Interacting Fock spaces: central limit theorems and quantum
... product one. We give a general outline on this space, focusing our attention on an important and wide class of them, the standard interacting Fock spaces. In this case we introduce the basic operators of creation and annihilation, showing that, as in the usual Fock spaces, they are mutually adjoint. ...
... product one. We give a general outline on this space, focusing our attention on an important and wide class of them, the standard interacting Fock spaces. In this case we introduce the basic operators of creation and annihilation, showing that, as in the usual Fock spaces, they are mutually adjoint. ...
Towards a Tight Finite Key Analysis for BB84
... either X or Z, chosen at random. The X bits will be used to extract a key, while the Z are used to check security. She sends the qubit over a public channel to Bob, while the eavesdropper, Eve, may interfere as she wishes. Bob measures the system randomly either in the X or Z basis. Alice and Bob si ...
... either X or Z, chosen at random. The X bits will be used to extract a key, while the Z are used to check security. She sends the qubit over a public channel to Bob, while the eavesdropper, Eve, may interfere as she wishes. Bob measures the system randomly either in the X or Z basis. Alice and Bob si ...
J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 8271, 2002
... |40-〉, and |31-〉 initial states of H2O, and the |00+〉, |01-〉, and |10-〉 initial states of DOH. The comparison demonstrates that the TS SC-IVR of ref 1 is able to describe the H2O spectroscopy as well as the complete photodissociation dynamics, including the isotopic substitution effects, in excellen ...
... |40-〉, and |31-〉 initial states of H2O, and the |00+〉, |01-〉, and |10-〉 initial states of DOH. The comparison demonstrates that the TS SC-IVR of ref 1 is able to describe the H2O spectroscopy as well as the complete photodissociation dynamics, including the isotopic substitution effects, in excellen ...
Effective Field Theories in Cosmology - SUrface
... he always pushed me to present research material in a simpler and more transparent way than I would have otherwise. I would like to thank Scott Watson, first and foremost for making me believe that I could do this. His continuous encouragement and faith in me was a great gift, and I am extremely gra ...
... he always pushed me to present research material in a simpler and more transparent way than I would have otherwise. I would like to thank Scott Watson, first and foremost for making me believe that I could do this. His continuous encouragement and faith in me was a great gift, and I am extremely gra ...
Numerical Renormalization Group Calculations for Impurity
... All the three impurity models studied show second order quantum phase transitions and quantum critical points but the levels of understanding of each case, particularly to the issues of quantum phase transitions, are quite different for historical reasons. The soft-gap Anderson model (Withoff and Fr ...
... All the three impurity models studied show second order quantum phase transitions and quantum critical points but the levels of understanding of each case, particularly to the issues of quantum phase transitions, are quite different for historical reasons. The soft-gap Anderson model (Withoff and Fr ...
... coherent states in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space F 1/2.* Fidelities above these bounds were achieved in teleportation experiments (DiMartini et al, 1998 for qubits; Kimble et al 1998 for coherent states). Entanglement matters! Absence of entanglement precludes better-than-classical fidelit ...
... coherent states in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space F 1/2.* Fidelities above these bounds were achieved in teleportation experiments (DiMartini et al, 1998 for qubits; Kimble et al 1998 for coherent states). Entanglement matters! Absence of entanglement precludes better-than-classical fidelit ...
Quantum Computing
... It turns out that information theory and quantum mechanics fit together very well. In order to explain their relationship, this review begins with an introduction to classical information theory and computer science, including Shannon’s theorem, error correcting codes, Turing machines and computatio ...
... It turns out that information theory and quantum mechanics fit together very well. In order to explain their relationship, this review begins with an introduction to classical information theory and computer science, including Shannon’s theorem, error correcting codes, Turing machines and computatio ...
Research Project Quantum Physics
... The world’s leading physicists Heisenberg, Bohr, Einstein and many more have developed a completely new kind of physics: quantum physics. Quantum physics is not just another branch of physics, like mechanics or thermodynamics. It is physics. Quantum physics is a new way of thinking within physics, t ...
... The world’s leading physicists Heisenberg, Bohr, Einstein and many more have developed a completely new kind of physics: quantum physics. Quantum physics is not just another branch of physics, like mechanics or thermodynamics. It is physics. Quantum physics is a new way of thinking within physics, t ...
Spin-based quantum computers made by chemistry: hows and whys†
... (in the form of molecules or ions) then quantum mechanics guarantees they will all be identical, provided we can eliminate impurities, defects, etc. This of course takes us into the realm of chemistry. In writing this review we have assumed a reader who may not be too familiar with this subject, but ...
... (in the form of molecules or ions) then quantum mechanics guarantees they will all be identical, provided we can eliminate impurities, defects, etc. This of course takes us into the realm of chemistry. In writing this review we have assumed a reader who may not be too familiar with this subject, but ...