2-7 The Mathematics Models and an Actual Proof Experiment
... 2.1 Functions of IP traceback IP traceback methods are designed to track down the sources of attacks mainly within a single autonomous system (AS). In most cases, however, DDoS attack packets pass across several ASs to reach a victim. Therefore, in addition to performing traceback within each AS, it ...
... 2.1 Functions of IP traceback IP traceback methods are designed to track down the sources of attacks mainly within a single autonomous system (AS). In most cases, however, DDoS attack packets pass across several ASs to reach a victim. Therefore, in addition to performing traceback within each AS, it ...
for Sublinear Time Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)
... images is the state-of-the-art in object detection tasks [8]. In DPM model, firstly a set of part filters are learned from the training dataset. During detection, these learned filter activations over various patches of the test image are used to score the test image. The activation of a filter on a ...
... images is the state-of-the-art in object detection tasks [8]. In DPM model, firstly a set of part filters are learned from the training dataset. During detection, these learned filter activations over various patches of the test image are used to score the test image. The activation of a filter on a ...
Cryptanalysis of Shieh-Lin-Yang
... Choose a value of ri’ in GF(p) randomly. ki’ by ki’ = (Y ) x ri’ mod p without Compute the value of i knowing the value of ki’. ki’ mod p. Obtain the message M = ri’ x ...
... Choose a value of ri’ in GF(p) randomly. ki’ by ki’ = (Y ) x ri’ mod p without Compute the value of i knowing the value of ki’. ki’ mod p. Obtain the message M = ri’ x ...
... applications that can be embedded in webpages. When Java was first introduced, applets were sensational because they provided a cross-platform solution for making a webpage more interesting. To safeguard users from malicious applets, applets are run in a sandbox, which imposes rather stringent restr ...
... applications that can be embedded in webpages. When Java was first introduced, applets were sensational because they provided a cross-platform solution for making a webpage more interesting. To safeguard users from malicious applets, applets are run in a sandbox, which imposes rather stringent restr ...
Security - The University of Texas at Dallas
... Lawyer uses as input to a hash Bank’s engine message ...
... Lawyer uses as input to a hash Bank’s engine message ...
Solution manual - Chapter 1 1.1 Poisson Distribution Jens Zamanian March 9, 2014
... upper sign) we have the equation k 2 c2 = ! 2 ...
... upper sign) we have the equation k 2 c2 = ! 2 ...
256 Bit Key — Is It Big Enough?
... usually called “offline” attacks since the attacker doesn’t use the Host or Client system to try each possibility. Instead, the attacker uses external computers to mimic the computation of the authentication device to guess the stored secret, trying to generate a sequence of bits which matches that ...
... usually called “offline” attacks since the attacker doesn’t use the Host or Client system to try each possibility. Instead, the attacker uses external computers to mimic the computation of the authentication device to guess the stored secret, trying to generate a sequence of bits which matches that ...
String-Matching Problem
... Rabin-Karp Algorithm Correctness: T is a string of
characters over an alphabet of size d, P
is string of characters over an alphabet of
size d and |P| <= |T|, d is the size of the
alphabet and q is a prime number
... Rabin-Karp Algorithm Correctness
... • s – Set of Hash Functions Chosen. • k – Maximum number of traitors colluding. • n – Total number of users using the document. ...
... • s – Set of Hash Functions Chosen. • k – Maximum number of traitors colluding. • n – Total number of users using the document. ...
Blue Border - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
... Zp[x]/(xn-1)=polynomials of degree at most n-1, with coefficients in Zp ...
... Zp[x]/(xn-1)=polynomials of degree at most n-1, with coefficients in Zp ...
... • Hash Functions – Syntax, applications, MD paradigm, MD theorem, security notions (inversion resistance, 2nd-preimage resistance, collision resistance), SHA-1, MD5 – Birthday problem • Bounds, how to apply to hash functions ...
... • Hash Functions – Syntax, applications, MD paradigm, MD theorem, security notions (inversion resistance, 2nd-preimage resistance, collision resistance), SHA-1, MD5 – Birthday problem • Bounds, how to apply to hash functions ...
U.C. Berkeley — CS270: Algorithms Lectures 13, 14 Scribe: Anupam
... The algorithm is run for O(log 1/δ) independent iterations and the output is ‘yes’ if the fraction of yes answers is more than 5/16. Applying the claim for the yes and no cases, it follows that the correct answer is obtained with probability at least 1 − δ. The number of distinct items N can be appr ...
... The algorithm is run for O(log 1/δ) independent iterations and the output is ‘yes’ if the fraction of yes answers is more than 5/16. Applying the claim for the yes and no cases, it follows that the correct answer is obtained with probability at least 1 − δ. The number of distinct items N can be appr ...
Current Issues in Maintaining a Secure System
... κρυπτός kryptós "hidden," and γράφειν gráfein "to write") is a discipline of mathematics concerned with information security and related issues, particularly encryption, authentication, and access control. Its purpose is to hide the meaning of a message rather than its existence. In modern times, it ...
... κρυπτός kryptós "hidden," and γράφειν gráfein "to write") is a discipline of mathematics concerned with information security and related issues, particularly encryption, authentication, and access control. Its purpose is to hide the meaning of a message rather than its existence. In modern times, it ...
In cryptography, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographic hash function designed by the United States National Security Agency and is a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard published by the United States NIST.SHA-1 produces a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value known as a message digest. A SHA-1 hash value is typically rendered as a hexadecimal number, 40 digits long.SHA-1 is a member of the Secure Hash Algorithm family. The four SHA algorithms are structured differently and are named SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3. SHA-0 is the original version of the 160-bit hash function published in 1993 under the name SHA: it was not adopted by many applications. Published in 1995, SHA-1 is very similar to SHA-0, but alters the original SHA hash specification to correct weaknesses that were unknown to the public at that time. SHA-2, published in 2001, is significantly different from the SHA-1 hash function.In 2005, cryptanalysts found attacks on SHA-1 suggesting that the algorithm might not be secure enough for ongoing use. NIST required many applications in federal agencies to move to SHA-2 after 2010 because of the weakness. Although no successful attacks have yet been reported on SHA-2, it is algorithmically similar to SHA-1. In 2012, following a long-running competition, NIST selected an additional algorithm, Keccak, for standardization under SHA-3.Microsoft, Google and Mozilla have all announced that their respective browsers will stop accepting SHA-1 SSL certificates by 2017.