29 June 2017 The General Assembly of the United Nations
... The full text of the Request for an Advisory Opinion will shortly be available on the Court’s website: www.icj-cij.org. ___________ ...
... The full text of the Request for an Advisory Opinion will shortly be available on the Court’s website: www.icj-cij.org. ___________ ...
sierraleoneresolution - Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the
... promoting peace, stability and development in Sierra Leone, particularly during the 2012 electoral process. The Security Council expresses its appreciation for the efforts of the Mission and the United Nations Country Team, under the leadership of the Executive Representatives of the Secretary-Gener ...
... promoting peace, stability and development in Sierra Leone, particularly during the 2012 electoral process. The Security Council expresses its appreciation for the efforts of the Mission and the United Nations Country Team, under the leadership of the Executive Representatives of the Secretary-Gener ...
... during the Italo-Abyssinian war v/as referred to Coranittee III by the Commission, on July 19th, 19A-6, for its consideration and opinion« The Committee, after giving careful consideration to the preliminary report propared by the Secretary of Coranittee III (Doc.Ul/50), has arrived at the following ...
... during the Italo-Abyssinian war v/as referred to Coranittee III by the Commission, on July 19th, 19A-6, for its consideration and opinion« The Committee, after giving careful consideration to the preliminary report propared by the Secretary of Coranittee III (Doc.Ul/50), has arrived at the following ...
Special Court for Sierra Leone
The Special Court for Sierra Leone, otherwise called the ""Special Court"" or the SCSL, is a judicial body set up by the government of Sierra Leone and the United Nations to ""prosecute persons who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law"" committed in Sierra Leone after 30 November 1996 and during the Sierra Leone Civil War. The court's working language is English. The court lists offices in Freetown, The Hague, and New York City.On 26 April 2012, former Liberian President Charles Taylor became the first African head of state to be convicted for his part in war crimes.