Morphological recoverability in Gapping
... argument that Gapping should be regarded as a form of ellipsis, taking up an ambiguity argument I previously presented in Potter et al. (under revisions). That chapter also introduces some discussion of Gapping’s interactions with morphological exponence. Chapter 3 discusses some English-internal an ...
... argument that Gapping should be regarded as a form of ellipsis, taking up an ambiguity argument I previously presented in Potter et al. (under revisions). That chapter also introduces some discussion of Gapping’s interactions with morphological exponence. Chapter 3 discusses some English-internal an ...
1 Rise of the Auxiliaries: a case for auxiliary raising vs. affix
... being? Do they raise to a functional head to combine with their aspectual inflections in a way similar to their finite forms, or do they remain in their base positions and have these inflections somehow lowered onto them, similar to the lexical verb? This is essentially the debate of whether we have ...
... being? Do they raise to a functional head to combine with their aspectual inflections in a way similar to their finite forms, or do they remain in their base positions and have these inflections somehow lowered onto them, similar to the lexical verb? This is essentially the debate of whether we have ...
Grammar in Newspaper Headlines
... (Crystal, 2006, p226) As Quirk says, the dependent or subordinate clauses function as an element of a sentence. (Quirk, 1991, p283) Leech further explains that we can classify them on the basis of their function within the main clause as nominal, adverbial, comparative or relative. (Leech, 2006, pp1 ...
... (Crystal, 2006, p226) As Quirk says, the dependent or subordinate clauses function as an element of a sentence. (Quirk, 1991, p283) Leech further explains that we can classify them on the basis of their function within the main clause as nominal, adverbial, comparative or relative. (Leech, 2006, pp1 ...
Deep properties of surface pronouns: pronominal predicate
... special use of det, which we mark dets , is distinct from the usual pronoun det (detd ) in that it fails to undergo Object Shift. Using this as a diagnostic, we show that the deep anaphoric gjøre det really behaves like any lexical verb plus a pronominal direct object (i.e., gjøre detd , ‘do it’). I ...
... special use of det, which we mark dets , is distinct from the usual pronoun det (detd ) in that it fails to undergo Object Shift. Using this as a diagnostic, we show that the deep anaphoric gjøre det really behaves like any lexical verb plus a pronominal direct object (i.e., gjøre detd , ‘do it’). I ...
PDF - Glossa
... and dogs] applies to both cats and dogs in English it is not possible to say the [cat and dog] s in an interpretation under which both cat and dog are plural. At the same time, clitics pattern with function words with regard to scope over coordinated phrases and can take wide scope. Given this gener ...
... and dogs] applies to both cats and dogs in English it is not possible to say the [cat and dog] s in an interpretation under which both cat and dog are plural. At the same time, clitics pattern with function words with regard to scope over coordinated phrases and can take wide scope. Given this gener ...
AnaPro, tool for identification and resolution of direct anaphora
... AnaPro is software that solves direct anaphora in Spanish, specifically pronouns: it finds the noun or group of words to which the pronoun refers. It locates in the previous sentences the referent or antecedent which the pronoun replaces. An example of a direct anaphora solved is: the pronoun “he” i ...
... AnaPro is software that solves direct anaphora in Spanish, specifically pronouns: it finds the noun or group of words to which the pronoun refers. It locates in the previous sentences the referent or antecedent which the pronoun replaces. An example of a direct anaphora solved is: the pronoun “he” i ...
"Gapping" in DP. - Northwestern University
... Under this analysis, VG does not involve an ellipsis process. Instead, the gap arises from the ATB movement of the VPs out of the conjoined vPs to the specifier of a higher functional projection, PredP. Prior to the ATB movement, the second remnant rice and the second correlate beans have raised rig ...
... Under this analysis, VG does not involve an ellipsis process. Instead, the gap arises from the ATB movement of the VPs out of the conjoined vPs to the specifier of a higher functional projection, PredP. Prior to the ATB movement, the second remnant rice and the second correlate beans have raised rig ...
cmp-lg/9411016 PDF - at www.arxiv.org.
... We analyzed Cormack's proposal, and found out that it was lacking some features that we consider more adequate, as it will be shown in the next few sections. Therefore we adapted it, and applied the modified version to the processing of texts written in Portuguese. The scope of those methods was wid ...
... We analyzed Cormack's proposal, and found out that it was lacking some features that we consider more adequate, as it will be shown in the next few sections. Therefore we adapted it, and applied the modified version to the processing of texts written in Portuguese. The scope of those methods was wid ...
The ellipsis alternation: remnants with and without prepositions
... wh-phrases from the first two corpora and then identified those that were instances of sluicing with PP correlates. Next, I identified those wh-phrases which were embedded in interrogative clauses as prepositional objects and selected those for which BAE remnants served as responses. These data cons ...
... wh-phrases from the first two corpora and then identified those that were instances of sluicing with PP correlates. Next, I identified those wh-phrases which were embedded in interrogative clauses as prepositional objects and selected those for which BAE remnants served as responses. These data cons ...
The Mathematics 11 Competency Test
... The brackets around the 5 in (5)(-3) don’t really mean anything, and could be dropped. By using brackets in this way, we can also drop the ‘x’ multiplication sign and just write (5)(-3) or 5(-3). Dropping the ‘x’ could not be done without the use of brackets, because then the already rather awkward ...
... The brackets around the 5 in (5)(-3) don’t really mean anything, and could be dropped. By using brackets in this way, we can also drop the ‘x’ multiplication sign and just write (5)(-3) or 5(-3). Dropping the ‘x’ could not be done without the use of brackets, because then the already rather awkward ...
Use of Parentheses or Brackets
... The brackets around the 5 in (5)(-3) don’t really mean anything, and could be dropped. By using brackets in this way, we can also drop the ‘x’ multiplication sign and just write (5)(-3) or 5(-3). Dropping the ‘x’ could not be done without the use of brackets, because then the already rather awkward ...
... The brackets around the 5 in (5)(-3) don’t really mean anything, and could be dropped. By using brackets in this way, we can also drop the ‘x’ multiplication sign and just write (5)(-3) or 5(-3). Dropping the ‘x’ could not be done without the use of brackets, because then the already rather awkward ...
Ellipsis in Farsi Complex Predicates
... Ellipsis is distinguished from other types of null anaphora by a number of well-established diagnostics that all rely on ellipsis being a type of surface anaphora in Hankamer and Sag’s (1976) terms. Surface anaphors have a fully articulated syntactic structure, constructed in the usual way, that is ...
... Ellipsis is distinguished from other types of null anaphora by a number of well-established diagnostics that all rely on ellipsis being a type of surface anaphora in Hankamer and Sag’s (1976) terms. Surface anaphors have a fully articulated syntactic structure, constructed in the usual way, that is ...
Anaphora, Inversion, and Focus
... because of Fernanda that I ended up becoming such good friends with Megan Somerday, who has become one of the few people I can talk to about anything. Megan kindled my fledgling love of sour beers, and it is to her credit, more than anybody else, that I ever went outside and did anything fun in the ...
... because of Fernanda that I ended up becoming such good friends with Megan Somerday, who has become one of the few people I can talk to about anything. Megan kindled my fledgling love of sour beers, and it is to her credit, more than anybody else, that I ever went outside and did anything fun in the ...
The (re-)emergence of representationalism in semantics Ruth Kempson
... of grammaticality as made by individuals with capacity in the language. This early and universal commitment to complete separation of competence-based grammars from all performance considerations has been the underpinning to almost all linguistic theorising since then, though see Hawkins 1994, 2004 ...
... of grammaticality as made by individuals with capacity in the language. This early and universal commitment to complete separation of competence-based grammars from all performance considerations has been the underpinning to almost all linguistic theorising since then, though see Hawkins 1994, 2004 ...
Exploring the grammar of the clause
... Clause negation is the main type of negation, but there is also local negation. In clause negation, there is an important distinction between notnegation and no-negation* (formed with other negative words:none). Negation is twice as common in convers. as in written register. The scope of neg ...
... Clause negation is the main type of negation, but there is also local negation. In clause negation, there is an important distinction between notnegation and no-negation* (formed with other negative words:none). Negation is twice as common in convers. as in written register. The scope of neg ...
Coordination of Unlikes without Unlike Categories
... in an ellipsis analysis of (10a). The string ‘were’ is simply omitted from the second conjunct. More examples are provided in (13). (13) a. On the ground floor there is a marble block since early June, and three wooden pillars since late September. ...
... in an ellipsis analysis of (10a). The string ‘were’ is simply omitted from the second conjunct. More examples are provided in (13). (13) a. On the ground floor there is a marble block since early June, and three wooden pillars since late September. ...
Rule-Based Detection of Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis
... is a free constituent order language so the functions cannot be solved based on word order. To avoid erroneous analyses caused by this, we do not allow for anything to occur between the subject of the posterior conjunct and the conjunction or comma. That is, the word leveys (width) needs to directly ...
... is a free constituent order language so the functions cannot be solved based on word order. To avoid erroneous analyses caused by this, we do not allow for anything to occur between the subject of the posterior conjunct and the conjunction or comma. That is, the word leveys (width) needs to directly ...
The Linguistic Features of Newspapers Headlines
... on(Reah,1998:13).Thus heading is so crucial that almost every newspaper has specialists in heads‟ writing ,which is indeed, not an easy task (Plotnik,1982:6). 2. The Language of Headlines Headlinese, as a distinct genre, is hardly used or heard within the course of everyday communication. Like any o ...
... on(Reah,1998:13).Thus heading is so crucial that almost every newspaper has specialists in heads‟ writing ,which is indeed, not an easy task (Plotnik,1982:6). 2. The Language of Headlines Headlinese, as a distinct genre, is hardly used or heard within the course of everyday communication. Like any o ...
Titles, Commas, (Parentheses) and Ellipses … where they go and
... Hyphens, En Dashes and Em Dashes. Em Dashes As a literary device, it’s a matter of taste, tone and timing of the text—it can replace a comma, a semicolon or a parenthesis. It is also quite the utilitarian punctuation mark— from bullet lists to bibliographies and, in Portuguese, to introduce dialogu ...
... Hyphens, En Dashes and Em Dashes. Em Dashes As a literary device, it’s a matter of taste, tone and timing of the text—it can replace a comma, a semicolon or a parenthesis. It is also quite the utilitarian punctuation mark— from bullet lists to bibliographies and, in Portuguese, to introduce dialogu ...
Deadjectival human nouns: conversion, nominal ellipsis, or mixed
... agnostic as to whether their analysis of the Greek human construction can be extended to languages such as Dutch. In what follows I will also for Dutch argue against an ellipsis analysis. The first problem with Kester’s analysis concerns the properties of the empty noun. Kester adopts Lobeck’s (1995 ...
... agnostic as to whether their analysis of the Greek human construction can be extended to languages such as Dutch. In what follows I will also for Dutch argue against an ellipsis analysis. The first problem with Kester’s analysis concerns the properties of the empty noun. Kester adopts Lobeck’s (1995 ...
... The sentence “…and correct performances” without repeat or substitute the verb of the sentence like the sentence before, but the reader has understood the meaning. The omitting of verb called verbal ellipsis. c. Clausal Ellipsis In clausal ellipsis some part of the clause is not repeated. For exampl ...
... The sentence “…and correct performances” without repeat or substitute the verb of the sentence like the sentence before, but the reader has understood the meaning. The omitting of verb called verbal ellipsis. c. Clausal Ellipsis In clausal ellipsis some part of the clause is not repeated. For exampl ...
Brush School District UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE __11th___grade
... i. Use subject-verb agreement with intervening phrases and clauses j. Identify main and subordinate clauses and use that knowledge to write varied, strong, correct, complete sentences k. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. (CCSS: L.8.2a) l. Format and punctuate dial ...
... i. Use subject-verb agreement with intervening phrases and clauses j. Identify main and subordinate clauses and use that knowledge to write varied, strong, correct, complete sentences k. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. (CCSS: L.8.2a) l. Format and punctuate dial ...
Verb Phrase Ellipsis in Japanese - DUO
... which wonder, steal-passive-PAST NOM ‗Which one, I wonder, was stolen‘ ...
... which wonder, steal-passive-PAST NOM ‗Which one, I wonder, was stolen‘ ...
8th Grade Argumentative Instructional Writing Rubric
... uses few or no transition words, phrases or clauses (limited language structures) with frequent extraneous ideas that may intrude ...
... uses few or no transition words, phrases or clauses (limited language structures) with frequent extraneous ideas that may intrude ...