honk kong law jounral - the united nations human rights inquiry on
... and the filmed record and transcripts were quickly placed online. However, they are not available to the population in North Korea because of general lack of access to the internet and other media. ...
... and the filmed record and transcripts were quickly placed online. However, they are not available to the population in North Korea because of general lack of access to the internet and other media. ...
OHCHR summary of SP Annual Meeting (June 2012)
... mandate and expressed appreciation for the support provided by her Office, with several noting that continuity in staffing was important. It was observed that the visibility of special procedures had to be raised and that follow-up remained an area that required strengthening. Various mandate holder ...
... mandate and expressed appreciation for the support provided by her Office, with several noting that continuity in staffing was important. It was observed that the visibility of special procedures had to be raised and that follow-up remained an area that required strengthening. Various mandate holder ...
Christoph Mikulasche - The United Nations Security Council and the
... The question which United Nations organs should take action on behalf of the international community to fulfill its responsibility to protect should be answered by reference to the United Nations Charter. The provisions of the Charter show that the implementation of different aspects of the responsi ...
... The question which United Nations organs should take action on behalf of the international community to fulfill its responsibility to protect should be answered by reference to the United Nations Charter. The provisions of the Charter show that the implementation of different aspects of the responsi ...
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to
... 1. Subject to the provisions of article 14, the Commission, after obtaining all the information it thinks necessary, shall ascertain the facts, and make available its good offices to the States concerned with a view to an amicable solution of the matter on the basis of respect for the Convention. 2. ...
... 1. Subject to the provisions of article 14, the Commission, after obtaining all the information it thinks necessary, shall ascertain the facts, and make available its good offices to the States concerned with a view to an amicable solution of the matter on the basis of respect for the Convention. 2. ...
Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of
... Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women recommended that the Government ensure access to justice for all women affected by sexual violence during conflict by providing appropriate funding to military jurisdictions. It also recommended that the Government ensure that the justice ...
... Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women recommended that the Government ensure access to justice for all women affected by sexual violence during conflict by providing appropriate funding to military jurisdictions. It also recommended that the Government ensure that the justice ...
“the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of
... Millions of people around the world look to the United Nations to resolve problems that affect their daily lives. They expect the United Nations to work towards the improvement of their standard of living and enhance their enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms. The challenge of achieving univ ...
... Millions of people around the world look to the United Nations to resolve problems that affect their daily lives. They expect the United Nations to work towards the improvement of their standard of living and enhance their enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms. The challenge of achieving univ ...
"William Schabas, “The Three - ICC
... The result can be seen in article VI(c) of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal, where a definition of crimes against humanity is set out. It was in some sense weak and conditional, rather like the fragile references to human rights in the Charter of the United Nations, and the restrai ...
... The result can be seen in article VI(c) of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal, where a definition of crimes against humanity is set out. It was in some sense weak and conditional, rather like the fragile references to human rights in the Charter of the United Nations, and the restrai ...
§4.2.h Office of the UN Secretary
... succeeded in having R2P endorsed at the 2005 World Summit. ...
... succeeded in having R2P endorsed at the 2005 World Summit. ...
Chapter 37 HA Text
... The United States played a leading role in founding the United Nations. Its influence is evident in the UN Charter, which proclaims what Roosevelt called “four essential human freedoms.” He had first identified those Four Freedoms in a speech in January 1941. In that speech, he depicted a world in w ...
... The United States played a leading role in founding the United Nations. Its influence is evident in the UN Charter, which proclaims what Roosevelt called “four essential human freedoms.” He had first identified those Four Freedoms in a speech in January 1941. In that speech, he depicted a world in w ...
education tania maría abdo rocholl
... mechanism related to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the 16th Session from the United Nations Human Rights Council in February, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland). Member of the Paraguayan delegation as of the 28th Meeting of High-Level Human Rights Authorities and Foreign Ministries of MERCOSUR and ...
... mechanism related to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the 16th Session from the United Nations Human Rights Council in February, 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland). Member of the Paraguayan delegation as of the 28th Meeting of High-Level Human Rights Authorities and Foreign Ministries of MERCOSUR and ...
... Recalling that, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Recalling also the ideal of free human beings enjoying ...
... Recalling that, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Recalling also the ideal of free human beings enjoying ...
United Nations Fact-Finding Missions in the Field of Human
... As a result of these Charter limitations, and a 1947 self-denying resolution of the Economic and Social Council which stated that "the Commission on Human Rights has no power to take action on individual human rights complaints,"5 the Organization has played a fairly passive role in this area. It ha ...
... As a result of these Charter limitations, and a 1947 self-denying resolution of the Economic and Social Council which stated that "the Commission on Human Rights has no power to take action on individual human rights complaints,"5 the Organization has played a fairly passive role in this area. It ha ...
1 setting up a commission for the preparation of a NATIONAL
... data analysis, taking into account the complexity and scope of efforts as well as the deadlines, and other considerations. The maximum remuneration for the expert data analysis per member of the Commission per month shall not exceed an equivalent of four base salaries of a Lithuanian state politicia ...
... data analysis, taking into account the complexity and scope of efforts as well as the deadlines, and other considerations. The maximum remuneration for the expert data analysis per member of the Commission per month shall not exceed an equivalent of four base salaries of a Lithuanian state politicia ...
read full document
... to the entire country, and calling on all Sudanese parties in particular those party to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, to take immediate steps to achieve a peaceful settlement to the conflict in Darfur and to take all necessary action to prevent further violations of human rights and internatio ...
... to the entire country, and calling on all Sudanese parties in particular those party to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, to take immediate steps to achieve a peaceful settlement to the conflict in Darfur and to take all necessary action to prevent further violations of human rights and internatio ...
KURZBERICHT Nov 04 - the United Nations
... Background and Purpose: The UN Security Council’s frequent inability to take effective action to prevent or end genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – the worst crimes under international law – has been a stain on its reputation and a challenge for the whole membership of the United Nati ...
... Background and Purpose: The UN Security Council’s frequent inability to take effective action to prevent or end genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – the worst crimes under international law – has been a stain on its reputation and a challenge for the whole membership of the United Nati ...
United Nations
... Stressing the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967, Deploring the non-cooperation by Israel with the independent commission of inquiry on the 2014 Gaza conflict and the refusal to grant access to or to cooperate with international human rights bodies ...
... Stressing the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967, Deploring the non-cooperation by Israel with the independent commission of inquiry on the 2014 Gaza conflict and the refusal to grant access to or to cooperate with international human rights bodies ...
... War Crinos Cor.a±anxon over war crimes contnitted in Ethiopia during the Italo-Abyssinian war v/as referred to Coranittee III by the Commission, on July 19th, 19A-6, for its consideration and opinion« The Committee, after giving careful consideration to the preliminary report propared by the Secreta ...
... War Crinos Cor.a±anxon over war crimes contnitted in Ethiopia during the Italo-Abyssinian war v/as referred to Coranittee III by the Commission, on July 19th, 19A-6, for its consideration and opinion« The Committee, after giving careful consideration to the preliminary report propared by the Secreta ...