C. Clark
... assumed to be large enough to provide the driving force, which implies that the electron temperature must be large enough to sustain the motion. In the Fluid model the wave is considered to be a plane wave propagating in the positive direction. The heavy particles are considered to be at rest relati ...
... assumed to be large enough to provide the driving force, which implies that the electron temperature must be large enough to sustain the motion. In the Fluid model the wave is considered to be a plane wave propagating in the positive direction. The heavy particles are considered to be at rest relati ...
Quantum Analysis on Time Behavior of a Lengthening Pendulum
... Bohr tried to merge quantum and classical mechanics by introducing a correspondence principle between them. Even though the results of quantum and classical descriptions for a system more or less overlap under particular limits, their underlying principles are quite different from each other. There ...
... Bohr tried to merge quantum and classical mechanics by introducing a correspondence principle between them. Even though the results of quantum and classical descriptions for a system more or less overlap under particular limits, their underlying principles are quite different from each other. There ...
Thresholds, 2AFC and Not Signal Detection Theory: A Tutorial
... Email: [email protected] February 10, 2010 ...
... Email: [email protected] February 10, 2010 ...
Circularly Polarized Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope for
... spin electron is optically created than in right circular polarization (RCP) where up-spin electron is created. Similarly, the photovoltage at ν = 7.3 and 9.3 is larger in LCP than in RCP. This circular polarization dependence of the photovoltage is reversed at B < 0. The observed circular polarizat ...
... spin electron is optically created than in right circular polarization (RCP) where up-spin electron is created. Similarly, the photovoltage at ν = 7.3 and 9.3 is larger in LCP than in RCP. This circular polarization dependence of the photovoltage is reversed at B < 0. The observed circular polarizat ...
Syllabus of math and physics doc
... modern QFT theorizing: the principle of least action, and tools for studying the structure of Lie groups and Lie algebras (and particle spectra). Still missing is a deeper, more general understanding of the principle of minimal coupling resulting from the requirement of local invariance of Yang-Mill ...
... modern QFT theorizing: the principle of least action, and tools for studying the structure of Lie groups and Lie algebras (and particle spectra). Still missing is a deeper, more general understanding of the principle of minimal coupling resulting from the requirement of local invariance of Yang-Mill ...
Single-Photon Bus between Spin-Wave Quantum Memories.
... expedient to instead use long-lived collective spin excitations of an atomic ensemble12 . The ensemble can then be viewed as a ‘macroatom’, whose excitations are quantized spin waves (magnons), such that transitions between its energy levels (magnon number states) correspond to highly directional (s ...
... expedient to instead use long-lived collective spin excitations of an atomic ensemble12 . The ensemble can then be viewed as a ‘macroatom’, whose excitations are quantized spin waves (magnons), such that transitions between its energy levels (magnon number states) correspond to highly directional (s ...
... Electron transport properties in InN and GaN are calculated for different temperature, doping dependencies at high electric field applications. The calculations are performed using a three valleys ensemble Monte Carlo model that includes numerical formulations of the phonon scattering rates and ioni ...
... Electron transport properties in InN and GaN are calculated for different temperature, doping dependencies at high electric field applications. The calculations are performed using a three valleys ensemble Monte Carlo model that includes numerical formulations of the phonon scattering rates and ioni ...
Pure State Estimation and the Characterization of
... The estimation of specific properties of a quantum system subject to observation was one of the very first problems posed in Quantum Information Theory [1]. This problem has no analog in the classical case, where all measurements commute and a sufficiently subtle observer (a Maxwell demon) is able t ...
... The estimation of specific properties of a quantum system subject to observation was one of the very first problems posed in Quantum Information Theory [1]. This problem has no analog in the classical case, where all measurements commute and a sufficiently subtle observer (a Maxwell demon) is able t ...
Electron acoustic solitary waves with kappa
... background electrons, a cold electron beam, and cold and hot ions having Boltzmann distributions. The coexistence of rarefactive and compressive electron-acoustic solitary modes was predicted for specific plasma parameters. Ghosh et al [30] studied electron-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized pl ...
... background electrons, a cold electron beam, and cold and hot ions having Boltzmann distributions. The coexistence of rarefactive and compressive electron-acoustic solitary modes was predicted for specific plasma parameters. Ghosh et al [30] studied electron-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized pl ...
1. Conduction electrons in a metal: the free
... quanta are called phonons, and so the conduction electrons scatter by absorption and emission of phonons, i.e., via exchanging momentum (and a little energy) with the quantised lattice-vibration field. As a starting point, we can use the Drude model without specifing exactly what the conduction elec ...
... quanta are called phonons, and so the conduction electrons scatter by absorption and emission of phonons, i.e., via exchanging momentum (and a little energy) with the quantised lattice-vibration field. As a starting point, we can use the Drude model without specifing exactly what the conduction elec ...
Kondo Screening Cloud Around a Quantum Dot
... label the electron operators on the right- and left-hand side of the impurity. In the limit of weak bare Kondo coupling, or large K , the coupling constants in front of these terms can all be fixed uniquely up to one overall factor with dimensions of inverse energy, proportional to the inverse of t ...
... label the electron operators on the right- and left-hand side of the impurity. In the limit of weak bare Kondo coupling, or large K , the coupling constants in front of these terms can all be fixed uniquely up to one overall factor with dimensions of inverse energy, proportional to the inverse of t ...
Relativistic theory of one– and two electron systems: valley of
... by use of the relativistic wave equation established by Dirac after the discovery of the spin electron (1925) by Uhlenberg and Goudsmith. However, it would be very interesting to make relativistic correction of the Bohr’s semi-classical formula before 1916, considering only the dependence of the mas ...
... by use of the relativistic wave equation established by Dirac after the discovery of the spin electron (1925) by Uhlenberg and Goudsmith. However, it would be very interesting to make relativistic correction of the Bohr’s semi-classical formula before 1916, considering only the dependence of the mas ...
Classical continuum theory of the dipole-forbidden collective excitations in quantum... W. L. Schaich M. R. Geller and G. Vignale
... average interparticle separation. Its use precludes consideration of quantum size effects on the 2D motion, when only one or a few subbands of the in-plane motion are below the Fermi energy. See Ref. 13 for references to both theoretical and experimental work on this alternative physical limit. In t ...
... average interparticle separation. Its use precludes consideration of quantum size effects on the 2D motion, when only one or a few subbands of the in-plane motion are below the Fermi energy. See Ref. 13 for references to both theoretical and experimental work on this alternative physical limit. In t ...
Atoms and Molecules in Mirce Mechanics Approach to Reliability
... the appearance and form of matter. The theory developed to describe the behaviour of electrons, atoms and molecules differs radically from known Newtonian physics, which governs the motions of macroscopic bodies and the physical events of our everyday experiences. That new theory, which is able to a ...
... the appearance and form of matter. The theory developed to describe the behaviour of electrons, atoms and molecules differs radically from known Newtonian physics, which governs the motions of macroscopic bodies and the physical events of our everyday experiences. That new theory, which is able to a ...
... dogmatic form: just as one needs to learn the rules of chess before playing one’s first game, one needs to learn the quantum-mechanical rules before one can appreciate the games that are played with it. The tour is divided into 3 parts. In the present document (part I) we learn what is meant by the ...
... dogmatic form: just as one needs to learn the rules of chess before playing one’s first game, one needs to learn the quantum-mechanical rules before one can appreciate the games that are played with it. The tour is divided into 3 parts. In the present document (part I) we learn what is meant by the ...
Quantum electrodynamics

In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction.In technical terms, QED can be described as a perturbation theory of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Richard Feynman called it ""the jewel of physics"" for its extremely accurate predictions of quantities like the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift of the energy levels of hydrogen.