Test 1
... Conservation of Energy The total energy of a system cannot change unless energy is taken from or added to the system. At any two points, 1 and 2 PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2 ...
... Conservation of Energy The total energy of a system cannot change unless energy is taken from or added to the system. At any two points, 1 and 2 PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2 ...
Chapter 23
... Case 2: Potential Energy of a System of Charges Start by putting first charge in position No work is necessary to do this Next bring second charge into place Now work is done by the electric field of the first charge. This work goes into the potential energy between these two charges. Now the third ...
... Case 2: Potential Energy of a System of Charges Start by putting first charge in position No work is necessary to do this Next bring second charge into place Now work is done by the electric field of the first charge. This work goes into the potential energy between these two charges. Now the third ...
Class notes
... individual object’s kinetic energies. We will learn more about this later.) Let two objects, one with mass m and the other with mass 2m collide elastically in one dimension. They are initially heading towards each other with speed v. Find their speeds and directions after the collision, in terms of ...
... individual object’s kinetic energies. We will learn more about this later.) Let two objects, one with mass m and the other with mass 2m collide elastically in one dimension. They are initially heading towards each other with speed v. Find their speeds and directions after the collision, in terms of ...
Energy Transfer Lab
... theorem", stating that the work done on an object, Fnet•∆x, is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the object, 1/2m∆v2. Fnet•∆x = 1/2m∆v2 While this equation yields the correct numerical answer in simple situations, it can be very misleading. "Serious difficulties begin to enter, however, when ...
... theorem", stating that the work done on an object, Fnet•∆x, is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the object, 1/2m∆v2. Fnet•∆x = 1/2m∆v2 While this equation yields the correct numerical answer in simple situations, it can be very misleading. "Serious difficulties begin to enter, however, when ...
... A future colliding beam experiment is proposed to observe the process e e HZ , where H is the Higgs boson, which subsequently decays (in a majority of events) into a bottom quark-antiquark pair: H bb . In some fraction of events, the Z boson can also decay into a bottom quark-antiquark pair: ...
... A future colliding beam experiment is proposed to observe the process e e HZ , where H is the Higgs boson, which subsequently decays (in a majority of events) into a bottom quark-antiquark pair: H bb . In some fraction of events, the Z boson can also decay into a bottom quark-antiquark pair: ...
Physics 207: Lecture 2 Notes
... same amount of work to get up the hill. Are the cars essentially the same ? NO. The Corvette can get up the hill quicker It has a more powerful engine. ...
... same amount of work to get up the hill. Are the cars essentially the same ? NO. The Corvette can get up the hill quicker It has a more powerful engine. ...
Physical Chemistry I – review guide
... • Pressure is uniform and equal to the surroundings in mechanical equilibrium • An extensive property is equal to the sum of its values for the parts of the system (eg: mass) • An intensive property does not depend on the size of the system (eg: density) • If the intensive macroscopic properties are ...
... • Pressure is uniform and equal to the surroundings in mechanical equilibrium • An extensive property is equal to the sum of its values for the parts of the system (eg: mass) • An intensive property does not depend on the size of the system (eg: density) • If the intensive macroscopic properties are ...
Chapter 5 Thermochemistry
... First Law of Thermodynamics • Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can undergo a transformation from one type to another. (Law of Conservation of Energy) • The total energy of the universe is a constant. • The energy lost by a system must equal the energy gained by its surroundings, and ...
... First Law of Thermodynamics • Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can undergo a transformation from one type to another. (Law of Conservation of Energy) • The total energy of the universe is a constant. • The energy lost by a system must equal the energy gained by its surroundings, and ...
Outline Introduction Introduction Gibbs Free Energy
... Gibbs-Duhem Equation For a homogenous phase of two components, A and B, the fundamental equation becomes: dG SdT VdP A dn A B dnB If we now specify equilibrium at constant T and P: dG Adn A B dnB 0 Now, we have shown that G An A B nB Differentiating this, we obtain dG ...
... Gibbs-Duhem Equation For a homogenous phase of two components, A and B, the fundamental equation becomes: dG SdT VdP A dn A B dnB If we now specify equilibrium at constant T and P: dG Adn A B dnB 0 Now, we have shown that G An A B nB Differentiating this, we obtain dG ...
energy of a system of particles
... As we have seen in Unit 415, the potential energy U12 depends only on the distance between the interacting particles. Thus the same work is done whether particle 1 is moved far away while particle 2 remains fixed, or vice versa. Hence U12 = U21 and this energy can be simply called the “potential ene ...
... As we have seen in Unit 415, the potential energy U12 depends only on the distance between the interacting particles. Thus the same work is done whether particle 1 is moved far away while particle 2 remains fixed, or vice versa. Hence U12 = U21 and this energy can be simply called the “potential ene ...
Solutions to Chapter 6 Problems
... If friction is present, then during each swing energy is lost to friction at the pivot point and also to air resistance. During each swing, the kinetic energy and the potential energy decrease, and the pendulum’s amplitude decreases. When a grandfather clock is “wound up,” the amount of energy that ...
... If friction is present, then during each swing energy is lost to friction at the pivot point and also to air resistance. During each swing, the kinetic energy and the potential energy decrease, and the pendulum’s amplitude decreases. When a grandfather clock is “wound up,” the amount of energy that ...