolved, analytically tractable and often highly predictable for small molecules. Thus, in organic chemistry practice, NMR analysis is used to confirm the identity of a substance. Different functional groups are obviously distinguishable, and identical functional groups with differing neighboring substituents still give distinguishable signals. NMR has largely replaced traditional wet chemistry tests such as color reagents for identification. A disadvantage is that a relatively large amount, 2–50 mg, of a purified substance is required, although it may be recovered. Preferably, the sample should be dissolved in a solvent, because NMR analysis of solids requires a dedicated MAS machine and may not give equally well-resolved spectra. The timescale of NMR is relatively long, and thus it is not suitable for observing fast phenomena, producing only an averaged spectrum. Although large amounts of impurities do show on an NMR spectrum, better methods exist for detecting impurities, as NMR is inherently not very sensitive.NMR spectrometers are relatively expensive; universities usually have them, but they are less common in private companies. Modern NMR spectrometers have a very strong, large and expensive liquid helium-cooled superconducting magnet, because resolution directly depends on magnetic field strength. Less expensive machines using permanent magnets and lower resolution are also available, which still give sufficient performance for certain application such as reaction monitoring and quick checking of samples. There are even benchtop NMR spectrometers.