Quantum error-correction in black holes
... n under Frontiers Grant No.Center NSF PHY11-25915. Physics with support of the Gordon and Betty Moore ...
... n under Frontiers Grant No.Center NSF PHY11-25915. Physics with support of the Gordon and Betty Moore ...
Chapter 7b – Electron Spin and Spin
... be calculated using relativistic quantum field theory. (Schwinger, Tomanaga, Feynman). Far beyond our aim. ...
... be calculated using relativistic quantum field theory. (Schwinger, Tomanaga, Feynman). Far beyond our aim. ...
DCMPMS - Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials
... dots, where their properties are modified by quantum mechanical effects in dramatic and potentially useful ways. The interaction between an electromagnetic field and free electrons in a metal can result in coherent electron oscillations at the interface – “plasmonics” tries to study and make use of ...
... dots, where their properties are modified by quantum mechanical effects in dramatic and potentially useful ways. The interaction between an electromagnetic field and free electrons in a metal can result in coherent electron oscillations at the interface – “plasmonics” tries to study and make use of ...
Chapter 2 - UCF Chemistry
... Prob.: An energy of 2.0102 kJ/mol is required to cause a Cs atom on a metal surface to loose an electron. Calculate the longest possible of light that can ionize a Cs atom. From the value of energy we calculate the frequency () and, with this ...
... Prob.: An energy of 2.0102 kJ/mol is required to cause a Cs atom on a metal surface to loose an electron. Calculate the longest possible of light that can ionize a Cs atom. From the value of energy we calculate the frequency () and, with this ...
Quantum Error Correction and Orthogonal Geometry
... E, which we take to be a subset of the extraspecial group E. As remarked earlier, there is no loss of generality in restricting to error sets in E. For such a code C to protect against all errors in an error set E, it is necessary and sufficient [7,12] that for any two vectors |c1 i and |c2 i in C w ...
... E, which we take to be a subset of the extraspecial group E. As remarked earlier, there is no loss of generality in restricting to error sets in E. For such a code C to protect against all errors in an error set E, it is necessary and sufficient [7,12] that for any two vectors |c1 i and |c2 i in C w ...
Aalborg Universitet
... answer to the question: for what values of m/M and Z does this system possess at least one bound state after removing the center of the mass? There is a huge amount of literature on 1-d particles interacting through delta potentials either all repulsive or all attractive, but rather few papers deal ...
... answer to the question: for what values of m/M and Z does this system possess at least one bound state after removing the center of the mass? There is a huge amount of literature on 1-d particles interacting through delta potentials either all repulsive or all attractive, but rather few papers deal ...
Dirac Electrons in Graphene
... and fermions cannot be made by interchanging the positions of two particles because every particle is located at the same spatial point. Bosonic and fermionic states can be defined using the commutation and anti-commutation properties of operators that generate symmetry transformations. In supersymm ...
... and fermions cannot be made by interchanging the positions of two particles because every particle is located at the same spatial point. Bosonic and fermionic states can be defined using the commutation and anti-commutation properties of operators that generate symmetry transformations. In supersymm ...
Quantum Theory: a Pragmatist Approach
... representation of the universe within classical mechanics. Obtaining and using a complete and accurate mathematical model of the universe within classical mechanics would vastly exceed the combined observational and cognitive capacities of humanity or any other physically realizable community of ag ...
... representation of the universe within classical mechanics. Obtaining and using a complete and accurate mathematical model of the universe within classical mechanics would vastly exceed the combined observational and cognitive capacities of humanity or any other physically realizable community of ag ...
MATH3385/5385. Quantum Mechanics. Handout # 5: Eigenstates of
... i.e. the Newton equation for a particle on a spring (following Hooke’s law). Obviously, the classical equation is easily solved in trigonometric funcions, taking k = mω 2 . The model is of key importance, since it represents the basic first step in studying the quantum mechanics of systems of vibrat ...
... i.e. the Newton equation for a particle on a spring (following Hooke’s law). Obviously, the classical equation is easily solved in trigonometric funcions, taking k = mω 2 . The model is of key importance, since it represents the basic first step in studying the quantum mechanics of systems of vibrat ...
... photons is the parametric downconverter. It is so broadband (∼1013 Hz), however, that its pair-generation rate in the narrow bandwidth needed for coupling into the rubidium atom is extremely low: ∼15 pairs/sec in a 30 MHz bandwidth. The P block in Fig. 1 represents an ultrabright narrowband source [ ...
... photons is the parametric downconverter. It is so broadband (∼1013 Hz), however, that its pair-generation rate in the narrow bandwidth needed for coupling into the rubidium atom is extremely low: ∼15 pairs/sec in a 30 MHz bandwidth. The P block in Fig. 1 represents an ultrabright narrowband source [ ...
States of Matter - Part II. The Three Additional States: Plasma, Bose
... accessible energy level at a certain very low temperature. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP), which says that it is impossible to know both a particle's velocity and its position simultaneously with certainty, facilitates understanding of the phenomena. When atoms are cooled to a low enough ...
... accessible energy level at a certain very low temperature. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP), which says that it is impossible to know both a particle's velocity and its position simultaneously with certainty, facilitates understanding of the phenomena. When atoms are cooled to a low enough ...
Decay rates of planar helium - the Max Planck Institute for the
... the dynamics of fragmentation is planar, even for non-zero angular momentum. In the presence, e.g., of an external electromagnetic field, angular momentum is however not conserved. Notwithstanding, even if an external perturbation mixes the angular degrees of freedom of the two-electron dynamics, th ...
... the dynamics of fragmentation is planar, even for non-zero angular momentum. In the presence, e.g., of an external electromagnetic field, angular momentum is however not conserved. Notwithstanding, even if an external perturbation mixes the angular degrees of freedom of the two-electron dynamics, th ...
... Systems have discrete quantum states. For finite “closed” systems, the number of states is finite (but usually very large) ...
... Systems have discrete quantum states. For finite “closed” systems, the number of states is finite (but usually very large) ...
Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
... Motivation and introduction. Organizational issues. Atomic units. Cross sections. Coincidence measurements. Time-of-flight methods. Counting statistics. Atomic beams. Spin and relativity, from Schrödinger to Dirac equation. Solutions with ...
... Motivation and introduction. Organizational issues. Atomic units. Cross sections. Coincidence measurements. Time-of-flight methods. Counting statistics. Atomic beams. Spin and relativity, from Schrödinger to Dirac equation. Solutions with ...
... agreement8with the numerical calculations4 of these coefficients (see Table 11). This agreement confirms the fact that, for numerical reasons, the quasiclassical approximation is highly accurate up to principal quantum numbers of order unity." This was corroboratedmany times by numerical calculatio ...
... agreement8with the numerical calculations4 of these coefficients (see Table 11). This agreement confirms the fact that, for numerical reasons, the quasiclassical approximation is highly accurate up to principal quantum numbers of order unity." This was corroboratedmany times by numerical calculatio ...
Electronic structure of rectangular quantum dots
... been shown to possess many atomlike properties, such as the specific shell structure, determined by the properties of the external confinement.1 In lithographically fabricated quantum dots the electrons are strictly confined on the interface of the semiconductor heterostructure, which makes the dot ...
... been shown to possess many atomlike properties, such as the specific shell structure, determined by the properties of the external confinement.1 In lithographically fabricated quantum dots the electrons are strictly confined on the interface of the semiconductor heterostructure, which makes the dot ...