What`s Behind the Budget? - Overseas Development Institute
... New approaches to strengthening accountability for the delivery of public services; performance assessment and results-oriented management New ideas of accountability based on values of ‘performance’ and ‘effectiveness’ and a focus on ‘outcomes’ are an important part of the way that the debate about ...
... New approaches to strengthening accountability for the delivery of public services; performance assessment and results-oriented management New ideas of accountability based on values of ‘performance’ and ‘effectiveness’ and a focus on ‘outcomes’ are an important part of the way that the debate about ...
... Bartels et al. (1998) we are deeply convinced that ethical issues necessarily have two criteria: volition and consequences. First, the individual dealing with an ethical issue must have a choice. Secondly, his choice must have consequences for the others. If the action of an individual has no conseq ...
... Bartels et al. (1998) we are deeply convinced that ethical issues necessarily have two criteria: volition and consequences. First, the individual dealing with an ethical issue must have a choice. Secondly, his choice must have consequences for the others. If the action of an individual has no conseq ...
Managing Collaboration in Public Administration:
... “welfare states” or at least “caring states” the basic human needs of many are protected by central governments and by the law. Still, modern democracies of various types have adequately encouraged a tradition of competition, conflict, and contest over resources, and a high level of struggle over in ...
... “welfare states” or at least “caring states” the basic human needs of many are protected by central governments and by the law. Still, modern democracies of various types have adequately encouraged a tradition of competition, conflict, and contest over resources, and a high level of struggle over in ...
value driven leading: a management approach
... consequences. The legitimacy of the whole enterprise can be undermined by failure of leading at this level. Allies, partners and collaborators who rely upon us keeping our promises and delivering service and support can suffer grievous loss. Long term and valuable relations of trust and support can ...
... consequences. The legitimacy of the whole enterprise can be undermined by failure of leading at this level. Allies, partners and collaborators who rely upon us keeping our promises and delivering service and support can suffer grievous loss. Long term and valuable relations of trust and support can ...
Self-governing implementation networks in the age of
... phenomenon that has yet to be mapped more thoroughly. This paper then continues by proposing that to grasp a phenomenon of this kind - where self-governance and co-governance is so prominently present - an action-oriented approach must be applied in order to reveal policy-making in implementation pr ...
... phenomenon that has yet to be mapped more thoroughly. This paper then continues by proposing that to grasp a phenomenon of this kind - where self-governance and co-governance is so prominently present - an action-oriented approach must be applied in order to reveal policy-making in implementation pr ...
The Tandem Culture – Organizational Bureaucracy in Public Sector
... The dominant culture in the public sector is the role type one (temple type), typical for most organizations of central or local administration (government), if we use the structure proposed by Handy, or the procedures’ one for classification proposed by Deal and Kennedy. These types of culture whic ...
... The dominant culture in the public sector is the role type one (temple type), typical for most organizations of central or local administration (government), if we use the structure proposed by Handy, or the procedures’ one for classification proposed by Deal and Kennedy. These types of culture whic ...
Services. Managing demand.
... 2. Varying the times (to reflect changes in customer preferences by day of week, season, and so forth); e.g. theater matinees on weekends, siesta closing, etc. 3. New locations. Delivering services to customers. Installing seasonal resort rent-a-car sites. ...
... 2. Varying the times (to reflect changes in customer preferences by day of week, season, and so forth); e.g. theater matinees on weekends, siesta closing, etc. 3. New locations. Delivering services to customers. Installing seasonal resort rent-a-car sites. ...
Chapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run
... of all activities and deduct it from revenue to arrive at profit. • Structural changes over the past 20 years have moved towards dividing the business into minibusinesses, each with its own financial and performance goals. • Managers are then made responsible for these. • Where costs cannot be offse ...
... of all activities and deduct it from revenue to arrive at profit. • Structural changes over the past 20 years have moved towards dividing the business into minibusinesses, each with its own financial and performance goals. • Managers are then made responsible for these. • Where costs cannot be offse ...
On the Optimal Social Contract: Agency Costs of Self
... how a government with an inefficient structure can emerge and persist even when more efficient structures are feasible. They assume the government’s ability to collect taxes depends upon the size of the bureaucracy which is decided by political elites. And, they show that political elites might want ...
... how a government with an inefficient structure can emerge and persist even when more efficient structures are feasible. They assume the government’s ability to collect taxes depends upon the size of the bureaucracy which is decided by political elites. And, they show that political elites might want ...
Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
... Profit maximization and corporate social responsibility used to be regarded as antagonistic, leading to opposing policies. But the two views can converge Recent attention has also been centered on the possible competitive advantage of socially ...
... Profit maximization and corporate social responsibility used to be regarded as antagonistic, leading to opposing policies. But the two views can converge Recent attention has also been centered on the possible competitive advantage of socially ...
Mark scheme - Unit F291 - An introduction to business - June
... same/low/are kept down this will mean more profit” (6). “As people have more income/money spending power WZ can now increase its share of the family day out (line 6)/ leisure market” (5) “If it takes the right (marketing) decisions”. (6) Comments about the extent (and/or likely duration) of the inco ...
... same/low/are kept down this will mean more profit” (6). “As people have more income/money spending power WZ can now increase its share of the family day out (line 6)/ leisure market” (5) “If it takes the right (marketing) decisions”. (6) Comments about the extent (and/or likely duration) of the inco ...
... Standards that govern how members of a society should deal with each other on issues such as fairness, justice, poverty, and the rights of the individual Occupational (Professional) Ethics Standards that govern how members of a profession, trade or craft should conduct themselves when performing ...
... Standards that govern how members of a society should deal with each other on issues such as fairness, justice, poverty, and the rights of the individual Occupational (Professional) Ethics Standards that govern how members of a profession, trade or craft should conduct themselves when performing ...
The Role of Citizens in Democratic Governance
... citizens and between citizens and government in the traditional paradigm has been largely passive. Early nineteenth century onwards, franchise was extended to previously excluded sections of population, particularly in the western world. However, the role of the citizen as an engaged partner in the ...
... citizens and between citizens and government in the traditional paradigm has been largely passive. Early nineteenth century onwards, franchise was extended to previously excluded sections of population, particularly in the western world. However, the role of the citizen as an engaged partner in the ...
Strategy - School of Business Administration
... Vision: What do we want to become (an ideal state, a utopia); What the organization hopes to become in the future. Mission: What is our business? (typically associated with the present) What are the basic purposes and activities of the organization What does the organization seek to achieve over the ...
... Vision: What do we want to become (an ideal state, a utopia); What the organization hopes to become in the future. Mission: What is our business? (typically associated with the present) What are the basic purposes and activities of the organization What does the organization seek to achieve over the ...
... The purpose of this policy is to protect Greencore and its employees from breaches of anti-bribery and corruption laws. Breaches of bribery and corruption laws could seriously damage Greencore's reputation as a responsible, ethical company and potentially damage our relationships with customers and ...
... The purpose of this policy is to protect Greencore and its employees from breaches of anti-bribery and corruption laws. Breaches of bribery and corruption laws could seriously damage Greencore's reputation as a responsible, ethical company and potentially damage our relationships with customers and ...
Comment: States, Societies, and Sociologists: Democratizing
... from the interaction of state and society pressures. Democratic openings created possibilities for citizen action, but citizen action in turn helped to make and shape those democratic openings. And even when political opportunities did arise, the case studies show that achieving change takes time, r ...
... from the interaction of state and society pressures. Democratic openings created possibilities for citizen action, but citizen action in turn helped to make and shape those democratic openings. And even when political opportunities did arise, the case studies show that achieving change takes time, r ...
LR 23
... Public Policy Making Process Overview • Eight generalizations (contd.). – Bureaucrats are the most influential actors, but do not control implementation. – Patterns of implementation vary depending on the different social purposes of policies. – Decentralization influences implementation. – The mea ...
... Public Policy Making Process Overview • Eight generalizations (contd.). – Bureaucrats are the most influential actors, but do not control implementation. – Patterns of implementation vary depending on the different social purposes of policies. – Decentralization influences implementation. – The mea ...
This chapter by Dr Mark Baldwin is advance reading material... (at which he is speaking):
... was accepted by all involved), my view is that they were co-operative inquiry groups in the sense defined by Heron and Reason (2000) and Heron (Heron 1996). We agreed that both groups should be closed to future involvement by others but inclusive, ensuring all members were present before proceeding. ...
... was accepted by all involved), my view is that they were co-operative inquiry groups in the sense defined by Heron and Reason (2000) and Heron (Heron 1996). We agreed that both groups should be closed to future involvement by others but inclusive, ensuring all members were present before proceeding. ...
... Administration, & the House subcommittee on aging – all would probably agree on the need for increased SS benefits ...
... Administration, & the House subcommittee on aging – all would probably agree on the need for increased SS benefits ...