cG Sufatrio, Darell JJ Tan, Tong-Wei Chua, Vrizlynn LL
... fits together. We also aim to point out, in each taxonomy leaf node, the contributions of relevant existing works, remaining challenges and promising research opportunities. As will be elaborated more in Section 3, we classify the existing works into a taxonomy based on five deployment stages of And ...
... fits together. We also aim to point out, in each taxonomy leaf node, the contributions of relevant existing works, remaining challenges and promising research opportunities. As will be elaborated more in Section 3, we classify the existing works into a taxonomy based on five deployment stages of And ...
CS-INFO 372: Explorations in Artificial Intelligence
... device that can perform any computational process. Computers use such a universal model. ...
... device that can perform any computational process. Computers use such a universal model. ...
Volume 8, Number 2
... Singularity either does not happen or, if it does, it is benign and will benefit humanity”. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are games – mostly based on 3D virtual environments – that are played online by a large number of players (Castronova, 2005). The key goals for the players are to le ...
... Singularity either does not happen or, if it does, it is benign and will benefit humanity”. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are games – mostly based on 3D virtual environments – that are played online by a large number of players (Castronova, 2005). The key goals for the players are to le ...
... • Pick a desired accuracy, , to limit the accepted range (VMAX-VMIN) of likely values of the root node; The smaller , the bigger the tree will get. • Pick a conspiracy threshold, NT, to determine what size of conspiracies are deemed sufficiently likely; The greater NT, the bigger the tree will get ...
... • Pick a desired accuracy, , to limit the accepted range (VMAX-VMIN) of likely values of the root node; The smaller , the bigger the tree will get. • Pick a conspiracy threshold, NT, to determine what size of conspiracies are deemed sufficiently likely; The greater NT, the bigger the tree will get ...
Toward Narrative Schema-Based Goal Recognition Models for Interactive Narrative Environments
... variations on hidden Markov models (Bui 2003) have been investigated. In the restricted form of plan recognition focusing on inferring users’ goals without concern for identifying their plans or sub-plans, goal recognition models have been automatically acquired using statistical ...
... variations on hidden Markov models (Bui 2003) have been investigated. In the restricted form of plan recognition focusing on inferring users’ goals without concern for identifying their plans or sub-plans, goal recognition models have been automatically acquired using statistical ...
here - Sogeti Labs
... Chinese do not hesitate to do business via a chatterbot, one can quite well imagine that the rest of the world is following these developments with great interest. In this report the idea that bots are going to play a major role on messenger platforms in everyday life, is central. Although it is sti ...
... Chinese do not hesitate to do business via a chatterbot, one can quite well imagine that the rest of the world is following these developments with great interest. In this report the idea that bots are going to play a major role on messenger platforms in everyday life, is central. Although it is sti ...
Toward Narrative Schema-Based Goal Recognition Models for
... of players’ goals and plans contribute to assessments of learning progress, and goal recognition models can inform intelligent tutoring systems within narrative-centered learning environments. Third, goal recognizers can provide valuable information for post hoc data mining of interactive narrative ...
... of players’ goals and plans contribute to assessments of learning progress, and goal recognition models can inform intelligent tutoring systems within narrative-centered learning environments. Third, goal recognizers can provide valuable information for post hoc data mining of interactive narrative ...
Artificial Intelligence – Making an Intelligent personal assistant
... A web-crawler can only get the links where the information is stored, to scrape out the information from that webpage; we need another bot, called the web-scraper. A web-scraper is a bot that scrapes out the data from a web page (html page). Since a web-crawler can only get the links which contains ...
... A web-crawler can only get the links where the information is stored, to scrape out the information from that webpage; we need another bot, called the web-scraper. A web-scraper is a bot that scrapes out the data from a web page (html page). Since a web-crawler can only get the links which contains ...
Towards Conscious-like Behavior in Computer Game Characters
... to produce human-like behavior is an open problem and a great challenge. In fact, the ultimate goal is to design characters that are indistinguishable from human players. In other words, agents able to pass the Turing test [1] (or more specifically, an adapted version of the Turing test designed for ...
... to produce human-like behavior is an open problem and a great challenge. In fact, the ultimate goal is to design characters that are indistinguishable from human players. In other words, agents able to pass the Turing test [1] (or more specifically, an adapted version of the Turing test designed for ...
PPTX - CS 4730
... – Too much other stuff to do in the game loop! – AI for us just has to be “good enough” to be fun ...
... – Too much other stuff to do in the game loop! – AI for us just has to be “good enough” to be fun ...
... – Too much other stuff to do in the game loop! – AI for us just has to be “good enough” to be fun ...
... – Too much other stuff to do in the game loop! – AI for us just has to be “good enough” to be fun ...
Class Player - Rose
... A mapping of the bots contained in array list bots and which bots they can see out of enemyBots, represented as a Point with x corresponding to your bot. Point yourFlag ...
... A mapping of the bots contained in array list bots and which bots they can see out of enemyBots, represented as a Point with x corresponding to your bot. Point yourFlag ...
Human Skill - Alex Quinn
... It turns out that there are actually many different kinds or genres of DHC. Some approaches are more collaboration oriented and some are more computationally oriented. But all use networks of humans that are managed by computers to accomplish things that could never be done by either computers or sm ...
... It turns out that there are actually many different kinds or genres of DHC. Some approaches are more collaboration oriented and some are more computationally oriented. But all use networks of humans that are managed by computers to accomplish things that could never be done by either computers or sm ...
Strategic Planning for Unreal Tournament© Bots
... Domination(X). This method states a strategy that divides the team into three groups (T1, T2, T3). Group T1 will cover half of the locations plus one (P denotes these locations). Each location in P is covered by one member of T1 (Subtask 1). Group T2 will patrol throughout the points in P (Subtask 2 ...
... Domination(X). This method states a strategy that divides the team into three groups (T1, T2, T3). Group T1 will cover half of the locations plus one (P denotes these locations). Each location in P is covered by one member of T1 (Subtask 1). Group T2 will patrol throughout the points in P (Subtask 2 ...
Analysis and Development of a Game of the Genre
... Some of the results we have shown include, concerning generating procedural dungeons, that the techniques of basic iteration and BSP trees can be applied to any practical dungeon size, while cellular automata and maze generation through depth-first search must be optimized or restricted in some ways ...
... Some of the results we have shown include, concerning generating procedural dungeons, that the techniques of basic iteration and BSP trees can be applied to any practical dungeon size, while cellular automata and maze generation through depth-first search must be optimized or restricted in some ways ...
A Turing Test for Computer Game Bots
... natural connection. From the earliest days of computing, games have been used as example domains to test the thinking abilities of computers, while in modern times, a major application of computers is to provide entertainment through games. This Turing Test for Bots has its roots in both arenas. On ...
... natural connection. From the earliest days of computing, games have been used as example domains to test the thinking abilities of computers, while in modern times, a major application of computers is to provide entertainment through games. This Turing Test for Bots has its roots in both arenas. On ...
Experimental Comparison of Uninformed and Heuristic AI
... arrangement of cells/blocks, with one empty space that enables adjacent cells/block to slide into them. Since the pieces are square blocks, only the top, bottom, left and right blocks adjacent to the empty space may slide into its place. The cells can either be numbered or printed with a fragment of ...
... arrangement of cells/blocks, with one empty space that enables adjacent cells/block to slide into them. Since the pieces are square blocks, only the top, bottom, left and right blocks adjacent to the empty space may slide into its place. The cells can either be numbered or printed with a fragment of ...
Evaluation Functions
... In certain examples there might be a situation where, if it had searched one depth extra, it might have been able to do a better analysis of the state, which might affect the future of the game. Another problem is where a move by the opponent causes serious damage, but there is nothing, which the pr ...
... In certain examples there might be a situation where, if it had searched one depth extra, it might have been able to do a better analysis of the state, which might affect the future of the game. Another problem is where a move by the opponent causes serious damage, but there is nothing, which the pr ...
Computational Models of Narrative: Review of the Workshop
... would be the obvious next step toward establishing a larger, still broader community. We visualize the second workshop as doubling in size and including several areas not represented, such as game-theoretic approaches to narrative, studies of gossip and rumor, and narrative theory researchers from t ...
... would be the obvious next step toward establishing a larger, still broader community. We visualize the second workshop as doubling in size and including several areas not represented, such as game-theoretic approaches to narrative, studies of gossip and rumor, and narrative theory researchers from t ...
Artificial Life
... The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence project experimented with allowing anybody on the Internet to help analyze data in the search for alien life. Members of the Internet community were all to happy to provide their spare CPU time in order to help with their search. The Internet has proven ...
... The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence project experimented with allowing anybody on the Internet to help analyze data in the search for alien life. Members of the Internet community were all to happy to provide their spare CPU time in order to help with their search. The Internet has proven ...
Assessing Believability
... the well-known problem of the uncanny valley, much discussed in humanoid robotics research: almost, but not completely, believable characters tend to be “creepy” [1] and elicit negative emotions in humans. A number of studies has investigated and, in part, confirmed the uncanny valley theory in virt ...
... the well-known problem of the uncanny valley, much discussed in humanoid robotics research: almost, but not completely, believable characters tend to be “creepy” [1] and elicit negative emotions in humans. A number of studies has investigated and, in part, confirmed the uncanny valley theory in virt ...
... stairs in a laboratory. This remotecontrolled robot can walk in a line, open a door, turn a corner and ...
... stairs in a laboratory. This remotecontrolled robot can walk in a line, open a door, turn a corner and ...
Artificial Intelligence
... prevailing orthodoxy of behaviorism Requires scientific theories of internal activities of the brain – What level of abstraction? “Knowledge” or “circuits”? – How to validate? Requires 1) Predicting and testing behavior of human subjects (top-down) or 2) Direct identification from neurological data ...
... prevailing orthodoxy of behaviorism Requires scientific theories of internal activities of the brain – What level of abstraction? “Knowledge” or “circuits”? – How to validate? Requires 1) Predicting and testing behavior of human subjects (top-down) or 2) Direct identification from neurological data ...
SIGEVOlution - Volume 6 Issue 3-4
... problem domain for artificial intelligence research, because they can be parsimoniously described yet are often hard to solve [20]. As such, puzzles have been the focus of substantial research in AI during the past decades (e.g., Hearn [11], Robertson and Munro [22]). Nonetheless, quite a few NP-Com ...
... problem domain for artificial intelligence research, because they can be parsimoniously described yet are often hard to solve [20]. As such, puzzles have been the focus of substantial research in AI during the past decades (e.g., Hearn [11], Robertson and Munro [22]). Nonetheless, quite a few NP-Com ...