... Federal agency recognition of criminalisation as a human rights issue ..................................................................... 77 Cruel, inhuman and degrading – UN Human Rights Committee reports on US criminalisation ................................ 79 Complaints to the Special Rapporte ...
... Federal agency recognition of criminalisation as a human rights issue ..................................................................... 77 Cruel, inhuman and degrading – UN Human Rights Committee reports on US criminalisation ................................ 79 Complaints to the Special Rapporte ...
Community Policing - Police Executive Research Forum
... enforcement from line officer to leader—of the great transformation from traditional to community policing. Part II examines how community policing principles are reflected in policing practices and assesses whether community policing is “rhetoric or reality.” To conduct this assessment, PERF staff ...
... enforcement from line officer to leader—of the great transformation from traditional to community policing. Part II examines how community policing principles are reflected in policing practices and assesses whether community policing is “rhetoric or reality.” To conduct this assessment, PERF staff ...
Estrategia Internacional de Control de Narcóticos
... United States Coast Guard (USCG) ....................................................................................................... 42 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ........................................................................................... 44 ...
... United States Coast Guard (USCG) ....................................................................................................... 42 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ........................................................................................... 44 ...
Reduction Plan
... This document describes Baltimore City’s strategies for reducing violence, specifically a comprehensive approach for combating gang violence. Reducing violence in Baltimore requires a citywide effort including Baltimore City, state, and federal agencies, local service providers, community agencies, ...
... This document describes Baltimore City’s strategies for reducing violence, specifically a comprehensive approach for combating gang violence. Reducing violence in Baltimore requires a citywide effort including Baltimore City, state, and federal agencies, local service providers, community agencies, ...
Immigration Surveillance Affirmative
... Federal expenditures on border and immigration control have grown fifteen-fold since 1986 and now substantially exceed expenditures on all other federal law enforcement programs combined.5 These activities have been supplemented by a dizzying array of initiatives, often administered by state, local, ...
... Federal expenditures on border and immigration control have grown fifteen-fold since 1986 and now substantially exceed expenditures on all other federal law enforcement programs combined.5 These activities have been supplemented by a dizzying array of initiatives, often administered by state, local, ...
United States Counter Piracy and Maritime Security Action Plan
... In the early nineties, following the collapse of Somalia’s government and economy, Somalibased pirates began attacking vessels and ransoming crews for private gain. Due to its location near the Gulf of Aden, a strategic maritime corridor, these actions greatly influenced maritime transportation rout ...
... In the early nineties, following the collapse of Somalia’s government and economy, Somalibased pirates began attacking vessels and ransoming crews for private gain. Due to its location near the Gulf of Aden, a strategic maritime corridor, these actions greatly influenced maritime transportation rout ...
Progress Report on the implementation of the National
... Information Technology and Communication on the Manual regarding the procedure of issuing diplomatic and service passports containing biometric data was drafted and was submitted for approval and signature. 1.2. Amendment of the legal framework and regulation on the extending the scope of state fing ...
... Information Technology and Communication on the Manual regarding the procedure of issuing diplomatic and service passports containing biometric data was drafted and was submitted for approval and signature. 1.2. Amendment of the legal framework and regulation on the extending the scope of state fing ...
Designing Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programmes for Violent
... across the globe in the last few years. For example, extensive programmes have been established in Saudi‐Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, and the United Kingdom (UK), to name a few. 5 Each of these countries has developed its own approach to promote desistance of so ...
... across the globe in the last few years. For example, extensive programmes have been established in Saudi‐Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, and the United Kingdom (UK), to name a few. 5 Each of these countries has developed its own approach to promote desistance of so ...
El Servicio Secreto de los EEUU
... Mark Sullivan highlighted the Service’s increased staffing and traveling demands associated with presidential candidate protection, G-8 and NATO Summits in Chicago, IL, and the Republican and Democratic conventions. Are the two missions of the Service compatible and how should they be prioritized? I ...
... Mark Sullivan highlighted the Service’s increased staffing and traveling demands associated with presidential candidate protection, G-8 and NATO Summits in Chicago, IL, and the Republican and Democratic conventions. Are the two missions of the Service compatible and how should they be prioritized? I ...
... foundations of peace and provide the tools for building on those foundations something that is more than just the absence of war”.5 This includes: [R]eintegrating former combatants into civilian society, strengthening the rule of law (for example, through training and restructuring of local police, ...
... Recommendation:,To,provide,more,protection,for,victims,of,domestic,abuse,,create,Domestic, Violence,High,Risk,Teams,,which,unite,law,enforcement,,medical,professionals,and,victim,advocates, at,the,local,level,to,review,cases,of,domestic,violence,and,to,identify,,monitor,,and,contain,the,most, danger ...
... Recommendation:,To,provide,more,protection,for,victims,of,domestic,abuse,,create,Domestic, Violence,High,Risk,Teams,,which,unite,law,enforcement,,medical,professionals,and,victim,advocates, at,the,local,level,to,review,cases,of,domestic,violence,and,to,identify,,monitor,,and,contain,the,most, danger ...
Policing for Profit: The Drug War`s Hidden Economic Agenda
... motive underpinning the Drug War is not. This bureaucratic stake is financial, deriving from the lucrative rewards available to police and prosecutorial agencies that make drug law enforcement their highest priority. It operates invisibly, obscured by moral and policy rationales. Congress conferred ...
... motive underpinning the Drug War is not. This bureaucratic stake is financial, deriving from the lucrative rewards available to police and prosecutorial agencies that make drug law enforcement their highest priority. It operates invisibly, obscured by moral and policy rationales. Congress conferred ...
Russia`s Power Ministries - Institute for National Security and
... Simply put, power ministries are those state agencies in which the personnel generally wear uniforms and in which some people carry guns. More precisely, these bodies are military, security, or law enforcement bodies that possess armed units or formations. People with power ministry backgrounds are ...
... Simply put, power ministries are those state agencies in which the personnel generally wear uniforms and in which some people carry guns. More precisely, these bodies are military, security, or law enforcement bodies that possess armed units or formations. People with power ministry backgrounds are ...
... Decreased funding. A reduction of mental health spending has also contributed to more and more encounters between law enforcement and people with mental illnesses (Teplin, 2000). Discussions regarding reasons for increased interactions often include this decrease in funding as a key reason for risin ...
... Decreased funding. A reduction of mental health spending has also contributed to more and more encounters between law enforcement and people with mental illnesses (Teplin, 2000). Discussions regarding reasons for increased interactions often include this decrease in funding as a key reason for risin ...
... which aim to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, the progress made in the enjoyment of these rights and the factors and difficulties affecting the implementation of the Covenant. It contains a detailed description of the legislative, executive and administrative measures that aim t ...
... which aim to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, the progress made in the enjoyment of these rights and the factors and difficulties affecting the implementation of the Covenant. It contains a detailed description of the legislative, executive and administrative measures that aim t ...
Regional Programme for the Arab States
... a unique opportunity to prioritize the rule of law, security, and the fight against organized crime and illicit trade. Understanding the nature and extent of illicit cross-border trafficking, as well as the size of markets, flows of goods, and the involvement of organized criminal groups is essentia ...
... a unique opportunity to prioritize the rule of law, security, and the fight against organized crime and illicit trade. Understanding the nature and extent of illicit cross-border trafficking, as well as the size of markets, flows of goods, and the involvement of organized criminal groups is essentia ...
Forensic Psychology - Department of Higher Education
... Scope. Rather than the broad set of issues a psychologist addresses in a clinical setting, a forensic psychologist addresses a narrowly defined set of events or interactions of a non-clinical nature. Importance of client's perspective. A clinician places primary importance on understanding the clien ...
... Scope. Rather than the broad set of issues a psychologist addresses in a clinical setting, a forensic psychologist addresses a narrowly defined set of events or interactions of a non-clinical nature. Importance of client's perspective. A clinician places primary importance on understanding the clien ...
Situational crime prevention and worldwide piracy: a cross
... piracy (Ho 2009; Middleton 2008). United States foreign policy in this region is based largely on a strategy of limited coalition and multinational agreements that address piracy; a permanent solution will require a sustained long-term international effort that includes diplomatic, economic, social, ...
... piracy (Ho 2009; Middleton 2008). United States foreign policy in this region is based largely on a strategy of limited coalition and multinational agreements that address piracy; a permanent solution will require a sustained long-term international effort that includes diplomatic, economic, social, ...
Ambushes of Police
... Officer Safety and Wellness is also a high priority for President Obama and a pillar of the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. In its recommendations, the task force underscored the fact that efforts to support the mental and physical well-being of officers do not c ...
... Officer Safety and Wellness is also a high priority for President Obama and a pillar of the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. In its recommendations, the task force underscored the fact that efforts to support the mental and physical well-being of officers do not c ...
engaging law enforcement in opioid overdose response
... overdose emergencies. Learning about and being able to refer at-risk individuals to drug treatment and other public health resources (including naloxone prescription programs) further expands the arsenal available to LEOs in preventing drug overdose in their community. In many instances, OOD reversa ...
... overdose emergencies. Learning about and being able to refer at-risk individuals to drug treatment and other public health resources (including naloxone prescription programs) further expands the arsenal available to LEOs in preventing drug overdose in their community. In many instances, OOD reversa ...
Update to the Attorney-General`s Department Corporate Plan 2015-16
... priorities and key initiatives as well as our approach to delivering quality advice and services to government and the community. At first glance, it can be difficult to discern a common thread uniting the diverse responsibilities of the Attorney-General’s Department. It is my view that our work—in ...
... priorities and key initiatives as well as our approach to delivering quality advice and services to government and the community. At first glance, it can be difficult to discern a common thread uniting the diverse responsibilities of the Attorney-General’s Department. It is my view that our work—in ...
National Northern Border Counternarcotics Strategy
... 1. Enhance intelligence and information-sharing capabilities and processes associated with the Northern border; 2. Interdict illicit drugs and illicit drug proceeds at and between the ports of entry along the Northern border; 3. Interdict illicit drugs and illicit drug proceeds in the air and mar ...
... 1. Enhance intelligence and information-sharing capabilities and processes associated with the Northern border; 2. Interdict illicit drugs and illicit drug proceeds at and between the ports of entry along the Northern border; 3. Interdict illicit drugs and illicit drug proceeds in the air and mar ...
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response
... colleagues and peers around the country and assure that implementing the strategy presents a significant opportunity to make an extremely positive impact on victim response in any jurisdiction. Believing we were already meeting a majority of crime victims’ needs, we initially viewed this project as ...
... colleagues and peers around the country and assure that implementing the strategy presents a significant opportunity to make an extremely positive impact on victim response in any jurisdiction. Believing we were already meeting a majority of crime victims’ needs, we initially viewed this project as ...

Counter-terrorism (also called anti-terrorism) incorporates the practice, military tactics, techniques, and strategy that government, military, police, violent non-state actors and business organizations use to combat or prevent terrorism.If terrorism is part of a broader insurgency, counter-terrorism may employ counter-insurgency measures. The United States Armed Forces use the term foreign internal defense for programs that support other countries in attempts to suppress insurgency, lawlessness, or subversion or to reduce the conditions under which these threats to security may develop.