Selected observation targets at a glance per constellation
... type F, will move to the constellation Pictor around the year 6400 AD. S Doradus. Hypergiant, a prototype of the group S Doradus class of variable stars, is the brightest member of the open cluster NGC 1910: latter visible in binoculars as a bright condensation within the main bar of the LMC. Is usu ...
... type F, will move to the constellation Pictor around the year 6400 AD. S Doradus. Hypergiant, a prototype of the group S Doradus class of variable stars, is the brightest member of the open cluster NGC 1910: latter visible in binoculars as a bright condensation within the main bar of the LMC. Is usu ...
Evolution of galaxy morphology - Lecture 1 - NCRA-TIFR
... Where e refers to effective values and n is the Sérsic index. For n=4 it becomes the de Vaucouleurs function; for n=1 an exponential, and when n=0.5, a Gaussian! For values in the range 1-4, approximately, it describes bulges in late-type spiral galaxies (or pseudo-bulges) to bulges in early-type sp ...
... Where e refers to effective values and n is the Sérsic index. For n=4 it becomes the de Vaucouleurs function; for n=1 an exponential, and when n=0.5, a Gaussian! For values in the range 1-4, approximately, it describes bulges in late-type spiral galaxies (or pseudo-bulges) to bulges in early-type sp ...
SkyWatcher2017.5 1.3 Mb - Boise Astronomical Society
... luminosity distance of DL = 749 mega-parsecs may be calculated from z. It is also one of the most luminous quasars known, with an absolute magnitude of −26.7, meaning that if it were only as distant as Pollux it would appear nearly as bright in the sky as the Sun. Since the sun's absolute magnitude ...
... luminosity distance of DL = 749 mega-parsecs may be calculated from z. It is also one of the most luminous quasars known, with an absolute magnitude of −26.7, meaning that if it were only as distant as Pollux it would appear nearly as bright in the sky as the Sun. Since the sun's absolute magnitude ...
NGC 6231: a young open cluster under X-rays
... • There is no spatial trends between the cTTs and the wTTs • There is no very significant difference in their ages • Star formation in NGC 6231 was most probably not a punctual event • Formation scenario is compatible with the coalescence model for massive star formation 20-Dec-2006 ...
... • There is no spatial trends between the cTTs and the wTTs • There is no very significant difference in their ages • Star formation in NGC 6231 was most probably not a punctual event • Formation scenario is compatible with the coalescence model for massive star formation 20-Dec-2006 ...
Stars, Galaxies, Superuniverses and the Urantia Book, by Frederick
... "Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton, from whose capital, Uversa, our commission hails. Orvonton is one of the seven evolutionary superuniver ...
... "Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton, from whose capital, Uversa, our commission hails. Orvonton is one of the seven evolutionary superuniver ...
to - NexStar Resource Site
... 4) Saturn An object in our very own neighborhood in the constellation.......pick one. :-). Although Galileo was the first to observe it with a telescope in 1610, Saturn has been known since prehistoric times. Up to 1977 Saturn was believed to be the only planet with a ring system. It was later disc ...
... 4) Saturn An object in our very own neighborhood in the constellation.......pick one. :-). Although Galileo was the first to observe it with a telescope in 1610, Saturn has been known since prehistoric times. Up to 1977 Saturn was believed to be the only planet with a ring system. It was later disc ...
Sky Watcher - Boise Astronomical Society
... This month look for the star Denebola, the “Tail of the Lion”. Denebola lies 36 light years away, so if you were born in 1978, then Denebola is your birthday star this year. Denebola is the 3 rd brightest star in the Zodiac, so it’s very visible from town. Denebola is young in star years. At 400 mil ...
... This month look for the star Denebola, the “Tail of the Lion”. Denebola lies 36 light years away, so if you were born in 1978, then Denebola is your birthday star this year. Denebola is the 3 rd brightest star in the Zodiac, so it’s very visible from town. Denebola is young in star years. At 400 mil ...
... minutes to 24.8 arc minutes but increases in illumination from 27% to 48% during the course of the month. As the sun rises in late May, Venus will reach an altitude of about 23 degrees for observers at 40 degrees north. The brightest planet is at the descending node on May 9th. On May 22nd, Venus li ...
... minutes to 24.8 arc minutes but increases in illumination from 27% to 48% during the course of the month. As the sun rises in late May, Venus will reach an altitude of about 23 degrees for observers at 40 degrees north. The brightest planet is at the descending node on May 9th. On May 22nd, Venus li ...
Lab 14 Galaxy Morphology
... appeared similar to comets, but did not move. Others of these nebulae were resolved into clusters of stars as bigger telescopes were constructed, and used to examine them. Some of these fuzzy nebulae, however, did not break-up into stars no matter how big a telescope was used to look at them. While ...
... appeared similar to comets, but did not move. Others of these nebulae were resolved into clusters of stars as bigger telescopes were constructed, and used to examine them. Some of these fuzzy nebulae, however, did not break-up into stars no matter how big a telescope was used to look at them. While ...
November Celestial Calendar by Dave Mitsky All times are UT
... and November 12 respectively. These streams form part of the complex associated with Comet 2P/Encke. The Full Moon severely compromises the peak of the Leonid meteor shower on the morning of November 17. Leonid meteors are debris from the periodic comet 55P/TempelTuttle. Because of their high speed ...
... and November 12 respectively. These streams form part of the complex associated with Comet 2P/Encke. The Full Moon severely compromises the peak of the Leonid meteor shower on the morning of November 17. Leonid meteors are debris from the periodic comet 55P/TempelTuttle. Because of their high speed ...
The Norma cluster (ACO3627) – II. The near-infrared Ks
... seem to have a steeper bright end than those without cD galaxies. Often the brightest galaxy is excluded to obtain a better fit, particularly in cD clusters. The Schechter parameters have also been found to vary depending on the region sampled within the cluster, the size of the area and the limitin ...
... seem to have a steeper bright end than those without cD galaxies. Often the brightest galaxy is excluded to obtain a better fit, particularly in cD clusters. The Schechter parameters have also been found to vary depending on the region sampled within the cluster, the size of the area and the limitin ...
X. Nuclear star clusters in low-mass early-type galaxies
... computations, the theoretical framework for the dissipational formation of NSCs provides less quantitative predictions than the inspiralling cluster scenario. There is evidence that both the in situ as well as the GC inspiralling formation happen in galaxies. Evidence for the GC inspiral scenario is ...
... computations, the theoretical framework for the dissipational formation of NSCs provides less quantitative predictions than the inspiralling cluster scenario. There is evidence that both the in situ as well as the GC inspiralling formation happen in galaxies. Evidence for the GC inspiral scenario is ...
Colour-magnitude diagrams of the post
... can be considered a member. Goranskii determined a period of 0.5752 days, so that the cluster can be tentatively classified as Oosterhoff type I. 5. Conclusions Cluster parameters based on CCD photometry were derived for NGC 6256 and NGC 6717. They are both located in the bulge, but are not metal-ri ...
... can be considered a member. Goranskii determined a period of 0.5752 days, so that the cluster can be tentatively classified as Oosterhoff type I. 5. Conclusions Cluster parameters based on CCD photometry were derived for NGC 6256 and NGC 6717. They are both located in the bulge, but are not metal-ri ...
Sample pages 1 PDF
... interest, and none surpass it. It really is the standard against which all other deep sky objects are compared! When you turn your telescope towards the Orion Nebula, you’re looking deep into something called the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. This vast cloud of dust and gas is some 240 light years ...
... interest, and none surpass it. It really is the standard against which all other deep sky objects are compared! When you turn your telescope towards the Orion Nebula, you’re looking deep into something called the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. This vast cloud of dust and gas is some 240 light years ...
Galaxies -
... A galaxies occasionally collide with one another, particularly within cluster of galaxies B galaxies are so closely packed in the universe that they are always interacting with one another C galaxies are so widely separated that they never interact or collide D the universe is composed of one giant ...
... A galaxies occasionally collide with one another, particularly within cluster of galaxies B galaxies are so closely packed in the universe that they are always interacting with one another C galaxies are so widely separated that they never interact or collide D the universe is composed of one giant ...
Constellation Paper - Matt Hape`s Portfolio
... extend from the galaxy. Its calculated distance away from Earth is about 32 million light-years away. This is a very unique galaxy because it has the second lowest surface brightness out of all of the Messier objects. M74 has a right ascension of 01:36.7 and a declination of +15:47. From our point o ...
... extend from the galaxy. Its calculated distance away from Earth is about 32 million light-years away. This is a very unique galaxy because it has the second lowest surface brightness out of all of the Messier objects. M74 has a right ascension of 01:36.7 and a declination of +15:47. From our point o ...
Constellation Guide Book
... Andromeda the Constellation: Facts Symbolism: Chained Maiden, Princess of Ethiopia The best time to view: November Nearest star: Ross 248 (Ross 248 is 10.32 light years away) Brightest star: Alpheratz (visual magnitude of 2.06) Mythology: In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the princess of Ethiopia. ...
... Andromeda the Constellation: Facts Symbolism: Chained Maiden, Princess of Ethiopia The best time to view: November Nearest star: Ross 248 (Ross 248 is 10.32 light years away) Brightest star: Alpheratz (visual magnitude of 2.06) Mythology: In Greek mythology, Andromeda was the princess of Ethiopia. ...
Constraining the star formation histories of spiral bulges
... possibility is an initial mass function (IMF) biased towards highmass stars in the early stages of galaxy formation. In this scenario the first few generations of stars generate large quantities of metals (Gibson & Matteucci 1997; Vazdekis et al. 1997). Alternatively, a period of star formation (SF) ...
... possibility is an initial mass function (IMF) biased towards highmass stars in the early stages of galaxy formation. In this scenario the first few generations of stars generate large quantities of metals (Gibson & Matteucci 1997; Vazdekis et al. 1997). Alternatively, a period of star formation (SF) ...
Orion the Hunter
... south. Betelgeuse is a red giant half as far away as Rigel. With an angular size of over 0.1", Betelgeuse’s diameter would encompass the orbit of Jupiter. All three of Orion’s “belt stars” are blue-white suns of very similar spectral types. On transparent nights, look for the large number of 6thand ...
... south. Betelgeuse is a red giant half as far away as Rigel. With an angular size of over 0.1", Betelgeuse’s diameter would encompass the orbit of Jupiter. All three of Orion’s “belt stars” are blue-white suns of very similar spectral types. On transparent nights, look for the large number of 6thand ...
sections 23-25 powerpoint
... Elliptical galaxy (E). A spheroidal galaxy containing millions to billions of old low-mass stars and no gas or dust. Spiral Galaxy (S). A galaxy with a spheroidal bulge of several million old low-mass stars and a flattened pancake-like disk of billions of old low-mass and young high-mass stars, alon ...
... Elliptical galaxy (E). A spheroidal galaxy containing millions to billions of old low-mass stars and no gas or dust. Spiral Galaxy (S). A galaxy with a spheroidal bulge of several million old low-mass stars and a flattened pancake-like disk of billions of old low-mass and young high-mass stars, alon ...
instructor notes: weeks 9/10
... Spiral galaxies are sometimes classified on the basis of the length of the spiral arms and their degree of “tightness.” However, a more universal criterion is the relative size of the central bulge, which is always largest in the Sa galaxies and smallest at Sc. van den Bergh suggested using disk to ...
... Spiral galaxies are sometimes classified on the basis of the length of the spiral arms and their degree of “tightness.” However, a more universal criterion is the relative size of the central bulge, which is always largest in the Sa galaxies and smallest at Sc. van den Bergh suggested using disk to ...
The old globular cluster system of the dIrr galaxy NGC 1427A in the
... (2000) and Harris (2003). In all these models, the GCSs of low-mass dwarf galaxies, the most numerous galaxy type in galaxy clusters (Sandage 2005, and references therein), are envisioned as the building blocks of the GCSs of the more massive galaxies. At present the role of the GCSs of dIrr galaxie ...
... (2000) and Harris (2003). In all these models, the GCSs of low-mass dwarf galaxies, the most numerous galaxy type in galaxy clusters (Sandage 2005, and references therein), are envisioned as the building blocks of the GCSs of the more massive galaxies. At present the role of the GCSs of dIrr galaxie ...
... __________ is an irregular galaxy that is believed to have collided with the Milky Way and is expected to merge with the Milky Way in the future. a. The Andromeda galaxy b. The Small Magellanic Cloud c. M87 d. The Virgo cluster e. The Whirlpool galaxy The rotation curve of a galaxy can be used to de ...
... __________ is an irregular galaxy that is believed to have collided with the Milky Way and is expected to merge with the Milky Way in the future. a. The Andromeda galaxy b. The Small Magellanic Cloud c. M87 d. The Virgo cluster e. The Whirlpool galaxy The rotation curve of a galaxy can be used to de ...
Galaxy Sorting
... galaxies, called dwarf galaxies, may be the most plentiful galaxies in the universe. Indeed, there are probably so many dwarf galaxies that their combined mass probably exceeds that of all the larger galaxies taken together. But their small size and dimness make them hard to detect and we have o ...
... galaxies, called dwarf galaxies, may be the most plentiful galaxies in the universe. Indeed, there are probably so many dwarf galaxies that their combined mass probably exceeds that of all the larger galaxies taken together. But their small size and dimness make them hard to detect and we have o ...
PPT presentation
... luminosity functions, indistinguishable from those observed in the spiral galaxies M31 and M81. The invariance with galaxy type and metallicity demonstrated the PNLF to be an excellent standard candle. Model simulations indicated a central star mass distribution highly peaked at ~0.6 Msun, similar t ...
... luminosity functions, indistinguishable from those observed in the spiral galaxies M31 and M81. The invariance with galaxy type and metallicity demonstrated the PNLF to be an excellent standard candle. Model simulations indicated a central star mass distribution highly peaked at ~0.6 Msun, similar t ...
Coma Berenices
Coma Berenices is a traditional asterism that has since been defined as one of the 88 modern constellations. It is located near Arcturus, and the constellation Leo to which it formerly belonged, and contains the North Galactic Pole. Its name means ""Berenice's Hair"" (in Greek, via Latin), and refers to the legend of Queen Berenice II of Egypt, who sacrificed her long hair.