the promises and perils of evidence-based corrections
... risk and need assessment instruments, motivational interviewing and counseling techniques, deterrence-based sanction programs, and incentives to probationers and parolees for successful compliance with court orders.7 These new policies and practices have been promulgated at every level of government ...
... risk and need assessment instruments, motivational interviewing and counseling techniques, deterrence-based sanction programs, and incentives to probationers and parolees for successful compliance with court orders.7 These new policies and practices have been promulgated at every level of government ...
Overall Instructions for Pro Bono Lawyers: How to Determine
... Submissions need to be succinct, easy to follow, and supported by citations to the relevant documents and law. The Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) will be reviewing thousands of petitions, and time is of the essence. ...
... Submissions need to be succinct, easy to follow, and supported by citations to the relevant documents and law. The Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) will be reviewing thousands of petitions, and time is of the essence. ...
Ambiguities in European legal instruments on non
... Gradually these activities were incorporated into statute and the charitable interveners replaced with a formal secular institution, the probation service, created in 1907 (Nellis, 2007: 28-31). The activities comprising English ‘probation’ are diverse, having been accumulated piecemeal over the se ...
... Gradually these activities were incorporated into statute and the charitable interveners replaced with a formal secular institution, the probation service, created in 1907 (Nellis, 2007: 28-31). The activities comprising English ‘probation’ are diverse, having been accumulated piecemeal over the se ...
Band-Aids and Bullhorns: Why California`s Drug Policy
... important, as SACPA has demonstrated that who participates can determine program success and practitioner support (Urada & Evans, 2008b). In California, three diversion options are available for drug offenders: PC1000, Prop36 (SACPA), and drug courts. PC1000 allows drug offenders to attend treatment ...
... important, as SACPA has demonstrated that who participates can determine program success and practitioner support (Urada & Evans, 2008b). In California, three diversion options are available for drug offenders: PC1000, Prop36 (SACPA), and drug courts. PC1000 allows drug offenders to attend treatment ...
Overcrowding and violence in federal correctional
... these rooms, subjects were asked to perform a variety of simple cognitive tasks. The authors found no significant result for room size or number of subjects in the room in terms of task performance. Freedman et al. (1971) replicated this study, this time using 306 students and groups of seven to nin ...
... these rooms, subjects were asked to perform a variety of simple cognitive tasks. The authors found no significant result for room size or number of subjects in the room in terms of task performance. Freedman et al. (1971) replicated this study, this time using 306 students and groups of seven to nin ...
Trends in Juvenile Justice State Legislation 2011-2015
... Arkansas enacted a broad measure to improve the effectiveness of its juvenile justice system, and a new Indiana law implemented the recommendations of its Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code to address many juvenile justice reforms in the state (see other sections). ...
... Arkansas enacted a broad measure to improve the effectiveness of its juvenile justice system, and a new Indiana law implemented the recommendations of its Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code to address many juvenile justice reforms in the state (see other sections). ...
Second Chance Act
... are approximately 237,000 people in state prisons, 95,000 people in federal prisons, and 5,000 people in juvenile facilities for a drug related offense (Sakala, 2014). There is no evidence to support the notion that the successful implementation of the SCA would be harmful for the larger population. ...
... are approximately 237,000 people in state prisons, 95,000 people in federal prisons, and 5,000 people in juvenile facilities for a drug related offense (Sakala, 2014). There is no evidence to support the notion that the successful implementation of the SCA would be harmful for the larger population. ...
rethinking parental incarceration - University of Colorado Law Review
... can have profound effects on whether their children will become the rational and autonomous legal actors that the criminal law will eventually assume them to be. We treat adults as if they are autonomous in part because we do not wish to treat them paternalistically, like children who cannot be held ...
... can have profound effects on whether their children will become the rational and autonomous legal actors that the criminal law will eventually assume them to be. We treat adults as if they are autonomous in part because we do not wish to treat them paternalistically, like children who cannot be held ...
Street Gangs: Background paper 91-3
... area of security, the task force recommended the use of metal detectors at extracurricula events. Surveillance cameras are targeted for use in at least four high schools. A proposal to use dogs on school grounds that can identify drugs and firearms by smell is also being considered. An additional b ...
... area of security, the task force recommended the use of metal detectors at extracurricula events. Surveillance cameras are targeted for use in at least four high schools. A proposal to use dogs on school grounds that can identify drugs and firearms by smell is also being considered. An additional b ...
An Unfinished Journey: The Evolution of Crime Measurement in the
... the social world could be uncovered much like they had in the physical world using the scientific method. With his positivistic bent and coming from the physical sciences himself, Quetelet (1842), utilizing the first national crime statistics the world had ever known, made several influential observ ...
... the social world could be uncovered much like they had in the physical world using the scientific method. With his positivistic bent and coming from the physical sciences himself, Quetelet (1842), utilizing the first national crime statistics the world had ever known, made several influential observ ...
Actuarial risk assessment. The loss of recognition
... to imprisonment. Unlike strategies elsewhere, Virginia designs its guidance using actuarial technology. It identifies groups of high-risk and low-risk offenders, and selects the low-risk offenders for alternative sanctions to imprisonment. The ARAI targets cohorts of offenders defined by their stati ...
... to imprisonment. Unlike strategies elsewhere, Virginia designs its guidance using actuarial technology. It identifies groups of high-risk and low-risk offenders, and selects the low-risk offenders for alternative sanctions to imprisonment. The ARAI targets cohorts of offenders defined by their stati ...
Diminished Voting Power in the Latino Community
... MALDEF began studying felony disenfranchisement in 2002 as a collaborative partner in the Right to Vote Campaign. Early in the process, MALDEF discovered that little research existed on how many people in the Latino community were affected by felony disenfranchisement laws. Latinos make up 13% of th ...
... MALDEF began studying felony disenfranchisement in 2002 as a collaborative partner in the Right to Vote Campaign. Early in the process, MALDEF discovered that little research existed on how many people in the Latino community were affected by felony disenfranchisement laws. Latinos make up 13% of th ...
Harries, R., “Modelling and predicting recorded property crime
... the total level of crime in any of the years from 1946 to 1956’’ (emphasis in orginal). Such dramatic growth has had a major impact on public perceptions of personal safety and has helped to ensure that law and order remains high on the political agenda— especially in recent decades. For example, bo ...
... the total level of crime in any of the years from 1946 to 1956’’ (emphasis in orginal). Such dramatic growth has had a major impact on public perceptions of personal safety and has helped to ensure that law and order remains high on the political agenda— especially in recent decades. For example, bo ...
From Prison to Work
... 2004; Hughes and Wilson 2002; Travis and Lawrence 2002). The impact of the increased number of annual releasees is amplified even further because prisoners are spending longer periods of time incarcerated and have diminishing access to education and training programs that could assist in their trans ...
... 2004; Hughes and Wilson 2002; Travis and Lawrence 2002). The impact of the increased number of annual releasees is amplified even further because prisoners are spending longer periods of time incarcerated and have diminishing access to education and training programs that could assist in their trans ...
October 14, 2015 - Alaska Judicial Council
... To reduce recidivism and increase success rates on probation and parole through the use of swift, certain, and proportional sanctions and incentives: o Statutorily authorize the DOC to create a graduated sanctions and incentives matrix using swift, certain, and proportional responses and to use th ...
... To reduce recidivism and increase success rates on probation and parole through the use of swift, certain, and proportional sanctions and incentives: o Statutorily authorize the DOC to create a graduated sanctions and incentives matrix using swift, certain, and proportional responses and to use th ...
Gender, Race, and Sentencing
... Friends Service Committee 1971; Messinger and Johnson 1978). During 1965 to 1975, 96-97 percent of prisoners were men, and approximately 40 percent were black. Sentencing became the object of reformers' attention not only because of widespread interest in sentencing processes per se but because of c ...
... Friends Service Committee 1971; Messinger and Johnson 1978). During 1965 to 1975, 96-97 percent of prisoners were men, and approximately 40 percent were black. Sentencing became the object of reformers' attention not only because of widespread interest in sentencing processes per se but because of c ...
Report of - Ombudsman
... suggestions made are based on my own knowledge of that system, together with interviews I conducted and submissions I received from people who are involved in the system at the judicial, policy and operational levels. I can report that there was considerable interest in my investigation and a clearl ...
... suggestions made are based on my own knowledge of that system, together with interviews I conducted and submissions I received from people who are involved in the system at the judicial, policy and operational levels. I can report that there was considerable interest in my investigation and a clearl ...
Ex-offenders and the Labor Market - Center for Economic and Policy
... 100 American adults 3 behind bars and about one in 33 American adults 4 under some form of correctional control. 5 In this report, we examine an even larger population connected to the criminal justice system – the growing number of ex-offenders (ex-prisoners and ex-felons) – most of whom are not cu ...
... 100 American adults 3 behind bars and about one in 33 American adults 4 under some form of correctional control. 5 In this report, we examine an even larger population connected to the criminal justice system – the growing number of ex-offenders (ex-prisoners and ex-felons) – most of whom are not cu ...
... may make individuals less likely to commit crimes. Further, military service could reduce criminality via an incapacitation effect, as individuals are in the military environment at the ages at which they are at highest risk of incarceration. A sizable literature links military service to criminal b ...
... may make individuals less likely to commit crimes. Further, military service could reduce criminality via an incapacitation effect, as individuals are in the military environment at the ages at which they are at highest risk of incarceration. A sizable literature links military service to criminal b ...
Reaction Essay: Crime (Control) is a Choice: Divergent Perspectives
... findings; and (4) most researchers in the social sciences “hold liberal attitudes regarding the causes of social problems and how to solve them” (Farabee, 2005:20). These are serious allegations to be sure, and if Farabee’s assessment is correct, then we certainly should be careful when we review th ...
... findings; and (4) most researchers in the social sciences “hold liberal attitudes regarding the causes of social problems and how to solve them” (Farabee, 2005:20). These are serious allegations to be sure, and if Farabee’s assessment is correct, then we certainly should be careful when we review th ...
Introduction to the Prison Industrial Complex Workshop
... supremacy, and ways movements, politics, laws, etc have developed in order to control the bodies and lives of communities of color, poor people, queer people, people with disabilities. The PIC in its present state is not an accident, it has grown into its current state from what it was when European ...
... supremacy, and ways movements, politics, laws, etc have developed in order to control the bodies and lives of communities of color, poor people, queer people, people with disabilities. The PIC in its present state is not an accident, it has grown into its current state from what it was when European ...
Breaking the Cycle - Prison Reform Trust
... standard feature of all prison sentences of more than 12 months, at regular intervals as the date of release approaches, to improve the prospects of effective resettlement. Indeterminate sentences should be abolished, except in wholly exceptional circumstances. This decisive policy shift and a retur ...
... standard feature of all prison sentences of more than 12 months, at regular intervals as the date of release approaches, to improve the prospects of effective resettlement. Indeterminate sentences should be abolished, except in wholly exceptional circumstances. This decisive policy shift and a retur ...
COINTELPRO LIVES! - Personal Statement, case review articles
... were being oppressed in the land. To make them leaders (in faith) and make them inheritors, to establish afirm place for them in the land and to show Pharaoh, Hamam and their Congress, by the hands of slaves, the very things against which they were taking precautions. (Qur'an 28:1-6) I begin in the ...
... were being oppressed in the land. To make them leaders (in faith) and make them inheritors, to establish afirm place for them in the land and to show Pharaoh, Hamam and their Congress, by the hands of slaves, the very things against which they were taking precautions. (Qur'an 28:1-6) I begin in the ...
preprint - Department of Economics
... adopted becomes less severe, whereas if the political mechanism gives disproportionate weight to a wealthy élite, punishment is relatively severe. (A verbal summary of some of our results is given in Table 1 at the end of the paper.) The fact that there are two instruments available for controlling ...
... adopted becomes less severe, whereas if the political mechanism gives disproportionate weight to a wealthy élite, punishment is relatively severe. (A verbal summary of some of our results is given in Table 1 at the end of the paper.) The fact that there are two instruments available for controlling ...
... under law,” many observers of the U.S. legal system are concerned that biases lead to unfair treatment in the courts based on race, social class or gender. In 2000, about 47 percent of all inmates in state prisons were black, although they accounted for only 12 percent of the U.S. population (U.S. C ...
... under law,” many observers of the U.S. legal system are concerned that biases lead to unfair treatment in the courts based on race, social class or gender. In 2000, about 47 percent of all inmates in state prisons were black, although they accounted for only 12 percent of the U.S. population (U.S. C ...