Oral Tradition in the Writings of Rabbinic Oral Torah
... of the extant Tosefta to whatever might have been called by that name in Late Antiquity remains a topic of ongoing debate.4 In any event, the Mishnah and the Tosefta together constitute primary sources for the content of Rabbinic legal tradition as of the mid-third century CE. A rather different gen ...
... of the extant Tosefta to whatever might have been called by that name in Late Antiquity remains a topic of ongoing debate.4 In any event, the Mishnah and the Tosefta together constitute primary sources for the content of Rabbinic legal tradition as of the mid-third century CE. A rather different gen ...
From Torah im Derekh Eretz to Torah U-Madda
... Jews faced a similar allure of cultural and intellectual assimilation. Yet despite the many parallels between Hirsch’s milieu and that of modern America, his legacy remains rather ambiguous among those whose lifestyle and religious hashkafa (worldview) most closely mimic Hirsch’s ideology—Modern Ort ...
... Jews faced a similar allure of cultural and intellectual assimilation. Yet despite the many parallels between Hirsch’s milieu and that of modern America, his legacy remains rather ambiguous among those whose lifestyle and religious hashkafa (worldview) most closely mimic Hirsch’s ideology—Modern Ort ...
Milton Steinberg, American Rabbi—Thoughts on his Centenary
... the Reconstructionist movement. It is obvious that Kaplan, already the exponent of a fully considered system of thought, widely read in the classics of modern philosophy and sociology, should have deeply impressed the young seminarian, Steinberg, twenty years his junior. But there was, I think, alwa ...
... the Reconstructionist movement. It is obvious that Kaplan, already the exponent of a fully considered system of thought, widely read in the classics of modern philosophy and sociology, should have deeply impressed the young seminarian, Steinberg, twenty years his junior. But there was, I think, alwa ...
Nathan Glazer`s American Judaism
... books occupied a preeminent position in the academic and popular study of religion. The University of Chicago scholar of religion Martin Marty, who has taught American religious history since the early 1960s, calls Glazer’s book ‘‘the most ‘used’ semi-popular book on American Judaism in its time.’’1 ...
... books occupied a preeminent position in the academic and popular study of religion. The University of Chicago scholar of religion Martin Marty, who has taught American religious history since the early 1960s, calls Glazer’s book ‘‘the most ‘used’ semi-popular book on American Judaism in its time.’’1 ...
Revelation and Tradition as Religious Categories in
... the faithful simply accept, the historian is not bound to accept fictions that veil more than they reveal concerning the origins of the accepted faith. Thus, tradition as a special aspect of revelation is historically a product of the process that formed rabbinic Judaism between the fourth or third ...
... the faithful simply accept, the historian is not bound to accept fictions that veil more than they reveal concerning the origins of the accepted faith. Thus, tradition as a special aspect of revelation is historically a product of the process that formed rabbinic Judaism between the fourth or third ...
Rambam`s Historical Approach to the Laws of Conversion By Juan
... The importance of the rambam’s support lies not only in his weight as a halakhic authority in his own right, but also because rabbi yosef Karo’s Shulhan Arukh quotes his opinion almost verbatim,4 thus canonizing it -in the eyes of many- as the final word in halakhah. The view of the rambam, although ...
... The importance of the rambam’s support lies not only in his weight as a halakhic authority in his own right, but also because rabbi yosef Karo’s Shulhan Arukh quotes his opinion almost verbatim,4 thus canonizing it -in the eyes of many- as the final word in halakhah. The view of the rambam, although ...
... each engaged in this very same internal process of self-reflection, and each acknowledging the gifts of G-d, we give energy to each other and to the process itself. It is for this reason, too, that Jewish communities all throughout history have placed such an emphasis on building beautiful synagogue ...
... each engaged in this very same internal process of self-reflection, and each acknowledging the gifts of G-d, we give energy to each other and to the process itself. It is for this reason, too, that Jewish communities all throughout history have placed such an emphasis on building beautiful synagogue ...
jewish concepts
... sleep and after the elimination of bodily wastes, also after being in proximity to a dead human body . Apart from ritual purification, the Jewish people have always regarded bathing and physical cleanliness as implicitly important because, as Hillel taught, the human body reflects the divine image o ...
... sleep and after the elimination of bodily wastes, also after being in proximity to a dead human body . Apart from ritual purification, the Jewish people have always regarded bathing and physical cleanliness as implicitly important because, as Hillel taught, the human body reflects the divine image o ...
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
... is treif, the whole world is treif, nothing is kosher—so the American Jew cannot live with that,” he said.16 The Rebbe, on the other hand, held the very deep conviction, initially articulated by his father-in-law, the Sixth Rebbe, that “America is no different,”17 and the United States—which at the ...
... is treif, the whole world is treif, nothing is kosher—so the American Jew cannot live with that,” he said.16 The Rebbe, on the other hand, held the very deep conviction, initially articulated by his father-in-law, the Sixth Rebbe, that “America is no different,”17 and the United States—which at the ...
Judaism 101: A Brief Introduction to Judaism
... man-made laws of the Talmud Bavli. The Muslims granted Anan and his followers the freedom to practice Judaism as their ancestors had practiced it. Anan was not a Karaite but he did reject the Talmud. His followers became known as Ananites and this group continued to exist until the tenth-century. A ...
... man-made laws of the Talmud Bavli. The Muslims granted Anan and his followers the freedom to practice Judaism as their ancestors had practiced it. Anan was not a Karaite but he did reject the Talmud. His followers became known as Ananites and this group continued to exist until the tenth-century. A ...
Why Study Talmud in the Twenty-first Century?
... Talmud can also help alleviate the problems presented by rabbinic statements that are offensive to women and other groups. Judith Baskin, among others, deals with this dehumanizing of women by recognizing that Talmud also contains, even if only in minority opinions, female voices as well as teachings ...
... Talmud can also help alleviate the problems presented by rabbinic statements that are offensive to women and other groups. Judith Baskin, among others, deals with this dehumanizing of women by recognizing that Talmud also contains, even if only in minority opinions, female voices as well as teachings ...
Karaite Judaism Brief History Karaite Judaism truly began with the
... Karaite Judaism is the original form of Judaism as it is shown throughout the Tanakh from the time of the Revelation beginning at Har Sinai. Karaites (in Hebrew – B’nei Miqra) means “Followers of the Miqra (Scriptures)” and are a sect of Judaism that believes only in the authority of the Tanakh. Do ...
... Karaite Judaism is the original form of Judaism as it is shown throughout the Tanakh from the time of the Revelation beginning at Har Sinai. Karaites (in Hebrew – B’nei Miqra) means “Followers of the Miqra (Scriptures)” and are a sect of Judaism that believes only in the authority of the Tanakh. Do ...
Judaism`s Strange Gods
... "Reform" branch of the synagogue because they do not accord the Talmud the supreme authority which Judaism does. Liberal "Reform" synagogues stand in the same relationship with Judaism as Unitarians who deny the Resurrection of Christ do with regard to Christianity: both represent a fundamental nega ...
... "Reform" branch of the synagogue because they do not accord the Talmud the supreme authority which Judaism does. Liberal "Reform" synagogues stand in the same relationship with Judaism as Unitarians who deny the Resurrection of Christ do with regard to Christianity: both represent a fundamental nega ...
The social setting of the Matthean Abstract David C Sim
... depending upon where one places the emphasis. Sociological studies of sectarian groups and their use of polemical language, which have correctly been applied to the Matthean community, have revealed that such groups show, on the one hand, distance from the parent body, and, on the other hand, closen ...
... depending upon where one places the emphasis. Sociological studies of sectarian groups and their use of polemical language, which have correctly been applied to the Matthean community, have revealed that such groups show, on the one hand, distance from the parent body, and, on the other hand, closen ...
File - Alan Karam
... All you need is good judgment when buying foods at the stores. According to the 2000 National ...
... All you need is good judgment when buying foods at the stores. According to the 2000 National ...
JC Relations - Jewish
... Despite the appeal of a purely textual approach, dialogue is an activity that is carried out between people, and in our case, between faith communities. Even if the subject matter of the dialogue is the religious system, the impetus for the dialogue, as well as its immediate significance, stem from ...
... Despite the appeal of a purely textual approach, dialogue is an activity that is carried out between people, and in our case, between faith communities. Even if the subject matter of the dialogue is the religious system, the impetus for the dialogue, as well as its immediate significance, stem from ...
... the tendency to put the letter before the Spirit.[28] One other consideration deserves mention. A number of Yeshua's comments indicate that he interacted with the discussion between the schools of Hillel and Shammai, and therefore would be in conflict with one or the other.[29] For example, the stat ...
... the tendency to put the letter before the Spirit.[28] One other consideration deserves mention. A number of Yeshua's comments indicate that he interacted with the discussion between the schools of Hillel and Shammai, and therefore would be in conflict with one or the other.[29] For example, the stat ...
One who greets his teacher . . . causes the Shekhinah to
... Palestinian etiquette in Babylonian sources While the Babylonian Talmud, as we have seen above incorporates materials reflecting the social practice of avoidance it incorporates even more "Palestinian" material which evidences the "Engagement" etiquette characteristic of the Land of Israel.15 The Ba ...
... Palestinian etiquette in Babylonian sources While the Babylonian Talmud, as we have seen above incorporates materials reflecting the social practice of avoidance it incorporates even more "Palestinian" material which evidences the "Engagement" etiquette characteristic of the Land of Israel.15 The Ba ...
Border Lines, Daniel Boyarin
... Throughout the rabbinic period, Boyarin contends there is evidence of a vital form of Judaism that was not only extra-rabbinic but which the Rabbis explicitly named as a heresy - the belief in ‘Two Powers in Heaven,’ or in our terms, Logos theology. 2 Most Jews possibly resisted Justin’s efforts to ...
... Throughout the rabbinic period, Boyarin contends there is evidence of a vital form of Judaism that was not only extra-rabbinic but which the Rabbis explicitly named as a heresy - the belief in ‘Two Powers in Heaven,’ or in our terms, Logos theology. 2 Most Jews possibly resisted Justin’s efforts to ...
Misinterpreting Rabbi Judah Ha-Levi
... God loves; God gives Jews special attention and even unearned assistance. Only Jews receive prophecy, which is an exclusive valuable gift from God, expressing his love for the Jews. Jews are smarter and more virtuous; they, and only they, with perhaps a few exceptions, are granted life after death. ...
... God loves; God gives Jews special attention and even unearned assistance. Only Jews receive prophecy, which is an exclusive valuable gift from God, expressing his love for the Jews. Jews are smarter and more virtuous; they, and only they, with perhaps a few exceptions, are granted life after death. ...
... they do, they mean Torah and ”masoret•. In other words, all the terms are basically identical although they do evoke somewhat different images. But Tradition, we must recall, is that which is handed down or transmitted from the past or what is believed to have been from the past. Therefore, it is en ...
... they do, they mean Torah and ”masoret•. In other words, all the terms are basically identical although they do evoke somewhat different images. But Tradition, we must recall, is that which is handed down or transmitted from the past or what is believed to have been from the past. Therefore, it is en ...
KS2 Judaism The Synagogue
... Synagogues are much more than places of worship. They are central to Jewish community life (the word synagogue literally means ‘to gather together’). In addition to the room used for worship, synagogues will usually contain other rooms for community events, meetings and study. Essentially, synagogue ...
... Synagogues are much more than places of worship. They are central to Jewish community life (the word synagogue literally means ‘to gather together’). In addition to the room used for worship, synagogues will usually contain other rooms for community events, meetings and study. Essentially, synagogue ...
Great World Religions: Judaism
... Common to these attempts to represent the essence of Judaism is the wish not to go beyond the biblical text itself, by enunciating a more comprehensive and detailed creed. Nevertheless, Judaism has been subjected to a wide variety of post-biblical attempts at isolating what was considered to represe ...
... Common to these attempts to represent the essence of Judaism is the wish not to go beyond the biblical text itself, by enunciating a more comprehensive and detailed creed. Nevertheless, Judaism has been subjected to a wide variety of post-biblical attempts at isolating what was considered to represe ...
Hellenism in Jewish Babylonia - Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley.
... in part to the story of the alleged School of the Persians at Edessa as the origin for the School of Nisibis.25 The new institution and the new form of study as well as the new text all hang together on this theory. The hypothesization of the crucial role of the late redactors, these anonymous “Stam ...
... in part to the story of the alleged School of the Persians at Edessa as the origin for the School of Nisibis.25 The new institution and the new form of study as well as the new text all hang together on this theory. The hypothesization of the crucial role of the late redactors, these anonymous “Stam ...
The Making of the Mishnah and the Talmud
... in the di¥cult years after the revolt, when the support of the am ha-aretz (people at large) was so important, they appealed to the divine origin and nature of the oral law on a few occasions. Only in amoraic times was the full midrashic basis for these ideas worked out by the rabbis who asserted th ...
... in the di¥cult years after the revolt, when the support of the am ha-aretz (people at large) was so important, they appealed to the divine origin and nature of the oral law on a few occasions. Only in amoraic times was the full midrashic basis for these ideas worked out by the rabbis who asserted th ...