- D-Wave Systems
( ) = e−ax - Illinois State Chemistry
"Impulsar": New Application for High Power High Repetition Rate
Document 8947256
Conversations on Consciousness
Conceptual Issues in Canonical Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
Computational Difficulty of Finding Matrix Product Ground States
Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Quantum Genetic Algorithm
Coherent states in the presence of a variable magnetic field
Coherent control of quantum dynamics and the associated applications in quantum information science as well as atomic and molecular physics.
Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson Localization of Ultra Cold
Classical continuum theory of the dipole-forbidden collective excitations in quantum... W. L. Schaich M. R. Geller and G. Vignale
Finite Volume Corrections to the Two
Feynman`s formulation of Quantum mechanics
Fast algorithm for finding the eigenvalue distribution of very large
Geometric Phase, of a quantum system
fundamental mathematics of consciousness
Fundamental Math and Physics for Scientists and Engineers Brochure
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