... Lorentz violation is realized as a coupling of particle fields and background fields, so the basic strategy to find Lorentz violation is: (1) choose the coordinate system (2) write down the Lagrangian, including Lorentz-violating terms under the formalism (3) write down the observables using this La ...
... Lorentz violation is realized as a coupling of particle fields and background fields, so the basic strategy to find Lorentz violation is: (1) choose the coordinate system (2) write down the Lagrangian, including Lorentz-violating terms under the formalism (3) write down the observables using this La ...
Lecture Notes on the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics
... course1 in theoretical physics, firstly given at the University of Bern during the fall semester 2010. The typical audience includes physics students holding a bachelor and then familiar with nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, special relativity, classical electrodynamics or, more generally, the cla ...
... course1 in theoretical physics, firstly given at the University of Bern during the fall semester 2010. The typical audience includes physics students holding a bachelor and then familiar with nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, special relativity, classical electrodynamics or, more generally, the cla ...
Weyl`s Spinor and Dirac`s Equation - weylmann.com
... see that Lorentz transformations can be added in as well, and a little later we’ll see that spinors transforming under pure Lorentz transformations (no rotations) play a central role in the description of spin-1/2 particles. The crazy thing about spinors can be traced to the presence of half angles ...
... see that Lorentz transformations can be added in as well, and a little later we’ll see that spinors transforming under pure Lorentz transformations (no rotations) play a central role in the description of spin-1/2 particles. The crazy thing about spinors can be traced to the presence of half angles ...
Supersymmetry (SUSY)
... A Lorentz scalar only has integer valued angular momentum but fermions also have 1/2 integer spin in addition to orbital angular momentum. Need Spin operator ...
... A Lorentz scalar only has integer valued angular momentum but fermions also have 1/2 integer spin in addition to orbital angular momentum. Need Spin operator ...
dirac and majorana fermions
... representations (0, 12 ) and ( 12 , 0), furthermore, are inequivalent, i.e. they cannot be connected by a unitary transformation. Within the Lorentz group, they can be connected, but by a transformation belonging to the class P−↑ . Under parity one has ...
... representations (0, 12 ) and ( 12 , 0), furthermore, are inequivalent, i.e. they cannot be connected by a unitary transformation. Within the Lorentz group, they can be connected, but by a transformation belonging to the class P−↑ . Under parity one has ...
In order to integrate general relativity with quantum theory, we
... obeying the equations of Newton and Maxwell for point masses, charges, and electromagnetic fields. An understanding of the nature of the fundamental forces and their origin, along with the observed mass and charge spectra, had to await the formulation of special relativity, quantum theory, and their ...
... obeying the equations of Newton and Maxwell for point masses, charges, and electromagnetic fields. An understanding of the nature of the fundamental forces and their origin, along with the observed mass and charge spectra, had to await the formulation of special relativity, quantum theory, and their ...
In order to integrate general relativity with quantum
... masses came from the Lorentz equation for electromagnetic forces and Newton’s law of gravitation for gravitational forces. The forces given by these theories allowed one to predict the time evolution of a dynamical system. One notes the parallel between that space time kinematic infrastructure and t ...
... masses came from the Lorentz equation for electromagnetic forces and Newton’s law of gravitation for gravitational forces. The forces given by these theories allowed one to predict the time evolution of a dynamical system. One notes the parallel between that space time kinematic infrastructure and t ...
Exponential Maps for Computer Vision
... In 3D computer vision, the problem of tracking an object in video is typically addressed by maintaining a transformation for each of the object’s degrees of freedom. The result is an estimation of the 3D pose with reference to several coordinate frames. Simplification of the problem is possible when ...
... In 3D computer vision, the problem of tracking an object in video is typically addressed by maintaining a transformation for each of the object’s degrees of freedom. The result is an estimation of the 3D pose with reference to several coordinate frames. Simplification of the problem is possible when ...
... structure. Firstly, it has the group structure. Secondly, the elements of this group also form a “topological space” so that it may be described as being a special case of a “topological group”. Finally, the elements also constitute an “analytic manifold”. Consequently, a Lie group may be defined in ...
... structure. Firstly, it has the group structure. Secondly, the elements of this group also form a “topological space” so that it may be described as being a special case of a “topological group”. Finally, the elements also constitute an “analytic manifold”. Consequently, a Lie group may be defined in ...
An Integration of General Relativity and Relativistic Quantum
... The Lagrangian can be constructed as before but now with the new representations for Pb and ga . The dynamics would proceed by path-integral solutions and the energy momentum tensor would be computed from the dominant fields (which might just consist of the contribution from the massive sphere or bl ...
... The Lagrangian can be constructed as before but now with the new representations for Pb and ga . The dynamics would proceed by path-integral solutions and the energy momentum tensor would be computed from the dominant fields (which might just consist of the contribution from the massive sphere or bl ...
Nondegenerate Pairings First let`s straighten out something that was
... Show that g is nondegenerate. Any algebra has a pairing of the above form; if the pairing is nondegenerate the algebra is semisimple. This is either a definition or a theorem depending on your taste: if we define a semisimple algebra to be a direct sum of algebras with no nontrivial two-sided ideals ...
... Show that g is nondegenerate. Any algebra has a pairing of the above form; if the pairing is nondegenerate the algebra is semisimple. This is either a definition or a theorem depending on your taste: if we define a semisimple algebra to be a direct sum of algebras with no nontrivial two-sided ideals ...
Representation theory of the Lorentz group

The Lorentz group, a Lie group on which special relativity is based, has a wide variety of representations. Many of these representations, both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional, are important in theoretical physics in the description of particles in relativistic quantum mechanics, as well as of both particles and quantum fields in quantum field theory.This representation theory also provides the theoretical ground for the concept of spin, which, for a particle, can be either integer or half-integer in the unit of the reduced Planck constant ℏ. Quantum mechanical wave functions representing particles with half-integer spin are called spinors. The classical electromagnetic field has spin as well. It transforms under a representation with spin one. It enters into general relativity in that in small enough regions of spacetime, physics is that of special relativity.The group may also be represented in terms of a set of functions defined on the Riemann sphere. These are the Riemann P-functions, which are expressible as hypergeometric functions. The identity component SO(3,1)+ of the Lorentz group is isomorphic to the Möbius group, and hence any representation of the Lorentz group is necessarily a representation of the Möbius group and vice versa.The subgroup SO(3) with its representation theory form a simpler theory, but the two are related and both are prominent in theoretical physics as descriptions of spin, angular momentum, and other phenomena related to rotation.The adopted Lie algebra basis and conventions used are presented here.