Political Theory and Social Practices
... In a time of transitions, post-Rawlsian political philosophy is itself in transition, engaged in a methodological dispute regarding the relationship between political theory and changing social practices. This thesis enters this dispute through engaging with John Rawls’s philosophical project and th ...
... In a time of transitions, post-Rawlsian political philosophy is itself in transition, engaged in a methodological dispute regarding the relationship between political theory and changing social practices. This thesis enters this dispute through engaging with John Rawls’s philosophical project and th ...
... of dual-processes models. I simply investigate whether values operate in a pattern consistent with automatic and controlled processing. Dual-process accounts of attitudes may help explain variations in values under different levels of thought processing since values are abstract standards that under ...
... of dual-processes models. I simply investigate whether values operate in a pattern consistent with automatic and controlled processing. Dual-process accounts of attitudes may help explain variations in values under different levels of thought processing since values are abstract standards that under ...
Legitimate Legal Argument and Internally
... but that they are the dominant mode of legitimate legal argument in our rights-based culture. More specifically, arguments of moral principle dominate legitimate legal argument in our rightsbased culture in two ways: (A) they operate directly to determine the morally-legitimate response to legal-rig ...
... but that they are the dominant mode of legitimate legal argument in our rights-based culture. More specifically, arguments of moral principle dominate legitimate legal argument in our rightsbased culture in two ways: (A) they operate directly to determine the morally-legitimate response to legal-rig ...
Basic values and attitudes toward foreign and domestic policies in
... “authority”. These conceptions, like other models of overarching values, however, have not yet been tested rigorously in terms of constraint on policy attitudes. So, we do not know whether political belief systems of ordinary citizens are organized across policy domains by fundamental values. Yet, s ...
... “authority”. These conceptions, like other models of overarching values, however, have not yet been tested rigorously in terms of constraint on policy attitudes. So, we do not know whether political belief systems of ordinary citizens are organized across policy domains by fundamental values. Yet, s ...
Transcendental vs Comparative Approaches to Justice
... Condorcet’s reflections on public decision-making. When dealing with the issue of public decision-making, Condorcet’s problem is not the accuracy with which the social preference conforms to the multitude of individual preferences, but rather the way in which the social decision-making process is ab ...
... Condorcet’s reflections on public decision-making. When dealing with the issue of public decision-making, Condorcet’s problem is not the accuracy with which the social preference conforms to the multitude of individual preferences, but rather the way in which the social decision-making process is ab ...
The Meanings of "Individualism"
... for this is what chiefly determined its twentieth-century meanings. My main purpose is to indicate both the variety and the directions of the main paths traced during the term's rich semantic history. The interest of such an account is, however, neither merely semantic nor merely historical. The mea ...
... for this is what chiefly determined its twentieth-century meanings. My main purpose is to indicate both the variety and the directions of the main paths traced during the term's rich semantic history. The interest of such an account is, however, neither merely semantic nor merely historical. The mea ...
why do we laugh and cry?
... By its laughter or even by the menace of this laughter society will then have exerted an assimilatory function. This dangerous character of the laughter of society at the cost of individuals and particular groups explains the reaction of the individual and of the particular groups toward society, th ...
... By its laughter or even by the menace of this laughter society will then have exerted an assimilatory function. This dangerous character of the laughter of society at the cost of individuals and particular groups explains the reaction of the individual and of the particular groups toward society, th ...
Liberalism, Perfectionism, and Civic Virtue
... liberty and equality for citizens? The main objection of the defenders of perfectionism is that this limited neutrality still retains too much indifference towards the various conceptions of the good that citizens hold. Apart from serious violations of legal norms, the government does not see good r ...
... liberty and equality for citizens? The main objection of the defenders of perfectionism is that this limited neutrality still retains too much indifference towards the various conceptions of the good that citizens hold. Apart from serious violations of legal norms, the government does not see good r ...
Why Conservatives and Progressives Think Differently: Insights from
... experience this metaphor can be unhelpful for those who are new to Haidt’s research, as it can imply a kind of trivial “menu-like choice” among moral values which sits uneasily with the powerful feelings most people have about moral values. On p297, 302 and 306 Haidt provides a different graphical r ...
... experience this metaphor can be unhelpful for those who are new to Haidt’s research, as it can imply a kind of trivial “menu-like choice” among moral values which sits uneasily with the powerful feelings most people have about moral values. On p297, 302 and 306 Haidt provides a different graphical r ...
Doyle and Recchia, Liberalism in International
... further advances international cooperation. Most international regime theorists accepted Kenneth Waltz's (1979) neorealist assurription of states as black boxes-that is, unitary and rational actors with given interests. Little or no attention was paid to the impact on international cooperation of do ...
... further advances international cooperation. Most international regime theorists accepted Kenneth Waltz's (1979) neorealist assurription of states as black boxes-that is, unitary and rational actors with given interests. Little or no attention was paid to the impact on international cooperation of do ...
Ideas for Multicultural Citizenship in Europe
... States – largely that it was a society of immigrants and one that did not have a native ruling elite or the remnants of a feudal order – made this a reasonable expectation, the dream ultimately rested on the ability of the social structure to deliver the promise of a new society, and in this it was ...
... States – largely that it was a society of immigrants and one that did not have a native ruling elite or the remnants of a feudal order – made this a reasonable expectation, the dream ultimately rested on the ability of the social structure to deliver the promise of a new society, and in this it was ...
Recent Political Philosophy {check ??s}
... principles to govern their society from an ‘original position’ that is behind a ‘veil of ignorance’, i.e. from a position in which they did not anything about their personal characteristics or abilities. Rawls went on to develop the idea that the original position procedure is a way of modelling a K ...
... principles to govern their society from an ‘original position’ that is behind a ‘veil of ignorance’, i.e. from a position in which they did not anything about their personal characteristics or abilities. Rawls went on to develop the idea that the original position procedure is a way of modelling a K ...
The Rule of Reasons. Three Models of Deliberative Democracy
... (1) It comes as no surprise that liberal conceptions of democracy based on a notion of ``public reason'' stress the utmost importance of being ``reasonable,'' though in a quite specific sense. To be reasonable here means to have the capacity to find, accept, and act on principles or norms that can e ...
... (1) It comes as no surprise that liberal conceptions of democracy based on a notion of ``public reason'' stress the utmost importance of being ``reasonable,'' though in a quite specific sense. To be reasonable here means to have the capacity to find, accept, and act on principles or norms that can e ...
File - Mr. Oppedisano`s Class... but you can call me Mr. O
... was the British government protecting through the use of force and the law? ...
... was the British government protecting through the use of force and the law? ...
What is the Hegelian Dialectic?
... theory is true. No matter how many new words they make up to define it, or how many new theories they come up with to give it validity, we can prove beyond a doubt that it is all false. And, we can show the final equation in Hegels' Dialectic is: A: The [your nation goes here] System of Political Ec ...
... theory is true. No matter how many new words they make up to define it, or how many new theories they come up with to give it validity, we can prove beyond a doubt that it is all false. And, we can show the final equation in Hegels' Dialectic is: A: The [your nation goes here] System of Political Ec ...
Liberalism and the Moral Significance of
... political, or religious oppression. That they came, and continue to come, is an affirmation of American ideals. But on the other hand, no diploma of moral virtues was required to get through Ellis Island. The conviction lingers that our established order requires opposition on the left to defend tho ...
... political, or religious oppression. That they came, and continue to come, is an affirmation of American ideals. But on the other hand, no diploma of moral virtues was required to get through Ellis Island. The conviction lingers that our established order requires opposition on the left to defend tho ...
Wolff Political Philosophy and The Real World of
... may be that at the highest level political philosophy can only succeed if it has an overwhelming ambition and false self-conception. Yet its role in practice, at best, will be to modify existing practice rather than replace one set of practices with an entirely different alternative. In relatively r ...
... may be that at the highest level political philosophy can only succeed if it has an overwhelming ambition and false self-conception. Yet its role in practice, at best, will be to modify existing practice rather than replace one set of practices with an entirely different alternative. In relatively r ...
Liberalism and nationalism
... sympathetic to the importance of national identity. There have also been national-liberal political parties in western democracies. This essay will explore the diverse responses to national claims within the liberal tradition and the extent to which these two perspectives can be reconciled. ...
... sympathetic to the importance of national identity. There have also been national-liberal political parties in western democracies. This essay will explore the diverse responses to national claims within the liberal tradition and the extent to which these two perspectives can be reconciled. ...
Broadening Your Horizons Scoring Rubric
... and the factors that influence them. Able to articulate and evaluate variability in their personal views. Evaluates views and beliefs from multiple perspectives and is willing to consider that there may be value in utilizing views that are different from their own. Understands the complexity of othe ...
... and the factors that influence them. Able to articulate and evaluate variability in their personal views. Evaluates views and beliefs from multiple perspectives and is willing to consider that there may be value in utilizing views that are different from their own. Understands the complexity of othe ...
Particular Values and Critical Morality
... number of writers have argued that the standards against which liberals measure the societal norms place too much stress on individual rights, individual fulfillment, and individual respect, and too little emphasis on the social conditions that make individuality possible, and on communal concerns t ...
... number of writers have argued that the standards against which liberals measure the societal norms place too much stress on individual rights, individual fulfillment, and individual respect, and too little emphasis on the social conditions that make individuality possible, and on communal concerns t ...
Liberalism - European University Institute
... Society). The purpose of the state is to facilitate social interaction rather than to substitute for individual initiative through state control of social institutions. The latter is the mark of dictatorships in liberal eyes. However, social liberals nevertheless believe economic intervention and st ...
... Society). The purpose of the state is to facilitate social interaction rather than to substitute for individual initiative through state control of social institutions. The latter is the mark of dictatorships in liberal eyes. However, social liberals nevertheless believe economic intervention and st ...
Individual Rights, Communitarian Purposes and America`s Problems
... right of a woman to choose). Thus, in their pristine form, and in their American elaboration, rights are the sinews of property-based bourgeois individualism. 2 Since the nineteenth century, rights have underpinned liberal society's economic and social deregulation. What is the market about, if not ...
... right of a woman to choose). Thus, in their pristine form, and in their American elaboration, rights are the sinews of property-based bourgeois individualism. 2 Since the nineteenth century, rights have underpinned liberal society's economic and social deregulation. What is the market about, if not ...
What is the Hegelian Dialectic?
... The communitarian synthesis is the final silent move in a well-designed, quietly implemented plot to remake the world into colonies. To us it doesn't matter if there is some form of ancient religion that propels the plotters, nor does it really matter if it turns out they're aliens (as some suggest) ...
... The communitarian synthesis is the final silent move in a well-designed, quietly implemented plot to remake the world into colonies. To us it doesn't matter if there is some form of ancient religion that propels the plotters, nor does it really matter if it turns out they're aliens (as some suggest) ...
What does a Liberal Society demand of Its Citizens
... regrettable from anyone’s perspective). What Rawls tries to do is disjoin, or separate, our political commitment to liberalism from any particular general moral view that might support it. But this is not to detach politics from morality: the key words are ‘any particular’ view that might support it ...
... regrettable from anyone’s perspective). What Rawls tries to do is disjoin, or separate, our political commitment to liberalism from any particular general moral view that might support it. But this is not to detach politics from morality: the key words are ‘any particular’ view that might support it ...
Durham Research Online
... powers nor the nature of their intentions – altruistic or evil – mitigated the claim that state authority violates freedom. Spencer also developed a link between “socialism” and “slavery” in an argument anticipating Nozick’s parallel between taxation and forced labour. Spencer claimed that not only ...
... powers nor the nature of their intentions – altruistic or evil – mitigated the claim that state authority violates freedom. Spencer also developed a link between “socialism” and “slavery” in an argument anticipating Nozick’s parallel between taxation and forced labour. Spencer claimed that not only ...