2015 Jobs After Coal report - Mataura
... Only 5% of our consumer energy (less than 10% of primary energy) is from coal. The biggest users in 2013 were the Glenbrook steel mill and the Huntly power station, each using about 30% of the total. Next was Fonterra, using about 19% in its milk drying plants, then other heat raising plant in indus ...
... Only 5% of our consumer energy (less than 10% of primary energy) is from coal. The biggest users in 2013 were the Glenbrook steel mill and the Huntly power station, each using about 30% of the total. Next was Fonterra, using about 19% in its milk drying plants, then other heat raising plant in indus ...
the Point of No Return report
... The 14 massive coal, oil and gas extraction projects covered in this report are the worst of the worst. These projects would have the largest emissions of any projects on Earth today and would cause the largest increases in greenhouse gas emissions:32 Australia: by 2025, coal exports would increase ...
... The 14 massive coal, oil and gas extraction projects covered in this report are the worst of the worst. These projects would have the largest emissions of any projects on Earth today and would cause the largest increases in greenhouse gas emissions:32 Australia: by 2025, coal exports would increase ...
health, climate and economic risks of the carmichael coalmine
... The Carmichael mine will be Australia’s largest coalmine with a potential lifetime of up to 60 years. Australia has very large coal deposits, but for Australia to play its role in tackling climate change, over 90% of Australia’s existing thermal coal reserves must be left in the ground unburned and ...
... The Carmichael mine will be Australia’s largest coalmine with a potential lifetime of up to 60 years. Australia has very large coal deposits, but for Australia to play its role in tackling climate change, over 90% of Australia’s existing thermal coal reserves must be left in the ground unburned and ...
For fuels used directly
... EXPERIENCE WITH CO2 DISPOSAL ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY: 74 projects worldwide; often profitable in mature oil-producing regions; 4% of US oil so produced—mostly using CO2 from natural reservoirs piped up to 800 km, but Weyburn (Canada) uses 1.5 million tonnes/y of CO2 piped 300 km from North Dakota coa ...
... EXPERIENCE WITH CO2 DISPOSAL ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY: 74 projects worldwide; often profitable in mature oil-producing regions; 4% of US oil so produced—mostly using CO2 from natural reservoirs piped up to 800 km, but Weyburn (Canada) uses 1.5 million tonnes/y of CO2 piped 300 km from North Dakota coa ...
Climate, Health, and Alberta`s Coal-Fired Power Plants
... province’s coal-fired electricity generation. The report investigates the state of Alberta’s air quality. It highlights what the cumulative health impacts of air pollution will be from 2015 to 2030, and Alberta’s coal-fired electricity sector’s contribution to this air pollution. Between now and 203 ...
... province’s coal-fired electricity generation. The report investigates the state of Alberta’s air quality. It highlights what the cumulative health impacts of air pollution will be from 2015 to 2030, and Alberta’s coal-fired electricity sector’s contribution to this air pollution. Between now and 203 ...
Drivers for the renaissance of coal
... since 1901 to demonstrate long-term trends in coal use and related emissions (note that from the beginning of industrialization to 1900 the share of coal was nearly 100%). Fig. 2A shows total emissions from solid fuels on a double-logarithmic scale. Fig. 2B shows the share and development of coal in ...
... since 1901 to demonstrate long-term trends in coal use and related emissions (note that from the beginning of industrialization to 1900 the share of coal was nearly 100%). Fig. 2A shows total emissions from solid fuels on a double-logarithmic scale. Fig. 2B shows the share and development of coal in ...
the full report
... PM), air quality standards in middle-income countries are not significantly less stringent than U.S. standards. In fact, U.S. air quality standards allow higher concentrations (and therefore more polluting levels) of PM, NOx, and SO2 than the World Health Organization recommends—but the actual ambie ...
... PM), air quality standards in middle-income countries are not significantly less stringent than U.S. standards. In fact, U.S. air quality standards allow higher concentrations (and therefore more polluting levels) of PM, NOx, and SO2 than the World Health Organization recommends—but the actual ambie ...
Effectiveness of clean coal technologies in global carbon
... achieve set targets. According to the study, sufficient progress is being made in the deployment of renewable energy technologies such as hydro, biomass, onshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) while key clean coal technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) is not making the expected pro ...
... achieve set targets. According to the study, sufficient progress is being made in the deployment of renewable energy technologies such as hydro, biomass, onshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) while key clean coal technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) is not making the expected pro ...
... How would birth rate increase under new policy? ...
... How would birth rate increase under new policy? ...
Financing Reef Destruction
... projects that damage the Great Barrier Reef and drive climate change. For instance: ANZ refers to new responsible lending policies in its 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility report that “will govern our business lending to sensitive social and environmental sectors8.” These policies have failed to ...
... projects that damage the Great Barrier Reef and drive climate change. For instance: ANZ refers to new responsible lending policies in its 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility report that “will govern our business lending to sensitive social and environmental sectors8.” These policies have failed to ...
China Climate Pledge
... contributions (INDCs) detailing the level to which they planned to cut emissions and their plans to reach that goal. The Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016—and the INDCs are now formally enshrined as part of the Agreement—and hereafter referred to as nationally determined contrib ...
... contributions (INDCs) detailing the level to which they planned to cut emissions and their plans to reach that goal. The Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016—and the INDCs are now formally enshrined as part of the Agreement—and hereafter referred to as nationally determined contrib ...
Global warming limited by carbon availability
... – Temperature rising 0.013C per year (1956-2005) – JPL satellite measurements indicate that sea level rising 3mm per year (1993-2003) ...
... – Temperature rising 0.013C per year (1956-2005) – JPL satellite measurements indicate that sea level rising 3mm per year (1993-2003) ...
The Education of Warren Buffett
... controversy over Buffett’s coal plans, Sokol announced that he was stepping down as CEO of MidAmerican in order to assume a larger role in Berkshire Hathaway. Industry observers speculated that Sokol was being groomed to eventually replace Buffett himself, either as the company’s leader or as one of ...
... controversy over Buffett’s coal plans, Sokol announced that he was stepping down as CEO of MidAmerican in order to assume a larger role in Berkshire Hathaway. Industry observers speculated that Sokol was being groomed to eventually replace Buffett himself, either as the company’s leader or as one of ...
Clarifying the Coal Question
... New data on coal usually results in downgrading of the proven reserves. German hard coal reserves were downgraded by 99 percent from 23 billion tons to 0.183 billion tons in 2004. German lignite reserves have been downgraded drastically, which is noteworthy because Germany is the largest lignite pro ...
... New data on coal usually results in downgrading of the proven reserves. German hard coal reserves were downgraded by 99 percent from 23 billion tons to 0.183 billion tons in 2004. German lignite reserves have been downgraded drastically, which is noteworthy because Germany is the largest lignite pro ...
The mining and burning of coal: effects on health and the environment
... however, in the US, the Physicians for Social Responsibility examined the evidence for health damage caused by coal.5 The risk of premature death for people living within 30 miles of coal-burning power plants has been quoted to be three to four times that of people living at a distance.8 Fifty thous ...
... however, in the US, the Physicians for Social Responsibility examined the evidence for health damage caused by coal.5 The risk of premature death for people living within 30 miles of coal-burning power plants has been quoted to be three to four times that of people living at a distance.8 Fifty thous ...
... fossil fuel-fired utility boiler or IGCC will need to install partial capture CCS in order to meet the emission standard.” ...
... fossil fuel-fired utility boiler or IGCC will need to install partial capture CCS in order to meet the emission standard.” ...
Peak Oil - Centre for Alternative Technology
... proportion of CO2 that remains airborne t years after emissions and looks like this: ...
... proportion of CO2 that remains airborne t years after emissions and looks like this: ...
Unconventional Energy Sources: Lessons from the US?
... http://mit.edu/ceepr Compiled from BP Statistical Review of World Energy, various years ...
... http://mit.edu/ceepr Compiled from BP Statistical Review of World Energy, various years ...
a printable version - Kentucky Coal Education
... deposition. While some effects of acid rain have been documented, the same number of acidic lakes exist today as did 10 years ago. A small number of lakes in the state of New York do appear to have become acidic in the last 50 years. Other bodies of water are naturally acidic as a result of acid soi ...
... deposition. While some effects of acid rain have been documented, the same number of acidic lakes exist today as did 10 years ago. A small number of lakes in the state of New York do appear to have become acidic in the last 50 years. Other bodies of water are naturally acidic as a result of acid soi ...
Guidance for companies with coal reserves responding to CDP
... coal reserves CDP’s Fossil Fuel sample of companies is based on ownership of key fossil fuel assets including oil, natural gas and coal, or having operations that are highly involved with or reliant on fossil fuel extraction. This guidance has been prepared to assist companies with coal reserves to ...
... coal reserves CDP’s Fossil Fuel sample of companies is based on ownership of key fossil fuel assets including oil, natural gas and coal, or having operations that are highly involved with or reliant on fossil fuel extraction. This guidance has been prepared to assist companies with coal reserves to ...
letter - Les Amis de la Terre
... which established global consensus on restricting, as an imperative, the global temperature rise within the 2 °C scenario – it has also set the ball rolling for further necessary and ambitious steps aiming at a ...
... which established global consensus on restricting, as an imperative, the global temperature rise within the 2 °C scenario – it has also set the ball rolling for further necessary and ambitious steps aiming at a ...
Hayden,Katy_Coal Impacts on Global Climate
... dioxide, it cannot be dismissed because it is about 25 times more effective at trapping heat, which is to say that over a 100-year period, its global warming potential is 25 times higher than that of CO23. Knowing this can shed light on how much potential coal has to raise the global temperature, bu ...
... dioxide, it cannot be dismissed because it is about 25 times more effective at trapping heat, which is to say that over a 100-year period, its global warming potential is 25 times higher than that of CO23. Knowing this can shed light on how much potential coal has to raise the global temperature, bu ...
... • Other 65%, termed as commercial energy, is obtained from coal, oil, gas hydel, nuclear and renewable sources . • The share of various energy sources in the primary commercial energy consumption of the country is coal and lignite. • These are mostly used in power stations (75%), steel plants (6.2%) ...
... • Other 65%, termed as commercial energy, is obtained from coal, oil, gas hydel, nuclear and renewable sources . • The share of various energy sources in the primary commercial energy consumption of the country is coal and lignite. • These are mostly used in power stations (75%), steel plants (6.2%) ...
Coal in China

China is the largest consumer of coal in the world, and is about to become the largest user of coal-derived electricity, generating 1.95 trillion kilowatt-hours per year, or 68.7% of its electricity from coal as of 2006 (compared to 1.99 trillion kilowatt-hours per year, or 49% for the US). Hydroelectric power supplied another 20.7% of China's electricity needs in 2006. Nuclear power is expected to rise from 2% to 4% of the energy mix.With approximately 13 percent of the world's proven reserves, there is debate as to how many years these reserves will last at current levels of consumption.Coal production rose 8.1% in 2006 over the previous year, reaching 2.38 billion tons, and the nation's largest coal enterprises saw their profits exceed 67 billion yuan, or $8.75 billion.