Querying Network Graphs with Recursive Queries
... commonly-used recursive queries using PIER. These queries are variants of the transitive closure query, which can be used to compute reachability information within a graph. We will further show how our execution techniques can be generalized to support dynamic graphs, and to facilitate work sharing ...
... commonly-used recursive queries using PIER. These queries are variants of the transitive closure query, which can be used to compute reachability information within a graph. We will further show how our execution techniques can be generalized to support dynamic graphs, and to facilitate work sharing ...
GMPLS-based provisioning of Ethernet connections over WSON with Quality of Service Ph.D. Thesis
... link timer, which postpones the release of created FA TE link when there are no more upper-layer connections over such a link, rather than releasing it immediately. By doing so, we do reduce the signaling overhead due to consecutive triggering of FA TE links between the same pair of nodes. As a seco ...
... link timer, which postpones the release of created FA TE link when there are no more upper-layer connections over such a link, rather than releasing it immediately. By doing so, we do reduce the signaling overhead due to consecutive triggering of FA TE links between the same pair of nodes. As a seco ...
Experiment Manual
... as follows: n0 n2, n1 n2 and n2 n3. Apply TCP agent between n0-n3 and UDP between n1-n3. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP / UDP. (n0, n1 and n3 are nodes and n2 is router.). .............................. ...
... as follows: n0 n2, n1 n2 and n2 n3. Apply TCP agent between n0-n3 and UDP between n1-n3. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP / UDP. (n0, n1 and n3 are nodes and n2 is router.). .............................. ...
lecture slides - CSE, IIT Bombay
... What properties do real-life graphs have? How important is a node? What is importance? Who is the best customer to target in a social network? Who spread a raging rumor? How similar are two nodes? How do nodes influence each other? Can I predict some property of a node based on its nei ...
... What properties do real-life graphs have? How important is a node? What is importance? Who is the best customer to target in a social network? Who spread a raging rumor? How similar are two nodes? How do nodes influence each other? Can I predict some property of a node based on its nei ...
Probability Model Based Energy Efficient and Reliable
... localized, i.e., each node uses only the information that is one or two hops away. The problem of minimizing the total energy consumption for the whole network is NP-hard in both two and three dimensional space [7,8]. In addition, if the WSN consists thousands of nodes, it is difficult to calculate ...
... localized, i.e., each node uses only the information that is one or two hops away. The problem of minimizing the total energy consumption for the whole network is NP-hard in both two and three dimensional space [7,8]. In addition, if the WSN consists thousands of nodes, it is difficult to calculate ...
Pastry: Scalable, Distributed Object Location and Routing for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems
... unique numeric identi£er (nodeId). When presented with a message and a numeric key, a Pastry node ef£ciently routes the message to the node with a nodeId that is numerically closest to the key, among all currently live Pastry nodes. The expected number of routing steps is O(log N), where N is the nu ...
... unique numeric identi£er (nodeId). When presented with a message and a numeric key, a Pastry node ef£ciently routes the message to the node with a nodeId that is numerically closest to the key, among all currently live Pastry nodes. The expected number of routing steps is O(log N), where N is the nu ...
Pastry: Scalable, decentralized object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems
... Pastry is intended as general substrate for the construction of a variety of peer-topeer Internet applications like global file sharing, file storage, group communication and naming systems. Several application have been built on top of Pastry to date, including a global, persistent storage utility ...
... Pastry is intended as general substrate for the construction of a variety of peer-topeer Internet applications like global file sharing, file storage, group communication and naming systems. Several application have been built on top of Pastry to date, including a global, persistent storage utility ...
QU-RPL: Queue Utilization based RPL for Load
... Cisco’s field area network (FAN) solution for smart grids [1] (CG-Mesh) is a good commercial example that uses RPL in LLNs. It is based on the IPv6 architecture, and uses IEEE 802.15.4g/e at the PHY and MAC layer to form LLNs. On top of that, it uses 6LoWPAN, RPL, and IPv6 to provide end-toend two-w ...
... Cisco’s field area network (FAN) solution for smart grids [1] (CG-Mesh) is a good commercial example that uses RPL in LLNs. It is based on the IPv6 architecture, and uses IEEE 802.15.4g/e at the PHY and MAC layer to form LLNs. On top of that, it uses 6LoWPAN, RPL, and IPv6 to provide end-toend two-w ...
TCP for Mobile and Wireless Hosts
... Security Issues Implementation Issues Distributed Algorithms Standards activities Open problems ...
... Security Issues Implementation Issues Distributed Algorithms Standards activities Open problems ...
CTC Information and Shortcuts
... Network view shows all the nodes in a ring. A Superuser can set up this feature so each user will see the same network view, and users can create a custom view with maps. This view provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the network. Network view can contain domains. A domain is u ...
... Network view shows all the nodes in a ring. A Superuser can set up this feature so each user will see the same network view, and users can create a custom view with maps. This view provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the network. Network view can contain domains. A domain is u ...
... in determining ring membership to maximize the marginal utility provided by each ring member. A query is matched against the relevant nodes in these rings, and optionally forwarded to a subset of the node’s peers. Intuitively, the forwarding “zooms in” towards the solution space, handing off the que ...
... in determining ring membership to maximize the marginal utility provided by each ring member. A query is matched against the relevant nodes in these rings, and optionally forwarded to a subset of the node’s peers. Intuitively, the forwarding “zooms in” towards the solution space, handing off the que ...
Pastry: Scalable, distributed object location and routing for large
... the nodes in the system. Specifically, given a destination id (destId) of at least 128 bits, Pastry routes an associated message to the node whose nodeId is numerically closest to the 128 most significant bits of the destId associated with the message, among all live nodes. Furthermore, it is assume ...
... the nodes in the system. Specifically, given a destination id (destId) of at least 128 bits, Pastry routes an associated message to the node whose nodeId is numerically closest to the 128 most significant bits of the destId associated with the message, among all live nodes. Furthermore, it is assume ...
Networking Research Group
... destination key, Pastry routes the message to the node whose nodeId is numerically closest to the key. The expected number of hops is log2b N (where N is the number of nodes in the overlay and b is a configuration parameter with typical value 4). Eventual delivery is guaranteed unless l/2 nodes wit ...
... destination key, Pastry routes the message to the node whose nodeId is numerically closest to the key. The expected number of hops is log2b N (where N is the number of nodes in the overlay and b is a configuration parameter with typical value 4). Eventual delivery is guaranteed unless l/2 nodes wit ...
and self-similar nature of Internet ... weekly variations, such approaches are ...
... between aggregated versions of the data at different scales. For instance, the Haar wavelet coefficients at the first scale are simply the differences between adjacent data points. The coefficients at higher scales are obtained by computing differences between aggregated data points in neighboring d ...
... between aggregated versions of the data at different scales. For instance, the Haar wavelet coefficients at the first scale are simply the differences between adjacent data points. The coefficients at higher scales are obtained by computing differences between aggregated data points in neighboring d ...
Self Organizing Wireless Mesh Networks
... We incorporated these metrics in an ad hoc routing protocol based on DSR. We deployed this protocol on a 23-node wireless testbed, and experimented with various traffic scenarios such as long-lived TCP flows, multiple simultaneous data transfers and simulated web traffic. We also considered a scenario in ...
... We incorporated these metrics in an ad hoc routing protocol based on DSR. We deployed this protocol on a 23-node wireless testbed, and experimented with various traffic scenarios such as long-lived TCP flows, multiple simultaneous data transfers and simulated web traffic. We also considered a scenario in ...
Extending AODV to enforce participation in a Mobile Ad
... In the not-so-distant future, ad-hoc mobile networks will get widely deployed for commercial and civilian uses. Problems related to security, fault-tolerance and robustness are of special concern in these scenarios. For maintaining the peer-to-peer and co-operative nature of ad-hoc mobile networks i ...
... In the not-so-distant future, ad-hoc mobile networks will get widely deployed for commercial and civilian uses. Problems related to security, fault-tolerance and robustness are of special concern in these scenarios. For maintaining the peer-to-peer and co-operative nature of ad-hoc mobile networks i ...
Distributed Computing in Peer-to-peer Networks Emir Ahmetspahi´ c
... these three layers are going to be borrowed from other successful systems for distributed computing and peer-to-peer networking. There is no need to create new solutions for the problems, where satisfying solutions already exist. Other times when there are no satisfactory solutions available, new so ...
... these three layers are going to be borrowed from other successful systems for distributed computing and peer-to-peer networking. There is no need to create new solutions for the problems, where satisfying solutions already exist. Other times when there are no satisfactory solutions available, new so ...
Network Loss Inference with Second Order Statistics
... probes in general mesh topologies. This is in sharp contrast their solution. For example, the traffic matrix estimation with what can be achieved with the mean loss rates of network links, which are not statistically identifiable from endto-end measurements. This result shows that these variances ca ...
... probes in general mesh topologies. This is in sharp contrast their solution. For example, the traffic matrix estimation with what can be achieved with the mean loss rates of network links, which are not statistically identifiable from endto-end measurements. This result shows that these variances ca ...
Survivable WDM mesh networks - Lightwave Technology, Journal of
... researched in circuit-switched transport networks [4], [5], [18]–[20]. In [18], the authors report that path restoration provides about 19% improvement in spare-capacity utilization over link restoration in circuit-switched transport networks. Distributed protocols for restoration have been extensiv ...
... researched in circuit-switched transport networks [4], [5], [18]–[20]. In [18], the authors report that path restoration provides about 19% improvement in spare-capacity utilization over link restoration in circuit-switched transport networks. Distributed protocols for restoration have been extensiv ...
Network Positioning for Wide-Area and Wireless Networks.
... Critical to find out where in the physical world nodes (and other items of interest) are Localityaware content, computing, routing, service discovery, event tracking in sensor networks, ... ...
... Critical to find out where in the physical world nodes (and other items of interest) are Localityaware content, computing, routing, service discovery, event tracking in sensor networks, ... ...
signaling transfer point
... signaling, carrying signaling data over the same voice trunks that would later carry the corresponding conversation. This method gave a reasonable assurance that trunks would be available and voice data would go through once the connection was established. The problem was the trunks that between swi ...
... signaling, carrying signaling data over the same voice trunks that would later carry the corresponding conversation. This method gave a reasonable assurance that trunks would be available and voice data would go through once the connection was established. The problem was the trunks that between swi ...
P2P Part-2
... present node’s id – i.e. prefix matches the current id up to the given value of p – the next row down or leaf set should be examined to find a route. ...
... present node’s id – i.e. prefix matches the current id up to the given value of p – the next row down or leaf set should be examined to find a route. ...
... route back to the originator of the request, so that the RREP can be unicast from the destination along a path to that originator, or likewise from any intermediate node that is able to satisfy the request. RERR – Nodes monitor the link status of next hops in active routes. When a link break in an a ...
... route back to the originator of the request, so that the RREP can be unicast from the destination along a path to that originator, or likewise from any intermediate node that is able to satisfy the request. RERR – Nodes monitor the link status of next hops in active routes. When a link break in an a ...