The Characteristics and Emerging Behaviors of System of Systems
The Cambrian Explosion: Biology`s Big Bang
The Cambrian Explosion
The Birth of High Gods - University of British Columbia
The application of animal signaling theory to human phenomena
The Adaptive Significance of Human Language
The adaptive significance of cultural behavior
Testing Major Evolutionary Hypotheses about Religion with a
Technology, development and economic crisis
technical journal 14#2 pp 1-96
TARGET ARTICLE Are Evolutionary Explanations Unfalsifiable
Tadpole tolerance - International Innovation
Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences
Sympatric speciation - Evolutionary Biology
symmetry and beauty in the living world
Questions about the Cambrian Explosion, Evolution, and Intelligent
Putting information back into biological communication
Punctuated Equilibrium: Come of Age?
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Versus Gradualism
Public Discourse - Tufts University
Psychology UNIT 1: Chapter 1 ~*Evolution of Psychology* History